Zurich Herald, 1935-10-10, Page 1Let the Ads. in the lieral *1•14( Immediately after 31,0tlIZS agreement„ the 'Fenner played the .Year every voter receives a adiud. whel faithfully; winning big prizes from the Returning Officer stating which attraeted his friends to the that you. are a. voter the district and both.. Finally the needle fell on a the time and place you; axe to vote. gold watch, and the farmer stooge", deciding he had had enough, walkedI oft with an armful of prizes, includ-, Mg the -watch. and some loose change THE NOMINATION This is something new, and cornea under The Dominion Erections Art, 1934. -The purpose is to have every voter come out and cast their vote, and in doing so exercise. your faun. - 4 -01, DECOP AX RURAL. FAIR A Colborne Township roan is going 'the rounds displaying a ulna gold :watch and telling- prondler of liow he bested a "city slicker?' ft was at a •county fair, where wheel's of fertinte spun merrily. The protector of one booth sidled up the fa:riner, who is well-known, and after speakixt- g earn- . estly a few niintates„ hani ed. over a Ton of money. In accordance with the :Do You Nee4 Glasses. Stop and Think how important it is •••••••••••••• The nomination for candidates to the Dominion Election next Monday was held in. Hensall on Monday after- noon a this week, for the Huron - Perth riding, and the following were nominated a.ccording to the Mt: Frank Donnelly, Goderich, and his financial agent is Mr. Wilfred Good- win, of Hensel. W. H. Golding of Seaforth, financial agent, J. M. Gov- erdock; R. L. Seaforth, fin- ancial agent Joseph Forrest. After the reading of these names the Re- turning Officer, Mr. D. McNaughton of Hayfield, then. retired stating that business obligations called. him away Chester L, Smith, Publieher, ;$1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Advance 41.44 ARREA.RS, 42 MAY BM WECOLBOINX ou in your Fail Pareha,es We have put in a StoCI-"' Good Choice Quality Mens ...and Boys' Work Shoes;1, invite the public to co0. and we can fit you up. GARFILED BROWN4 Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont „ WE GIVE EXPERT WOROIA/§ SHIP IN REPAIRING Your Patronage Solicit ing words to express bis and then Mr. C. Zwicker, president told the audience. that we are,W of the local Liberal Association, was worst condition in history, ande appointed as chairman, which he hiee'reasens for thinking so. He st, carried out very successfully. that Mr. Stevens,his leader Vease.„ ee, , Mr. W. H. Golding, M. P., and the, sidered by the two old parties asie Liberal candidate was the first.speak- I bad Man". He staked 1-hze-, mere' CO er and he gave a good account ofibines were madediiring the DLO - lf • hi usual gentle and mild government, which are. a curse ,t0:t; that you wear coreect glasses--cor- manueri, yet bringing out his points i country. Ile will run as an indopeit rectly prescribed for Your vbion. effectivelyHe has served the riding ent and will not be sliackled'•U 4e, 'feamery. This is indeed a conven- - Correctly styled to your face. Your for three sessions of parliament, hay- party, but will stand for any ,g„ : 'J. health may largely depend on keen ing won the by-election in 1932. Mr. measures of Mr. Stevens. He 'eil vision. iGolding dwelled for quite a time on Mr. King 'will say nothing, nor 'ecrn i. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams and r. Cal. Williams motored to Bright "Sunday. ":. Mr, and. Mrs. Samuel E. Faust of kitchen were Sunday visitors in town, Miss Jane Lamont is spending a das visiting with her sister Mrs F. Braun, in. Forest. Mrs, j: Routledge is spending a weeks with her children in Zheiph.•;,,knd Waterford, .Mrs. . Gorge Thiel Sr., is at pres- fent mith relatives and fri- ends' in Kitchener. Rev. J. P. Hauch, District Superin- tendent conducted quarterly services in" the Evengelical church lest Thurs- ;"lay everiieg, and was a visitor at, the parsonage. Workmen are at work M putting the pi. as for water to the local epee to have a good supply of this 'oicg water in a place like this. esSrs. J. W. 