Zurich Herald, 1935-10-24, Page 7Dont Guess But Know Whether the "Pain" Remedy You Use is SAFE? Don't Entrust Your Own or Your Family's Well - Being to Unknown Preparations THE person to ask whether the preparation you or your family are taking for the relief of headaches is SAFE to use regularly is your family doctor. Ask him particularly about "ASPIRIN." He will tell you that before the discovery of "Aspirin" most "pain" remedies were advised against by' physicians as bad for the stomach and, often, for the heart. Which is food for thought if you seek quick, safe relief. Scientists rate "Aspirin" among the fastest methods pet discovered for the relief of headaches and the pains of rheumatism, neuritis and neural- gia. And the experience of millions of users has proved it safe for the average person to use regularly. In your own interest remember this. "Aspirin" Tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade -mark of the Bayer Company, Limited. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cress on every tablet, Demand and Get "ASPIRIN" Lady—I am collecting funds for the suffering poor. Man—Are you sure that they are really suffering? Lady—Oh, yes; I go around and talk to them for hours at a time and I wish you could see how miser- able they are. Day breaks but never falls. Night falls but never breaks. Minister -Do you promise to love, loner and cherish this woman? Politirian—Yes. Whatever the plat- form says, I subscribe to it. 1�1 STRA!!yS gpA1NS //. - WANT QUICK RELIEF? Then treat pain as authori- ties advise—with Omega Oil. Far better than internal dosing, it works down deep to correct the cause. Three times faster than ordinary liniments safer and surer. At all drug stores, 35 cents. mega Oj.1RUBTWON'TIT IN I' BLISTER 4 ' eerve HAYE HEA MY WISIL It is my wish to think one kindly thought, To breathe one simple prayer each day I wake, That I may add to those about me naught That would their own life's bur- dens harder make. If I but do one comfort -giving deed, If I but speak aloud one word of cheer, Perchance some soul, discouraged, sad, may heed, And lose its sodden weight of doubt or fear. What service to mankind can be more blessed? It costs so little, and I gain so much Each time I pass the sunshine to the rest, I, too, am warmed by its gentle touch. Young Man—Darling, I love you as no one ever loved before! . Young, Widow—Humph! I can't see any difference. Opportunity knocked on some doors here in the city recently and the householders, thinking it was the brush salesman, went right on play- ing contract bridge and didn't answer the door -bell. Dentist's Nurse—Doctor, it took you a long time to pull that last man's tooth. Dentist—Yes, confound him! He married the girl I was in love with. Now, Mr. Willcox, will you be good? "LOST—My husband. Answers to most any name. I called him every- thing before our separation. He is bald- headed, short, fat and dumb; true American type of the "model" husband. Finders keepers. LUCY WILLCOX. — From the Burnt Chimney's, Virginia, Weekly Clarion. He had long outstayed his welcome. "Tell me," said his host, at last, "how long was the fish you caught the other day?" "Oh," said the guest, holding his hands wide apart, "so long." "Well, so long," returned the host, "if you really must be going." Peck—My views on bringing up the family are— Mrs. Peck—Never mind your views. I'll bring up the family. You go and bring up the coal. It's easy enough to eat corn off the cob, When you've nice teeth to be proud about, But the guy worth while Is the one who can, smile When all his front teeth are out. "it' \�,W, tib. HAPPY RELIEF "°' Specially prepared by makers of : + Mecca Ointment—to gve quick re- Iier,Twokinds—No.lisforinternal -0•"::.• use ('protruding and bleeding . - p1e:); No. 2 for external (itching , pilo,) Order by number hon` your dealer. No.2, Oa ECCA" PILE I E EDIES REMED,. Dry Shampoo—Try it/ A WINDSOR SALT weekly shampoo stimulates . circula- tion, cleanses and giveq, natural lustre to the hair. EBBING CUSTOM When wishing happiness to the bride, ilnany Russitins stillpresent bread and Salt. 11Quaint and strange customs a this are told in picture. and story in our newbooklet for children: r'Sa1t all over the. World". A gripping story of many lands. You would like to read it, of course, so just send the coupon now, The book is free. Protect Your Children! Goitre is widelynrevalentI Use WINDSOR IODIZED SALT daily for cooking and table. Prevents