Zurich Herald, 1957-04-04, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO • Z It I C II It *le I) 1•0. Tiemanls' •Furniture .•.fte..:novatimg SALE AT DASHWOOD IS STILL ON! Chesterfields - Kitchen Sets - Lamps, Etc., Mirrors at $1.50 Bedroom Suites - Chrome Hassocks - Studio Couches Etc. All at Reduced Prices. - ....Floor Mats at $1..00 SHUR-GAIN .z. t.4 00 ACINIVILVMUMINIMMOVIIMIGNIM FEEDS We Offer a Complete Line of Shur -Gain Farm Proven Feeds and Concentrates for Poultry, Hogs and Cattle Try Our.. New.. 22%.. Chick.. Starter.. Medicated. Inquire About The Low.. Grain Prices Load Lots. M. DEITZ & Son in Truck Zurich eau and Mr and Mrs. Leonard Jeff- rey xt ,Goderia were .Sunday yait- lors with iVir. 1sadere, Dacharme and his Mother. • A Leevymareading. clients! lastwill and testament to a. .eire16 of expect- ant relatives, read as follows: And. So .1 deceased, being of squadmind, spent eVery cent 1 poeeeseed before I• died. --,Signed, Another Spring•- Spring is here, already frogs are croaking for the second time,. that means that they have emerged from: their winter quarters below the freez- ing line; and they will be in the op- en for the season. :More signs to indicate that spring has arrived is that birds have returned from the southern tountries, therefore those who till the land, or are interested in planting gardens, we 'believe time is nearly up, for them to get in the color 'for another season. Let us hope Viet the encouraging compen- sation for their labours. DASHWOOD W. Institute Meet - The Dashwood W.I. Health and 4 election of Officers combined meeting evas held in the Club rooms with the presi•deet, Mrs. A. Kuntz presiding,: It was decided that the Home Ec- on.omieS group be in charge of the. Layette for the Salada Tea ComPe etition. All the ladies were urged to attend the short course on Sand- wiches for all occasions. The exec- utive is to be in charge of the Dist- rict Annual to be held here m May. Mrs. Sid Baker, Mrs. Chas. Snell and Mrs. E. Koehler were each presented with gifts in. appreciation of their work as club leaders for the Home- making !Club. Mrs. Ervin Rader4 , Past PresIdent, eonducted the election 'of °facers, which an as follows: Past .Pres., Mrs • E. Rader; Pres.,Mrs. A. Kuntz; 1,st viceeprese Mrs. L, Taylor; 2nd vice. Mrs M. Tiernan; ,Secy, Treas., Mrs. S. Baker; Asst. Sc-Treas., ,Mrs. •Cs Snell; District Directoa Mese E. Rader; Alt., Dist. Director, :gra M. •i; Tiernan; Directors, ,Mrs. M: Merner; Mrs. V. I. Beck-er and Mrs. E. 4ehler; Press Reporter, Mrs, Sid Bak. 4.+ + STARTE Hy -Lines Available 2 WEEKS OLD 3500 PULLETS 3 WEEKS OLD 1000 PULLETS 4 WEEKS OLD 1800 PULLETS 5 WEEKS OLD 850 PULLETS sts 44. ;i: 81 KING STREET, LONDON, ONT. Phone 2-038.3 Neuhauser Hatcheries 41 - GRAIN 113e SEED -111390,1bushels nf missed:grain; 70 bashelsiwbeat; 40 -lbs Red Clever Seed. NiO ROO:SERVE, Everything will be sold. s.!Ps'oprietress.giving up farmbng Terms - Ca.sh Mrsg,:Therese Harman, Proprietress. R."VaaStade, 'Cleric. RectO.MeNeil, Auctioneer, Real Estate Auction Sale concl oi 100 acre farm, being Lo14Core 17; and '75 acre farm, sontlet,Ire Lot 17, Con. 17, Stephen 'Do ip. Half mile north of Ship - 211h, miles west of. Dashwood and miles south. TheasT ersigned Auctioneer is in- stralgtOd to sell by public Auction, on 4iiI,VPRItAY, APRIL 5th, 't 2 o'clock, pan., sharp eE"STATE -- Consists of 100 acres beint4• ot 13, Concession 17, Steph- en .rpo,,. ship on which is situated a good.'sszed bank ;barn, drive shed and hen, hause. Large 2 -storey .white bri•diOdevelling. All in fair state of repa* Hydro throughout. An ample:water supply. 65 acres till- able:land, remainder in pasture and MiXed, Benoit. Farm is nicely sitnat- ed, sclbse to store and School. FA4m -- Consisting of 75 acres, with no buildings, 55 acres tillable landreniainder is pasture and bush, neveralailing water supply. Inspect- lons,ifelted ibefore day of sale. FAR p will be offered separately, withl ii•reserve. Definitely :will be sold: the hie -hest bidder. -Immed- ,aVii;111011:11K4LEI,11. le, 1.4.4. 