Zurich Herald, 1933-12-14, Page 5BUS1NEss CAS "DLEY E..HoIMES :8IIRRRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. ,1fA10E—Hamilton. Street, Just oft if $quare, GODI+ U C31, O, tad°. 6511 riial Attentions to Councel and. Court Work. ;i lr• ,,.olmee may be consulted at OF FARM PROPERTY G41'deliid by Phone, aaasd ll' a°'1me On Lot 7, Concession 9, Hay Town - charges reversed. ship e 3'/a 'miles sourish of Zurich Road ,on Babylon Line, on SATURDAY, DECEM13ER 16. 1933 row vows Wants, For Sale, Loot, Found Notice, Etc.. Ado KIS Tota Velitl*1P AUCTION SALE Dr. 1. I. COWEN L. D. S. D. D B. DENTAL SURGEON At D1.EEITZi BLOCK—ZURICH Revery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HAI:ULEI13' S BLOCK, BASRW'JOD Every Ioraday,, Tuesday and 'Wednesday Wined Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex " AM IN A POSITION TO CON- Saw Logs Wanted. Ash CON - Elect y Auction Sale, regardless to size or article to sell. .I so11C1% and Rock Elm. Act Quic C ‹e ibfleisch Zur Commencing at 2.00 o'clock p.m. Farre consisting of 50 acres more or less, being South Half of Lot 7, Concession 9, Hay Township. There is. on the premises a bank barn 40x65 driving shed, frame house with kit- then, orchard, some fruit trees, well drained and well fenced, plenty of water, 31/2 acres of hardwood bush. Balance well seeded down in grass. TER MS =10 % • ion day o2 sale, Balance in 30 days. Arthur Weber, Auotioneer. Adel.bert Smith, Pearce Farwell, Executors. WANTED vont business, and if not satisfied ' to I'. . n , make no charges for Services en- __,__ ..._ _.___._...._.._—_ NOTICE TO LADIES! , Hickory, ck. Apply tel WEBER—Dashwood Thoeue18-57. popular ]� lin our New Beauty Parlor, in the Juri�Vhs We are now ready to do business Oesch Block. We have insiailed a e i3iu- new large modern Hairdryer and will. FLAry�1 1J L�l appreciate your patronage. Call 130 ..m s vfor appointments. Let Us supply you with the' Mrs. E. Gesell°, Zurich. very !Choice of Fresh and Curi- sed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, — — Etc., always.. on hand._. Kept mesh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins .Yungblut San F,BVICI' FARM FOR SALE On Blind Line, Hay Township, con- sisting of 100 acres; 15 acres are sown to fall wheat, 30 acres plow- ing done. There is on the farm good buildings, two neverfailing spring Wells, farms is well fenced and well drained. Also Part Lot 26, Concession 10, Hay Township, containing 25 acres, partly under cultivation, balance in grass- Above farms can be pur- 'Why We have the $etter chased separately if desired. Apply to Proprietor, Class Of Customers John McBride, R.R. 1, Zurich. R CLASS GOODS, U. S. Lei 111XITERIES MOBILE OIL MAR -11 .LUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES JOID TUBES, GENUINE 1GPiiT101+i PRODUCE WANTED ?arts, lriahning and Mechanical Work No, We are now in. a position to take .are to Micrometer Settings, cream and eggs at my home at Zur- waoss work. Watch the thattell, for which we will pay highest liTOP M WEIN'S, They aro all HIGH market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac - CLASS CLIENTELE• cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. WANTED LOCAL NE!S Mr. Calvin Williams anf sister, Miss Ethel, and Mrs. W. C. Wagner motored to London on Friday'. Born ---In Stanley Township on December. 12th, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Dennis Corriveau, a daughter. Mrs. D. Witmer of Exeter, is vis- iting with her father, Mr. Jacob Koehler of town. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Goseho .and Milton Oesch motored to London 0X' Tuesday. Misses Cathern and Mary Merner and Jack motored to London oil Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs, Tom Dinsmore treat- ed their friends to a fowl dinner re:- curtly. e-cently. Hay Council meets on Friday of. thisweek, Dec. 15th, this will be the final general business meeting ,be fore nomination which comes a week later. .1VIr. and Mrs. H. Yungblut, .and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut motored to Goderich on Wednesday where they attended the, funeral of a rel- ative. 9 ONTARIO Wain Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCI . 'THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE 0'= ANY CANADIAN MUT- VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of Insurance at i7 on"Dec. 31st, 1932, $17,880,729. etb '.total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,978.991- litates---•$4.56 per $1,000 for 3 years E. F. K1opp--Zuricl' Meat, Also Dealer is Lifilateing Roils an all hinds of'Fire 1a19m:toe LIVE `' POU LT I WANTED prase every Day tUR 8 e"a:I*ck., p.an Cit fend Pewit name uacrninf w]ten brought ke. iSghest Casa Prices ;1 Ski FOR— CREW AND EGGS W. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 84 Zt ikeb Mrs. CIare Merner who spent a few weeks with her husband here, has returned to London. Mr. C.- E. Zurbrigg, Optometrist, wishes to advise the public that he will during the winter months be. at Hess' Jewellery Store on Wednes day •afternoons instead of Tuesday evenings as foranelly. 'Messrs. William Sparks and Llody Scotchmer of the Bronson Line, St- anley, were visitors to the Royal Winter Fair, at Toronto, arta were greatly impressed with the wonder- ful exhibits shown there. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Facey and Mrs. E. Sippel of Tavistock spent a few days at the homes of Mr. George Clausius of the Goshen, and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Claus- ius of the Blind Line. The weatherman has been' giving us a big variety the past week. Ov- .r the week -end we experienced _ - _1 , .-.1 . 1• , ••ti ter weather, while to -day, Wednesday, C. ;1.. ilia:: sic , .. should slip along nicety_ , Mr. L. W. Hoffman, gent's furn- ishings, is holdi;ag a one week spec- ial sale of merfihandise, the sale be- :in.rine- lac; :aiturc]ny and ending this Saturday. Mr. Hoffman £ s a s been successful in disposing n large amount •of goods, and would advise. the public .who are looking for. some real bargains to come in this week „during this sale. Judge Costello of Goderich. was in town last Monday evening, revising the municipal voters' lists. Rev. G. F. Haist, who was pastor of the Evangelical Church, Zurich, forty years ago, passed away at Lov- eland, Colorada recently, at a ripe old age. 10.4.00".: Mir LOCAL ` NEWS :Mr, and Mrs. Chris.. Harrell of l3rueefield called ` on :Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas one day last week. Found—In Zurich a small sum of money. Owner coir Have sarin by Proving property and paying for this adv. Apply to Herald C f ce, Yungblut & Son, butchers had dee supply of fresh lake llur'on her.'- ing, in their store lest week. rflris is rather unusual at this time of the year. They were caught et Grund Bend with gill nets. But just re- cently Mr. Well. Johnston of town has been fishing with one of his trap nets in the lake and brought in some real nice fish. A CORRECTION In last week's issue we made men- tion that Friday Dec. 15th was the last day to pay taxes in Hay Town- ship without being per e- ilized. This Should have been Thursday, Dec. 14,. to -day, and if you miss it to -day you will be called upon to pay an addit- ional three per cent, and the longer you wait the higher it gets, till at last the tax collector will have 'every thing you got, and you.. will be for the stall timber's if you do not pay' what is writted against you, But our advise would be by all means pay your taxa. ;..:d a:aid all this tro- Uble. IM9eaasosM01i99 eameo•o froseavoimeemoimosimpeose COST OF ASSIZES Costs of the recent assizes of Bruce County court amounted to $1,100. This was .spent for jurymen constables and crown witnesses. The scut of $130.68 was distributed to the grand jury; $835.41 to members of the petit juries; -$72.05 to con- stables. THE HERALD'S.JOB DEPARTMENT la ever readyto serve the pub• 411 a with Commercial and fine -tinting. Get our prices be- " leaving; yott • codes else. Alir1y, The Bethany Sisteri Sunday School class, of the Evangelical church, held a social evening at the home of their 'children of Kitchener spent Sunday Bion- with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker, sr. teacher, Mr. Emerson !"abet, son Line, last Wednesday evening'. Mrs. 14laurice Andersen and son accompanied by their husbands. A Carl are visiting friends in London lovely social evening was spent. .A this ,week, few remarks of welcome from Mr. On Friday evening, December 8, Gabel to their home, gave the visitors a very