Zurich Herald, 1933-12-28, Page 61 .,...................................4
Vice of the Press 1
Canada The Empire and The World at Large
Phases. of Life.
There are two phases of life unfa-
vorable to peaee and comfort; the one
is adversity, the other prosperity. It
is hard to tell in which a man is more
Discontented with himseit and More
offensive to others. When prosperous
he patronizes; when trouble falls upon
'him he whines and is a horrible bore.
When he is down his friends wish
hlni up on their own account; when
he is high up they sigh for mountains
to fall an him and bury him out of
sight.—Kingston Whig -Standard.
Speaking 'of Poker.'
Authorities differ as to whether a
poker room should be classed as an
anteroom or a drawing -room --Ottawa
Stud potter, of course, would be
played is a study.—Toronto Star,
Aad strip poker should be played
in tt bedroom.—Chatham News.
And when the house is short of
chips, the boys should adjourn to the
woodshed.—St. Catharines Standard.
Himself to Blame.
When a man commits a crime and
hie name conies out in the paper, he
hasn't the newspaper to blame, but
himself. He should take due note of
the publicity angle of it before he in-
dulges in the misdemeanor.—Regina
Leader -Post.
Old Gas Mains.
Ail London, Ont., firm boasts about
having furnished that city with gas
since the year 1856. Brockville can
beat that. Since -1853 gas has been
sent through the mains of this com-
mit ity Brockville Recorder.
Two Ways of Looking at it.
Pessimists will say that 18.7 per
cent. of Fort Erie population is get-
ting direct relief frof the public trea-
sury. Optimists will point out that, de-
spite hard times, 81.3 per cent. of Fort
Erie's population is managing to pay
its way—Fort Erie Times -Review.
The Home First.
Home, school and church all need
to play their parts in the difficult task
of rearing decent citizens, and of these
the home has the earliest and most
constant opportunity. It is a serious
duty imposed on parents, and it needs
to be faced seriously with a constant
recollection of the fact that on home
influences depends the character with
which a youngster will eventually face
a world full of difficulties and tempta-
tions: Saint John Telegraph -Journal.
Self -Reliance.
Under the heading "More of This
Needed," the Nugget of North Bay
tells a fine story of Canadian self-
reliance. In that city is a modest little
restaurant run by a mother and her
two daughters, both of whom are go.
ing to school. The father is a pros-
pector, but he has not struck recently.
The mother is a good cook and
proud of it. So she started the restaur-
ant. The daughters wait on the break-
reakfast table before starting to school. At
the noon hour they wait on the dinner
table. Again after school they help
mother. In the evening they attend
to their school work for -next day. The
mother is happy because she is .giving
her children an education.
"But the main point is the spirit
behind it all," says the Nugget. "Did
they throw up their hands and quit?
Not a bit of it. If more of this real
Canadian spirit were evident through-
out this Dominion of ours today, there
would be less moaning and groaning,
and more smiles and cheery chirps.
in the fields and on the pavements."
--Toronto Mail and Empire.
The Genteel Way.
Impatient Bostonian stabbed a shoe
clerk who failed to fit him after try-
ing on five pairs of shoes, but in less
impetuous centres of civilization the
procedure is merely to bring the foot
up sharply and kick him just under
the chin.—Border Cities Stad.
That innate Urge.
Everyone probably has nursed a pet
longing to perform some foolish ac-
tion, like, for instance, sticking his
finger into his neighbor's cup of tea
at a swell dinner to see it the tea is
still warm.
The ideas vary from the insane to
the freakish, but almost everyone is
bothered from time to time with a de-
sire to do something which would
'bring on him the shocked stares of
One Lindsay man once told the writ-
er that he discontinued sitting in the
gallery of a local church because after
the eermon had been going for five
br ten minutes, he had a longing to
run down the aisle, put a foot on the
rail, and leap over into space in hopes
of grabbing the big chandelier that
swings from `the ceiling. The desire to
do this lied seized him so often that
he decided it was better to change his
seat so that he would get some peace
of mind- and be able to listen to the
eernion.--Lindsay Post,
Millions in "Soft Drinks."
What are po:;iularly known in Can-
ada as "soft drinks,",ofiiiaially termed
n`rin-alcc'ladlic carbonated 'beverages;
stre eoi shined in substantial quanti-
ties, as the rrcc;ntly issued report on
the ;cele ed Ws ters' Industry for 1932
Tomes r, ? yf'i plants in the Domin-
ion engaged in the industry, of which.
157 are in Ontario; 123 in Quebec; 27
in 'Nova Scotia; 25 iu British Colune
bia; 21 in New Brunswick; 15 in Sas-
katchewan; 15 in Alberta; 13 in Mani-
toba and two in Prince Edward Island.