'Werner, and Win. La- ' iint town and Mr. W. H. -aDdi- the many parties in theconstituencies mit hirntelf to anything, ana • and he explained the dangers to, our does nothing. The government, ifie,g flex of the 14th con., ale on a at =RICK demecracy of some of these new three million dollars to cival SeiV finotor rip to.different points inVich At HESS JEWELERY gronz throughout Canada in. this campaign will be do dissapomtment if Mr See C. E.hi Every Tuesday At Dashwood, Saturday, est Pale's garties, and hoped that some good the amount they were reduced in, . • • Store. may come from them in the end. It years of depression. Our eredi , .., m was not his policy to discredit any England is weak. There has been eir;' Lcfrom the and ..*MTs' Edwin Gascho have a fro.the residence occupied 'party. The Liberal party has a record wrangling foe supremacy by the pa awn town- the Oesch block, to 1 unexcelled by -and government. The tiese The national debt of Canada; 1‘11 residence at the westerly part nubile debt is. now 3 billidnedOlIqs Moore like 8 - billion dollars, 1-119:1i1 ri:',- 7- -- .-- ."/Tied by Mr Jacob Brown ST. PETS Evaagelreaft'qiik r14 EXTRA SPECIAL Beautiful Gents' 15 Jewel WRIST WATCHES You'll be proud to own! Hess, The ieweiler Phone 74 Zurich CRASH! Fuel Prices are down. Put your winter supply now when. Coal is at the lowest price for this Season. COAL IS THE HIGHEST GRADE Or COAL MINED The color guarantees the quality, we have all sizes. Also: Comet Sal - yap Coke. Miller Creek and Poca- hontas Briquets. Tile and Haiele, W. R. DAVIDSON CASH paid f. r Eggs en a Grade Basis. HENSALL Phone 10 • 4. 4 4 ZURICK, —ONT. • - • "A Changeless Christ for a Chang - ng Workii." Friday, 8h—Luther League. -Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERNICES.: 10 a. m.—German Service. e, 11.15 a.m.—Sunday SthooL 7.30 p.m.—English service. _Everybody We.lcoirte to all Seavices. E. TUERICHEM, Pastor. teSetO -.1:debt..----1SWV!&irsArte/ °Ilia a, an "If all debtrigre *c'i; Lhe."114"2.4*,14414.4*,14:::17 sion and much was spent on-the,.rail- $1745 for every living person in the 'panied by Mrs. S. Gottschalk .of.Seee * strip of paper containing the prom- repudiate theae debts some time: The' Mr. a'nd Mrs. L. Rader of Deshwood; • -erlatleeeda-..pedt-r-.1;aa bd 1926 were great yearse of alien- up to is 18 billion making a "total Mrs. J. W. Horner of town, accom- Ways. IVIr. Golding displayed a' long '.country. The coming generation may forth Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade, and 't Preani d 1930 ises -of 'the er ma e in Golding urged'greater trade ex- , pensions, lower tariffs, and said much about Mr. Stevenrs price-aoread-bill. He Iso stated that we axe still facing the prooblems of 1930. Mr. R. J. MacMillan, the Recon- struction candidate vas next called upon to -speak. 1Vire MacMillan is an experienced platforom speaker, and debater and has no difficulty in hind - Specials for Thurs--day, ;rid:.a3n.d Saturday , - Singapore sliced pine apple per tin Sultana RaiIn 2 lbs. .., . 1 9c Vegetable and tomath Soup, 3 tins 23c Robin Hood. quick cooking oats, large pkg.. 2 ic Choice quality pumpkins, large tin each Princess Soap flakes, 2 pkgs. . Ox3rdoI large pk4r. at . .-.......- . . . .--_--23c Kelloggs corn faes, 3 pkgs. 25c' Palmolive soap, 3 cakes at I 4c Ammonia powder, 3 pkgs. at . . . ......__—_—23c Del Maiz. corn Tablets, 2 tins. .25c G'olde.n wax: beans, 2 tins . - .. . Derby..che:ase.'2 likges at .... 25c Mince meat,. per, Pkg. .. _ . . . Max -well flouse• coffee, "I -lb. tin 43c Readycut roatroni, per lb.. . Early break,Fast freshly ground per ..29c Corn starch per Pkg. ' Mens Ladies and Childrens Sweater Coats, a full supply- Underwearfor the Whole family. Set our new woolen, :flannelette and part -wadi Blank- ets.: All at 'Reasoniible :Prices_ ER British policy is to balance the bud- are away to Hersey, Michigan, where get each yer, while Canada keeps on they are visiting the former's sister borrowing none. Canada is now ov- who is ill. Also other friends. ertaxed antliedrioney goes from the pockets. of. le many in the pockets FOWL SOPPER of a few. Your interests are at stake on voting clay. He told of the auto,_ You and your friends are cordially tariff reduction in the King goveini' invited to a piping hot Fowl Supper ment when the duty was reduced on Thursday "October 17th to be from 35% to 25%, but the valuation served by St. Peter's Lutheran of the antes was changed so that if Church, Zurich, Supper will be ser - amounted to the same. The stevens ved from 5 to 9 o'clock. A play, en - policy is to look after the big pro- titled, "Closed Lips" will