Zurich Herald, 1935-10-10, Page 81:r1TaTT ' THE STORE WITH THE STOCK ew alland later GOODS Our Stock is now almost completed, ..and we wel- come your. inspection for the following Lines: New Dress Materials, Ladies and Children's Sweaters, Underwear, Hosiery, Flan- nelettes,', Woollen and Woolcot Blankets, A complete range of new Monarch Yarns :for hand knitting, Men's Sweaters, large supply of Men's Underwear in Penman's, Stanfields Comb- ination or separate garments, New Windbreakers, Leather Caps, Lined Smocks, Walker's Overalls, Mitts, Gloves, Etc. COMPARE OUR PRICES GROCERIES! GROCERIES Japan Tea, lb. al. 37c icing Sugar, 2 lbs. for 19c Pin kSalrnon, 1-s., 2 for 25c Soda Biscuits, per lb. 14c 1 Macroni, 5 lbs. at 25c Corn Flakes, 3 boxes for 22c Laundry Soap, 3 for 1 Oc Rex Cocoa, per lb. 14c No. 1 peanut butter lb. 15c J. G PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 IONIMOSIZA. 1.11.M.T.P.Kvan. re MINIM CMO,s.corMantwousim29.141nCAMP an 1,40TOTISTS ARE REALIZING THE NECESSITY OF HAVING AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE FORL2S THL.N $1 EER MONTH YOU CAN HAVE UP TO $30,600 PROTECTION FOR LEGAL LIABILITY FOR BODILY INJURY OR DEATH TO OTHERS AND $1000 FOR LEGAL LIA- BILITY FOR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OF OTHERS. _AND FOR A FEW CENTS MORE PER MONTH YOUGAN HAVE UNLIMITED pEoTECTroN kaz PUBLICLIABILITY AND $1000 FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE.1 WHY KEEP PUTTING IT OFF? IT MAY BE TOO LATE! Andrew F. Hess, (X" Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY - Have You MADE YOUR WILL? ISSICOM611.101107 /11.11•1•••......111111=1,.. iI asOe000000000000640t640a)INV iDit141*4410@tnIIMPS424444411:00 HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE 5,1r. • CO A an c4, Let -us fill your recuirements of .your winier's fuel, be it Coal or 1 Coke. Prices the lowest, quality clnsidered. 1 1111111 N --Ai Grocery., Store' Tea Rose Baking; Poiivder, 14b can .- ... 1.1e Sunlight Soap, 4 bars' for, ,.. 25c Dutch Clenser, per can ...',. ,,,10c Soda Biscuits, 2 lbs. for .. ''. 25c Corned Beef, 2 cans ..„.....:, Muffets, whole ,.wheatbiS Oifs, Ipeic.kox 110c' Spy Salmon, Coll oe, 1-11),I icr'.441, , - - ,25c. Falcon Brand Sardines, , Ain% _' . ;..I.: 25'e SEE OUR 3zo , ix.im .(r. -.)N TI WHILE'LASTS! ' ' Me no (Desch EGGS WANTED. rich Phone 165 111111111 11111111N 1111110 11111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111 11 11111111111111 HM1111111111 111 111111 1111111 111111111111 111111 11111111111111111;': ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Many villagers attended the nom- ination at Hensel]. on Monday. Mrs. Lindenfeldt is visiting for a. LOCAL MARKETS . „Oorrected every Wednesday) Egg4; dozen , 27„ 25, 15 BUtter, creamery 25 few weeks with her son in Exeter. Butted'', dairy 24 Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edighoffer leWlie4t" and. 'altaleir, bash 43 son Grant, visited relatives and fri-0-....4busa .. „ „ ....... , .... ,,.. ,,, 28 bush 70-72 50 FlOni, cwt. ............. 175-3.00 Sli4ts and' bran ton 20.00 ,POtikOes per bag .....a, ........ 50 Liviniogs 9.50 ends in Waterloo last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Zimmerman. and. Mrs. John K. Ehlers motored to Lon- don one day last week. Mr. .and Mrs. Ed. Datars were week -end visitors with friends, in Kitchener. The big world series baseball gam- es came to a close in Detroit ani Monday with the team of that city named as world champions for the ,year. The,.opposing,,team being the; 'Chicago Cubs, who woon two games of the six played, Detroit winning the second third, fourth and sixth 'game. That industrial city surely went on a rampage Monday night we are told. The celebration being even greater than in 1928 pren the end of war waS. declared.... This is the first tmie in their 48, years of professional baseball that Detroit Tigers have won the serie.a. They have participated in several occasions but at eachc Occasion were unable to make,the, charapionshipAa this year. Youth Trains alves for Harness, Saddle Lyle Lannon, young son of T. S. Lamina', of the 9th con., of Ashfield Twp., is proud owner of a pair of shorthorn calves which he has broken to both harness and saddle. Re drove them to Currie's Carnerss school fair a distance of four and a half miles from his home. They