More than, 80 per cent, of the total
production of the non-aleoholic car-
bonated beverages is made in Ontario
and Quebec. Tlie total value of the
output of all Plants last year was $11,-
Canada imports coinpara.tively little
mineral or aerated waters or bever-
ages. The total value of such imports
in 1932 was $110,040 and the exports
during the year amounted in value
to $7,301 Canada Week by Week.
First Woman Mayor.
The first woman mayor of Brighton,
Miss M. Hardy, thinks• highly of
Brighton men. "They are superior to
any other men," she told me today.
"They are simply splendid in the work
they do, and 1 would rather co-operate
with them than with any other men
in the world. I am talking of Brighton,
not of Hove."—London Evening Stan-
A Man's Job,
The Press and the Language.
•On almost every page of the Supple-
ment to the Oxford English Dictionary
one will find a new word that first
received its introduction to standard
English through the pages of` a daily
newspaper. It is not claimed that the
press coins new words. -In one of his
essays the late C. D. Montague wrote
of the journalist working not at the
heart of the Empire of letters, but out
on the shady borderlands of its de-
mesne. "These are the fields," he said,
"in which to trot a new word up and
down like a horse that is for sale."
Many an "aspiring idiom" has gather-
ed respectability from its first public
appearance in a newspaper to achieve
the ultimate beautification of a place
in the Oxford Dictionary. Where these
idioms come from no man knows.
They float about the streets and are
caught and entrapped for the use of
posterity.—Glasgow Herald.
Don't judge farmers by the few
lucky ones. Most of them work hard,
long days in all weathers. Each man
has to plan, plant, grow, harvest, store
and sell his products, which would
be six men's jobs for most of- us.—
London Daily Express.
Australia's Example.
In these twenty months progress to-
wards recovery has been gained which
has made the world wonder. It is not
that prosperity has been restored —
that is still some distance away. But
there has been a restoration of Con-
fidence, which is necessarily prelimin
pry to a restoration of prosperity. In
other words, the task is inprocess of
accomplishment. The astonishing fact
is that in Australia there has been no
substantial development in economic
conditions to which the betterment of
Government finances may be attri-
buted. The improvement has been due
entirely to the faith of investors and
of the public in the ability and honesty
of the administrators. The material
gain has been reduction of taxation.
This reduction is, it is true, small, but
it is well to pause and consider what
a very great difference there is be-
o-tween a small reduction of taxation.
and a small increase of taxation,
Melbourne Australasian,
Compulsory Poverty.
Mrs. Reitz's recent spirited protest
at Johannesburg against the exclusion
of married women from the Civil
Service gained greatly from her very
sensible attitude on the kindred guess
tion of competition between Hien and
women. . . . When married women
are employed, they are not employed
for fun, but because they nave special
qualifications. The few exceptions are
not worth legislating about; whereas
the total exclusion of married women
from one particular branch of employ-
ment is bound to lead in many cases
to gross injustice, as when a woman
is separated from a worthless husband
and must work for the sake of the
children. The old fallacy of the "wage
fund" has had many strange manifes-
tations, but surely none stranger or
more unortunate than this attempt to
assign a different economic status to
married women than to their single
sisters, Civilization and compulsory
poverty for one section go 111 together.
—Cape Argus, •
England's Maligned Climate.
For long England has prided itself
upon its rain. It pretended to be angry
with its rain, or resigned and long-
suffering with its rain, •but secretly it
took a delicious joy in its -consistent
standard of wetness, Bub this univer-
sal reputation•..of England; has been
shown up by, recent events as the
fraud and imposture it really is, It
is a bubble which has been pricked by
the summer of 1933, At last England
has been revealed shamefully as a
place which can be i:o wetter: than
even Palestine,- In England they ae•
tually have a water problem, because
of the lack' of that rain which was
supiiodecl for centuries to he England's
monopoly. -.--Jerusalem ?alestine'Pos't.
"Singing; warms the blood," declares
a doctor in •Scolland,
Looking For a Fight
Max Baer, heavyweight championship challenger, and of late
moving picture aetor, arrives in New York, where a possible match
with Primo Carnero, world's heavyweight title-holder, may be ar-
ranged by Max's manager.
Women Know More
About Men's Hats
Than Men Do
So Giris Are Being Trained as
Hat Store Hostesses
and Style Advisers
New York.—A new scheme for sell-
ing turned up in the form of a lady
who tells a man when his hat looks
The system works like this: A man
goes into a hat store and finds a
good-looking girl who decides when he
has picked the right hat.
This new trick in the headgear
business was brought to light when a
chain of men's hat stores advertised
for attractive young women.
"Between 18 and 25," the adver-
tisement specified, "to be trained as
hostess and style adviser."
Almost 300. girls were waiting on
the doorstep when the office opened.
