Zurich Herald, 1935-02-28, Page 2fr i4 out to the Iiiil:t and made free of1I CANADIAN L the approved household. I didaet ta know you' were so eager to marry lulu off" Thert3 was a biting note in 'tor cords, • "I'm not;. l'm not, I dread to th that he will marry some day leave me. a 1 hope it won't bo By the Author of "Pepcarrow" yettif." Her words had a ring of p in. be ,considered as: an .indication of "And •when •it is he must znarrY their imporl;ance in the, economic (Bureau of Statistics) nic Slhools and universities in Car nd ads claim about 8.5 per cent, of the national expenditure, and this may 13y NLLLI M, SCANLAN l' SYNOPSIS you, show for your hate and select- any other Sunday if his following considerations are of fn ing the • t suit you best?" not let him come.? terest m; thin co vection. Hero we see a group ei Young pen Score, Aunt Ditty, But is ft a, No oilier ocetinnet ion. le carried on the tides of youth „ evieve," said Kitty. � � .c 60. a illi:' a girl of your ch°osing; i see, °i life of the country, Their weight as Robin! Well, 1 must .go, Tell torn .social factor can not be a readily a • s •eadil. •..,,.. .. •.►1.••••••11,4.41.....-.,.. I lie is excused for.next Sunday; and represented statistically,. but the I i Mamma f11 ones that "There's no noes. to tie rude, ran•. • i activity in Youhe-claims S t teem Kelly Pencarrow Hnally settlesterribly fo the life of he ri c -a y a teem w +ire Penearras% farm, with Genevieve his cousin as housekeeper Herrick. th Cousinys itNeiher :cousin Macdonald ben comes engaged' to Erena Jolcey-Gott. Peter Pencarrow is showing interest in Maisie Kite., a typist "He enjoyed it very much. You pee, he must go out more; it doesn't do to ignore changes and new people. Be has to make his way and social connection so.often lead to new business. The Hartley were there, too, and we have promised to go ever to tea with them. I don't thiifk your father knows the Hartleys; he is a newcomer, but they are very well connected and quite charming." "You're a terrible snob, Aunt Kit- ty," said Genevieve. "Indeed I'm not, but Robin won't do anything himself. I've got to see that he meets people. After all, is there any harm in choosing your friends with. the same discrimination �4 o.. E �Q, Enjoy areally fine hand -made cigarette is rolling your oWn u)it OLDEN VIRGINIA DR.WERN ETS POW ER case of suiting your taste or your purpose?" Kitty ignored this hair-splitting. "The Hartleys are having a big party next Sunday "I'm not, fila being ,l daily attention ifs' as many persons. ,po- lite," Each years sees one-fourth of the Kitty, having, won the first round, sarin in could afford to be generous,- -but population of Canada appearing she flinched a wither as pupil or ing out to us; we are riding up the•sharp tongue. Naturally Genevieve teacher. There are about twice as was annoyed, but she would malas it many. school children as there are Moonshine Valley. up to her, Later she would be grate- fanners, and as many' as there ars "Yes, dear, but can't you go some ! tui. Young people seldom knew men in ,all other occupations cone - other Sunday? You see; dear, he . t the flick of the gift's the classr "Not next Sunday; Robin is come oom ought to accept these invitations, You what was best for them, and Kitty binecl. never know where they will lead to." "Of course, he can go if he wants to, but I think it's rather rude, After all, he put me off last Sunday." "He was going to write to you and explain, but I don't think he has had time yet with the Supreme Court sitting. He has been so busy." "I see. You want him to break new ground socially." "I know you understand; you are umn tinged the everlasting green of its weight is heavy. If from the such old playmates. But is it wise the bush, but a poplar:or a. willow tree time that he starts to school . he to be so exclusive as a family? I wore golden mourning fora season spends an hour and a half weekly mean"—she hurried on—"fair to dead. Every aspect of the day had in church, at the theatre, at the you..,.,," I its beauty, and under the warin'sun athletic stadium, reading the daily "To me! Why to me? I don't un light a radiance lightly .touched she press, or listening to the radio, the derstand." life around her, and in her heart was young Canadian of today. will have "You know you're an attractive girl, Genevieve, and you ought to be thinking of getting