Zurich Herald, 1935-02-28, Page 1777 7711FIR., Vol. XXXV No.34 n✓xN1e�9nW.!i tHrth4W,sn1 .;,1iiA4 :. they. ZURICH• THURSDf v lociaNIN9. FEBRUARY 28 935. Patronize the home Merchant and read the iccal Great Britain owes the United St- ates a very large amok, counting the debt which Germany owes Brit- ain, Britain's debtors owe her four times what she owes to the United. States. STEADY INCREASE SEEN Ottawa—Steady increases in cust- oms -excise revenue for the nine mon ths' pediod, April:. T to Dec. 31, 1934 are shown ui a statement issued by liEnister of National Revenue. Net collections amounted to $175,837,- 574 as against $153.306,477 collect - Gold. from Sea Water ed in the corresponding period of 1933, an increase of $22,531,097. Once again we are told,of the pos- sibility of extracting gold from sea ;water, and, of .coup with gold at A Remarkable Holstein 35 dollars an ounce, it would be A 13 -year-old Holstein cow that 'well worth while getting cheap gold. on November 23rd gave birth to her from the oceans of the world; but 13th lively calf, and that has in her to spoil the promise *e are informed lifetime produced 107,750 pounds of by those who say they know that al- milk and 4,395 pounds of butter, is though gold may be worth 35 dollars something worth while to talk about . an ounce, yet it would regime to and much more worth to see. This is reach 1$350 an' ounce before it would the record of Colantha. Toitilla 0. A. pay to get it from the i itable C. 111849 G.M., a cow bred at O.A. store of the sea. Another bubble pun- C., Guelph, and still in the college • etured, probably -1 herd along with seven of her own daughters. Three times she has borne twins and seven times single calves. .Do You Need Glasses? 1 To Have New Post Office Due to the continued untiring ef- forts of Mr. Geo. Spotton, W. Huron' • 1 i,,Women's M. P., Brussels is to have a new Post 1 t ,omen s Institute in the town have had notice. , ilial en ,Saturday afternoon, was fair - Office in the near future ,Specificati- Dated, .February 25th, 1935 '' .,lie well attended as they realized ons of the proposed plan have been s�'tne; wenty dollars during the ev- viewed and promise a very fine bu- Elizabeth Martin, L' ylyan'�'Greb, • i 'tiding, which will be a credit to the Executrices, Estate of .Solomon;. „.Stop and Think haw important" it is viIIage. It will be three stories si ru Martin, R. R. 3, Zurich, :Ont. �� -,.EUCHRE PARTY R •that you wear correct glasses --'cot- ire. Living quarters for a caretak- � Ozi Tuesday,. March 5th, a Euchre i rectly prescribedfor your vision. er will occupy the top ;of the build- i•ty Will be held in the Town Hall, Correctly styled to your face_ You dng, while .the main floor will :)louse ,. •rich; under the auspices of the •health may largely depend .on keen the main; office .arid rural mail de CENTRAL -BANK TO CONTROL 1? blit. Library. • The Library is in vision. s partment. The basement will be equi- GOLD n d of ,money ` as new books must See C. E. ZiIRBRIGG, R. 0- PPed with up to-dite beating appli- ' ; ka ,purchased. as, soon as possible and s ances. Ottawa When the Bank of Canada `t treasui•yis quite low. Everyone At' HESS JHE4ey i comnler_ees o errtions robabl on g nai,ted '.to come and 'enjoy a nice. Every Tuesday at Z J11 cIl - p ' .p y Mar' ch •1st, it will have- control 'of at �, i,abl`e' e•cYening of cards,.. If you ..At Dashwood,. Sat�3ay, at ie"s Applied for Citizen Papers lease $:100,000'040 of gold, of which t Gare about euchre 'gxiinv 1 lu: $t' "•: •`, , � 51. e' ,+.,tee rn nnr�' :..1VI r I+ p��nt�, .wi1;L:,be taken oven. .:. y�,, . „ � tiu��na,' .. �~ e [ifr1 noway,.i remw T om �l^e''•De rament . F:,.resnee q ; - ` Y`- r -awarded to the euchre �ea'rtwo applications for naturahzat x> eaindez from the charter m ve .the Library a hand, , as it is ion 'papers which he recommended he I 'banks "' wilt also at that .time -as- • • the duty of : each and every one.wof ST.PETER'S . granted. 