were decked out in complete harness, gathered from bits of horse harness and fitted to their small size, and hitched to a two wheeled rig. A lot of time and patience was necessary before Ile had bacon marking is also unfairly eon - them responding, but 'all spring and ducted, and if the grades of bacon would be carried out as the grading of hogs, the farmers should receive front 'one to three eelit5 p 9111111 More for their live animals, which at only,one cent a pound would amount to 156 million dollars more in the pockets of the farmers, wherewith they could buy furniture, implements and nia,ny other necessities of iife and thereby creating much more lob - or and work for many. There are at present 16 million lbs. of butter in cold storage, bought when the butter fat -was around 16c ib. and this but- ter 'will be sold at a big profit in the coming inanths.He explained how the big .ecninbines were getting the prem- luieGovermnent is paying the lintter and cheese' concerns.. Canada SrdOcers had the best dividends in the -last six years' We are fighting against the Canadian domination of who were to the nomination cr." 'economic life. While all other lines day, should have the impression tha-e suffered from 17 to 60% the past neither of the three men nominated Years-, the financiers gained 20%. would be in favor of passing any Hogs are now selling at 8 1,4 c and t a discreditable leg,islation. They all bacon sells at 45c what.a big margin Use Massey -Harris serni-steel deep chill plow. t three lookedgood to us, and when Mr. Stevens said there was plenty to you sum up their pleas and state -1 ao, in our home markets at present Points. ColaWinter Coming? • Bob Armstrong, veteran Dungan- non mail. carrier and wether progno- sticator of note, has reason to believe that a severe winter is % ahead of us. Bob is a keen, observer, and notices the habits of wild animals as he cov- ers his naa.ny miles of route each day. .He. says the 'zs,4nirrels, are laying in an unusually large store of food for the winter. One squirrel was seen dragging ,a cob, of,corn nearly as large ,as. itself -to its hicleway. Bob I also thinks ttliat after the many sum- mer hot spells the winter will be us:. ually harsh.--Goderich Signal. Buheat, bush ,.-The annual. fowl supper''..irf -Varna 'United Church will be :bald on Thurs dayevening,, October 1.0tlit froin 6 Sn'clock. The prograni, following the' Slipper will be given by the Tram- betkConcert Quartettes, andconn„s„ hikhly recommended. Tlie public _are invited. , HON. H. H. STEVENS AT 4, • a a • • • to Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes g' • • In all sizes PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried • and Proved Sherwin;Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax 1 Furniture, Springs Plumbing, Furnace ing our Specialty. • 0 4.4. and Beds. Felt and Marshall • Mattresses Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith - Full line ..)f heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. a' EXETER The Hon. H. H. SteVeri iPtheleader of the new Construction party• ad.- dreSaed a large gathering at Exeter this Wednesday.afternoon. The hall filled and amplifiers, were put,,,* so the people on the street vire*also able to hear hina-Mr. Ste- ESS the Repair. an 52 ;fii,elzAtt9id of his: exoeriencesin.while. . llTg through the country of omedujiisataku 010111111ffitill111111111116EPAIIIIIIMIDIIMINIMMIRINEIRODINIME" M11111111911111MOMIIII many, young -men out of work, some well -educated, some have university education, but on the bread lines with no prospect of:, a- job to earn • . their living. He Visited the trekera at k+++00000+0+++++++++++++4444++++++++++++++++++++00+, Ottawa and with the exception of 4. twwlio were commin*tshal-. ance, seemed just ordiy young people like the rest' of us. Youth wants a chance in life, there is plen- ty of work for all if only those holdi ing purse -strings would loosen them"), We „Are not doing our duty to just! feed,: cloth and shelter our. youth, they- want a chance, be said. Also related to the sweatshops, profiteers, and big corporations. The two old parties are obligated to bfg interests. Froin.' time immemorial a few dom- inatd the many and crashed civil-, ization. Thousands Of ta'amers in Wettern. Canada are paying.,8% teribt moortgages and 10 ci•O on defIrred