Zurich Herald, 1933-12-14, Page 1Vol. XXXIV ZURICH9 THURSDAY MORNMirG, DECEMB I' 14I Make the Ads. ester L. Smith!, ILL25 a year, U.:l. $1.50 be 14.440a04%. $1.61/ iLQ 1.RRJARS, ss MAY RE QBARAMM the Herald your guicle for your "Pnll uiclIncies nal3 1 In Holly, Mich., them fa a pickle factory %,hied., has beezn idle for three years and it is being; teamed. into a •..distillery. Theonly change will ' be that the pickling used lee be done .on the -premises, white: nater v wi .be :done outside; Properly Fitted Glasses ' C. E. ZURBRIGGe 1 . De. Will he at Hess' Jewelery Store, Every Wednesday Afternoon, begin - zing at 2 -o'clock to St yam with glasses. PRICES MODER:A'Ci*.`, Remarkable P Yield Jos, .Stewart reports an interesting result from a late planting. of potat --Phone Phone' 47 oes at the 13enmiller Nurseries. A patch :of ground 36x36 feet, was pan- ted :on August 7th. As will be re- Now Playing ---Will Rogers in `Down. -membered, August was very dry and to Earth" and Zane Grey's "Smoke 'there was practically no ram until Lightning the third week in September. The Potato pie Capital Theatre plot was not artificially watered, but Mon., Tues., Wed, was well cultivated. Late in October, The flay that Convulsed New York eleven weeks after planting, over ten bushels of geed sample of potat- "ONE IN A LIFETIME" The year's screen riot! A knockout comedy that pokes fast and .furious fun at the movie makers. With-, oes were gathered, and this would figure out at about 300 bushels per acre. The pofatoes were of the Irish Cobbler variety. A Dangerous PIace Hon. Dr. R. J. Manion, Minister of Railways and Canals, who represent- ed Canada at Geneva last fall, says that Canada should be thankful for Jack Oakie and Zasu Pitts Thurs., Fri., and Sat. You've waited for it! Here it is! tee three thousand miles separation "SOLDIERS OF THE KING" this country from Europe, where the nations "seemed to be sitting on a A gay and giddy musical burlesque featuring England's clever queen of comedy, powder magazine." He regards the private manufacturer of munitions as a peril to the peace of the world, and deckires that, although there are ST. • PE~ rE '`S more international pacts and conven- An outstanding attraction with . Ed- tions than ever before, there seems ward Everett orHton in the cast. Cicely Courtneidge Evangelical Lutheran Church to be less international confidence. He upholds the League of Nations as ZURICH --- ONT. the best instrument in existence for " cooperation and understanding am - A ChnnaeIess Christ f''�sr sti Chang- ong the nations and contends that, despite criticism, the League es doing splendid work. -Ex, In Police Court Whether or not it constitutes fraud int Wforlrl"` Friday, 8h: Luther League. 'Saturday—Choir- Practice., SUNDAY SERVICE .10 a. , ni.—German Service. - :11.15' a.m.—Sunder Schwa. 7.30 p.m.—EngEtta Service. r'Everybody Welcomet�.i ell S.,rritew. l to pay a loan from a friend with a worthless cheque was the interesting E. TUERKHEIM, F'a'ater: point raised lu .pol:.ce 'cou..t `Ja.At Fri - ' clay: lira:gist-rate Reid will, give his de- cision: one week hence. Frank Tuff- ord, complained, said he had met ac- cused, Sohn M. Douglary, on the street and asked him for the $5.75 he owed him. Douglary gave him e cheque and it came. back from the bank marked "no account", witness said. William Collison, of Blyth, was found guilty of reckless driving and and thought he could sell the stolen assessed the minimum penalty of goods. Inclined to be lenient, and $10 and'costs by Magi, trate Reid at Yet not wishing to turn the youth out Don't forget the auction sale., of The charge was .laid folow- into the world with no place to go, household effects in Zurich on Friday Clinton.Chi an :accident which occvrrec on Mag. Reid remanded him to jail un- afternoon of this week, of the effects of Mr. Moses Geiger who has dispos- ed of his property. • Then on Satur- dny the auction sale of real estate on E STA D1 !e aS: Blue Scrautoa, Coal ALL SIZES . Coming—"Lady for a Day" and we're proud to show it Matinees—Wed. and Sat, at 3 p. m. • Rev. R. M. Geiger of Welland, sp- ent a few days in town last week. Mr. Jerry Mero visited friends in Goderich and Clinton on Wednesday :last. Miss Alice Decker of London, sp- ent the past week -end with her mo- ther and sisters. Dr, and Mrs. Ross of Seaforth, spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Douglag, Town Line. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Faust of Mitchell were Sunday visitors with :friends in. town. Mr. and Mrs. T. Dinsmore of the Town _Line, spent Thursday at Lon- don, • Mr. `Stewart Beaty, teacher of the (1B1ake School) spent the week -end with Mr.' George Poulter,, Varna. Mr. William Lamont has been con- fined to his house with an attack of cold the last. few days. We regret to report that Mr. Men - no Bechler of town, has not been en- Jeying his usual health the Last few webks. IN MEMORIAM Miss Amelia Clausius who 6pent a fe v weeks with her Sister, Mrs. T1'�ceY Wur}n—Catherine Wuun A tri- of Tavistock, hag returned to her bute of love and memory to our clear h $tie here. little mother, who passed away seven ,�iVlr and Mrs. Christ, Hauch, and • years ago, December 11th, 1926.4,;'ViTallace . of Brucefield, wexe A wonderful Mother, woman and -aid,' Thursday visitors at the home of Mr. One who was better, God never made and Mrs. James Allan. A wonderful worker, so loyal and Mr. and Mrs. Moses Yantzi, and true' Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roth of Baden, One in a million—that little mother spent the week -end with friends on was you!,the Bronson lane. Beloved Children. The new grocery in the Deitz block was opened on Monday, and the pro- prietor, Mr. Menno Oeech is ready to do business and serve the public. Nov. 6th„ about' three miles south of til someone coarct be found to tee Chilton, when a car owned and dri- care of him. ven by the defendant skidded after :.Petroleum Coke, Seraat Solvay Coke, overtakingtwo -.•�. the Babylon line. girls roller skating STEPHEN COUNCIL " Genuine Rosedale Alberta Lamp the highway and crashed into the Only. nine more shopping days till • :Pocahontas and Millar Creel;.,, always ditch Mrs. Hasson, 13lvth. ;, nnssen- Christmas. De your shopping now ger :n flie car, received rather seri- The Council of the Township of , before the big rush of the last week. on: hand- ous injuries, while other occupants Stephen convened in the Town Hall, "Our local merchants are showing e e ;AGRICULTURAL Tam and BRICK, escaped with minor bruises. Crediton, on Monday, December 4, fine display of Christmas goods, that t. illi hest CASH nice forEggs Alfred Coleman, of Hetzsail, aged i 1.933, at 1 p.rn. All me�inbers Wei. ell- make very suitably; O'ifts, Look g pe Rafe on a Graded Bab -is. 22, an English youth who has been Canada only :four years, peeaded guilty before Mag. Reid of breakiing into and entering a store in Hensel] on Nov. 2.7, and stealing oiplantity W. Re A IDSO ' of tobacco and candy to the extent N of $20 Accused G aced +het be was ple ent. �i'ne ra nit'i.es o. • the previa}- • eestn over before purchasing out of us meeting were read and approved. I town. Motion that John McPhee and John ! Hirtzel be refunded their dog tax.$2 ( Appoint Clerk and each DRIED APPLES WANTED (Must be dry and 'fright) Phone M. IC RENSALt, ONT. tared of always being without money '''1111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 aOR' llll#11i1111 011.i!11111ii111 1111111i11111111111111i111111 fiHIIIIl1Iiif1II!1l °eery r EY. o 1111111111M114111111111111' ore Having opened` a. cert' Store -in the Dietz Block. • I Wish :to Advise the. _ Public twat we carry full Brie of Groceries including Christmas Candies Nuts, and OkBrII.ZtS arlhereby Solicit your Patronage Choice Cooke g gsa Tb, r »,. ..�. » .., 8c. Rose Baking Pomvdesr T lb. tan .......�a,..-...__.._..7 9c' Clark's. Pork and Beaus, 'I Tb.. tin ,..; .8c Handy Ammonia pig . Stain Remover,, sax. :w..., .,. ' 1 P. and G.; -Soap;,, _"x•>v fen' .... .. I gc Chipsa,: per. lr ...: ... .. ...........,:23c Bee Hive Corn Sfrup, ' 21la. can— ..,.14c enn e EGGS W N ., Zurich Phone <7 e j 65 �!lus" ''i'r�[tlilicttl r ° lul ItGil� iii" iiiiillilTiil;, 1 MYIotion, cntat h a.aeoD$T$$ ?dation—That in case there is an The .appointment of J. 1\I. Roberts, election that we give the tax payers og Goderich, and A. Harvey Erskine of this Township the privilege of .of Blyth, to the positions of Clerk voting to return to the Statute Labor, end Treasurer of Huron