Zurich Herald, 1933-12-07, Page 1Vol. X XW 0 22 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7 .1933. Make the Ads, in the Herald your guide for your Capital Theatre Goderich Phone 47 Now Playing -Zane: Grey's; "SUNSET PASS. Mon., Tues.. and Wed. LORETTA YOUNG" VICTOR JOEY Vivienne Osborne-,,, Herbert Mundaa C. Henry Cordaro Action and thrills aplenty in this col- , orful romance of Me Foreign Legion. The Devil's In Love Thur., Fri:, Sat. Double B:d7! WILL ROGERS �lDorothy Jordan: an Irene Rice In a lively and humorous attraction "DOWN TO EttRTW ZANE GREY Contributes anther: action Story ' "SMOKE LIGIITl1NG'" featuring George O'Baeha ..As an added attraction on Friday night only the St MARYS' ROTARY MINSTRELS -!will present their tuneful! riot of fun between the film showings. 'Coming -Once irr a. Lifetime - Matinees -Wed. axul Sat. at 3 p. m. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran, Church ZURICH ONT. "A Changeless Christ fora Chang.' ing Wavle" Friday, 8h: -Luther League. ,Saturday --Choir Pao giee. :SUNDAY SERVICES 10. , a. m. --German„ Bemis 11.15 s.m.--5anday Scheele 7.30 p.m. -Enlists Service.. Everybody Welcome te. all Services.. E. TUERI€HEISi , k toe Blue Scranton Coal AIL.,, SIZES Petroleum Coke,Semet Solvay Coke, Genuine Rosedale Aiberia Lump Pocahontas and Miller Creek, always on bawl. .AGRICULTURAL TILE and BRICK. !Highest CASH price'. Reid for Eggs on ' , a Graded 131-,4 DRIED APPLES WeisiTED (Must be dry and b gM ) W. R. DA'.SON Rhone No. 1ti BIENSAL.Le ORM A CALL TO FARM PEOPLE!! On, Thursday, December 14th, dur- ing the week of their annual conven- tion, The United Farmers of Ontario will throw their doors open to all farm people of the province who are desirous of framing and supporting a vigorous independent agricultural programme designed. to assure imme- diate relief and bring about perman- ent recovery. This Farmer's Mass meeting which is not in any sense a part of the U.F.O. convention will be held in the King Edward Hotel, 35 King Street East, Toronto, beginning promptly at 1.30 p.m. If more than one session is required the meeting will be_allowed to continue into an evening session.. A cordial invitation is extended to all independent think- ing farm people to be present. MINISTERS' WIFE DIES IN BRODHAGEN A deep gloom. was cast over the entire Brodhagen community with the sudden passing early . Sunday morning of Mrs. (Rev.) Sanke Frederickson at the St. Peter's Luth- eran Church parsonage, Brodhagen. Mrs. Frederickson, who was in her 31st year, came from Germany to Canada two and a half years ago, to join Rev. Mr. Frederickson, veto at that time was in charge of a mission in Chatham. They were married in 1931 by Rev. Mr. Schneider of Kit - wr, Chester L. Smi,'th'., f fel .,eale 81.25 a year, U.S. eL5* ire . 'sseeet.; 0.50 IN ARRI ARB, $2 MAY BZ OatioseeSt' all Purchases Properly , Fitted Glasses C. E. ZURBRIGG, R. O. Will be at Hess' "Jewelery Store, Every Tuesday evening, to fit you with glasses. PRICES MODERATE HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of, the Council of the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, December 4th, 1933, with all the members present. The minutes of the previous meeting we- re adopted as read. After disposing of the communications the following resolutions were passed: That By-law No. 13-1933, confirm- ing the appointment of K.' A. Rout- ledge, as Tax Collector be read three times and finally passed. That the following be appointed Polling Places, Deputy Returning.' Officers and Poll Clerks for the save eral' Polling Places in the Township of Hay for the year 1934, .and that • Mr. .Coles, Principal of the Con- tinuation school, spent the week -end at his home, near Clinton. Messrs Orville and Neil Witmer' were Sunday visitors at London. Mr. A. Melick, reeve, is away to Goderich attending the December ses- sion of the Huron County Council. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoffman and baby, and Mr. Clayton Hoffman, all of Galt, were Sunday visitors with their parents here. Mrs. (Dr.) Coiling of Lambeth, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher of London, Were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner. ' Mts. W. F. Finkbeiner, and dau- ghter Miss Hazel, of Stratford, were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. H.' Hoffman. Messrs. Geo. Farwell and Henry Steinbach did some carpenter work at the Hoist Bakery, at London, last Week. Misses 3. E. MacDonald and Pearl P file were at London on Saturday. Mr. Memo Oesch made a business 'trip to London on Saturday. file and resided in Chatham until Mr. Moses Geiger, who spent the 'past month with his son, Rev. R. M. September of 1932, when they moved by-law No. 12-1933, confirming the to Brodhagen. Rev. Mr. Frederick- appointments be read three times and 'and Mrs. Geiger, at Welland, arriv- son, assisted in the 75th anniversary finally passed: 'ed in town on Monday, and is making services at St. Peter's church, Zurich Polling • Sub. -Div., No. 1,' School ;Preparations for his auction sale, on a few weeks ago, and his many Zees_ House No. 2, Earl Campbell D.R.A., l'eriday, December 15th. lel friends regret to learn of this Clifton Prouty, poll clerk; No. 2, i, NIR. and Mrs. Louis Schilbe have bereavement. School House No. 14, Donald Burns;, ,the latter part of last week moved +-a? S. McArthur; No. 3, Town lea11, W- ;eat° =their fine new living quarters in O'Brei.n, Milford Schilbe, N� 4 Tc w3h;i their new block, and we trust they County CIerk Not to Resign Hall,` Dan Oswald, Albert G. Hess; will have many years of happiness No: 5, School House No. 12, Urban in their comportable home. P lner • N 6 News that the court of appeal had A. Pfile, I111LV11 L1 ucll o. , increased the sentence of Gordon Kellerman's Store, Dashwood, Clay- 1 A very happy celebration was held Young, defaulting county treasurer i ton Pfile, Arthur Weber; No. 7, scho- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin from one year to two gears Iess one al House No. 3, John B. Forrest, 3. ; Wurm, in honor of Mr. Wurm's 30th day in Guelph reformatory, was re- A. McAllister; No. 8, Filbert Den-; birthday anniversary on Monday ceived at Goderich on. Monday. This wee'k's session of the County Coun- cil Is expected to be a momentous one. The deliberations of the ward- en's committee, which carried on through four rather hectic months of investigation and disclosneres, will come under review, some holding that a special session of the Council should have been convened. A new clerk and a neer treasurer will be appointed. The resignation oe Clerk George W. Holman, requested by the vearderi's committee by November 30 has not -been received, the v'te:•ae cle ek challenging the authority of the committee to dieche)•s;e her. He tete he was