goitre. Approved ealtboards of WINOSON SALT Tear Of and Mail Today CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED SALT DIVISION "LL" WINDSOR, ONT: _ Without obligation lease send epecialCbfld. reser Booklet. "SALT allover the World:" Nome Acktr•eie ea OUTING (( = T dere . here 'Everywhere ), brotiter to every other Scoutrtaithout regard to race or creed The 'Sea Scout patrol of the let Fort Frances Scout Group, Ont., bas been expanded and reorganized as the 1st Fort Frances Sea Scouts, with a separate Group Committee. A highly prized gift from the Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs of the Chile dren's Hospital, Thistletown, Ont., .to their leader, Scoutmaster Roy Claire, made in view -of hls approaching marriage, was a wicker serving tray, The tray was made by the boys, and presented by a Scout confined to his bed, the others grouped around in their chairs and on their crutches. e • * A blood transfusion given a, woman patient at the Regina General Hos- pital by Rover Mate Ness of the 5th Regina Rover Crew, was declared successful. This was the : second, transfusion given during the month. by a member of the Crew, all of whom, haveepassed a test qualifying for the 'service. Transfusions are given patients who are unable to pay for such service. * * * A Scout Troop is being organized on the Indian Reserve near Fort Frances, Ont. *•* * A prompt demonstration of the effectiveness of their training was given by Boy Scouts of Port Dal- housie, Ont., immediately following dedication of a new camp site by their Scoutmaster, Etev, J. A. Phil- lips, Just as the little ceremony con - eluded word came from the nearby beaeh that a bather had been over- come. Catching up a folding bed as a stretcher, Scoutmaster and boys ran to the scene, and helped in treat- ment* that brought the bather's re- covery. * * For their County Fair, Galt, Ont., Scouts provided a service unit of 12 Scouts for the horse ring, ran a messenger service, gave miscellane- ous help at the Women's Institute Building, and looked after the in- evitable "lost children". * * * New colours were presented by the local branch of the Canadian Legion to the lst Watford Troop, on Decor- ation day: The colours were present- ed by Major G, Howard Brown and received by Scoutmaster the Rev. A. W. Hart. Following the presentation the Scouts assisted in the memorial ceremonies which were attended by over 1;000 people. * * *l; For the huge assembly in'Varsity Arena and the Maple Leaf Gardens in connection with the visit to To- ronto of General Evangeline Booth of the Salvation Army, October 4-6, To- ronto Scouts provided the large staff of ushers. Fresh Lamb The Year Round Is The Object Of The Newly Formed Canadian Lamb Committee An appreciable benefit to the Can- adian farmer-sbeepbreeder is antici- pated from the work being carried on, by the recently organized Canadian Lamb Committee, which has under- taken to conduct a campaign to en- courage the consumption of fresh Canadian lamb and to inform Canad- ian housewives of the economical and nutritive advantages and tdhe year• round availability of this type of mea according to a statement just isgied by the committee. The committee consists of NI. ..Ha' Tisdale, Canadian Co-operativre Growers, chairman:. R. W. Wade, nadian Sheepbreederst, Associatio'( secretary -treasurer; Si. F. Todd,- It dustrial and Development Council Canadian Meat Packers, L. E. ONe Live Stock Commissioner, Ontario` Department of Agriculture, and A. A. MacMillan, Associate Chief Live Stock Branch, Dominion Department of Agriculture, directors. The object of the campaign, the statement continues, is to effect a more even balance between the pro- duction and the consumption of fresh. lamb in Canada. Its work has been necessitated because within recent years the finishing and marketing methods of fresh Canadian lamb have been improved to such an extent that this meat may now be obtained at moderate' prices during any month in the year. The majority of housewives, how- ever, are still apt to regard fresh lamb as somewhat of a seasonal lux- ury and are not fully aware of the continuous monthly movement of the farmer's product to the retail mar- ket, it is claimed in the statement. A great many housewives also do not appreciate the tremendous nutritive value of lamb and its suitability as a staple meat in the • family diet, and the committee is confident that its ef- forts will be of substantial benefit to thousands of Canadian