married. But you don't give the men a chance, You bent her head and clutched deer vat school, and Kelly and Robin are always to- I as petulant squalls tugged at her • gether, I think your mother feels and spirals of dust and dry leaves . that Robin is standing in your way; I whirled into her eyes and her wide ' ° g convinced herself that. her interfer- - For almost ten years of his lite. ence was ,amply justified. the Canadian child of today goes . to It was early autumn, and the Mel- school. If -his actual attendance in low warmth of the day was .barbed months is considered, counting ten with the bite of a rising wind. ' months as: a school year, he receiv- Coming in from the Hutt she had es eight and a half years of school been quite hot, and under the steel -j ing, or about half as much again as tering flank of the hills, against which.. the noon -high sun beat down it seemed as though summer linger- ed. inger ed. No hint df the, russet reds of aut- When this den- tist's grand pre- scription for hold- ing old ing plates firmly, snugly and com- fortably in place has the largest sale in the world —there's a reason —ask your den- tiet—he prescribes ,it—never causes soreness—inex- pensive, his parents. As a formative influence the school can hardly • be expected to approach the weight of the home. But in relation to other influences something akin to it was in this happy mood' she. head gone to lunch with Kitty. Now she to live to the age of 90 years in or- der to spend as much time with any one of these as he spends in always monopolizing you. You wont skirt flapped about her ankles• a zzling Universe be keeping house for Kelly always. The wind was cold, too, and it bad He will marry, and then where will teeth that bit and a lash that flayed. Its Inconsistencies Are Still A you be? I hope you don't mind me She shivered as she crossed'Lamb- speaking quite frankly, Genevieve, ton Quay. Uncertain for a moment, - Mystery To Scientists but, remember, I'm your aunt, and she sheltered" in the doorway of a I'm very fond of you, And 1 would store, What 'should she do? Crazy The outer nebulae are xusdiing like to see you marry well. If I can ideas rushed through her mind: aa go away at the rate of 12,000 miles a help if there Is any man you .. to the office to see Robin now, She would like to meet I'd " wanted to do something, to find some "So you and Mother have been vent for the storm of anger that ';je-a talking it over, have you? I see. Poor ty had stirred. Should she go home'. le-a- il/other! She's afraid she's going to have an old maid on her hands. Well, she isn't." Genevieve looked frankly at her aunt as she said it. "But I'Il marry a man of my own tering in the doorway from the choosing when I do, thank you. I i looking far beyond the 'passers` bay, don't want any match making done her mind reniote ` iron everytiing for me." around her. Cut and thrust, • they fenced She thought of Robin; , Ever throughout• lunch. Ditty was pre he was a little boy they had any husband she see a—any..,save other; a sweet, tr ietinfl Robin "You needn't waste any pity on me compensating happiness, like a Aunt Kitty. And your needn't, give friendly hand in the dark. It had any parties or invite. me. to meet some never been the, sudden wild passion of your -precious old men, And you of strangers for each other, but .a needn't imagine Robin is spoiling my slow. growth of companionship, btu- chanees, either "Ah, but you might be spoiling hit geoning in season, restrained. by cir- s. She said it teasingly, but Genevieve cumstances,. but striking unseen roots knew that she had touched the nerve centre of the whole business, "So he is to be forbidden to come Ne S a now has a ble�atY dor every purse allow' Label 2 RO'WN LABEL 4 33 IRA ' ;h GE EKOE 4 4 1/2 ' nth A leaders in their class Bit Much From Little The days of romance are not yet over, and many a small and strug- gling establishment founded as a means of livelihood during the de- pression period may yet become a massive industrial undertaking. Consider the case of two brothers belonging to Birmingham, England, who in 1910 decided to engage in the smallest possible manufacture of bicycles and who rented a four - roomed house in that city at a cost second. Assuming theft we have . of six shillings a week where they here optical evidence that the uni-' commenced work. verse is.,,expanding like a soap