Zurich Herald, 1935-11-21, Page 4c.oi... muniEsc re and Dance SPONSORED BY Hensall Chamber of Commerce At TOWN HALL, -- HENSALL On WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1935 Proceeds in aid of Community Christmas Tree Novelty Dances -- New and Old Time. Good Prizes Snappy Music General Admission --- 25 cents• Tax Included. Ladies Please Provide Lunch Special prize for Lucky Lunch Ticket Euchre 8.30 to 1 1.30. Dancing after Lunch. This is Your Christmas Tree -- We need Your Support 4 4 a . x 4 8 .4 8 4 4 8 T 4 4 8 e Do You K t.ow? • Mr... MERCHANT! You know thoroughly well that you have power in your store, to influence the decision of your cus- tomers in regard to what they buy from you. Your customers rely on you to ;give them products which in use or consumption, will give them complete satisfaction. If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly- circulated magazines then, by the same token, it is right to use local weekly newspapers! :1 1 am the Master Salesman of this Community, and my lame is ADVERTISE • 4 i .I+ t+4;4••f••3 H1LLSGREEN Miss Annie Jarrott spent a few 'ailays with her uncle Mr. D. Nickol Hensall. .Mr. .and Mrs. D. B. Saunders and .grandson Junior Brown of London, called to see her sister, Mrs. J ;Caeh- avarie_ ,'ti'Ir. John ttP'enhale of near Bayfield =Wed on Mr. A. Workman. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Dodd and babe mr'London, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott anii ,eaten 'Clifford and Mrs. Elliott and Reith of Mitchell visited Mr. and 11Irs C. ,Robinson. :Mass Eunageanne Aubin of London spending a few weeks with her par- ts, Mr and Mrs. A. Aubin. Ir, and Mrs. C. Robinson visited Logsdon during the week. BLAKE NEr. and Mrs. Dick Brown of Zurich called on Mr. and Mrs. Sana Trey on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. V. Meyers is spending the ',winter months with her daughter land son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold ,eller near Dashwood. Tr. and Mrs. Sol. Kipfer and son ,wee; Mr. and Mrs. Andy Sturgeon, of 33i-uceliield were Sunday visitors -*with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gingerich. 'Mrs. Edighoffer is spending the �tva'arter months witr her daughter at Marton, and son George, at Mit- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brennerman, spent Monday with their daughter, _Mrs. Amos. Gescho. Mr. Milton' Oesch of Zurich; Mr. mind Mrs. John Desch, Mrs. Susie isesc1Y and Earl and Ray Desch, vis - ted their sun, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. 40escb ern Sunday afternoon. A group of girls from Zurich cal - le d on Misses Kathleen ti ad Elva 'Ile,d Sunday afternoon. Mr. William CI .'+,•, accompanied fey Mr. and Mr;;. Joe, I;e ehie- and :rawily were. Sunday i.itors with Mr and ! ir4. Henry Fuss. 1-IENSALL Mr., and Mrs. 'I.dn:Ian 1 a ieiYrer of Lenden were visitors with his parents STs rear 4 " . Owse •j 'sai; 1.'l r• n +a1 ' it,. -')e, i,s nt..t Leese ,' ' '+elleege, at St. Thomas, was a visitor at her home here, we understand that she has since underwent an- operation for appendicitis in that city, since her visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Geiger of Wat erloo were visitors with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger. Dr. James Bell of Harrisburg, Penn., is spending a few days at his hone here. Mrs. David Nicol, who has been in Victoria Hospital, London, for sev- eral weeks being treated for gang- rene in her- foot, had to have the leg amputated above the knee on Satur- day. Myrna Hudson has gone to Lon- don where she has secured a situati- ,on. Mr. and Iirs. Fred Corbet and Mr and Mrs. Roy McLaren spent the few days visiting relatives in Tor- onto. Mrs. E. Shaddick has been assist- ing at the local telephone central ,during the illness of Miss L. Drum- mond. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wren have mo- ved into the village from their farm at Chiselhurst and are occupying the residence of D. Foss on King st. Mervin Brown is spending :a few days visiting friends at Toronto. The village council have made a number of improvements to the side walk around town recently. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Beavers of farquhar and Mr. and Mrs. Seth Brown of Staffa were visitors with Hensall and Zurich friends. Harold Sherritt of London was a holiday visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Sherritt. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bell of St. Catherines spent the week -end here with his pother, Mrs. Bertha Bell. Mrs. Bell went back <,to St. Cathar- ines with them and '_ will visit there for a time Lloyd Ina emore r t'iarned to Delhi on Sundae after ;pending several weeks at 1,;». 11r,n re, i1Ir, c' ,',,. Ilontl*ion spent a flew days vieitieat.t Luelenow. She wee eceomelied by her it•rallddaughter Mics Ma- Simpson and Mrs. W. Simr -on of Iseteoft, Pied T Ii)1111g8 has secured contra ;its for enttina e great deal of wood; lie 11'ili Ise lea-- for a Vele M);. Fred Bengough was operated a ;*) t1:- "e.tf.orth homital for ar.' •ysy '!'t .+7 + eened the< 0')t'1"etIn'7. WARNING TO RADIO LISTENERS OWNERS of unlicensed 'radio receiv- ing sets are hereby warned that on and after 30th November, 1935, the Department of Marine will take steps to prosecute the owner or operator thereof. Broadcast listeners who have not already procured their license for the current fiscal year are accordingly advised to obtain such license immedi- ately. The license fee is $2.00 per annum. Licensees may be procured 'from. Post Offices • in cities and larger towns, Departmental Radio Inspect- ors, . Radio Dealers, and others auth- orized to . issue licenses on behalf of the Department; or from Radio Branch, Department of Marine, Ot- tawa, Ont. By order R. K. SiMITH, Deputy Minis ter of Marine. Ottawa, November 15, 1935. weeks visiting with her daughter, Mrs. ,Wilson at Stratford. Joseph Hagan spent a few days last week in Windsor. The Nomination A nomination meeting will be held , in the town hall on Friday evening, Nov. 22nd, to nominate candidates for the office of Reeve, Counicllors, and three school trustees and one public utility commissioner. The Clerk Jas. A. Paterson, will be the presid- ing officer. The election if necessary will be held in the town hall on Monday, December 2nd. Mr. Geiger it is thought, will be in the field for reeve and will again oppose the pres- ent reeve, Wm. Jones. David Robin- son's name is also mentioned for re- eve and several others. For other positions there will no doubt be a number of candidates. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Baker and,Miss Doreen Reichert of Hillsgreen and M.r. and Mrs. Henry Adkins, and. da- ughter Shirley and son Donald of near Hensall were last Sunt:sy, visit- ors .with Mr. and Mrs. Percy: Weido, on the town line, west ,of Dashwood.; 112r. and Mrs.,„ Percy • Weido and son Jimmy were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs..' Jack Baker of Hillsgreen. The annual Christmas entertain- ment of the Evangelical, church will be held; -on Monday. evening Dec. 22: Mre, and Mrs,' Mervyn Tiernan vis- itQcl • iends• in,Sarma on °Saturday.:, Melton Walper, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Rdmund Walper was suddenly btricken with an attack of appendic itis on Saturday and was rushed to London Hospital where he underwent an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger spent a few days in . Exeter last week. .. Miss Robertson of Wingham is 'sp- ending spending a few days with Miss Jean Weber this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hemphill of Wroxet- er spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hoperoft. Misses. Melvina• and Gertrude Seli- ade returned to London, after spend- ing a few weeks at their home on the Blue Water Highway.. Inspector E. C. Beacons of Goder- ich visited the school here on Mon- day. Rev. S. McFalls spent a few days in Detroit last week. Dashwood Public School Concert will beeheld on December 19th. The monthly meeting of the mis- sion Circle. will be held. neat Tuesday evening which will consist of a de- bate "Resolved that Poverty rather than Riches tend to develop craracter' taken by four competitors. Special musical :numbers consisting of instru- mental quartettes and the orchestra. Rev. Mr. Down of Exeter will con- dict services in the Evangelical ch- urch next Sunday morning, assisted by the young people's choir while Rev. S. W. McFalls will have charge of the evening service assisted by the C. ,E. Band. Song service at 7.15 A very pleasant evening was spent at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Weber. on Thursday, November 14th when a reception was held in honor of Mr. Clarence Schade and his bride who had .just returned from ttheir wedding trip. At six o'clock "bout 310 relatives and friends sat down to a dainty table decorated in• pink and white centred with a hand- some wedding cake, where all did justice to a fowl dinner. -.sae even - Mg was spent in Inlaid and singing which was very anur;'h appreciated. Mx. and Mes. Prank Watson and tt'',t Despite her great age, Mrs:' olergy assisted and the visiting',speak xli « Iillcia'. Shell of Detroit viSited 'Rose 1s• in full possession of all her or was Rev. F. B. Allen of 'eeswatir1 thsair mother, Mrs. Wm.. Snell svho i faculties and:, enjoys the best of The honor, roll of fallen was read•at index the doctor's•„c I s� the wee. - 11c•altla. i She was the. . recipient e f' the memorial by Comrade Geo. Hata t otita t.rc 1 c, n„tl+fris` of con,r,atiiili:tionsCioanfs^i- man. These number X17. nd. ., p Mr. Chester Geiser ,,•c., elide :f r ore. near and far including a • tile er I. ”` yrs it�I'ovjemher 21st, 13T CANADIANS AND THEIR INDUS.TRWS;--AN:Di THEIR atANTC,�- • WHOLESALEAND RETAIL MEkCUA DISJNG .,• MR. RETAILER: "You:have consistentlyaccoin- modared me on: purchases,. Mr. Manufacturer,, enabling me to supply customers with the best and latest merchandise, and I have metyout terms of payment pretty, consistently, too—haven't'?” MR. MANUFACTURER: "Yes. The relationship has been clean-cut and annually satisfactory for many years. We appreciate.' your business and you seem to like our way of dealing Of course, you know we never could have been as Ienient on credits if our own credit were nor so good at the Bank of Montreal. The Bank permits us to borrovv in substantial amounts during our busy seasons, because we are in good financial shape—have an excellent cash position and a reputation forpaying bills and loans promptly." MR. RETAILER: "Thar good credit idea is ar the. very foundationeof successful merchandising and goes all the way tlironglr aches -mesa Our 'als-- tomers are either cash buyers oe;have,good credit.• Most of them have chequing ;orsavings accounts at rhe Bank and are sure of theiral:ethyao pay oa our terms before they make purchases on their : charge accounts.,'" •r it Some of the Bank's•facitities for the mercantile - trade: Commercial deposits; savings accounts for' customers and employees; safekeeping of securi- ties ties and documents; discounting prune commer- cial paper; Loans on notes and -warehouse receipts; letters of credit; telegraphic transfers of funds; financing exports and imports and domestic ship- ments; foreign and domestic. credit and trade infor- mation; purchase and sale of exchange "fumes'; special wire facilities reaching the important ex- change markets, affording prompt