housewives as well as to thousands of Canadian farmers and sheepbreeders. Community Action Cn Soil Control 1s Needed For A Maximum Degree Of Success While indivr nal effort is usually ,eery, effective in controlling soil drift_ ng, and every farmer should adopt the best known control measures on his own farm, the most successful re- sults, says the'"Soil Drifting Control in the Prairie Provinces" bulletin is - the adoption of community action. sued by the Dominion Department of Agriculture will undoubtedly follow The importance of this community action will be readily understood from the fact than an area of unhin- dered, drifting soil usually expands very rapidly. Moving particles of soil are not always brought to rest by col- lision with stationary soil particles, Four Hundred Thousand More Jobs Wage-earners ing more jobs. You might not think so by watch- ing relief rolls and costs, but if you would search out . the good news, analyze the figures prepared and tabulated each month by the Dom- inion Bureau of Statistics. The bureau receives returns monthly from over 9,000-buiness firms which employ normally almost a million workers or about 45 per cent of the. ,total industrial working force of Canada. Assuming this "sample" is still proportionately the same, what do we find? In short that there are how about 2,770,000 people back at work, a gain of 4 per cent. or 115,4 000 compared with the, same month a year ago. Compared with the Au- tumn of 1932 this means employ meet at the present time for 460,-. 000 more wage-earners. Among the sixty different indus trial groups which comprise , these figures, two in particular stand out like mountain tops. One .is silk firms; the other metal mining. Tor instance, silk plants are now employ— ing 5 1-4 men for every one they employed in the so-called. "normal" year, 1026. They have two men de- ployed for every one in 1931. And the new figures show that the "metal mines" — as apart from coal mining and non-metallic Minerals— have now doubled their staffs as compared with' the low point of the, depression; are employing 23 per cent. more men than at this time a year ago, and reached a new record level of employment on Sept. 1. Two important groups show smal- in Canada are find - Issue No. 42 — '35 21 ler employment than at this time last year, Logging camps are sea- sonally quiet and employing 9 per cent. Iess than a year ago, but are looking forward to an active season in the bush for 1935-36. Construc- tion is 6 per cent. less active than at this time a year ago, due to con- siderably less government work on the highways. Building and railway construction are ahead of this time last year.—Financial Post. The Body -Building 'Qualities OF COD LIVER OIL FLUS Additional Bone -Building Minerals - Strong bodies, straight bones" and sound teeth are built from the .mineral salts and vitamins in Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is vitamin rich Cod Liver Oil emulsified for quick easy digestion and com- bined with the bone and body building mineral salts lelypo- phosphites of Lime and Soda. I'LUS VALUES you get ONLY in SCOTT'S EMULSION, THE DIGES`f'IBLE COD LIVER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUES FOR SALE BY YOUR DRUGGIST lasso IiiiimassAmmemairingssi and in many causes the latter are caused to join in a general movement under the influence of high winds. The most carefully planned and ex. eeuted control measures may be en- tirely ruined if the Boll has to with - i stand the combined action of wind and drifting soil Frohn adjoining areas. These facts show the necessity for community action if a maximum de- gree of success in the control of Boll drifting is to be obtained. While the control of drifting ma any farm. 1s Primarily the concern of the individ- ual farmer, his success may be aided or hampered by the action of his mediate neighbours, In order to prevent losses to neigh- boring property by unprotected sum- merfallow, the Legislative Assembly of the province of Alberta passed an Act tri 1935 known as the "Control of Soil Drifting Act." Thip Act carries certain penalties for failure to pro- vide proper protection to adjacent property. No claim for damages may be made by any person, however, un. less the claimant himself is comply- ing with the Act in regard to soli drifting control measures. The Act comes into force on the let day of March, 1989. Buying Feeder Cattle With the abundance of pasture and hay cattle should be fed this