bub- At that time the brothers thought ble, In accordance with the latest fa -1 that they were very busy if they and see her mother and face her with shion in relativist circles, it is easy , succeeded in producing and selling Kitty's story? She decided - against to calculate^ when the process began twenty bicycles a week. After a it. She was too angry to., he safe: and how long ago the great act of year's hard work, "'however, they Outwardly she looked calm, just a creation began," The answer proves : found that they'' iiad saved enough pale, bewildered young woman shel- to be ten thousand million years, 1 money to extend their bumble "fac- storm But the new school, of astro-physis., tory„ by covering ' an adjoining cists contends that the actual age sof. yard. Although the war interfered the universe must be a hundred`"times I with their activities, they persever- greater. It takes that long for the d and today their work covers 13 stars to radiate their 'mass away by ' the annihilation of their mass and acres and they give employment to 1aefeeeeese- e,„;„„„,„_...,..e,¢00 , w__o_rk_ people. During the past tuseiftiili�"+vers 'r"Yvuiiger ti n elle'''y4r' t,"bic inzn •rnas-'nexilanv wcturea stars of which it is - composed? The 600,OOil; i ieycles and next year, they discrepancy presents one of';the ma- are planning to produce not - less jor problems of physical science: than„ 750,000 machines—more ;than An English student, H. J. Waike, any other concern anywhere in the forward with an explanation world that is engaged in the menu- comesthat seems worth considering, He facture of :bicycles. suggests that the stars ma,y* lie ray This is the romance of the Hex- ane, not simply light, heat and cules Cycle Company, which will deeper with the passing year's. Gen- electromagnetic energy in a suicidal conversion of their mass, but that they are ridding themselves of actual matter in the form of ions or incom- plete atoms, some of which are res- ponsible for the manifestations of cos- mic rays.., . The explanation is ingenious, but it requires experhmental verifica- tion. How that is possible at a time when the very . nature of the cosmic rays is still the,subject of much dis- cussion, it la difficult to see. When we know what the cosmic rays really are the mystery may be solved, 0. tent, a doubling of joys share', a , 4' ee- ab•, ch'_ Q' ST TO -RELIEVE Take 2 Aspirin Tablets. 2. Drink full glass of water. Repeat treatment in 2 hours.•WISMI,.. 3. If throat is sore, crush and stn 3 Aspirin Tablets in a third of a glass o your throat gargle �instantly,e the soreness in Follow Directions to Ease Pain and Discomfort Almost instantly When you have a cold, remember the simple treatment pictured here ... prescribed by doctors everywhere to- day as the quick, safe way. Because of Aspirin's quick -disinte- grating property, Aspirin "takes hold"— almost instantly. Just take Aspirin and drink plenty of water , . . every 2 to 4 hours the first day—less often afterward .. , If throat is sore, use the Aspirin gargle. But be sure you get ASPIRIN. It is made in Canada and all druggists have it. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every Aspirin Tablet. Aspirin is the trade mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, DOES NOT HARM THE HEART ROY FOOD TH47” NOURI aH1 D 'As MORE CANADIAN CHILDREN' THAN ANY OTHER CORN SYRUP A prodrrcf af he CANADA StAItCII CO., Limited evieve had accepted Robin and Rob- in'slove as a part of her daily "life. His coming stirred no tumult;' his ,departure left no pain. Her love for Robin had been a smouldering `fire. Now Kitty's open challenge had fan- ned it into flame. Never before had Robin been so dear to her, sP desir- able, or she so conscious of his place in her life as when she stood shiv- ering in the gusty wind. For the first time she was Jealous, and its pain burst like fury in her heart. She wan- ted to cry out to ease the misery that overwhelened her. She could have beaten her fists against the wall be- hind her, till they bled; it was part of a madness to hurt, (To be Continued,) 284,000 TONS COAL MINED IN JANUARY Glace Bay, Coal N.S,—Dominion ' ones until you can see your face in thein. If you have to economize, do Company collieries raised 284,000 - 'not let it be on laundry bills. tons of coal in January, an official Sometimes a fellow obtains a job report of the coerfpany announced