'The upplicaets were ieceive stone responsibility' for the Dominion`i es to do. Ladies with lunch will be ed, from Loren Walter. Burch,':of Bay- notes in circulation, the total of whx adniilted free. --Give us a boost. field, and from Frederick G: Bonth-., at Nov. 30, was shown to amounts' eon, insurance .agent of Hensall. The to nearly $220,000,000. ENTERTAIN W. M. S. r• latter wan born in Canada, but went ' ' —:•r. » ,, -On Monday evening, February 25, "A C -s less Christ fin. ,,at Chang- 'to -U.S.A. where. he took out papers 'DISCIPLES OF ROLLING Rev. and Mrs. E. Tuerldheim enter- zn; 1902. He returned to Canada 5 ROAD REACH FLORIDA ing Warlal_" rained informally members and fri- years -ago, and is married. Mr. Burch .sends of St. Peter's Lutheran Wom- 1.: da , 8h—LutherArcadia, Fla. --A thousand disczp- ; , y League- •was "born in 'the U. S. A. and came to les of the rolling road—the tin can 'ens Missionary Society in honor of aturday Choir Piacts-ce_ Canada 8 years ago. He found the Bliss K. Marie Jensen, missionary countryto his Ming and decided to tourists of the world are gathering.: g k fxmn L be ie., Africa. Miss Jensen SUNDAY SERVICES_ for their annual homecoming to sun' stay, he is married. Judge Costello,) , .. nsw red many questions concern - Florida. m.—German: Service: i. his -observations; said he had no ny Florida. A steady stream of izod� her ?.work among the primitive doubt .the men would 'become excel- con ••caravans fatest model automo-' , 1..15 a.ne-Sunday 'School } bile houses—pouring into camp pro pecpl ', of the interior of Liberia. 7.30 pan.—English service_ lent citizens, and had no hesitation •los •present were deeply interested ands since Christmas continues to Ever' bod Welcome to :il services. Jin recommending their namestothe y ycome Around the world and back,zn : pictuzes that were shown and department -at Ottawa :for feriher a 11'ra'ined by Miss Jensen. Re fresh - E. TUERI EI.T, Pastor- consideration. mile -go, they have been, these the rents were served by the Hostess and Mess wanderers. Now they are at the aspirit oaf cordial fellowship charact- end ,of the annual circuit: • Mr. and erize;d ,the occasion. Prayer and the Mrs. William. Travers of St. Thomas, Ont., have the largest of the •trans- sing of "God Be With You Till We port homes—a 80 -foot trailer with Meet Again closed the evening: three separate rooms. OBITUARY FARMERS ARE OWNERS A Bad Accident Shoe Repairing I wish to advise the Public that' I am in a position to do allkinds of shoe repairing, and solicit your pat. ronage. Give us a trial for good workmanship. le GARFIELD BROWN Zurich Ont. William Lamont. was to Cred- iton on business on Tuesday. TICE TO CREDITORS n'a. and Mrs, Herbert K. Eilber of editon were :Sunday visitors at Notice is hereby given pursuant ie home of Mr. and.. Mrs. C. Fritz. to the Statutes in that reharr that aIl' n interesting Baine of broom ball persons having claims against the esu a+ flayed on the local rink on Mon- tate of Solomon Maziin, late of tl?i i evening. g Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, . who died•, r Pleased to report that Mr. Jul. on or about the 25th day' of January1del is improving from , his recent 1935, are required to forward them dad Hither severe attack of flu. claims duly proven to the under sign- i ed -Executrices, on or before the'"( 16th day of March, 1935, after which date the Exec;xtrices will proceed to c° distribute the estate having regaz'd 'J only to and being responsible only for the claims of which he shall then. (t ijMi: and Mrs. Leonard Overholt of pdq``eicli were visitors at the home ie former's mother, Mrs. Wm. filler of town. . lila supper sponsored by the Zur- FEvangelical.lw ,rheum `'Glare' t1CFt -- CAT: WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Special. Prices for Thursday, Frida- and Saturday. Superior Baking Powder 15 -oz;. 'Tin :Uinta Retract free) ... . _ .... .... , _ .: 25e Hillcrest Shortening; per .Ib ... ... ....nee— 10c Sugar Grennlated, 10 lbs. Dates, 3 Ibex. for' - - - - . - - - - _ - zpc Raisins, 3 ihs.. for only Tomatoes Choice Quality, 2 tins 19c Choice P imj Ithw,; :Rugg :the, 2 tins . , 23e Macronix Tome, 2 Ms:"_,.. , , ... »,.-_.