Zurich Herald, 1933-09-14, Page 4R 1• • • nn •. astreeareetestreee ±±�, ,'t,;r d k r t, s r...nta i •„: x ,x, +, 9r t`..t..:.,4,:..1 .::"1 .;F.A":.., , a r:sr4.;^#., • CEDAR POSTS- 41/24n. OSTS-- 4 //4n. and up, 8 foot long 35c 4 13Y NOT RE.ROOF NOW WITH CEDAR cHINGLE$ AT THE PRESENT LOW PRICES. A LARGE STOCK ON HAND Pa ti• C. KATI : E i ; ZURICH PHONE 60 ++44++++++-:-q•÷++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44+ v000et000ecooteeetmoomeoOtQD9ee®e••••®e••Ni••Oe>r•a • I PRANG'S GARAGE j 'We are always at your service for Expert itt 6 It Garage Work, and Auto Repairing e e Choice Gasoline -- Best of Oils and Greases : • • I i! WE ALSO CARRY Pumps -- Piping -- Pump Work COCKSHUTT FARM IMPLEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES • , OLIVER PLOWS, ETC, ALSO FLEURY AND BISSELL LINE OF IMPLEMENTS. GET OUR PRICES ON BISSELL DISCS 2 AND LAND ROLLERS. PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. 9 tat ?sa PLOW POINTS ALL MAKES, (No Jobbers' Points) ALL KINDS OF BLACKSMITH REPAIRING. ACYTELENE WELDING • 1 NEW DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR, at a sacrifice. i Rebuilt DeLaval Separator in good order, get the price on this one: l LEVER HARROWS AT COST. 1 4 -Section Diamond Harrows below Cost. a 1 L. A. Prang & Son - Zurich Phone, Shop 114 Residence 76 awam.ms mbeemosisemee es+ !®A :006130009eae• a.Os000•00.i 4.+4-444+++++++++++++++++++++ +++•:•44.+++++++++++++++++++4. 4 4. 8 435* ▪ To New 8 A Real Opportunity! 1411, .0344++++++++++++++++++++++ - •.. - . L .. 4 x. + ±»+. t ;,•.� « . ,....suss ., ,t.d -, - :-•i•o• i• F•$•o°-. mad the f 4 Subscribers, Paid in. Advance, We will + *44 3 44 ZURICH HERALD to the end 1933 for only 35 Cents of BLAKE 'Alta. Oesch Sr., returned hom :a¢iier spending a few days with fri- taw& near Dashwood. :r. Gus Clarke left last week for ncierich, where he will attend th n * Th fiat. Miss -Gladys Douglas returned t 7.Eletron Springs Sanatorium, afte -ending a couple of weeks at her ttcuue in the village and at Bayfield. Mrs. E. Clarke and son Bill, spent .esunaay at the home of Mr. and Mrs effaie Rechler on the Bronson Line. Miss Little of Hensall spent a few welts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .dam. Carnie. •Mass Margaret Tough returned to A school at Shakespeare after sp- terecling the holidays at her home. ;School -opened on. Tuesday last, alit V. S. S. No, 9, with a good at- atzlance with Mr. Beattie of Londs- 3heiasnugh as teacher. 'Miss Margaret Douglas resumed .iffier unties as teacher at S. S. No, 8, :za<rila :of Hayfield. .doss Jessie Tough epent the week rend with friends in Brucefield, quite a number from this vicinity etittended the annual picnic at the R. lChnrclz, near Drysdale on Labor 'May. Mr. and Mrs. R. Love is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs Ross Love e Mr. Albert Workman visited fri- ends in the vicinity last ween. Miss Mildred Workman with her parents in Kippen during the week- e end. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith of Kin- (' sardine were visitors with Mr. and r Mrs. Orville Smith. A number from this vicinty are attending the Western Fair in Lond- on this week. - 4 HLLLSG REEK 'The Anniversary Services will be 'tl'ie1d in 'the Hillsgreen church on rrtday, September 17th at 11 a.m. saud 7.30 pan. Rev. Mr. Cumming of Walton is the guest speaker for'the •xray. The Kippen Choir are preper- special music. The lillEseioaary Society will. hold their vitterlar meeting on Wednesday aft- ogta, September 20th at the home r e %Tea. R. Consitt. A number of this vicinity have be- lea laid up with the summer. flu. :Miss Mary Hagan who spent sev- sacral weeks with her sister, „Miss Dolly 141teft for Chicago