because people are sorry for him; recently. This was the highest mon but these cases are exceptional. As thly total brought to the surface ' a rule the roan who is sorry for a since 1927, when 311,323 tons were : youth gives him a quarter and saves mined in one month. I the job for the `young chap who does not appeal to his sympathies. For that reason it does not pay to advertise yourself as hard -up. If you are shabby and - unkempt, you may touch the hearts of the sympathetic; but the average busi- ness man will not 'be moved to trust! his interests in your hands. When you are discouraged, un- certain about the future, it is dangerously easy to skimp, to wear a spotted coat and a soiled collar, to stoop instead of stand erect, to look gloomy instead of cheerful. All this is against - you. See, that your per-'. sonar appearance is :not a "give' away." Operate on the principle that your , hard ;times are nobody's business but your own. Nobody's Business But Your Own If - you cannot afford a new suit, you can keep the old one cleaned and pressed. If you have not the cash for new shoes, polish the old• spend 250,000 pounds on -newspaper advertising next year and- which is today acknowledged to be in the forefront of the international cycle trade. Who can -tell if some of the small works'- established during the past few years in•this country by out -of -work individuals who were determined to preserve their inde- pendence will- not eventually reach the same standing?—Brockville Re- corder -Times. Lin E LE FEEL ¢' ©4,?tiG Just because more years than you care to count have fled by on your life's calendar is no reason for feeling old. Age, after all, isn't a matter of years. It is a matter of health, Stay vigorous and you stay young. But how, you ask. Do it the way thousands of people of advancing years do. Take Wincarnis regularly. Wincarnis is a delicious wine,,: free from drugs, that brings you all the valuable elements of grapes combined with the highest grade beef ' and guaranteed malt extract. Its invigor- ating effect is almost magical --yet perfectly natural. Chose valuable elements in Wincarnis give your ageing system exactly the stimulating nourishment it requires. They soothe your nerves, enrich your blood, and floodour whole body with almost youthful buoyancy and vigour. More than 20,000 medical men Aleve heartily endorsed Wincarnis. 11 is a great 'tonic.: It will make you feel 'dtMg agate by creating for you nes' teetuss of strength and energy. Got Wiaconis from_ your drug ' t.-Shccsi Agents: Harold P. Ritchie dc Co. Ltd., Toronto ad 'jlelpstheHaiitof CleanTeeth SweetBrea SatinShin lleirilea1th Dentifrice Lotion -Crook* &idrSkin hampo0 rk/AL manta sMSAt PR VG MAAPXSPNEN Issue No. 8—'35. 42 Ontario's ,lF irsi Highway xy: It is just twenty years ago that the first permanent highway was . built 'and it spanned the forty -mile stretch between Hamilton and To- ronto. It was built as a relief meas- ure to give much needed employ- ment to hundreds of men in 1914-15. Since that time hundreds of miles of concrete roads have been built, stretching from Windsor to Mon- treal and from Sarnia to pointsRlead- ing to all urban centres of Ontario. With highways civilization advances. It was so in the old land. The Ro- mans were the first great roadmak- ers. They built so well and solidly that many of their roads are still in use, and we cannot think of road- making without casting the 'mind back to those far-off days when the legionaries of Caesar. laid . down the primary conditions of civilization— roads to travel by. Not by the sword but by the spade did those early conquerors make their -finest con- quest.—Exchange.. :CHAPPED HANDS? ROI Jee APPLY HINDS See how quickly ii soothes raga Fits the pocket— keeps every paper in prime condition. ',VfAi"L''•tit'�.. DON'T RISK BAKING FAILURES ... "YOU CAN'T BAKE GOOD CAKE WITH INFERIOR BAKING POWDER. I INSIST ON MAGIC. LESS THAN 10 WORTH MAKES A BIG CAKE," says MADAMT t2. LACItOIX, Assistant Director of the Pro- vfrroiat School of Domestic Sci- ence, Montreal. • • Canada's best known Cookery Experts and Die- titians warn against trusting good ingredients to poor -quality baking powder. They advise MAGIC Baking Powder for stere results! CONTAINS NO Atteel*Tela statement on every tin is yoin guarantee that Magic Baking Powder is free from alum. or any harnifut Ingredient. - Made in Canada