Zurich Herald, 1957-04-18, Page 4101kitit tiNtARIO ZURICH HERALD Free! Marie Fraser's new Milk recipes, Write today . • DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, ToPonto vanzatasyg * - • e Sunday visitors with INfr and. Melvin Ren estemayer were Mr d:, itry rs We are in the Market for Fowl. Highest Cash Prices Paid. Will pick up free of charge. Phone of Write for Prices- - CANADA PACKERS LTD. - CLINTON Phone: Hunter 1-9565 • Mr and Mrs. Geonge .Anderson and amlli of 'Medford visited with :ends here on Sunday. ' >, ;Miss Anna Messner, Mr and Mrs. Chas Forger and ,.son 'ef 1.,ondon, spent the week -end with RVIr and Mrs • Fred IVIessner. Troussau Tea-- • a • • 1 • • • a 0 • Louis Resternayer, Mr and Mrs. Mi tor Kraft and family and ss nIV. tha Beaker of Londo. Me Sunday visitors ;with Mr Jand10 Fred Schroeder were. Mr. gdiridii Waiver, Mr and Mrs. Edgar ReSte'' ager and Edward, Mrs. Tillie Ree,.. meyer and Mr and Mrs. Elmer ,Rei temeyer and Miss Barbara -ShattO .MissM Marjorie Becker .of LonOti,,1; t theweek-end with Mr. -and.Mii seen • Rudolph .Becker. "4 (Sunday yisitdrs -with Mr. and NI, Oscar Miller were: Rev and K. L. Zorn; Mr and Mrs Alvin e Rader, Mrs. Effie Kleinstiver, • er and family; Mr and Mrs. L • • Louis Kraft and Mrs. WiLfred We • of Zurich. asesseegsgesszuessansesme=emegesstesseseesesreettemastestastereseseasets a • 8 1 WHITE BEANS If you wish to sell contact us immediately. We also have Malting Barley Contracts available. Fertilizer Supplied on these Contracts. Check our Clover and .Grass Seeds ,Prices before you Buy! — E. L. Mickle & Son HENSALL --- ONTARIO Phone: Office 103 ATTENTION FARMERS Special Low Prices Bell Imperial Threshing Mach- ines Until 15th May, 1957 It Will Pay You to Contact Us Now for Particulars Robert Bell Industries Ltd. REPAIRS AND PARTS — Now„is the time to look over. your. older machine and have any repairs done, so that you will not be herd up later. We give careful attention to repairs and orders for parts. SEAFORTH - ONTARIO Phone 268. Bt. Joseph & Blue Water Area Mr and Mrs Leonard Jeffrey and family of Goderich were Sunday laet, visitors in this vicinity. .Mr and Mrs. Avila Ducharme of the Blue Water south, were visitors with Mr and Mrs Victor Harman on Sunday last. Word was received on Saturday last of the passing away of Father Rondot, at Villa Maria 'Home at Windsor, in his 83rd year. Father, Rondot when a newly ordained priest in 1918, was stationed in -this parish, till 1924. He was a native of Stony Point, and the remains were taken 'there for internment. His last visit in this .parish was on October 16th, 1955. It was on the occasion of the blessing !of the St. Joseph and Brother Andrew Statue, and since he 'was, a long time friend of Bro- ther Andre, he was given the Hononr of Blessing the Statue. Palm Sunday -- Sunday last was Palm Sunday and in all countries some ;church •cerem. ony was performed to mark the oc- casion that took place nearly twa thousand years ago. On that day palms were ;blessed and distributed to members of their respective par- ish for use as a protection against tempest. The precession which took place in many ,churches Of our land, symbolized the entry of Christ in jeruealern were people in all walks of life, met }Tim, ,carrying Olive bran- ches- strewing them on the roadway as an act of respect. Each country on Palm. Sunday have some ceremony, ON that day of some nature. But! oeigin of it. all, Wits the first; Palm Sunday, then followed by his pasSion, his death, and lastly his re.•1 :emotion, whieh brought light to Or; • VI) d Phone Feed Mill 203 0 a a a a • 0 a • 4 Z> 0 0 0 40 • Agricultural Office News Cold wet weather duringtbe past week has made it impossible to dO anything on the land. Growth of grass and other plants has been at a standstill for the same reason Cold nights and a little sunshine during the day has prolonged the run of sap, • making this year a very good one as far as that enterprise is cumcerned. Farmers report that a good deal more, of last year's poor quality hay and grain has been required to produce a lbs. of grain on beef cattle, or a 3.00 of milk from dairy cattle than was the case a year ago. Local veterin- aries report that .digestive troubles in livestock are at a minimum this year which is probably- one of the few ad- vantages of a wet summer last year, n SHIRO() rt Mrs. J. M. Tiernan was hostess at a delightful trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Nancy, whose mar- riage to Mr. Rclbert .Stormes takes place on Saturday. The guests were greeted at the door by Miss Bonnie, Heather McCrae. In the afternoon Mrs. Wm. Stormes of Pt. Stanley; presided at the tea table which wan attractive with a Quaker lace c/oth, yellow daffodils and tall yellow tap- ers, serving in the tea room were Ms Robt. Hayter, Misses Mary Jane Hoff- man and Lynda Tiernan; Mrs. Letta Taylor presided at the tea table in the evening, Mrs. George Tiernan showed the trousseau. Mrs. Howard, Datars was in charge of the linens, L and china. Mrs. H. J. Kellerman showed kitchen utensils and dishes, ,Mrs. J. K. .IVIcOrae ' showed wedding- , The regular missionary meeting of i Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid was held following the Lenten service last j Wednesday evening. Replacing the 'topic, Rev. Zorn showed a :film ent- itled 'What others did about Mis- lions" followed by discussion. It ,,vas decided to hold a social for the Sun- day School pupils during :'oaster va- cation. Easter