be present- fiteers, the needs of the farmer and ed by the ' Luther League of the the small business man. But in or-, church. Good. Band in attendance. der to have this :you must elect the Stevens candidates. Mr. Donnelly, the Conservative can) '• ' OFFICERS ELECTED didate was then given his 45 minutes The Junior League of the Evangel - to address the gathering, and Ye' .i.cal..Church met on Tuesday evening stated that during ,the years 1921 TO when the' following officers were el - 1930 416 million • dollars was the ected: President, Margaret Hey incretre of the de.'::t; of Cereaela 1131- IVice-Presidetit: Helen Deitz ; Sc' ;rot - der the Liberal gore: nroent, ge aI,Z,r, Siirley Krueger; Ti ez.v ere a thought the previous aPeakers had a Ruth Johnston; Librarians, Wilmert good program talking of the destruc,SUYder, Elroy Desjardine. Mrs. E. tion of the country. He Oen read Burn is the Superintendent. Rev E. many promises made by Mr. King Thirli presided over the election. in previous election campaign of 1921 "-The juniors are quite active. He talked abbut the new parties: • l ' ittuu' spring up and many people pay. dear- WHO CAN BEAT THIS! y for the change. He read Sec. 98 ofthe Criminal Code and pleadediAce Mr. t dward Axt of the village has :citizens should study this sectiry,1* the 'destinction as a good gardener. Bennett will not change this' ,WiThe other day he boughtr to our ' rt ' Mr. King has stated he wpuld. He ,office a table beet grown in his gard- read part of Mr. Harass° s speech en. which is a moristee, measuring 23 that Mr. Bennet was not a man Cart -inches in circumference. While Mr. trolled by financial interests. ..MaiiY4Axt is not very much inclined to eat- af the people accuse the preinier 'of -ing these beets at that size he left it the world depression. He then dis- with us asking us to piss it on, cussed the markets of the world Gan which we will cheerfully do to any- ada is the best market we have. hi, .one interested. Mr. Axt throws out Canada the price of eggs is 2de doU` challenge for any one to beat it. just 6 cents higher than in any ether • myin All acdana neby Canediaria."14. ' •'.,ee F;(rmer Resident Passes • touched on the Provincial Liberges.li,,L,o -::.;•,,,. government and Mr. IdepbUrii." . wotid, has been received here of %is point Mi. Donnelly became 'veiy,,the,paseing of Mr. Frederick Fuss, in humorous and very 'ably conducted. rMroit,,, q,u, Friday, October 4th, at .something like a mind table cone-tbeeoge,,a,.61. years. The deceased ferenee, intelligently:answering any having passed away very suddenly intellect eee,tieee n &KM. Hd tOVICheAd• by heart failure, and was found sit - on the United Trade Agreeinents g* ting in his ear in this unfortunate ing figures what it meane to inc rar-e eendition. Mr. Fuss who was a bro- mers of Canada and to Hurdle Co,, ther to the late John and Conrad unty. He thought the Liberal par Fuss of Zurich, was a former resident has no strong leader. , - • of the village, leaving hete about 3e Mr. Golding in Inc 15 ininetes t rt,„ years ag° to the busy city of De - 1924 -1930 did spend too nitich but.t 9.1: roit where he and his family has re- sided ever since. He leaves his wifi ply tho e gin that the gove, ,110 k; lit tintreased debt dile to the and four children: beeidee many re - he, eapansion of the railways. was fie dloeed letives and rend te mourn hi, hr:s. With a strong defence of the Liberal,The funeral was he. tll "qtrQiti o 'd ne..,,,e, • party's poi:1. -'o. I, — '' ...... .-, ., • • • • • • • • • • P**-4".04"I'04***0444"$'44*.**i0.0,4ktti,066,0666,6,16,664.1-Q4 41+ a Spec! SA fi .,eyee -.e.isseret; MEM= A.M.ONLY Suits and Extra Tr • MADE • 9 • • t 577 4 4 6 4 LIS BY THE OLD WELL KNOWN FIRM OF BERGER TAILORING CO. Clothes of Quality 0 ME EtaLlitl EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS .ta.e.uta,44' 44 4.4044 o , Highest Prices for Eggs., limn 140 • • ce WE ARE OFFERING THE FO .1 GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES WHILE. THEY LAST: Children's and Grown. -ups Running Shoe; Canvas Shoes, .and -Men's Harvest Shoe; at.co Men's and Boys' Light Weight Overalls and Shirts; Boys' Tweed Pants and Bloomers Suit- able for School Wear; House Dresses, liviiintr4 Curtains and Curtain Goods. DOUeL.A5. GE IV EFaig. ILVEROHAA4'7' PHONE 11 - 97 itga=1"EXEMEM61554E=MILIZIECISIMM ,40 C' 0, •