payments on farm machin- eiy.i; No interest rate should be higher than 4% of 5%. If elected wouid immediately pass legisiation to hav4 this adjusted. He explained the moor workings of the big canners. Canned. beef brought in from the Aregntine each year amounts to 5 0,00 0 need of beef cattle. The • th,',1•01-Lef 101h, 1934' - + le, , 440 - :1, „./ !, ',,•: ,v 1.6 ar T'„! -lire a Faulk re • I THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW FENCES ON THE FARM, LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE BEST OF . WOVEN WIRE, • ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT t t, NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, ;AND EVE, t • t STORE t•TROUGHING 4. SPECIALS! ; SPECIALS' Coal Oil, good grade at i., 0 Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 28c. ;14 ;+. st, , 4 We also have some very Attractive Prices in 01 1 nr Furniture. See Our New Beds, Springs and 4 + 1 t• Mattresses. I 0 0 ir , t USED FURNITURE .. , + Two Good Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; 1* Good Used Dressers,from $4.50 up; binfisg Tables; 4. 4 Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale, z; 4 BE SURE AND SEE THEM/ • • * i 4' 4k ti Johnston& Kalbileisch t 46- 4* 20c t $ and are & iture. Phone 63 4. 4 444+0 444+4, 0+0+044+ +444444 + ++440+0440+ + +044++++4444 •••••••• QIIIIIMINIESMO1111illiatrgaill1111111311111111111114111111111011111111111111111i=111111111191111111M119111111111111E14111E1111111111111M11111E11191111111111111111111MIR THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice 1 77: Painting Wagon Painting Buggy $7.00 and 10.0th 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 J Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set . __ 12o00 Buggy Shaft Cross Bar ,.. 3.00i Buggy Reach 1.251.0° Buggy Spokes each 25c m- summer he had driven them sing singly or as a team and both have, became accustomed to the saddle. ELECTION DAY Monday next, October 14th is the day of the Dominion Election which comes every five years, and the peo- ple have the opportunity to vote in whatever government they wish to have. That is the majority rules. If ,ome people had their wish there would never be a change of govern- mant,regardless of how bad or ex-' travagent• a government would' be they would always stick to their party rather than policy. 7.1(nOver,, we are glad that there are, enough. in dependently minded people" in the f.,atutry to ever o ofteatb.veUect,'a change which if very to.the good of the country. Those of us I ti- e- kv .11' 0 6 • liP ' Large SliiPinent of Tires Just Received i t Regular $10.00 Heavy Service tires at 6,35 4, t Regular 10.75, Heavy Service tires at 6.90 + • Gasoline at per golion 23c 4. 4, t Lubricating Oils and greases at corresponding low prices S, 4 • Get Your Requirements Here; where Y ur Dollars 4!* • • Go the Farthest! 0. * It t Expert Workmanship on all Makes of Cars, with charges 4., Very Reasonable! el 4. 11: , ousseau Zurion .. t ..„ ' RA EXTRA 4. 41. 1404 440 +44 + 0+ + 00+ +44. +4,4,444,4.44,4404, ++44 4. 44 04. 0044444+ t 1.•••••••••. .4.40+440004414404,, 04444-14444+444.440.1444+0414ii • MA.SSEY-11-A.sRIS NEWS. 4. Now that the harvest is over we Would' 4. appreciate having an early settlement on Repair Accounts. Manifest your appreciation .t for receiving credit by settling at once. 10 per cent. added after October 15th 4- 4- 4. 4- 1: SPECIAL on Hot water Heaters for your car; for • *E" balance of month. $18.00, heatersior only $8.50'.„ ; +4. ' .. ' ' Cash witli. Order.' 4R • ' SUPER "1St TIRE. PRIES Again, Re- duced and we mount same free I. El to ments and policies, although they Without running around to fooreign lak have slight different opinions, but markets and seek trade a,greernents. I....; Tel. Shop 149 0 KLOPP & SONS Res. 47 lc, 0 . the matriculation is about the Put:the house at horne first in order. 4:-. general a same in the end. Good government:Pie Stevens candidate, Mr. IVIeMillan . 1. '- U * is their aid. So pick out vour fa'- the Steve= candidate then made a 4. , Auctioneering? + , 1 orite and eorne out and vote, and short addres. Ur. 'Black acted. as I.. 0100,14 0000.66.00emosesom.0000000000411101000000000000~0011 vote intelligently. :chairman for the alto:moon.. ,,, te - 4t,... ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY PRICE - SERVICE • •