The idea is that what counts in a
man's hat is the feminine reaction so
a womau should be there when it's
chosen, to gauge the effect. •
."In fact, womenknow more about
men's hats than mer know them-
selves," a member of the firm. -said.
When the right hat is donned, the
girl usually exclaims, "Ah, Mr. Smith,
how handsome you look in that fe-
Provinces Advanced
Over $130,000;000
Ottawa.—Since 1930 and up to the
end of last week the provinces have
been paid or advanced, roughly, $130,-
000,000. The larger proportion, espe-
cially on a per capita basis, went to
the West. This total took the form
of direct relief to unemployment, pub-
lic works with a similar abject, help
in land settlement, and loans. Some
of the latter have been repaid.
Reprieve Arrives
Just in Time
Hangman Stands Ready with
Rope Two Minutes to go .
Vienna.—A hangman stood beside
Bans Breitweiser, ready to slip the
noose over his head. The gallows was
crowded with wardens, holding stop-
vvatches. Breitweiser had two minutes
to live. That was at 2.58 p.m.
At 2.59 p.m., there was r stir .in
the group of officials, and one of them
came forward, waving a telegram. The
warden read it and signalled to the
hangman to stop his preparations.
The telegram was a message from
President Wilhelm Miklas, commuting
Breitweiser's • sentence to life impris-
Breitweiser's case had attracted at-
tention because it was .the first judged
by the new "death penalty court,"'
established under the recent martial -
law act. The court has only two ver-
dicts at its discretion—acquittal or
conviction with automatic death pen-
alty. The sentence must be carried
out within three hours of reaching a
The come; determined Breitweiser's
geilt at noon. He was to have been
hanged promptly at 3 p.m. His offence
was the killing of the family of a
servant girl, to preyent his fiancee
learning of his love .:flair with the
young woman,
Miklas forbade the execution on the
grounds that it was "contrary to the
Christmas spirit."
Persian Ministers
Said Held in Plot
Moscow. — The Soviet Telegraph
Agency said in a despatch from Te-
heran, capital of Persia, that Jafar
Quli Khan Assad, Minister of War
of Persia, and three members of the
National and
were arrested for
plotting against the government.
May Assist
Tramp Ships
Britain to Fight Back at Ag-
gressive Interests
Loudon, England.—Declaring that
Great Britain should "hit back and hit
bard at aggressive countries fighting
her shipping," Walter leuiiciman, pre-
sident of the board of trade, declares
a subsidy for tramp ships was being
considered by the government.
Not only would it aid industry, he
said iu the house of Commons, but it
would be a defense measure in the
event of war.
Mr. Runciman's statement followed
that of Neville Chamberlain, chancel-
lor of the exchequer, that an early
merger of the great Cunard and White
Star North Atlantic shipping lines is
in dicated.
When the merger is completed, Mr.
Chamberlain asserted, he will present
a program for facilitating completion
of the 'huge Cunard liner 534, which
would be the largest ship afloat.
Work on the 534 was suspended
more than a year ago, but is govern-
ment assistance is received it is ex-
pected to be operated -jointly by the
Cunard and White Star Companies.
Mr. Runciman said the government
also is "taking into account disabili-
ties under which British lines labor-
ed," referring to the United States
ban on foreign coastwise shipping.
It appears to be, he continued, "a
very unjust thing that the 'United
States should regard a trip from New
York to Honolulu a coastwise traffic.
But if we were to make anything like
a -rejoinder to that we must bear in
mind we have a largo interest in for-
eign trade and would expose a very
broad track for attack,"
An opposition proposal for public
ownership of shipping and shipbuild-
ing was voted down by the House, 221
to 34.
Mr. Runciman said "the experience
of the United States and Australia
was' sufficient to dispose of this idea
to hand the merchant navy over to
the government." He deplored what
he described as the failure of other
big countries to support Britain's anti -
subsidy policy.
Sir Robert Horne had previously de-
clared the United States Government
lost nearly $400,000,000 in an attempt
to run its shipping, and that Australia,
Canada and France incurred similar
Sunday Laws
Bar Haircuts
But British Magistrate Wants
to Know Why that's So
London, England.—Prosecutiou un-
der the Hairdressers' and Barbers'
Sunday Closing Act, which came into
force in .1931, was 'taken in Surrey
for the first time, when a barber
named Reginald Gould was prosecuted
at Chertsey for having but hair on
When the prosecutor informed the
magistrate that the action against the
barber was taken under the act which
did not allow barbers to cut hair on
Sunday the magistrate asked: "Does
anybody know why?"
The prosecutor replied: "I cannot
give the reason, but it is not lawful
for any person to carry on the busi-
ness of hairdressing on a Sunday."
The defendant said he was only ob-
liging one or two customers and re-
ceived no financial gain. He promised
not to offend again and the summons
was dismissed on payment of four shil-
lings costs,
`'A month or two in New York gives
me the `jt.mps'."—Gary Cooper.