enjoyable evening was spent a welcome spirit. A short program :at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund was provided for, including every Walper on the Bronson Line. member giving the birthday offering The occasion was a birthday party towards the expenses of the church, •r honor of their con Melton. About Lunch was served and a hearty vote of thanks wes tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Gabel for their kind hospitality. D .S1i\\' 1 • 9 fl ib STOCK FOODS Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter by using Our Various Brandsan dsof Stockand Poultry Fo ods, and Laying Mashes, None Better on the Maarkets To.Day ! COAL COAL 1;r I • 1 • i • PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW WHEN THEY ARE AT THE ROCK BOTTOM PRICES to Implement Eepairs WHY BUY JOBBERS REPAIRS WHEN YOU CAN BUY THE GENUINE AT THE SAME PRICES "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. L. Schilbe & Son 1011141111•9000001110.0•01111100911*191996906990109•1900309•0•000111• WVMMAWt is lir ; ' 'i 1 t oA.W ' Dr. Lorne S. Tiernan 01 Dublin, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan. Miss Ella Martinson spent the we- ek -end with her parents in Elmira. • Mr. G. Keeler spent the week- end in Mitchell. . Mr. Harry Cook of Toronto, spent Sunday with Miss A. Tiernan. '• It'irs. F. Preeter and raise Greb of. the 14th Con., spent the week -end in Brantford. lir. and Mrs. Cunningham of Gu- elph, spent the week -end with Mr. and Idrs. L.'llorenz. 1', e extend congr !ta l itiv to Mrs 11oncroft in v innie a pre ° for m 1 t r. 1, 1 -, at the contest given by the Women's Inst ute 11 ... `i -. 1 irs..1. Schroeder. der pert t .<, week.-; a6 end with her da ,gh.ci' in New Ham - So -me sneak thieves entered the :a� a el' 1r. T. :i ,1.� •;,ft by prr r.n a r•; steeple out on Cunclay night and' eerie ; : 1:a�'.> of floi'r. No trace of the thieves have been found. Mr. Aaron Oestreicher entertained hi, Nutley School class to a ban - Tuesday evening. • Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Eckstein and Selling Out Mr. Menno Oesch of. Zurich, has purchased the 31'lurdt grocery stock, fixtures, etc., and is moving same to Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. .Murch have been in the grocery business for sev- eral years, having run a stere where R. Tasker now has his tobacco store and pool room, and they have been about seven years where they are nine, ire the Sloane Block, and have built up a nice business. They will continue to reside in Clinton, where Mr. Murch has a avail route and Mr:H. Murch is on the postoffice staff— Clinton tagClinton News Record. Roman Catholics Lead Zurich DryStore Christmas Presets We have many Articles in our Store which will make very suitable Chris* }t"Aa t WE HAVE A FINE ASSORTMENT OF GIFT STA � ION ° RS FOUNTAIN PENS, CAMERAS AND PERFUMES. See Our Toilet Sets and Mani- cure Sets WE ALSO HAVE A BEAUTIFUL VAR- IETY OF CHRISTMAS CARDS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. it 7b relatives and friends were Pres -1 �9 ent A splendid program was arran- I $ s J. MacKinnon, Zurioh god. Progressive euchre was much enjoyed, the high pities being won Very Cheap Fish Mose Robins, clothing merr:hant and exporter of fish, Gocin•ic;h. re- cently sought to find out just how much Lake Huron's finest trout by Miss Grace Pepper and Ervin AP I rk�5� F • FAV WAR � Fgv" � � kj Rader and the consolation prizes by Miss Selma Racier and Elgin Merner. A dainty lunch was then served after which Melton was then asked to take a seat of honor. Mr, and Mr's. Os - would bring on the New York riiar car Klopp (who are Melton's spons- ket so he made a test shipment acid; ors) brought in a birthday cake bea- now has the information, to his sor- row. The fish, the finest caught this year, netted him 21/, cents a pound. He shipped 110 pounds and the com- mission house allowed him .10 cents a pound or $11.00. But here are the deductions: Commission $1.65, ex- press $4.23, duty $1.65, cafta;'e cents, exchange and discount on cheque 30 cents, of $8.08 all told, netting $2.29 for 100 pounds of fish. This, of course does not alto ar;' thing for the labor of packing, to say nothing about the• fishermen. 