Zurich Herald, 1934-11-01, Page 5Thuesdkty; NcavPmbt9- rs ,, t9 : BUSINESS CARDS DUDLEY E.. 7 UVI S• RRISTER, rroucrr0R, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. ilIAT+. CE --Hamilton Street, .Just off ate.'Square, GODERICR, Ontario, Special- Attention to Coiancel and C Work. ork Wants, For Sale; Lest, Fetand Notice, Etc. Ads tutta 450.111108 FOR SALE . Bolmes may be consulted at A female Pereheron, sucking colt, fOoderdeh by Phone, and Phone for quick sale, apply to; chargee reversed. .3 d -ward. Haberer, Zurich. Dr. 11. IL COWEN L.D.S. D D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOO1t--ZURYCHI :Salary Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S 33LOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Licened Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TO CON - :tact any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit gour business, and if not satisfied r::, take no charges for Services Pen - Adored. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood ttnone 13-57. Zurich,' Po -pular MEAT MARKET STRAYED Strayed, .from Lot 6, Concession Hay Township, a red heifer with horns. Finder kindly notify; Wm_ F. Alexander, Hensall, phone 82 r 13. FOR SALE'• Two rebuilt DeLavat creahi sepirr-j at:ors, for quick ,sale; apply: to, L. A. Prang,, ,Zurich. NOTICE We are ready to do ` your Disc plowing at $2.00 per acre. C. Schrag, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE A few new walking plows in stock. Will sell to clear at a Bib Reduction for cash. L. Prang & Son. Zurich. FOR SALE A Combined Player Piano and Piano delivered to your door for $200.00. Cost $750.00, complete with 30 rolls and bench. The finest piano in Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., _ always.. on hand... Kept. fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for ; Wool, Hides and Skins Yuugblut Son SERVICE Why We have the Beater ,Class of Customers VOW CLASS GOODS, U. 3. GOODY TIRES ' . By virtue of a warrant issued by SA't''I'EitIES,� MOBILE OIL, M t To Wit E FtR TUBES'VELURE OI 'the B,eeve of the Township 3 of Hay ,o1'I+iD , GENUINE IQNIGNITIONfarts, Hohning and Mechenica1 Wor=.• Anne to Micrometer Settings, +; NO a as work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They aYe all }UGH CLASS CLIENTELE. this country. F. W. Hess, Hensall, Ont. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED TED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will -eay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. Treasurer's Sale of Land For Taxes TOWNSHIP OF HAY L,, N ein JASHWOOD -- ONTARIO Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance. Co, OF WOODSTOCK flE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- JAL CO1.IPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of nsura $17,830,729.Rin Dec. 31st, ' Total Cash in Bank and Bonds =221,978.99• eta.—$4.60 per $1,000 for 3 years E. F. KIopp--Zurich :U i, .hiso Dealer in'hidiitnini *ads aed all kinds of Fire Insairauce LIVE P O U LT R V WAN I..D Taken every Day till 3 o'clock ,p.m. :;Do not feed Fowl same srrorning when brought in. • Highest Cash Prkes —CASH. FOR— CREAM ANEGGS W. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich THE HERAL!YS JOB DEPARTMENT Is ever ready to serve the pub lig: with Comrnercial and fine )Printing. Get our prices he- iftire having your order elan bearing date the 13th. day of Sept- ember, 1934, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Township of Hay will he held at my office, Zurich, Ontario at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on Saturday, January 5th 1935, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid:, Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes is being published in The Ont- ario Gazette on• October Gth; Nov. 3, and Dec. lst, 1934, and that copies of the said list may be nad at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 9th day of October, 1934. t26 A. F. HESS, Treasurer. A Publisher's Blessing O blessed is he who does not fuss When he receives a bill from us; But; knowing his subscription due, Send in the money to renew. And doubly blest is that good friend Who waits not till a bill we send, But promptly sends us the amount, Wherewith to straighten his account. ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAX NOON FROM TEE Herald Printing Office SCI.BSCRIPTION RATES -$1:25 a year, strictly in advance; 51.50 in arrears or $2.00 may be charged. U. S. $1.50 in advance: No paper discon- inued until all arrears are paid u'p- less et option of publisher. The date cf which every Subscription in paid is delisted on the Label. • ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising made known on applications. Miscellaneous articles eft not more han four lines, For Sale, To Rent, "A/anted, Lost, Found, etc, One inser- tion 25c, 2 ins. 40c., S nine. 50e. Farm or Real Estate for sale 52.00 for first month, 51.00 for each fol - owing month. Professional Cards not exceeding . Ma inches, per year $5:00. In Memoriam, one -verse '.Oc, 25e for each additional 'trams Card of Thanks, 50c. Auction Sales—$2.041 per eisrgli .1sertitrn if not over four inebes it .ength. Address all communications for /"i-171 HEI' sL+ .'