action; nation- wide service through .more than 500 branches. BANK OFMONTREAL 'STABL1SBED 1817 v HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Zurich `Branch.: E. M. DAGG, Manager IA,(. K I :'MODERN, It1I+ICIENT IIANKING SERVICE ..., THE OUTCOME- OF era' `t Mt'x" ToccatsFur. OPERATrON' Thev�;Municipal Act states.that the He has been editor of the Forest and other stems could' be conn +ii; may elect one ,of its number;•Free Press and published it for,�i' cut. nancy if a -member dies 52, y�a1 suaUiowr+eci. Safety of e '= No'vemiber lst. The result will • Horse Killed by. Truck Mr and 3+ . Maxwell McLennan- be cLennan be anew face at the December meet- A horse belonging to Steve Tasks, of iaaclenow bad d, few anidous hours. ing 61 the county council• At a re- on the highway just east of Centralia when their five months' old daughter cent'ineeting, the senior member of was killed Monday last. when, struck Marlene, swallowed a small open safe - the .council; Mr. Isaac Hudson was by a truck. The truck with three one t -_v pin- The little tot did not appear appointed to fill the Reeve's chair. supants took to the ditch ane stead- to be n;erj„g any ill effects and Swimming Certificates died a fence. The truck was on its nv31en au X-ray revealed that the pin" Kathleen Cosens and Kathleen Clin- way to, Tobermory with a. Toad of �h had passed through the stomach with-- n1ngh,a>,ne,' of Clinton, have been .a- boxes. Miss Thelma Young, or' Tab -1 out lodging there, the physician was wariiecl' elenreittary certificates for ermory, one of the occupants wa. ;.tatraded that the little tot would not swimming,' diving and life saving.,1 y quite badly cut: • he st raousl erected. The open pita the Royal Life' Saving Society'of was expelled a few hours later with- London, ith London, Eng. The awards.' axe the Ministers and Wives 'Banquetted _ out any nalaarm befalling the chat:. result of good work at the Minnehaha A 'very' pleasing event occurred en Gals' Cam i, C.G.I. T., Lake ,,.Huron, the 'Hen St-, United church Sintday r:. last suthmer: '' ' ' `' School rooms, E:teter, on. Tuesday Engagement eve., last when the members of the S. The 'engagement is announced of Huron Ministeral Association and Violet M,, elder daughter of Mrs. Hy. their wives .banqueted: Fallowing. the Westlake, of Exeter and the late Ily. supper a short singsong was enjoyed Westlake to B. Wallace Makins, son under the leadership of Rev. Elliott of Mr, and Mrs. Ben Makins, of Ste- phen, the marriage -._to take place shortly, New Summer Hotel Port Elgin is to have a new SUM - with Rev. E. R Cummings of Staffa at the piano. 'Rev. S. R. Johnston, from •Ookville. At the home of eat of Liman presided and acted- as toast Murray, across the road, it was first-. master. A toast was proposed to the thought a tight had been Ieft in the• ladies . by Mr. Johnston and very' house while the farmily was in Sea:- rner hotel.- R. K. Park is at present abi'y responded to by Mrs. (Rev:),M... forth. There was some insurance.. supervising the construction of a A. Hunt. Memorial to Dr. Guntr building of 28•' rooms besides dining Streaumhis. Sud'denl'y A. handsome and up>to-date operas accomodation, lounge, fireplace and Joseph Pugh, pioneer contracting A. fable 1',aas been Chita - all that he deems necessary for the brick masts- orf' Wibgliam; ( o si presented toy o 'ion Public ;hospital • in memory of Doctor WM- Glint, who was Clin- ton's popular surgeon from 1897, when he -came to Clinton, until May 1930, when he died. He was not on- lycelebrated in his vicinity but' throughout 'Western Ont. His pion- eer work in Ont. was accomplished? with. equipment often of his owls t manufacture, without the assistance of trained nurses of Hospitals, far^ from. being as perfect as the present'. times affords, but he secured results as ;goad; if not