Covet Endurance Record
ia.sri„iu IViiacni where the soft winds blow these, two enterprising ladles of the air are out to break
the lum'en's refuel'og endurance record. Left 'to :Right: Jack Loesing, pilot of their refueling ship;
'Frac::. - :Mer: ails, co-bp'drr, with T'suhun Thadan,_.,ot the present record; Viola Gentry, and their me-
n e,
e-nlr, Prod letterman,
Women Barred
From Dinner
U.S. Secretary of Labor'
Frances Perkins, Only Cab' ,
inet Member Not Invited
Washington, — The gridiron boys
will be boys, so 1frs, Roosevelt is go-:
ing to entertain again for the ladies,)
including Labor Secretary Frances
She issued invitations to high WO'
men officials, Cabinet wives, gridiron
wives and women of the press, all by
their sex barred from the semi-annual
stag dinner of the club which the Pres;
silent will attend.
The Gridiron is one of the famous
press clubs of the world, its members
being. strictly limited and its member-
embership drawn only from the senior male
journalists in Washington. It is con-
sidered an honor to be invited to these
semi-annual functions.
On the last such occasion, Miss Per
kins, chatting with other White House
guests, laughingly said the club might
just as well have invited her along
with the rest of the Cabinet, for she'd
have gracefully declined. She's the
only Cabinet member ever omitted.
But the Gridiron Club already had
their rules all fixed to take no chances,
That happened after Miss Jeanete
Rankin, first womau member of Con-
ongress, became the first and only we-
aman to make the Gridiron grade.
She was invited by Jerry 'J. Brown,
and went to the dinner of Decembez
8, 1917. At the next meeting, ou Janu
ary 12, 1918, the club passed the re
solation: "Resolved, that the charm -
ter of the Gridiron Club as regards the
presence of women as guests or spec-
tators shall not be changed without
vote of the club.”
And that stands.
Month November, 1933
Coldest on Record
The temperature during Novembef
has been the coldest on record at the
Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa.
According to the weather records
kept by the field husbandry division ai
the Experimental Farm the mean
temperature for November hae only
been 20.4 degrees Fahrenheit, which
is exactly 12 degrees below the 40 year
average. The first seven days of the
month were 'somewhat normal but
from the end of the first week the
month remained consistently cold, be
ing practically 12 degrees below nor
mal for the whole period. In the last
two weeks the minimum temperature
dropped four times below zero and
twice to exactly zero. This in. itself
is an unusual record. The lowest.
reached in the past month was nine
degrees below zera and that occurred ,
on two different nights.
In comparing the past month with
that of previous. years it is noted that
November has been an outstanding
cold month. During the. -previous 43
years that' weather records have been
kept at the Farm the mean tempera
ture has never been lgwer than 28 de,
grecs for November.
During November a total of 18.21
inches of snow fell which is appreci.
ably in excess of the 40 -year average.
of 7.31 inches.
The month was unusually cloudy'
with a total of only 58.1 hours of
bright sunshine, while normally 78.1
hours are recorded.
The freeze'�up occurred this year on
the 5th of November, which is the
earliest date on record at the Farm.
Doris Duke •Begins
Work on Father's'
Endowment Fund
Greenville, S.C.—Doris Duke' hay
shouldered her part of the responsi•
bility for administering the huge en-
dowinent established by her father, •
the late James B. Duke, tobacco and
power magnate.'
Frequently 'smiling, but keeping
out of the public gaze .as much at
possible, the young woman who waft
hailed as America's "richest heiress"
recently when she came into control
o. $10,000,000 of her $30,000,000 upon
reaching 21, arrived here froni Ness.•
York to participate in a celebratiot
of the ninth anniversary of the found-
ounding of the $40,000,000 Duke endow.
She attended a meeting of tin
foundation's board 'of trustees, of
which she automatically became
member upon attaining her majority
in compliance with her father's stip%
lation. The endowment was create(
for the benefit of colleges, hospital,
and orphanages in the two Carolinas
Miss Duke spent nearly an 'hour
visiting ,youngsters at th'e Shriner',
Hospital for Crippled Children, on(
of the participants in her father',
'benevolences. As the tall, blonde visit
for prepared to leave, a score of thi
youngsters stood up and gave her ani
the other Duke trustees a cheer it
collegiate fashion.
Queer $100 Bills
Being Circulated
Montreal, -- Counterfeit United
States $100 bills are being circulated
in .Montreal„ according to police, and
banks and stores have been asked
to watch for them.
The spurious banknotes are believ
ed to have beenfirst; passed by an
American bootlegge, in St, Armand,
Que., near the United States' border,
They are stated to be an excellent
itnitation. Royal Canadian Mount,
ed Police are co operating with pre
vincaal and Montreal pollee .iu au .efx
fort to truce their erten,