Zurich Herald, 1935-05-30, Page 1'Vol.XXXV No8,42
atronize the ome iero
Tuesday was the fira birthday of
-the famous Dionne quin' And -we
are safe in. saying that no other liv-
ing children have ever- re.ceihred so
/much publicity as these Eve little
girls whose pictures appear ire. prac-
tically all the papeme They are now
guards of the: WI -we and will be till
they become eighteen years of age.
It is said that ff. these fortunate lit-
tle girls were able to write each of
them could sign a cheque for $40,000
at present .and Inst think what this
will be seventeen years hence when
-they will receive more liberty.. The
reason eclat the government has as -
evened their Diardianship is to pre-
hena falling into the hand of
elers, and. here'S !hoping they
The 'hadoptea-lralym Plan instituted
by Hon. David Grail, 1V1Inister of
Public Welfare, who announced on
'Wednesday last that Premier Hep-
burn had -adopted a boy named Peter,
has so far been successful at Goder-
ich. Seven children ha-ve been placed
by the Children's Aid Society in fos-
ter homes, two little ones being ad-
opted last week. All were girls.
Homes for five toys and one gill axe
.As we pick up the daily papers
every day we notice of political con-
ventions throught the district who
have named their candidates to con -
Qi MAY'30, (935. '
'••"11;'''•517. -
Shoe Repairin,
and read the lcc
I wish. to advise the Public ti
ana in a position to do all kind
shoe rePaihing, and solicit your
renege. Give us a trial for
Victoria Street. Zurich, 0
Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V.
Office in the Home of the
Dr. J. Routledge.
Phone -96. '
. _ .. -----re-eree-erh-h"""44'
- ,.4-ewe continued health and he of test the coming federal election. But than $1.50; 25c wheii not more:A
34 1 growth
alas here in South Huron eo far there $2; 30c on amounts not moreA
'eent'a - , I '
has een no stir- Probably owing $2.50; 40c on tickets not aboVee
Mee • ....k-, ?•
i -- to the overwhelming majorities piled and a 50c tax on all tickets eoorte
up by the Liberal candidates in the $3.00.
Do You. Need Glasses?
-Stop and Think how important it is
that you wear correct glasses—cor-
rectly prescribed for yo -or vision.
Correctly styled to your face. Your
-health may largely depend on keen
See C. E. =BREW%
last Federal by-election, and the
last Provincial election, all opposition
parties have taken to the tall timbers
andthink iteno use of running, it
will spell defeat. But when we turn
our attention to the past ten or
fifteen years we will note that the
traditionally Liberal South Huron
Riding has elected for both the Dom-
inion and Ontario Parliaments of the
three parties, Liberal, Conservatives
and Progressives. So the minds of
the people in. this. riding are very
changeable, and while we personally
think our present member Mr. Gold-
ing a very fine and capable ma -n,
• At HESS JEWEILERY STORE and worthy of the position, yet
Every Tuesdaywe
,,- . think when the whole country will;
have a chance to express their views I
At Dashwood, Satuxera.y, •at Pfile's by the ballot, it would be regretable
Store. here in South Huron if we would
.not have the Same privilege. 'S;arely
K44111‘ art 11 pelt u a,
4•3,P,7 ai•Cf0'.4r
I • / ‘,“; ” ' '
ZURICH — 014T.
' "A Changeless; Christ for et Chang-
ing World1"
Friday, 8h—Luther League..
Saturday—Choir Practice.
• 10 a. m.—German Service_
• 11.15 a.m.—Sunday Schee&
. 7.30 p.m.—English. service,.
• Everybody Welcome ro soli Services.
The Annual Sports Day of Zurich
Public and Continuation School wde
held on Thursday, May 23rd' on tlie
school grounds with a fair large
) ,
attendanae, and the varioushaonteste
wer keenly competed. Ti
winners are Races -220 ye oP
Clemence Jeffrey, Orval Cve.
Lawrence Ayotte; 100 yd.
Clein. Jeffrey, Law. Ayotte, •K
Breakey; 75 yd. Sr, girls, Audi.
Foster, Doren O'Dwyer, Reta Fest
50 yd. Jr. boys, Wilmer Snider,
iis Foster, Cyril Ducharme; 50
jr. .
, Betty Deitz, Martha
Ruth Brown; 25 -yd. juvenile
Glen Mete 'Goo, ,Reith R
25 d. inv.•l41s;, .1%;/L
Mr. Borden Mernes of Windsor is
the guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Merner.
Mr. Eldon Burn, of New York
City, son of Rev. and Mrs. E. Burn
is visiting his parents here at the
EVangelical parsonage.