last week where she eavif:i; spend a short time at the Wor- °IV& 16444 NI:M. Alfred Smith . and dateghtcir 'crinins who have been visiting there 1.;?ftx. r. and Mrs. +r. Richardson .a.vc• X:e:+t heed tp their horns in Brant DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith and dau- ghter Shirley and Mrs. Blackwell of Kincardine were visitors with Mr. Jonas Hartleib and Lavada on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hoperoft and fam ily motored to. St. Thomas, on Sunday and visited relatives. Mrs. C. Steinhaged is visiting re- latives in Parkhill this week, Mr. Jack Guenther who is on the Mounted Police Force near Winnipeg is spending twa weeks with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther. Mr. and- 1VIrs. Harry Guenther and son and sister, Miss Rose Guenther of Windsor, spent the week -end with their parents. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Rinker and Mr Edwin Rinker of Thedford, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. C. Rinker and other friends. iulr, sad Mrs. Joe Davis of Exeter were Sunday visitors with friend;; in town. Miss Ella Martinson spent the we- ek -end with her parents in li lira. Miss E. Schaefer of Detroit, ie visiting her sister, Mrs. Gill. Rev. T. Luft attended a rnemoria' service in Logan on. Sunday after. noon. • Hytneeial A. quiet wedding was solemnized meted a' Emanuel Presbyterian Manse, it Toronto recently, .when Laura Ma, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J C. Reid of Dashwood was united i• marriage to Gordon Elliott Of Ther; ford, Rey, Skint of Toronto, offin, it^d. The happy couple left on metal" trip 'thrrrtigh Quebec r •retle1'n they will Otiicle its '.i -ford. 7.13 t. Leeis .;pent list �vcc"k with her daughter in Detroit, Mr, Saba Elsie of ; Detroit and Ma. D, Pfaff of Sarnia Were Sundayvis- itors with 11Ix end Mis. Hartman Elsie. Oyuite :a number from here are at- tending London Fair this, week, Cords—Guenther A wedding of wide interest took place at nine -thirty o'clock, Wednes day morning Sept. 6th at Calvary Evangelical parsonage, Kitchener, when Miss Gladys Luella Guenther, R. N., second daughter of Mrs. Jane Guenther and the late Mr. Henry Guenther was united in marriage to Mr. Frederick Cords, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cords, of Jordan Station. Rev. J. B. Dengis, pastor of the church officiated. The bride was ° gowned in pink silk net over pink s� satin and ore a blondepicture hat with matching lace, mitts and shoo. and carried a shower bouquet of Butterfly roses and valley lilIies. She was attended by her sister., Miss Grace Guenther of Stratford wilt)wore a gown of blue tripl sheer with matching• hat, mitts and shoes, and carried a bouquet of Johanna Hill roses. The bridegroom was assisted by Mr. Newell Geiger of Zurich; cousin of the bride. After the cere- mony a weddingbreakfast was serve ed at Cattle Inn. Guests were pre- sent from Toronto, Jordon Station, Dashwood, _lIrtclreli and Zurich. Af- ter the breakfast the bridal couple left cina motor trip through Musk- oka. For travelling the bride don- ned an ensemble in brown tones with brown hat and accessories,' On their return Mr, and Mrs. Cords will take up residence at St, Catharines, R.R. No. 1. Miss Laura .Mae Reid was pleas- aritly surprised on Friday evening, Sept. 1st prior to her marriage when her Sunday School Class (Kings Daughters) 'hters) m,et at her home and Presented her' with a handkerchief shower in form of an umbrella, A very social evening was spent after which a dainty lunch was served. The Walther League of Zion Luth- eran church, Dashwood, met on Tu- esdaft Sept. 5th for their first meet ing of the new term. The meeting 0 was prized