epe:ate:1 by l'y law and that 'the only manner rr 1‘'1,ikh his sciences can he dispensed =: itI> for the Couneil to rescind the 1hy-law action which is anticipated rated to eli� ae,'L the Council. It is this action which the committee has all. alone em;gbt to avoid, owing to the clerk's acdva.n- ere acere 1 bi!1 long service, I}Lit. the clerk is sticking to his guns and Itis friends state be is prepared to • snake `his -proposed dismissal from of- fice an issue on the floor of the mber. fit++++++++•f 44r:44- ...ii+4 '4St.M�uthi .,4.4ti�+++,4-44,k•tr++++ + .104 pee. . tea, ,r, 1:�4,� psi +ria .r t as ,disials and ao TIRES, BATITILIES, OM at Live and let Live Prices. ' U:. RE,PAIR.A.CCOUNTS Are :Past Dim 1117p Added To .. ccenia its w Not .Pad By December.. , 4th. . ...All& 'Deed 'Tae Blaney To Pay ..Ta es. Used Cutter„ 6 Horse Gilson Gas Erg e. and Colt. 1tators for Sale. Med Machinery ery 2lways ron nand Tel. Shot49 LO °P & SONS • iAl to j1j i.• e el aeseli.c es :'iteseested-s,<*t-?.V1r i .r i= ,ti's,•'e eev..'i. ase w'. e fi e ogle. & oniy's store, Fred Ducharme, J. Cor- December 4th. Mr. Wurm is a very riveau. Jr. i active and. bright man for his age, That accounts covering payments' and his children, grand children and !for Township Zoads, Salaraies, Tele- one great grandchild who were pros- ; phone and General accounts be pas- ent, wished Mr. Wurm many more sed as per vouchers: Township Roads: -C. ell =north, road 3, 2.18; Wm. Jennison, re mov- ing crusher $3.00; E. Hendrik, rd1 •" Word was received here here of 2.20; J. M. Ziier, rd 10 :a.CS; 11.the sudden death of Mr. Frederick Corriveau, cement. work etc. rd. 17. Faster, of Biggar, Sask., on Saturday 40.05; Moore rhos., repair account ei ening,December 2nd, a the re - 12.05; Max. Turnbull, rd iu 61.80;salt of an auto accident, death be W. Farrell, road 18 2.40; A. Reich- ing almost ins�anteous. Mr. Foster �r ert rd. 4, 8.70; S. Merner, re crusher «,hods a son of Mr. John Foster of 6.00; Can. Cal. Co., 1-11),• road 1 cue Babylon Line. Th;. late itIr. Fas- 1, 7.28; L. Teeing cutting iron 1.00; ,,y., who was hi his 40th year went E. Erb rd. 9 9.93; T. leireensea.1. 18 4 00; U. i1. Pfile ,; . ,;; ),C,'•, out west. to Biggar, about twenty :7oc'„ czar Tire Rubber Co. 38.40; years ago, and will be remembered S. Ropp, rd. 2 520; Wm. Fisher, rd. ny many here in Zurich. He is sur- .S. Dc'n.xih: c. rived by his widow, and four chil- J. Richardson, rd 5, 1.20.(lien. Also his father, Mr. John Fos - Salaries -A. Melick reeve 75.00; tcr, two sisters, Mrs. J. Battler and Jahn Jeffrey, councillor 65.00; li,. Mrs. S. Dietrich of Hay Township:, and the brothers are: Alex. Foster of Walpole councillor de.G0; Tow+ Zurich; Alfons of Hensall; Louis of Clerk, re tax notices 45..00; David Kitchener, and Albert of Biggar, Ifucharme, councillor 65.00; Wm. e Sisk. exander, councillor (15.00; A. F. Hess c•derk and Treas. 360.00. Telephone Accounts -Bell Co. to'l, Sept. to Oct. 92.06; E. Webb, refund S.00; Northern Electric Co.,supplies years of good health and happiness. Former Resident Passes HYMENEAL Lautenschlager-Schoch 55.80; D. Duchaime, councillor 10 '!s1 A beautiful autumn wedding took W. Alexander, councillor 10.00; Ay, place in Kitchener at the Benton St. le : clerk and tress, 050..00 ; 'r9 Baptist: Parsonage, when Lucille Ad- eline, daughter of Mr. and • Mil:, , l S :au l y, 1 e Hay System 5.00; cline, y oungcs 1, x_clli.se a: E cc,... :e1 Cyruti Schoch, 34 Van Camp 68 .00; B. ll .., Weitin actiount 1.5e; L. Sebilb° Z Son, coal for central ,.r.., • H. 0 Huse, salary, etc. 94.2e W. Nichol refund 7.00; G. J.