fall and winter fairly reasonably. On some farms pasture is going to waste at the present time for lack of cattle. Barns are full of hay and hay stacks' are plentiful. his is not likely to have much market value except through cattle. Those needing cattle tills fall or winter might advisedly be scout - Ing around for animals of good con- formation and showing feeding qual_ sties. Good feeder cattle are none too plentiful. There are too many of the plain, common type. To delay securing a supply of cattle may result in hav- ing to accept the plainer kind. Good cattle that are available are being picked up rapidly. When buying cat- tle attention should be paid to the quality, as animals that show some breeding make better use of the feed than .'do the scrubs. Farm Loan Board Aids 2,149 Farmers Ottawa. — Between coming into effect on June 1 of the legislation, making the Farm Loan Board's ac- tivities entirely a Dominion Govern- ment iresponsibility, and September 15, 2,149 loans have been made, it was denounced recently by Finance Minister Rhodes. They were divided, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Is- land 62; New. Brunswick 103; Que- bec 691; Ontario 309; Manitoba 363; Saskatchewan 188; Alberta 340; British Columbia 93. During the period 10,233 applica- tions for loans have been made. Five per cent interest is charged on first mortgage loans and six per cent on second mortgages. Classified Advertising INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of wanted inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Company, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, 'Ottawa, Canada, NURSERY STOCb CERTIFIED RASPBERRY STOCK, Cuthbert, Vilsing, Chief, Brighton varieties. Two dollars per hundred. Angus Jackson, Bartonville, Ontario. WONDER CEMENT MIXES A handy farm cem- ent mixer. Mixes bet- ter, easier, quicker, at lower cost, Only $23 cash F.O.B. Brant- ford. TEE BRRANTFORD OVEN 8c name CO. Limited Brantford Ontario It's High Time for Ogden's With better times why not join the movement back to Ogden's and complete satisfaction? Buy a package of 6gden's Final' Cut, and roll it with "Chantecler'a or "Vogue" Papers. This is a sure recipe for smoking pleasure. Save the valuable Poker Hands OG FINE CUT Your Pipe Knows Ogden'sCulPlug imommemammagmmaamasmossubsema Date Bureau Toronto.—The date bureau at the University of Toronto is functioning again, keeping lonely hearts from aching by arranging dates for shy freshmen and freshettes. It costs an applicant 10 cents to get an intro- duction. HEALTH -GIVING MINERAL SALTS IN SASKATCHE .,rti , AN LAKE WATERS OF LITTLE MANITOU RICH IN NATURE'S MEDICINES FOUND MORE ABUNDANTLY HERE THAN IN OTHER WORLD FAMOUS SPAS More and more the marvellous heritage of Canada is impressed upon Canadian8. More and more, Canadians talk about. the wonders of Little Manitou Lake whose curative waters abound in health giving minerals more potent than the _famous ,w.5ter Pg--'0i1-r ata ._1,4.Euroue--i- situated near Watrous, in the Proviride of Saskatchewan. Tons of Salt Crystals gathered from this Canadian Lake — scientifically re- fined and presented in highly concentra- ted form—non-effervescent — are sold through your retail Druggist under the name of SASKASAL. Like the famous waters of Carlsbad, Saskasal is invalu- able in the treatment of Rheumatism— Neuritis — Mild Stomach Disorders Kidney and Liver Troubles -- Impure Blood — Skin Eruptions and Constipa- tion. - If you are no°t enjoying vigorous health, or if you suffer from any one of the complaints — try a treatment of "Sas- kasal." One size package — one price, 69c. Let us send you a FREE sample of SASKASAL. 1151 Mail This Coupon Today SASKASAL LIMITED, Sales Office: 102 Atlantic Ave., Toronto. I would like to fry SASKASAL. Please send me a FREE Sample as offered in this advertisement. Name Address Town Prov. Millions of people have con- fidence in the blue colour that assures safe, economical, satisfactory heating. MONTHLY PRIZE CONTESTS For Amateur Artists (That is any- one who is not earning a living from Art). GRAND FIRST PRIZE of a Com- mereial Art Course or a Water Col- our Landscape Course valued at $50.00 for the best copy, four inches wide, made from this portrait of the most popular young man in the British Empire. Entry Fee: Twenty- five cents for each entry submitted. A valuable prize for everyone who enters this contest, which closes October 31, 1535. GIST BAILER 39 LEE AVE., TORONTO, ONT.