lilies will ;be raced on the altar for Easter. The Lad- ies are to attend a rally for the Mit- chell Zone at Logan, April 28. Mrs. Emma Dietrich, Mr and Mrs Roy Dietrich and :family spent Sun- day with !Mr and Mrs Wm, 2iIer. Confirmation Services— A special Confirmation service was held in Zion Lutheran .Church Sun- day morning when five young people were confirmed viz: Ruthanne :Rade; jane Restemayer, Heidi Schreeder,, Alvin Becker, and Robert Miller. Sunday visitors with Mr an d Mrs Ervin Rader were Mr and Mrs. L. H. Rader and Mr and Mrs Leonard temp -yet end ;.,•;;";,, ,; Thursday, April 18th, 1957 gifts. Other .assistants were Mrs A. V. Tiernan and Mrs E. itoehler, Ninety guests registered in the bride's book. Mr and 'Mrs ISid Baker and Mr,H. Taylor visited in Toronto on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ervin Gu- entber and family. =14r. Les Buchatz of Kitchener, Me and .Mrs, Boss Oke and family; Mr, and Mrs Reinhold Heckman and family of E5teter were Sunday ors with Mr and Mrs V, L. Booker and family, ^Miss Catherine Rader spent MO44 day evening with Miss June Rwiet, e.e •::,,n::erfe11M5e050:a5154e.eife:-;;;fee.;:ev-sie;leeer o DEBENTURES and' - GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES r 1L4 4.%," 0!, pacayapareekananrcoasapa.., Head Office — London, Ont. District Representative - J. W. Haberer, Zurich 'ticenteOnt. ;.4 ,••=4:,; '777 ONTARIO REGARDING "THE NI TOR 'VEHICLE FUEL TAX ACT EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1957, JN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO • On April 1,i957, The Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Act came into effect in Ontario. The Act provides for a tax OT 200 per gallon on fuel oils, other than gasoline, such as diesel, domestic, furnace, light, medium 'and heavy (except bunker), used to drive a motor vehicle OR used in any manner in connection with the construction and maintenance of any public thoroughfare. Fuel oils commonly known as STOVE OIL, KEROSENE, COAL OIL AND DISTILLATE ARE EXEMPT FROM TAX, unless they are placed in the fuel tank of a motor vehicle or used 'in any manner in connection 'with the construction and maintenance of any public thoroughfare. CONSUMERS—Please note 7 / , A. tali of 20$ pet^ gallon is payable by: 1. Every person who receives fuel oil in the fuel tank of a motor vehicle. 2. Every person who receives fuel oil that is not exempt from tax in a receptacle of less than 40 gallons capacity, unless such receptacle is directly connected with a machine that is not a motor vehicle. Example—The person will not be required to pay the tax on the fuel received in a tank which is directly connected to the furnace for heating his home; or, similarly, • a manufacturer may receive the fuel, less tax, if it is placed in a tank directly con- nected to his manufacturing equipment. 3. Ever Y person who is not a registrant (see Registration Certificates below) and who receives fuel oil in a receptacle having a capacity of 40 or more gallons, unless such rece acle is directly connected with a machine that is not a motor vehicle. SUPPLIERS—Please note All sup lters of fuel oil must become registrants (see Registration Certificates below). Fuel oiimay be purchased "less tax" by: 1. Any ligistrant who receives fuel oil in a receptacle having a capacity of 40 or more galloita. Such a receptacle must not be the fuel tank of a motor vehicle. 2. Any ilerson who receives fuel oil in a receptacle directly connected with a machine that'is, not a motor vehicle. Exarriples—Furnaces, manufacturing units, etc. Such a person is not required to become a registrant. REGISTRATION CERTIFICATES Application forms for Registration Certificates may be obtained from the Comptroller of Revenue, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2. A $1.00 fee must accompany each com- pleted application forrn. Every registrant must forward on or before the 25th day of each month to the Comp- troller a return containing a complete record of purchases, sales) consumption and inventory of fuel oil for the preceding month, together with payment of the amount of ; tax shown therein to be payable. Forms for this purpose may be obtained from the Comptroller of Revenue, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2. REFUNDS PersonOwho have paid tax on fuel oil that is not used to drive a motor vehicle or in connection with the construction and maintenance of any public thoroughfare may apply for refund of such tax. Application forms for this purpose may be obtained from the Comptroller of Revenue, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2. PENALTIES (IN PART) FOR CONTRAVENTION OF THE ACT ••• ••• a a*/ • 1. If any person not holding a Registration Certificate in good standing supplies fuel to anyone he will be required to pay a penalty of $100.00 for each violation. 2. Every person who fails to pay the tax in accordance with the Act shall pay a penalty equal to the amount of tax and $50.00. 3. Every registrant who refuses or neglects to collect the tax in accordance with this Act shall pay a penalty equal to the amount of the tax that he refused or neglected to collect and $500.00. 4. Every employee of a registrant who supplies fuel to a purchaser without collecting from the purchaser the tax imposed by _the Act shall pay a penalty equal to the artrlount of the tax and $50.90. HON. DANA PORTER Treasurer of Ontario PHILIP T. CLARK Comptroller of Revenue e-eree. ee-sieter roe , 1