. . Mr. W. Heck of Elkton, Mich,,
visited the week -end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bassow and Mr.
and. Mrs. T. McAdams.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Meyers and
daughters . Doris and Alpha spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Cole of Chiselhurst
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook and fam-
ily and Mr. Ed. Brenner of Kitchen-
er were visiting at the home of their
parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Brenner,
Thursday of this week is what is'
known .as. Ascension Day and many
• of the Christian religion observe it
as a holiday.
Mr. W. J. Beattie, of Seaforth held
sitting here on Wednesday and
• Thursday receiving appeals concern-
ing the voters' list to be used for
Dominion elections.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGregor
and family of Grand Bend and Mrs.
• H. Schroeder •of Dashwood visited
the home of Mrs. M,abel Snider
and son..c»-5 ee day.
•..ehert, was oblig
acti:*; military a%laY 24th passed off
tti* of this let the •village, as in
c that ti- a'ioodly member. of
• New Amusement Tax
frey Regier and Herbert IN Ay
N/Vheelba.rrow, jr, ;boys, - r. -and Mrs. Milne Rader of the
and 'Whits Foster,
Wilmer1,51::iieer concession, Mr. William Rader
Elroy Desjardine, Cyril elDuchaeree°?,
and daughter Lillian of town are a-
ReVigion of the Ontario amusement Bruce Klopp; clittoe- sr. Inithe eway on a Visiting trip to friends in
tax schedule effective on June ist Ken. Breakey and Lay.`Ayette, 0,,e,_1\liagaraFalls, Rochester, N. Y., Jack
-noun:vet by Premier Mitchell ments Jeffrey and 00a1 Corrivbehr ',son and Detroit Michigan.
.Fe'liePhurre, -wise expected the tax in- 'Chas Hay and Alvin Irlegier; 3 -legged Mrs, pee:e.
race, j: Weston of Bayfield,
crease would ori , emu with -
and Ruvenil e boys, Hubert Schtlbe, ay Schilbe; Geo. Reith and who has been in victoria hospit-
tonal revenue to the province. There Clair Bed ard, G odfrey Reeler „and,: al, London, for several weeks, under -
will be a one cent tax on admissions Brace Lickmeier; ditto sr. boys, Ar- P'.ing; a critical operation, we are
:not more than nine cents, two cts. chie MacKinon and Law Drivon, .pIcased to report has recovered suflh:
on adraisSions not more than 18cts.
five cents on those not more than 45 vin Regier and Leroy Thiel, Law. Bciently to return to her home in
..eiertts; is cents on .thnse netraore for Sr. Girls, Audrey Foster and Dor Building operations are progress -
is Meyers, Reta Foster and Doreen' ing rapidly at present. The new and
O'Dwyer; ditto juvenile girls, Ada , -roomer garage that Milt Deitz is
Hay and Lois Hay; Marion Cowenerecting is progressing nicely with
and Jean Krueger; Pauline Haberer, the concrete walls going up fast. The
and Helen O'Brein ; ditto jr.` boy, 1 rebuilding of the dwelling of Ed.
Willis Foster and Karl Decher, Wrfe Beaver is alto going along nicely.
mer Snider and eiroy Deeiarding; Ward Fritz's new home is being er-
ditto, jr. girls, Betty Deitz and ected. The frame work being up at
Martha Thiel, Le]a Clausius and Dor. present.
een Hay, Eunice Heist and Patricia
O'Dwyer. Sark Pace. A very happy event took place on
Godfrey Rerh,,r, Roos (n -'C',,, Homily (vet when eelatives
Eickrnciei'; ditto girls, Ada h eered at the home of Mrs. B. Nile
Marion Cowen, Jean Krueger; Sack and surprised her daughter Miss
race, jr. boys, • Wilmer Snider, Kari, Pearl, in honor of a birthday party.
Deeher. Cyril Michel -me; The evening was pleasantly zzpent
girls, Eunice Heist, Dotty Dietz. Pat- and delicious refreshments were ser-
ricia O'Dwyer; Running broad jumP,hyed. Wishing Miss Pearl many happy
juvenile boys, 1ioss Gaecao, George returns and leayine for the homes
Reith, Glen Dietz; ditto, juvenile feeling- that a good time was spent.
girls, Marion COWCII, Alvis iial'evvry
Jean Krueger; ditto, jr. boys, Wilmer
'Snider, Cyril Ducheeree, Willie 10$- The Huron -Perth ball longue sea-
ter; ditto. jre girls, Betty Deitz, Pale son of baseball opened on Friday
ricia O'Dwyer; Martha Thiel; ditto May 24th, when the Zurich boys
sr. boys, Lawrence Ayotte, Kenneth played the ,homehrews of that place.