� oN LOCAL f !CH 1.1} `" AU)_ Or. A. 3. MacKinnon made a bus inese call to Buffalo last week, . Mr.. and Mrs, John P. Rau, V5 re recent visitors with their children irk Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hey of 110 troit spent the week -end with his par- ents arents in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein and Olive and Miss J. MacDonald motor- ed to London on Saturday. Mr. Wallace Ross of near Bruce - field was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mr, and Mrs. William J. Manson, and family of Penetang, Ontario, Sp'e'nt` the week -end at .his former home on the Goshen line. ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scotchme;r of Bayfield were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht. The Evangelical Ladies' Aid will have their annual public service next Sunday evening, to which a general invitation is given. Mrs. William Bassow of the Bron- son line celebrated her seventy-eigth birthday at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. T. McAdams on Sunday. A fowl dinner was served in her honor with fifteen guests in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey Sr., of the 16th concession, Hay Township; are at present moving from their farm where they have resided for a goodly number of years, -CO their smaller place on the J13Iue Water Highway, a half mile south of St. Joseph. Their son, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jeffrey, who have occupied this puce for some time, have moved en the farm on the 16th concession. Mr. E. F. I{lopp, Secy-Treas. of the Zurich Agricultural Society is at pres ent paying out the prize monies for the 1934 prize winners. Mr. Klopp advises us that the list is about the --ame as in former years, between X400. and $450., but a most regret- table part of it is that most of the ;none;, gocs'eo.ay the eonunuu ity, a, the local people did not ex- hibit as heavily this year as in some jorniee y,eirs and . •,,eeequence the o.'t.iders came_ .:r and won the prizes. Mrs. John AIf,reeht is visiting a few days in Bayfield this weer:. Rev. E. Burn was called to. South Easthope on Thursday of last week to preach at the funeral of his fri- end, Mr. Peter' flerrlich, Rev. and Mrs. E. Tuerkheim are "riding a few days at Hamburg al- .attending the conference at that 03.3111340110111 MSSS ••MeN*•• p Q+i/a Arai lie. p i wV P Y►ISrAWNta r� ► iN/1 rAf Your Winter's Fuel w 7 r • e. 1 :I;XALL ONE CENT SALE, this r Wed., Thurs., Friday and Sat uraay, at Hemphill's Drug Store,' Hensall, Ont. I ih Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hartman and err children Cecelia and llitle Raymond; ' Mr. and Mss. Fred Ducharme of the, t Blue Water Highway, visited the ti past week with friends in Detroit, Tilbury, Chatham and Wallaceburg. Mr. John Dinsmore of Anoryd:, Sask., and sister, Mis., Emma • more of London, who have been vis- rting friends here for a time were visitors •with Mr. William Lamont and daughter Jane, one clay last, eek. A goodly number of our hunters are busy during their spare time in Pr trying to round up the wild geese +� which seem quite numerous this fail, 2 but -o far have been very hard to s..out. Quite a number of hate have been shot, but fowl is ha: -d to get. The first fall of snow visited these part.; on Saturday of last week, and we have had considerable snow ever since, with the weather turned to much colder than last week, but with this snow s .11s very little frost has -been experienced. If we can recall, last year we had snow much earlier in the season and tire '`ollowin,g by some real nice, weather, and we c.-3 looking for some more nice weather this fail yet. Hensall Resident Passes Mrs. Loretta Miller, widow of J. Miller of Windsor, who had been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Charles Jinks of Hensall, died last week in Seaforth Hospital where she had be- en taken to undergo an operation, Surviving are two sons and a daugh- ter, two sisters and three brothers W. Died in the West Mrs. S. J. Latta, (39, wife of Sam- uel J. Latta, former minister of e'iu- cation, died at Regina last week from what was first thought to he a mire:. illness. Mrs. Lytta was the eidee cia.- a titer of the late Captain' 1 ovcT:1; 1-I -Y M E N 1 A L of the Merchant Service, London, A quiet matrimonial event was E:agland. She was married m Lond- held at the Evangelical parsonage, .on, Ont. in 7.887, where Mr. Latta Zurich, when Rev. E Burn united -in was teaching school, and later lit.'s 1. weddlock, on October 20th, Mr. in Zurich where he also taught. In Arniel Fisher of the. 16th concession ,'1905 they moved west. Hay Township and Miss Verde; dau- • New Permits at $2 on Sale.. ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard • Bakerl+ , of Dashwood. The happy young co`u-'r•New liquor permits for those who rl- i'' plc will reside. in Hay Mrs. J. s W. quench their thirst with hard liquor Mrs. H. G. Hess, e motored rather than the lighter bevc toes,1 net and Miss Tuesday Rader i.are now on sale, as the old licenses to Crediton eve. and enjoy -.'are expired with October and a new fowl 'license will have to be had to begin ,aye feet of November which is the :sual price of $2.00. This year, howeve•', single purchase permits i11 he oered at 25 cents each. This single permit will allow the purchase •if' a bottle or so at one time. This is for the convenience of theses who arse liquor only in emergencies or the man who wants to mal --e a purchase but has left his regular permit at home. Toth the $2.00 12 -month per - nut and the 25 -cent single purchase permit will be sold to tourists. The 25 -cent single purchase card will be an advantage for tourists for only a short time. ed the