Zurich Herald, 1933-11-16, Page 1ase Vol. XIV No.19 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16 1933. Chester L. Smith. Pczblie ; 11.25 a year, U,S. ;Lj - *Ls* Its ARREARS, Et MAT E 0111101015111 Make the Ads, in the Herald your guide for your Fall Purchases The Canadian. finance minister but the bridges will have to be „end the provincial treasurers must be chuckling over the Canadian dollar being at par. It. Swill! mesn millions in .their estinea +e+ ?t is said that f0 per cent of the people in Toronto ewn their homes. 'The information does, not go to the .,stent of telling who owns the -matlr- g+ages on'them. A St. Thomas church has found ..that its congregations are larger -when it is announced that no collect- ion will be taken.. There is a, sug- .:gestion for these hard times Much was made of the fact that United States had repealed prohib- ition, while it will come as a sur- prise to many to know she ever had i .t 4-+1+ Two bridges were blown up by farm strikers in Wisconsin That may fee very satisfactory' for the moment `75th Anniversary OF ST. PETER'S 'Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH ONT. `will beobserved in: both. aver i es ors SUNDAY„ NOVEMBER 19& ;Special Preachers for the day viElE be. Rev. J. Keble, of Hamilton,: President of Evangelical Lutlreraa Sarno of Canada., - Rev: E. Gomam of 1Vfitn<f'a Htev. SaFriedricheeiaa Hrodimgess. Everybody Corzfialfg Invited • _ Blue Scranton Coal ALL SLZFS ' .'etroleum Coke, Semet Solvay'Cake, Genuine Rosedale Maeda, frump Pocahontas. and Miller Creek, .always OW ice. AGRICULTURAL, TLEM a118; Highest CAS price peril far `F.,ggei can a Graded lilla sir. DRIED APPLES WAg EM (Must. be drip, and braghtD W. R. DAVIDSON re - Wilt, :and 'the f rmers will have to help to pay for them 'MUST PAY IT When your bid is accepted at ;an auction sale you must pay the price :even if you •decide it is too high, Judge J. Wilson ruled in division .court at Windsor. lam. F. F. Ames bid $27 for a rug when she ,mid She intended to bid liut $20 and ;refused to pay • $7. The court decided ;she had to, and she did. Treasurer's Chattels Seized Acting under an executive. issued in the case of County of Huron vs Gordon Young, defaulting county treasurer now in prison, the county sheriff recently stook possession of Mr. Young's hoti'sehold effects, automobile, farm - stock and imple- ments. +F-+ STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. Henry Pfaff and family,. who have been living on Mr. Henry Mc Linchey's farm. on Goshen Line,. are moving this week to a 'farm near Crediton. Miss Margaret Chuter or Varna, spent the week -end with her friend Miss Margaret Robinson. Mrs. Nelson Keys spent the past week visiting her son. Ruskin Keys and wife at East Windsor. ' Mr. Mervyn Keys of London, sp- ent the week -end at his home on Babylori. line. Mr. and Mrs. As tie Keys and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keys visited their cous- ins Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Keys at Col- borne 'recently. ol- born e'recently. Mr: Jas. Stephenson and Mr. Chas.' Stephenson visited their brother Mr. Geo. IL Stephenson of Marlette, Mie: who has been in. poor health for! gine time but we are glad to know' that he is much improved. A number from here attended the funeral ofethe lace Mrs Henry Me - Gavin of Tuckensmnth last week. Mr and. Mrs: McGarvin. -were for many years residents of Stanley. Mr. Clifford, _Talbot of Goderich, was: the 'guest' of'liis father, Edward Talb.at .of the. Blue Water Highway. Mrs. Alf. Westlake is at present visiting friends kit St. Thomas. There was a large surprise party gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs Wni. McClinchey on.e day recently in hoitor rif Mrs- 112cClinchey's birth rimy. 1v1r..and Mrs., Paul Cleave., with Jimmie and Eric, are visi,tipg fri- ..en:ds:at .Bad ..Axe, J4ich. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Freckleton :of Lucian were recent visitors with Mr. , and Mrs. Geo. Casnpbcll. ,HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of the :Goundil :of the Township vt Hay was held 'in the Town Hall, Lurch, on Monday, November 611x., i•93a, With :all the is -members yrrresent, After adopting the Minutes •ef-the October meeting tate :commnnicatl nn disposed • of:: The followviing Phone No. IC Jilt •' Tp<- That 'i1Texmet'Ee IK+'M+++iele/4444 ++4j. + ++ (94++f+4++++44',444f+4+++++4 iih 1 reeolutiens Routledge be were were 'Massey- x ;arils Sibs and Seveice ;4 TIRES, BATTERIES- 11.:at:!Live and let Ilve Fria. Order your pulmo 'and Grinder plat now and .save escpresg, Kiel'' bot raplow deal W4cnild be -pleased to dem: ethe:nceav No -.7 A. wales. or ar lEreatillESWvatil yo -E. Your. REPAIR Accoutirrs are past due; Mame maid- fest ar refest your appre a oil l settling 'before Oct, ion as we NNW fray Payments tio, mese Uied M .c`nery Always on Hall Tel. Shop 149 O..LOP SONS Res. 67 Au ci eth g? BET/ ash, tete'` to al "ttetateiatritlete d atial N0~4'ft i' S****154 44**etgRa,`1r" tea l Capital Theatre Goderich -. Phone 47 Now Playing -Wheeler Woolsey and in a riot of fun "So This Is Africa." Mon., Tues., and . Wed. , "MOONLIGHT and PRETZELS" 8 new Song Hits! 50 Beautiful Show Girls Dancing, Singing, Comedy and Beauty! JACK DENNEY and his WALDORF ORCHESTRA Roger Pryor, Mary Brian Leo Carrillo Class A. Entertainment for everyone Thurs., Friday and Saturday , GEORGE ARLISS The Superb Stage Star appears this 1 time in what is called his greatest 1 Portrayal. 1 "The King's Vacation" , With Patricia Ellis and Dick Powell j Coming -"Midnight Club." ' I Matinees -Wed. and Sat. at 3 p. m. < i IN MEMORIAM Waxen --Anna M. Worm: A.,trib use of love to the memory of our beloved sister who passed away eight years ago, November llth, 1925. Dearest Anna, you are gone but not forgotten. Your Loving Sisters and Brothers appointed Collector of Taxes for the Township of Hay, his remuneration to be three per cent of all arrears of taxes that he collects and pays to, the Treasurer, ,and. that a Bylaw be pre- pared for passing at the December council meeting to confirm the ap- pointment. That By-laaw No. 11-1933 provid ing for borrowing money to meet current expenditures until taxes are paid be read three times and finally passed, That accounts covering payment; Mr. and Mrs. S. Gottschalk, of Seafor'th, were visitors with friends here the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Haberer of town entertained a number -of their friends to a fowl dinner. Mrs. Clare Merrier, of Windsor is visiting with her husband at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Merrier. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Mousseau en- tertained to a wild fowl dinner on Friday evening. Mrs. W. Consitt of Hensall, and Mrs. C. Eilber of town were Thurs- day guests of Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mr. Lloyd Eidt of St. Thomas and r. Gordon Scott of Ingersoll, were eek -end visitors at the Dominion ouse. Mr. and Mrs. Memel' Eilber and wo sons, of Detroit, were week -end visitors with Mrs. Eilber's parents, )r. and Mrs. Jos. Routledge. Mr. Jacob Deichert of town has old the 50 -acres on the Blind Line Iay, to Mr. Wm. Dieterich, for 1,425. Mr. Dieterich gets immediate ossession. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Schwartz and aughters Ruth and Doris; Mr. -and lrs. Lloyd Geiser and son Orland of Crediton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Ferdinand Haberer. •Miss • Elizabeth Truemner and Mr. /Naive Aulerich of Detroit, Mich., were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prang. Mrs. Arthur Aulerich who has been visit- ing with her parents, returned with them to the city, DON'T FORGET the Baking and Candy Sale which will be held at Johnston & Kalbfleisch's store on Saturday, November 25th. at 2.30 p.m, sharp. This sale is held under the ausspice.s of the Luther League of Zurich. The Seventy-fifth anni.veeeary ceI- ebration of St. Peter's Lutheran Chucrh, Zurich, Sunday, November the nineteenth, This -is to, he follow- ed up by a special public Thankofi- ering service, sponsored by St. Pet- er's Women's Missionary Society on. Monday. evening, November the 20th. A pageant "The Gift Perfect" will be presented. Everyone is cordially on Town -hip Roads,_ Telephone and I invited to be present. General accounts be passed as per vouchers: Township Roads -Dom. Road. Mchy repairs crusher 5.15; H. Steinbach, Z.P.V. 6.85; J. Park rd. 1, 10.40; U. A. Pfile, •rd 