11r. Robins established, however, that it doesn's pay to ship fish to New York at present time. Huron Old Boys Leading religious denominations in Canada at the 1931 census were as follows: according to a statement by the Dominion bureau of statistsics: Ronan Catholic, 4,285,388; United ;Church 2,.17,3'75; .Anglican 1,635,615 Presbyterians, 870.,728; Baptists, 433 ;341; Lutherans, 394,194; Jews 155,- 614; ''Greek Orthodox, 102,389; Men- ItionilEes, 88,736; colaf'ueiatas, antlBad- dhists, 3%871; Salvation Army, 30,- 71; Pentecostal 213,301. The chief religious denomination of the French Herman Catholic, the number profes- aing that church connection being 2,849,0.9.6., The French also include :he, fcallowiirr Vied Church, 28,- J1, 8, - w �eran`�:'to.xn*ke the neeessaL arra'Oements, eiior 0eruetc:ry. O,,fd,,+l ;; 13apiists. 71� s Presbyterians' utifully decorated end with 17 light- ed candles. Norman Walper, a bro- ther, then read an appropriate ad- dress to which Melton ably replied. After the singing of "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" a Grand March was led by Mr. Ted. Walper of Exeter. Melton was the recipient of many beautiful gifts and the guests all joined in wishing him many returns of the day. Elect New Officers Dr. H. J. Hodgins, former ea - forth resident, was elected president of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto, at the annual meeting held on Tuesday evening last in the City Dairy Recreation Hall, M. Prin- gle, retiring president, presided. E. Floody was re-elected secretary for elected 1 ec t Other officers ors e ' 32nd time. the included: Vive pres., Geo. E. Ferg- uson, W. A. Campbell, Harry A. Mar- tin, na , A. Buchanan, tin, Geo. R. Dane, W. M e- Chesney, Mrs. H. B. Mrs. G. M. y, Creath, Mrs. Geo. R. Dane, Mrs. W. A. Buchanan, Mrs. A. E. Forbes, Miss L. Bryans, Mrs. D. • D., Wilson; assistants secy, Miss S. Walker; n ancial secretary R. S. Sheppard; tre- asurer, D. D. Wilson; chaplain, Rev R. C. McDermid; organist, M�r•s. fly Martin; auditors, H. I. Morrish and has S. M. V�icherts. The association 1 decided to publish an autl,eritis and e - of Huron. rA committee we fornne0 comprehensive history of th Comity Charles Stephan Ends Life With Bullet Through Head A short time before he was to have sat down to a birthday dinner in honor of his son-in-law the lifeless body of Charles Stephan, 6S year old farmer, living two and a half miles south-west of this village was found in his workshop on his faun, Beside the ,body was a 32 -calibre revolver, one shot from which the victim had fired through his head. Early Sun- day morning Mr. Stephan had been attending to a sick animal in his barn and when he failed to appear at noon a search was started by members of the family. When he could not be that he went ret h t located it was thoug to a neighbor. The birthday dinner had been arranged in honor of J. at wife Heckman who lives with his Stephen en Town- ship. the Stephan Home in p ship. ' Coroner Dr. J. P. O'Dwyer of Zurich was called, and decided that no inquest would be held. The body was also viewed by Dr. R. H. Taylor and Provincial Constable McCoy Goderich. Surviving Mr. Stephan are are his widow, five sous, one daught- er, Mrs. Heckman, and three sisters. Ill health is blamed for, Mr.. Stephan ..Ji Anglicans fallowing:. 22�,3.ia; taking his life. The fancier wok Lutherans place on Tuesday afternoon to Ex- ,.• e 4 • • 4 • • 4 • • • • • • • • • 1 • • sp 1 S 4 1 1t 1' t ti e i• 49••••e•••^t4+c aoa r . . •. _ ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape_. for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record $5.10 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 Farm and Dairy , $2.75 Farmer Sun $2.50 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2 Family Herald for 3 years .00 20 Canadian Countryman 5 1 $ 3;,1 Weekly Witness X2.50 .5 Farmers' Magazine Huron Expositor, Seaforth .... 2.75 ARJ a areal many mere that t wa cannot enuwnerate here. W. have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Cealede awl the United States, and eau save yen sweep es the 'west of thews. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at OUT Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE - 2Mrich it • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ♦s • Z • • • • • • • ♦0444 4