supper. Storm Ties Up Goderich Port Whipped by a strong northwest wind, a heavy sda was- running on.. Lake Huron al Saturday nine. Storm signals were hoisted early Saturday and kept up Sunday. The grain fre- ighter Aycliffe Hall, which arrived of port at 6.30 p.m. Saturday, 'ria,5 unable to-.cn:er the harbor ae.i lay two miles off shore for over six ho urs, when sha moved across the lake to Harbor Beach on the American shore, for shelter. To Fill Second Car A carload of foodstuffs for Wet - ern relief was loaded at Exeter de- pot on Monday and Tuesday or: last week The farmers of the community and others have made a most gener- ous response to the appeal and as a result a well-balanced car is on its way west. The farmers in the Dash- wood vicinity made a splendid contri bution. The response was so great that one car was not able to hold it all and awo-thirds of another car load is in storage at the station. A second car has been ordered and it is expected to be• loaded this week. CHAMPIONSHIP CONTEST The seventh annual County Cham- pionship Public Speaking Contest and, fourth annual Spelling Match were conducted in the auditorium of the Clinton Collegiate Institute, or, Saturday afternoon, Oct. 27th. A re- citation contest was also conducted in which the contestants were pupils of second class and under in Public School. Cash prizes of $4, $3, $2, $1. were awarded to the four high pupils in the Spelling Match and Recitation Contest. The remaining contests re- ceived a consolation prize of 50c ,each. Book prizes were .awarded the, three high pupils in the speaking con test and book prize to the remaining four contests. Mr: Geo. Spotton, M. P. for .North Huron was in attend- ance and presented a handsome Sil- ver cup to the winning pupil in the Public Speaking contest. .tar. W. H. Golding, M, P., South Huron, gave a cash donation towards the cash prize Charles Atchison of Grand. Bend School. Fair was the winner of the Public Speaking Contest. It is ex- pected that he will compete hi the' Guelph District Public Speaking Con test which will be held at ' the Ontar- io Agricultural College, Guelph, Bil- lie Stewart of Dungr neon won the Recitation contest; and Dorothy Robb rf Auhurn, won the Spelling Mct.;la contest. Lutherans Not in Favor of • Liquor Traffic Savannah, Ga., Oct, 24—Pledging itself to oppose the "insidious evils and dangers of the liquor traffic," the United Lutheran Church in America closed its ninth biennial convention '•oday with a vote to meet in Colum- bus, Ohio, in 1936. The church ord- ered publication of educational liter- ature on temperance in the movem- ent. The church also reaffirmed re- iolutions to call upon the whole Christian Church to seek world peace Action on the question of seating •;voxrien delegates in the church coun- cils and convention was sidetracked for two years. Dr. C. Hein, president 'of .the American Lutheran Church, offered the greetings of his church to the convention with resolutions urg- ing steps in the direction of closer affiliations between the two bodies.He declared that the "prime issue is mutual recognition and pulpit and altar fellowship."' Young children easily catch cold. So Mrs. Russel Ward, of Hilton Beach, Ont., wisely says; "If 1 notice that there is any sign of a cold I give Baby's Own Tablets and find they are a great help." Thousands of mothers do the same not only for colds but for fretful- ness, indigestion, constipation, teething troubles, colic, upset stomach and so on. Baby's Orn Tablets aro safe and sure in reliev- ing childhood's coii,mon ailments. Price 25e. Dr.Witliatns',,ii *TM far' ,,:grzermstiqtamA Cold Days are here again, and provision rraust be made with suitable Fuel to leap the home warm and cosy. We can supply practically all the calledfor grades -of Coal and Coke with prices very moderate... Let us fill your Bin! STOOK FOODS Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter by using Our Various Brads of Stock and Poultry Foods, and Laying Mashes. None Better on the Markets To -Day! 1lliiJl ;w en t .t i't».i1's McC.ormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. L. Schl e & xa?w+m+.nom.E.r$+l�1!C'a+lf�Sr�.i@a�s:;.�d4vE5.'TQ�k iFf �e�tG�swrr�>39EQs: 1- sne eA -,.06 • Zurich Drug et Sat Suppiis We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies e PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. See 0113' Supply of Toiletll Preparations •`,; Perfumes,Toilet Waters, 'e'rfaae r„ , Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes„ onanAseenanneenogoaovatmeot FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth DLscs. Dr. LI, MacKinnon, Zurich ,fritikwywwwwphyvymmYtikW\P PAMARRAMP EKL, s�.i�+�ee04�4�O�aa,oc+•!>fir@0.9AA0VO11,90®PA4+c4v®+ab3�w•tnCr��®�d�1 • 0 ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape.. for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record $5.10 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate $2,25 Farm and Dairy $2.75 Farmers' Sun $2.50 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 Family Herald for 3 years $3 00 Canadian Ccoz:'.r, :.._.a $2.25 Weekly Witness 3.15 Farmers' Magazine X2,50 Huron Expositor, Seaforth $2.75 Ana a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. We ha. the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Canada and the United States, and can save you money en the mait of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE - Zurich *s*a**e®aw+oava.am*rc•410.040.004o0o00e0 ®osis .44