Breakey, Lawrence Boseone sr. gkls The game throughout was a little
Audrey rester, Rita Pewter. Mae oneei d, as the Zurich pitcher,
Smith; High Jump, jue. boys, Glen Albert Heideman, was almost in -
Dietz, Ross Gascho, Ray Schilbe; jr, Yincible to the Mitchell batters. Alb -
boys, Karl Decher, Willis Foster, Wil. ert pitched the first six innings when
mer Snider; jr. girls, Betty Dietz ;;% he retired for no personal reason,
sr. boys, Ken. Breakey, Clem Jeff- and Dick Welsh then finished the
Allan Gascho ; sr. gilds, Audrey , game and the Mitchell team getting
Foster, Doreen O'Dwyer, Doris Meyr. a few runs. Scohe being in favor
.ers; Hop Step and Jump, sr. boys, Al of Zurich 12-5.
lan Gaselier Law. Ayotte, Francis
Foster; sr. girls; Audrey'Foster, Ritit W. M. SMEET
Foster, Mae Smith; Pole Vault,
'issionary, Society
boys, Archie MacKinon, Lawrence The Womens 1Vlof
AY0-tfer St. Peter's Lutheran church met
Audrey ' Foster,
Coip.roivrreenl; sor;Dwgyile'letl„ recently in the basement of the char -
Throwing ball, juv. boys, Ray Schilbe 611- Mrs' George Deichert presented
Glen Deitz, Geo. Reith• the topic "Reaching Out With the
Jean Krueger, Aryls Haberer, Marion - ""'" She was assisted by Mre.
}laborer, Mrs. E. . Klapp, Mrs, rueger,
tz % boys,Winleat)°rre Snider;Bedjury.Miss M. Heideman, Rev. E.
Betty DieRuth Johnston, Ruth d'g fuerl'
eheim, Miss Florence Xfaberer
lan instrumental, Mrs
Brown, '14.4e follootwiptiogint:coirnedvored with a
oty:e uekilmer effeyod prayer f" sr pray_
highest number '" er pnrtner. Mrs. 1. Kalbfloisch read
.classn Juvenile' boys, Glen Dietz;..'
a Very interesting letter from her Juvenile Girls, Marion. Cowen; Jun -
'ler Days, Wilmer •'Snider ; Junior prayer partner, MissP, Jittcoat,
irls, Detty Diets;' Senior boys, Lave' •1\s81°11alli in the Virginia mount=
ains. The ThankofTering thoughts
rence Ayottej Senior girls, Audrey , were rom by Mrs, Knrbfkis,h,
u. alto
cts; 10 cts. on those not more than Ayotte and Orval Corrivea
Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Oxydor, large pkg. ...
• Aylmer Golden Bantam corn syrup, 2 fins -_,19c
Pork and Beas), /6 -oz tin, 3 tins
Miracle 'Whim per jar j 9c
McComiick Peacr Sandia codkes 2 MS.. —.2.5c
Catsup 13 oz. net weight, each - .10c
Maple Leaf Salmon), large fin .... .. ..
Tomato, Targe.tn, 2 tins
Fancy Cascade pink salmon, 2 'fins
New shipment, IRE Ladies Voile' Dresses iI sizes at
1.25 ;75
Print House Dress„ real value
Ladies' Crepe Hse, special price pr.
Ladies' Service l',/ireight Hs 4e SPecla
Highest Plia;* far Emu
Pfrocre 140
Chester L. &OM, PUB
$1.25 a yea; 'U.S. $1.50 in Ad
Becomes Valuable Prec-
ious Metal when sold to
us for Old Gold. You get
the highest prices at
Hess, The
Phone 74
Egg, Stove, Nut and P.
Genuine Semet Solvay C
Rosedale Albert
Pocahontas Fiiiquets'
A new Domestic Fuel for every yore
Intense Heat, very *la =tam
or Ash.
jevien2r CASH paid for Basis. ggs on. a
Zurich Phone 10
.0-3,00•42,(0•0 0.•••••••••••;k14000041>i$4.4,Goii44.4i444044-14'.:
;he., •;.^.
• •,..4•441,..,4,
There new Fabrics picture clear 17 the
harmony of perfect dress
The new patterns made front British
wooIens andtailored with tthe tree.
of style, give you the easy feel- ;17
ng oi always being well-dressed, 410
oux-spienclid range priced 0,1
at $20.00 and $21..00
• All Suits
.4 -
e,Q,.eeee,eee,(e,e6,0e, tee 3.Z. co : 4 f: *e.f4
Your Spring Buym
We are well supplied with a General Stock of
Staple Goods, consisting of Prnts, roadclotha,
Curtains, Curtain Maerials, Boys and Giris'
Summer Sweaters, Boys' Tweed Pants, Bloomers.
and Shirts, Men's Shirts and Pants.
Groceries, Hardware, Paints, Varnishes and.
Oils, Shoes, Rubber Boots, Harness Repairs„
• Etc„ Etc,
1935 Garden Vegetables and Flower Seeda.
• Also root Seed and Sorgum. •
R. .
PHONE: 11 97
FtiVer 7254=424ZAVSKZE.
_ onneammtwarimmr