-'11c Ginger Snape 2 /s _ - _ . - _,.... _»,... _ 29c Loose. Comm, good quality, per lb. .. ..... �._ ..,...12c Kelloggs Corn Flakes 3 Pkga. NEW SE2PM.ELLITS OF LADIES' PRINT HOUSE DRESSES, A.T 95e to $1.75... SEE THESE NICE : :PA'.T`'IZESS D S'.l`XLES ALSO A NEW SHIPMENT' OF PRINTS AT PRICES- ',RANG-. DIG P110141 19c 'TO '29e, Highest : Ie. - Highest Prices , (Weekly Star) Canadian farmers are•..farm own- era Despite hard times, despite mort- gages and.. foreclosures, Canadian agriculture continues en the basis of Mr. Harry Miller of Dashwood who ownership. The last census figures; made public, reveal that nominally at least, farm lands and farm homes are owned by farmers. Here are the figures:: There are 728,263 farms in the Dominion occupying a `total area of 163,354,959 acres and 583,- 706 of these farms with 105,054,952 acres are owned by the men on the 1and. Tenants occupy 20,038,878 acres and the farms in charge of managers number -2,595. CANADA }IAS GOOD I':E CREAM APPETITES The community was shocked last Thursday afternoon, when •word was received of the unfortunate death of was the . driver of ane of Guenther's Transports of Dashwood, and who was on his way in from. Hensall to Zurich with a load of merchandise, when the truck became stalled in the deep snow, Mr. Miller put some bags ander one wheel and was nutting the chain . under the: either wheel while the truck war do gear with the mot - ,or running, and it is thought that in some way his mitts got caught in the revolving wheel and pulled him downto the extent that his life was immediately miffed out, as when he teas' found it seems that the wheel was pressing' between his head and it is evident from a report issued shoulders and his face ground into by the Canadian government bureau the snow, and here the unfortunate of statistics on the ice cream produs- man was held till Bruce Walker a tion in Canada for 1931 that Can- nearby farrier found him with the adians have an eppetite for ice cream motor still running but the wheel on The total consumption. in the year un- the ; opposite side now slipping. Cor- der review was 8,234,272 gallon, an increase of 2,783,138 gallons, com- pared with the total production in 1921. The 1931 production was vai- tied at $11,161,595. The Canadian government bureau of statistics st- ates that ice cream is an article of food. It possesses all the eienients of of a real food, being easily digested, palatable and highly nutritive, • The production of ice cream in the Dom- inion is carried on chiefly by the dairy and confcctiehery industries. The per capita consuixrotten of ice email ail ic. o. ding to the, latest figures is .79 gallons The provinces : show- ing the highest'per capita, consunpt- tarn wow!, Ontario, tritish Colurnbip, antl'Sova Scotia with 1.09;',89 and 4iiL ap res JC" ,; oner Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer of Zurich, was immediately called but found it unnecessary to call an injuest. Traffic Officer Win.Robinson of Exeter made the police investigation of the accident. Mr. Miller wee was 21 yeals of age, only son, of Mr. and Mrs. August Miller of Dashwood, vha rurt"ve" him: also., one .Sister. The late Harry Miller was of a very admirable and loving, nisposition and lilted by all who knew him. The funeral was held on Monday morn- ing to St. Boniface Vit. 0; church, Yuriih, when Fathe '�Tacl)onald sang mass and condutecl the cs kel\'- onzwi :It was indeed a ,sad and, heart- rendering event, and "the bereaved 1 parents have the syrtitiathy. of a. large l• tilde of friends. Chester L. Smith, Publi.41 +a $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Adramit *1.6o INARRE4.$9,12 b[UY SY OHABOIM Paper Special Prices On Guitars $7.95 $9.95 $12.95 LEARN TO PLAY A GUITAR. ENJOY THE PLEASURE AND HAPPINESS IT BRINGS. EITHER SPANISH OR HAWAIN SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW � Hess' The jeweller CASH paid for Eggs on Basis. 74 PhonePhone 10 Zurich BLUE COAL Egg, Stove, Nut and Pea Genuine Semet Solvay Coke, MILLERS - CR.E and • Rosedale Alberta. Pocahontas Briquets A new Domestic Fuel for every peva.-- pose. Intense Heat; verylittle sloe or Ash. ' 4* - W. R. DAVIDSON a Grade& 4 F EDU s • ••. •e i r • • ••• 0 ••• •e d ct 107 Ic;n is iEMBALMERS Al tlsw FUNERAL DIRECTOIam,s, nretr• 0 it, rvfr„to..1,C.,,t1,43.4t,a°a,.04,.1,64, =, ,,,,%,:)"0104...4...$1.13 ^ .'t4Or' 04 d • **t'**0.1*. io**********Ebdot: *******4).4*01**440 0,0,1 ON ALL WINTER OVERCOATS UNDERWEAR SWEATERS, ETC. naortmeamesariaribiLf MEN'S ALL LEATHER COATS $5.50 4 gA 4, 4 4 4, 4, 4, • 4, 4u. 4 40 Bargains! Bar We are Offering Our Customers GENIIINE BAEUAINS IN THE FOLLOWING. GOODS: Wool Blankets, Flannelette Blankets, Wool c:'Ct'i Fleeced Underwear, Prints, Broadcloths,, Gingham -1s and Flannelettes. Girl's and Children's Pullovers and Sweater Cotes. Men's and Boys' Heavy Socks and Stockings, Sweat= Smocks, Heavy Rubbers, Overshoes, ETC., ETC. +,',a �,a La GiENE`1'41'AL O,HAN' " PHONE 11 91 { 4 1