County, re - Road System to replace the present, spectively, were made on Friday, by Highway system. i the final day's session of the County Motion—That the following pay Council. The selection Was mane on { sheets and orders having been con- Thursday When the conned met in spidered be approved and paid. !committee. In the consideration of G. Wilson rd. 1, $1.00; c; i. Wilson 111 epplieants, preference «. as given i Stn. St. .60.; G, Wilson 1 s,b, 1.00; to retired tnen, and residents of the! A. Regier rd 9 1.35; 1. Tetreau rd. county. The names of those apply -i 14, 24.20; R. Ratz rd 18, 4.00; A. ing were read to council before the Penhale rd 27 54.90; A. is ahner rd eeeointmcnt was tirade, and it is 'an- ie.J 1e; '!`own.'1i:' tile+ " n:`; G t? i:, :.00d the selections were unan- kilbcr salary 19.20; P. r.isenbach imous. On Thursday morning Eng - gravel 6.00; J. McKeever gravel .57; Meer Patterson offered to take over 0. Willeet do .55; M. King rd 2, the clerk's duties in addition to his 1,00; P. Eisenbaeh rd 26 20.33; own, for an additional $200 a year. Orders ---Tax Coll, tares on drain, Re said there was not much work to etc,, 518.92; F. W.Moriock postage the position, a statement that riled •5 40; Hydro l:lr -t sir Power (leo, W. Holman, deposed clerk. The ac .'count 6,79; E. Sweitzer, refund new treasurer, . A. Harvey Erskine. dog tax 2..'00;; Police Village grant:, was born in • Atwood, Perth county, 937.75; 5, White, refund tax 2.00: an'! his age is 34 years. He is Mar - McPhee, refund tax 2.00; P. Eis- Tied and has three children. He is al enbach gravel for tile yard 85.00; Presbyterian, has held the position of F, J. Wickwire printing 29,00; Can- time and material clerk with the Bell alien Bank -of Commerce, commission' TelephoneeCo. Served in France for 3.15; A. Wein, charity, wood for J. three years, conducted a wholesale Taylor, 3.00; H. Link,; cow tag in- produce business in Blyth, and for spector 15.00; ER Lawson, bailiff, two years was eletk of Myth. J. M. Division Court 32.00 i',. 'l r'evethlck Roberts, the new clerk, is a native of Clerk, 'Div. court 32,00; Johne Hall, Huron county, having been born in elunity, convevonce, Mrs, Heenedy .+t Dungannon, son of, the late hospital .5.00, J. Gardiner refund dog Roberts, age 42 years, He N married .< t'r $2; J. Ilirteel, do $2. his wife being • a cousin or Bishop The Council adjourned to meet a- Seager. Has no children and an An - gain at the Town Hall, Crediton, on g!iean, served on the artillery and of Feidey, December15th, x92,3, at 1 the royal Air Force for thio and a ie p.m. half years. Ile has had 13 'ye} ,jos of Henry Filbori Township . Treasurer •A•••r•f••41•Ar••000111 1a.i:9 9 •'i•e•990991990994ElkB4C ; •• BRIDAL WREATH • • • • • • • • • • Diamond and Wedding Ring' THEY CANNOT BE BEATEN FOR APPEARANCE, QUALITY AND PRICE. • • DIAMOND SET FROM $20_00 yr,.. • WEDDING RINGS FROM $5.0J lie BEAUTIFULLY BOXED 1 Ness The Jeweller 51'ltozre 74 9090041194141199009.9009411(3439400 99099 Zurich u #s'.a 3.'4.411*.V)',a',1_«i.;t•q. �+�•aaa ,i• s r C y eo A4,4-'Ase44,41,444, SPECIALa FOR XMAS. Men's Ties, Fancy Boxed 50c, to $1,00 FINE SHIRTS ----Separate Collar and Collar Attached;. All Prices Fancy Boxed Suspenders, Garters, Sleeve Holders*, All Make Good XMAS GIFTS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY .CRRR.IS MAS- E PRESENTS BELOW COST BE SURE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS MONEY SAVING. SALE THE LAST DAY IS DECEMBER I.6th_ a!°tt. O'Silt4o04546k*c5&rthm4a"3Lh ,T'u�tl'.e•{d'1.h6•l+iero '• iF I' T.r Ah EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS 47.4-0,4. At.* 4,..4a eh .S ik,b4+b 1.6 rlu ti 3.@48Gr AMESEXAEREEZZIEMEI sN olc? We have the Goods in clock that y4. -.,u rewire fir 1,..-. Cold Weather, Such as Woolen WWndbresker<s, Blankets, Flannelette Blankets,, Dress Goods, Flannel- ettes, lannel.-etaes, Military Flannels, Etc.,. Etc. Also Stockings, Socks, Mitts, Gloves, Mens, Bays and Childrens' Heavy Rubbers, Sweater Coats and PuT- Over Sweaters. Hardware, Halters and Harness Repairs, Special Prices en Overalls and Slats. Highest Prices Paid for Good Bright Dried Apples: FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS 01 HAND - Rs, N D' .• LIGL S PHONE 11 97 tl LAKE eaaVkireMagRtt era -