0.4,0..0,8 -$.4'.4•04,0004.104 HOFFMAN'S Arrange Funeral Service To Or From 4. Out -Of -Town -Points 4. 8 4s, • 4. 4. 4 4. '0 4. ”: • ME)69kli \Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- ada, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as members of local and national funeral director's associations, can handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- ciency of Hoffman's service. T. HARRY HOFFMAN 'FUNERAL HOME 4. 4 4 4. se 4. Funeral and Ambulance Service 24 -Hour Service " DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W s 44, 04 04444 LOCAL NEWS Open Saturday Eve. until 10.00. Mr and Mrs John Steckle and son of Vineland spent e pleasant week -end with their parents and friends in this vicinity. Have Moved to Zurich Mr. Peter Neuschwanger and sis- ter of the Blind Line, have moved t eh effects into their home purch- oseed from the Ortwein Estate. We welcome them to the Village and veieh them every success. BORN -Mi and ,Mre. Douglas G. O'Brien (nee Betty Anne Gesell()) of Zurich, wish to announce the ar- rival of their son, Derch George, at South HuronDistrict Hospital. Ease ter. on March 31st, 1957. • For Sale er; Pianist, Mrs. K. ;McCrea; Audit- ors, Mrs. H. Kellerman and Mrs K. McCrae; conveners of standing com- mittees - Agriculture and Can. Ind- ustries,. Mrs. Harold .Rader; Histor- ical Research -and Current Events, Mrs. L. Schenk-, 'Citizenship and Ed- ucation, Mrs. Claire Lanvin; alarrie Economics and Health, Mrs. rfarry. We '012; 2 • A 1),IrSIN Mena Dietrich, Lorne Dietrich, Mile4 Dietrich, executors of the of late John Dietrich. Al}* . rtalper, Auctioneer. e , . • :a il ffl s4. 7:30 and 9.30 A.M. Sundays and Holidays. • 4 a era' es"4"""..'s'' " • ThurssiaY, April 4th, 195T aterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" An Example' Of Our • polled Shorthorns LENEDALE FASCINATION AA Polled The first three calves by Itanedale Fascination 1 to complete feeding test had an average carcass score of 72.3 9, which is well above average. Their dressing percentage was above average. The paternal brothers and sisters of Landedale Fascnation were first prize Sr. & Jr. Get in Chicago, in both 1955 and 1956. For service to this or any of our bulls, Dairy. or Beef, phone collect to: - Clinton Hu 2-3441 • Oct -even 7:30 and 10 A. M. .week days istreammaseenaceraggeeseasseaseeaseasseasameteassreleamareamenemEseastemseeeramessereseesser calf due before sale date: roanDur- sides; 16 -ft. flat rack; a -ft. ham cow, earrying 4t1 calf, due in rack, 2-h.p. combination Beaty elec- June; roan Draisan cow, carrying tric grinder, like new; 5 -section dia-• second calf ;due in May; part Dur- • smond harrows; steel tire wagon, king; red Durham heifer, rising 2 yrs. old iv:adces,. bcolixt„tesre,t ofnsleg new electric e c:t.rtr:ecnastitolreia -10 '/c on day of sale, bal_ ham and Hereford heifer, mil 0 days. tensive Auction Sale eace Durham and Hereford Cat* Tractor, Farm Implements, Hays 'Grain and Household Effects. On the premises, Lot 11, Con. 15, Ha,y;sTwa). 114 miles west of Dash- Wood- and 21,fs miles north, or 21,fs miles -west of Zurich, and 21/2 miles south. Theaundersigned Auctioneer is in- strtted to sell by public Auction, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10th. At 12.30 p.m. Sharp. •:"1101 Quality Cattle - Red Dur- Asi*ow, •carrying 4th calf, due first am May; 2 red Durham cows elves at foot; part Durham and Scow with calf at foot; red In caw fresh 3 weeks, with foot. roan Durham cow car - 3rd calf. due before day of qltie. roan caw, carrying 5th. Hoffman. The Dashwood Dainty Doers were present and displayed then: books as well as anodelling 'their pyjamas. They presented the leaders 'with a gift and sang "It is no secret.' Mrs. M. Tiernan presided for the program. Roll. call was answer. 