14, 72.00; S. Martin rd. 6, 6.00; G. Surerus, rd 9 2.40; S. McA-rthur, rd 1, 6.00; Johnston & Kalbfleisch, wire, rd 0, 1.20; W. J. Jarrott, express 3.68; G. Brock, re- pair account 1.00; Canada. Culvert Co., corr. pipe rd 8', 55.30; 3. Sar- aras rd 15, 168,:50•; N. Foster, rd. 6 42.40; R. Miller rd 9,, 549.40; T. Steinbach rd 8 9.33; H. Bell rd. 3 $6 J. M. Ziler rd 10, 205.48; W. 3. Har- vey, power, etc 306,9(x; Georm- etrong rd. 2, 5.0,0e G. Tinney rd. 3; '7.48; Telephone Accounts -Zur- ich Hydro, lights 2 months 3.57; B. .iol`., error $10.00; Bell Tela. Co., tolls Aug. to Sept, 133.0.a; Northern lectrie Co., material 165,03; Zurich Central, • switching,: 5 weeks 85.00; 1conom. Fire Ins, Co., insurance cen- tral office 24.00; H. G, H`ss, laboe, etc., 155.06; E. R. Geuther, cartage .65. Township Accounts -Zurich sights town hall, 2 months' 2.60; F. Galley, repairs'tciwn hall 2:55; Ont- ario Hospital re C. ltupp 3 months, 39.00; Perth Fire Ins. Co., insur- ance on hall 20.00; 'A; Melick, sea :eating jurors 2.00; W. 11. Edighof- er, sel. ,jurors 2:00; A. F. Hess, sea Icting jurors • 5.00; WaterlooFire ns. Co., insurance ball 21.00; Exet- :r Agrieulrtural Society, grant 10.00; I. Geiger, pay list re Zurich Drain 3optlt 7.45; E. Datars Sr., Weed 'nspeater 29,40; S, Hoffman, insp- xctor Masse brain 1.00; 0. Melick, ealance Alexander Award Dralr., The Council adjourned to meet s_ . in en Monday, December 4th, 193:1 .1,.30 o'clock, -)n the afternoon. ;i, F. Hess, Clerk: OBITUARY Rev. E. D. Becker Passes at Arnprior The death of Rev. Emil D.. Backer occurred at his home in Arnprior on Thursday, November 2nd, at the age of 69 years. He had been in. poor health for some time and' went throughthroueit operation shortly, previ- ous to his passing. The late Rev. Mr, Becker was born in New York State and came with his parents to New Hamburg when a boy, and. pre- vious. to studying for the ministry he had charge of the tailoring establish- ment of Rieder and Rube; of that place„ and since entering the minis- try of the Evangelical Church lte- held pastorates in Crediton, 4lilctmay, Hanover, Elmira and Araptior, et the later place he was also presiding elder of the Ottawa Distriet.. He. al- so spent two years in the Canadian We.st in Evangelistic wont there,. He was a forceful and Went.. preacher ; and very evangelistic in..his discourse. While at `Crediton he several times assisi ed in revival meetings in the . Zurich church, he vas a faithful pas- tor in ministering, to his flecks. The late Mr, Becker was married to Sarah Melee , daughter; of the late Rev. Joseph I3mbach of New: Ham- burg. He is survived by his widow three • sons, - Rev. Harrison Becker, Elmira, 'N,Y. Gordon, of Hanover, Eldon, at home and one daughter, Mrs. Roi ert Johnston of Galt, The remains were broeght„to Elmira, his former charge before going to Arn- prior. The funeral was conducted by Rev. E. Burn of Zurich and Rev, J. 1?. Hauch of Stratford. A large cir- cle of relatives and friends and soave • • BRIDAL WREATH 1 1 'irir ed Diamond and Wedding Rings TREY CANNOT • 2 DIAMOND WEDDING Hess, BE BEATEN FOR APPEARANCE, QUALI AND PRICE. SET FROM RINGS FROM BEAUTIFULLY BOXED $20.00 UP $5.00' UP The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich e!•••••••••••••••••N0•••••. ••••1.1••••••••••••••••••• e •.4 3-04►AlA•4il4®.*4444444 •.6• 04444 4,4•r NEW SAMPLES HAVE ARRIVED WONDERFUL RANGE MADE -TO -MEASURE $16 50 up Splendid Range Men's Oversea: $12.00 up. F W. IL IIoffma2l 044a44�444 -44�e444444 e4444,4444.440444044assaties, 844111' •�* EMIALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS F<• Cold Weather Nee We have the Goods in stock that you require for the Cold Weather, Stich as Wooler! Windhz`eakers, Wool Blankets, Flannelette Blankets, Dress Goods, Fiarstl ettes, Military Flannels, Etc., Etc. Also Stockings, Socks, Mitts, Gloves, Mens, Bays and . Childrens' Heavy Rubbers, Sweater Coats and Pal Over Sweaters. Hardware, 'Halters and Harness Repairs, Special Prices on Overalls and Shirts. Highest Prices Paid for Good Bright Dried Apps FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON *i .ND. R. N. DOUGLAS ENIERAL IINEROHA IVT PHONE t/ 97 BLA f�;rty paters attended the f-nn',ral, , L ,,..= wIfs i iaSeea