better, than the prey- ent time. Rouse Burned Fire nnmliletely destroyed. the��fr:rlrr Ihome of iklarvesty McIlwin, Saturday ere last. The house owned by Wm_ Nicholson, Waltin, was 3 miles north- east of "Seaforth and had •been occu- pied by Mr. and Mrs. Mellwin and' child who came there last spring,, accomodation of summer guests. He ;expects to have it closed in before winter comes and inoperatino in time for next summer's business. ' Moore—Jaques A pretty autumn wedding .was sol- emnized at the United ehuieh parson age, lCirkton, when Thelma Jean, el- dest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Jaques, of Usborne, was united in marriage' to Wm. J. Moore, of Kirk - ton. The paster, -Rev. Lewis officiat- ed. Finger Amputated Hume Clutton, Colborne Twp. far- mer, had a finger removed by a physician after it had become stiff and useless as.a result of blood pois- oiling which set in last winter in. a , slight ✓?cratch. Has 94th Birthday Mrs, Alex. Ross, • Brucefield,l eeIes' bratecl' her 94th birthday. Tuesday) dead while at_ work. He was in his 77th year, was born at Clinton but as act infant moved' to the W.inghant district. His boyhood was spent at Bluevale' and Morris hut for the past 28 years he has lived in Winghant. All his life he fiti owed' lira trade'as brick mason except for 11 years he conducted a store at Bluevale. ' No man in the district has built 'mors. homes as his work extended from Brussels' to Kincardine. The Brussels 14lemorial Brussels dedicated her new war memorial on llernembraitce+ Day with more than 200 veterans attending the service as well as' several hund- red citizens, Col H. B: Combe, of Clinton, unveiled the monument while services were field` at the site and . in. IVielviile Presbyterian church,. Where " the p1elalnin lly ceremonies Vete held. Here\several'•of the Toead Off To Goderich """ Goderich--�7as. Donaldson and niece. 1!Uss Agnes Fraser, accompanied by. 'P4ni. Somerville and daughter, Miss Eva, left bar .motor on Tuesday for Florida., Where they will spend the winter: Mr: ; and . Mrs,`,: T. H. Mit- also .> t also deft for their winter borne - at Sarasota, Florida. Bi~ Tears Married Mr. said Mrs. W. H. Campbell, E.. WTawanosh, ,celebrated the 56th 'anni- versar-y _of their wedding quietly at their home. They were. united in mar nage in Dungannon on Oct. 23, s eI x it c^1 �ltten i 1 tI I g To Vote on Snny1n Rink Northern Life Insurance convention lett.,1..from W. H. Golding, M.P. London on Monday. If the ratepayers of Winglaam wish 1879, and have lived continuously oI. COUNTY NEWS No Elec'io.r for Reeve Thee yrill'1:• 711 ,' . '�, :, ., t�,9 ce dsaih of 7�.'I_vt v.. A Veteran Editor to own their skating rink they will the eatne farm. The union has been Il J.(; setty�pieca, Pbrest's veteran have an opportunity to say so on blessed with one daughter and two. .n(•,I1 aiti (s editor, proprietor of the Dee, 2nd when a by-law will be voted sons,,, They have eleven grandchildren Forest Free Press, celebrated his 80th on for the purpose of borrowing the Mr.. Campbell was born in Whitby birthetty on ��Armi;1:lee 1)a�r, Nov. 12. sum of $7,000 for the purchase of I?wp, 7?i years ago and carat to:1lur- One ter' ; the o:atstfinding residents of the arena. There is n, inorte'ure of on when .a boy. In early Hie t,tlfl0 and other debts amounting to naane a school the be the district, Mr, Pr.tylxiree. has 1 ; m 1=cachet 'and taught. ' .'. 1 .^ a'1 (+1' t i i•t,n CTi ":1'0 1• a fr '. , 'Ao., , i... `g ;..1 e? :'w IP.q). •V ` w_ ,y. ria + rt, fi .,-,I t•, .^ i<r .,„, Liston, CI t . ; t'.... 7 .I., 'n• . -r 14, rt, .0 t'ae f er: T. + - ”'.,`.1 Countless, �nith i atel y,, ferm- i- Ctatintit,, a , y chi,',. ' 1". \Tv', C I ori rr. of The Canadian PTC3ti A„aoC at10i'r.,,{' ,, aree. that, the overhead such ftst frig for his life's work. Y 4.