- Thiel scnlager, 84 Sterling, Ave., K.itch- c>en?ing poles 8.00; A. Melick, reeve ewer. The bride was gowned in powder blue crepe with met 15.00; J. Geoffrey, councillor 10.00; E. E. Walp er, nun: Hier 10.00; H. Eii- serrying a bouquet of pink Chry santheures. . Hes bridesmaid, Miss Vera Nosal, • was gowned in tangee crepe with metallic hat te. match and carried yellow baby ' mums. Mr. Clifford, Schoch, brother of the bride acted as groomsman. Close friends and ethe immediate families. Were the guests at the wedding supper that was served at the bride's home. The table centred with the bride's cake, was decorated in pink and white. The bride and groom were the recipients 75; 'Twp. Clerk, re assessments 66.00 of many useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Gestetnei Co., supplies, 10.76 V. 1.autenschlager left ext the eveilix�g Thiel, 'Div. Court Bailiff 36.00; 5, train for points east, The bride's 'Grebe cutting weeds 1.00. going .away costume was a black The C l adjourned to meet a- and 'white ensemble with accessories :1t u., Kitebiner, Ont., became the bride of Mr. Kenneth Lautensehlag- c , youxigest son of Sydney Lauten- ber,, re Hay System 25.00; Tp. Clerk I3osanquet.a�e Hay 5.00; Can. Talo.. St Supplies :2.74; M. Laub, refund switching 3.22; E. R. Guenther, cart- age: 1.20. General Accounts - Municipal World, supplies 6.32; Dashwood 1'. V., Twp. grant 46.14; C. Gascho, er- r'or tax 2.00; W. L. Siebert, Div, Crt. Clerk 36.00; J. Block, meals transi- ents 4.45; J. Albrecht, caretaker 40.00; Zurich P.V., Tp.grant 138.- 11;1 ounce a louln e 9 lel i � 1 dela After :ihoi t hones; lees. na i� rr�+t' z 7it,:1. at. 1. will he ni h(nei t)eeeiv , %• "!1 • ••••••.0••00••••••••••0••r400••It•6•••••9iees30I 4,Y•*2, • • • BRIDAL WREATH s " • • • • l Diamond and Wedding Rings THEY • o* DIAMOND SET FROM ....i2b.OQ 131` eWEDDING RINGS FROM $5.00 UP • • • CANNOT BE BEATEN FOR APPEARANCE, QUALITY AND PRICE, 1 BEAUTIFULLY BOXED Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich GP s3seeeeeemeseeee••Yeeee•• eeeeti6eseeees.eec0@iEt85seac a t ara3- 9e -- ote Y' a• ; • e 411v+4.4•440+4,.a,ter44,44041009, SPECIALS FOR- • - XMAS Men's Ties, Fancy Boxed 50c. to $1.00 FINE SHIRTS ----Separate Collar and Collar Attached;, All Prices Fancy Boxed Suspenders, Garters, Sleeve Holders All Make Good XMAS GIFTS MEN'S OVERCOATS Real Values $i 0 up Boys' and Mens' Suits, way below Cost .See Our New Range of Men's and Boys' Sweaters wins. Zipper and Button Fronts. EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL Dl'i3:Ecroas. -0.s.ca.aa.a.•+efr, 4, A. . W&a<i•l�� fr �•{..hE ate+.. xs ^., .r•.�=-e•., Cold I„ric<I � iii r ! r 'Cr S:�e We have the Goods in stork that you require. fag. .11„ Cold Weather, Such as Woolen Winclbreakers, Wool Blankets, Flannelette Blankets, DZZG5 Goofs, Hann, 4 ettes, Military Flannels, Etc., Etc. Also Stockings, Socks, Mitts, Gloves, Mens, Bays and Childrens" Heavy Rubbers, Sweater Coats and Pull - Over Sweaters. Hardware, Halters and Harness Repairs, Special Prices on Overalls and Shirts. Highest Prices Paid for Good Bright Dried Apples FLESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. IR N. GENERAL NI 4-5It C4.6AitiT •..,w: tiM+:.'.'u+