'with ?'What I serve ,',-to:renesespec company. Mrs..E. koe1-iler conini`eIi ed. on the motto: "No examen is a slave to housework, but ether to the way she 'does it." Mrs. A. Alemand, convener, spoke on the topic ",Home Economics," Barbara Koehler fai'or ed with a piano solo. Mrs. M. Tie- m Hereford Cattle - Hereford cow, carrying 2nd calf, due before day of sale; Hereford cow with calf at toot; Hereford cow, fresh one week with calf at foot; Hereford heifer, with calf at foot; Hereford heifer due in June; Registered alereford Bull, Javbee Baldwin Stanwey, of outstanding quality and blood Tine; 9 Durham. and Hereford Steers, aver- aging 750 lbs. each; 3 Durham and 'Hereford heifers, averaging 600 lbs each; This is an extra choice herd of cattle. Cows have all been hand 'milked. Tractor and Farm Implements - Caae Standard- Tractor in guaran- teed condition; Case 2 -furrow Tree, tor Plow • ; McDeering bintier 8 -ft cut on rubber, used 12 seasons; M -H. 13 -run fertilizer and grain • drill, like new; McDeering hay loader, McDeer- ing .3elear side delivery rake, like new; 7 -ft. IVIcDeering spring tooth cultivator; McDeering tractor man- ure spreader; McDeering mower 6 -ft. cut; 3 -drum steel roller, 2 M -H. team 'scufflers; Letz grinder and baggee, rubber tire wagon; grain box, with clipper; fanning mill; single scuffler wheelbarrow, electric fencer, cross- cut saw; scythe, •emery, galv. pipe • ing snow fence; quantity. hern,ber, 50 -ft. rublber hose; 200-1b. cap. plat- form scales; .circular saw, brooder stove.shovels, forks, chains, ;barrels, . doubletrees and many articles 4oce numerous to mention. HAY and GRAIN - 8 ton nolo, quality shredded hay; 500 bushels of mixed Grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS' - Philcee' electric Radio, studio couch, electrie 'lamps, centre -tables, kitchenani, dining room chairs, rocking chairea beds, dressers, kitchen cupboard. toilet set, new comforters and quilts,. mats, large assortment dishes andi glassware, sealers, crocks, etc., ete., No reserve, as the farm is sold. Owing to extra large sale, selling will start sharp on time. Plan to attend this outs6ansli?W sale. Terms - Cash William Haugh, Proprietor. Glen Webb, !Milford IVIerner, Clerks.. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer Open all day Wednesday. an lcd in a sing song, followed by The Rummage Sale held last Sat- a Prayer for homemakere. She read Closed all day Monday. an article on tea in honour :of Tea urday 30th, •sponsored by the ft,in- ettee was a decided success and 'well on Mother's Day." the latter, "The patromzed,many lovely and useful • articlles were offered for sale. and Modern version of "The proceeds which were very gratifying Children's Hour." A display of fancy . will be used for welfare work. • Mrs Ross Jinks was convener for the project. 'Mss John .Glenn is a patient in the South Huron Hospital, Exeter, his condition is improving. Mr and Mrs. Don Rigby of Bien - helm, Mr and Mrs. Hilt Laing, of Exeter, and .M.r and Mrs. Jack '7ra- . gpeair of Hensall spent Saturday ev- ening with Mr and Mrs. Harry Snell. Week. Mrs. K. McCrae and Mrs. F. Wein gave readings. former cookies, cookies, also proved a'dainty lunch. The Queen brought. the meeting to a close Personal Items - Mrs. C. Salmon and Mr and Mrs. H. Salmon of London spent last Sun- day with Mr and Mrs C..Sahnon. Dashwood Public Library has been moved from Tiesnan's furniture re stoto the Mee's Club rooms. Miss Dorothy Kerslake of Exeter, Mrs. Annie Saundereock who i fl spent the week -end ,with Miss Diane patient in •South Huron Hospital, graft • !Exeter, is improving. Miss 'Sharon Rader, spent Wednes- Mr and Mae Ray Reid, D°';'114s day with her aunt, Mrs. Lloyd Rader National Twin Delux Milking Mach- Lynne and Janice of Owen So and, Mrs. Ervin Devine and Mrs. Ervin ine; used five months, till under : visited over the ,week -end with Mr, guarabtee. , and Mrs. Harry Snell. VikinA.11 El C S g a.=t eet e ream spo (650 -lbs. capacity), used five months, still under guarantee. New Idea Power Mower. Cut onis 30 acres (new. condition! Cement ,Mixer, one. year Old. Nine foot Steel Roller, camp1etele overhauled (new bearings) --Albert W. Shirr -ay, Hensall, Ont. R. R. No. 2; Phone 883 r 11. • r St• Joseph & Blue Water Area Mr and Mrs. Armond Beneteau of ' River Canard spent a few days in this neighbourhood visiting with rel- atives and friends, the later being a native of this parish. - Mr and Mrs Victor Brisson of De- troit were week -end visitors in St. :Joseph with Mrs. N. A. Cantin and s•on. Mr and Mrs Wesley Fournier and fancily of London spent the week - lend with Mr and Mrs. Ed. .Corriveau Mr and Mrs Jake McKewin :and ,ftsinily of Toronto, wee St. Joseph vieitore with the later's parents, Mr and Mrs James Masse, The llessr. Simon and August Bedard of Windsor; ,Mr and Mrs. George Kuchet and family of Kiteh- ener were visitors over the weekend with Mr and 'NTS Leon Bedard. The Rev. Father Martin of Sarnia called 011 friends in this parish Monday last,' Mies Marie Ange Laporte left on Sunday last for London, where she. ;will visit relatives. ' The Misses 'Marjorie and Rose Marie Mace of the r114th Con., left on Sunday last for a visit in Wind- HENSALL STORE HOURS 'sole. isleapeleon Decharrne Toie . end . llease• rne CO-OP BUSINESS UP embers' of Seaforth Farmers' Co - Operative received their annual' sta- tements from their Board of Direct- ors which showed a net earning of $7,027.00 and an increase inbusiness of .over $100,000 to a new high of $727,736. The main increases in the business took place in the following, eggs, feed and fertilizer. The annu- al meeting was held in Egrriondville United Church en Thursday evening Mar& 121st, when a turkey banquet 'was tendered. •••••••• HENSALT- Beginning April it. ,Open Pi-iday Eve. until 9.00. Rader attended a Leaders' pouree for gardening at Hensel]. on Wednesday la.st. Miss Nelda Routledge• of London, spent the week -end with Mr and Mie, Philip Fassold. Baptized - John Scott Morlock, infant son of Dr, and Mrs. Fred Morlock was baptised in Zion Lutheran ehurch Sunday, March 31st, by T 7. K. Zorn, Mr and Thee Arneli Becket' were sponsnrs. AUCTION SALE Of Live Stock, Grain and Seed. Oa the Premises, Lot 4, Concession 11, Hay Township. Four miles south of Zurich, or 114, miles east of Dashwood and one mile north. The undersigned Auctioneer is in- structed to, sell by public Auction on TUESDAY, APRIL 9th, At 1.30 p.m. Sharp LIVE STOCK - Hereford Cow, 7 yrs. old, due at time of Sale; part Jersey Cow,d tie at sale time; rad cow, clue 'in May; white heifer due fn May; part Jersey cow, milking' roan cow, with calf; brindle cow; 'white cow, due in September; spotted cow with ealf; roan cow with calf; red cow with calf; Hereford heifer, with calf; 2 roa heifers due in Aug- ust; 5, 2 -yr. old heifers; 4 yearling syteese,re,5 'i'"i eftlees; 6 winter cal - easseeee as- as, Neese seeetasesseesseeessesseaseeessesegeasese sew...se:as-eat ses 4.1 n DEBENTURES and GUARANTEED TRUST CERTiFICATES SSSests OC1•57 -4:374,V VOA,.iib Head Office - London, Ont. District Representative - J. W. Haberer, Zurich ,4.44;" ' ;44047 • :ftiarti:laasai4esessats'ar 412/14 a...sees veva ' Cu Free! Marie Fraser's new Milk recipes, Write today Use and Encourage the adian Dairy Products and O'BRIEN'S PRODUCE, ZURICH CREAMERY ZURICH DAIRY 4439 Huron -treet, Toronto DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA Use of our Honrie Can - patronize the followin: Zurich - Phone 101 Phone 160 Phone 164