by Prayer led by Rev. T. Luft and the singing of the Wal- ther League song followed by 'a very interesting. Bible Study taken from Acts 10. A speech was then given by Mr. Alvin Walper who suc- ceeds Miss Zeta Nadiger as President After the business Was transacted the meeting closed with the Lord's pray- er and the singing of a hyrnn. The officers fficers of the Walther League for the term of 1923-34 are as fol- lows: Pres. Alvin Walper; Vice.,Reta Hayter; •; Secy., Olga Martens.;: Tress Martha Rader; Reporter, Helen Luft. (Intended for last week) Mrs. J. C. Reid Entertains for Dau- ghter, Miss Laura Mae Reid, Bride Elect. Mrs. J. C. Reid entertained at a trousseau tea at her home here re- cently in honor of her daughter, Laura Mae, whose marriage to Gord- on A. Elliott of Thedford, took place on Tuesday. About 140 guests cal- led during the afternoon and evening: Mrsfl 3. C. Moloy of Thedford re- ceived the guests at the door. Dur- ing the afternoon the gifts were dis-. played by Miss Helen Nadiger and in the evening by Miss Anna Tie- rnan. In the linen and silver room Miss Rhena Avery of Mitchell hal charge in the afternoon. and Mrs. 3, M. Tiernan the bed furnishings, both afternoon and evening and the, lovely trousseau was displayed by Mrs. R. H. Taylor. Miss Bertha Elliott of Thedford presided at the prettily appointed tea table while Misses .Phyllis Reid and Gertrude Hoffman assisted in serving during the afternoon and Miss Helen Nad- iger and .Miss Phyllis Reid were tea assistants in the evening. Among :he many beautiful gifts was• a large and elaborate wedding cake the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charters. of Arkona. .:he flowers used in the dining room rnd living room were the gift of Mr Ind Mrs, Bass of Thedford. 1VIrs. E. .1adiger and Mrs, H. Neuschwanger :lso assisted. Guests were present 'rom London, Exeter, Mitchell, God- gich, Grand Bend, Parkhill, Bay-• .eld, Zurich and Hensall HENSALL • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Butt of Sea nth, visited with the former's six ers, 1VIrs. John Dinsdale,; Mrs. Han ah Taylor. and Mrs. John Murdock, Wm. Jones of. London, was a visit - at the Mane of Levi Rands. Mr. and Mrs. Win, lVIcLean of Hair, :on were holiday visitors at the sine of Mr. and' Mrs. John Pass - lore. Mr. and Mrs Leslie Knight and son 'd Mr. and Mrs, 5. Parimer• of Kit- snee spent a few days with friers- ; in town, 0, C. Petty is visiting with friends. Toronto. e it Mrs, Smith of St. Marys :Rita r3 w' 1:' •and Mrs. Goo. .r Ilat•. : hi1•'i p i...? i•y.i• iu . t,i'ni;mill*tic,• 1 Atil. :.rid >ii2.'. 4.4aeide blower iLa1 getting nicely settled in their new home on N. Richmond St. Mrs. Herophili and family have re. turned from their summer residence at Grand Bend, Mrs. l:Iassell and daughter of Camden, New Jersey, are renewing their visit with their relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. 5, W. Ortwoin and 1\fr and Mrs. M. Drysdale. T. W, Palmer has been fitting up the rear part of his grocery as a re- frigerator section, The flower beds at the railway sta- tion yard ,are looking beautiful, con- sidering the extremely warm weather and want of rain. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hudson of Chi-- ago are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith of De- troit were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Smith. Dr. and Mrs. B. Campbell of Tor- onto spent a pleasant week -end. with Mrs. Campbell's mother; Mrs Mur- doch, and on their return were ac- companied by their daughters, Jean and Dorothy, and son Keith, who have been spending the summer holidays here with relatives and friends, The Misses Jean ,and Dorothy are on the teaching staff of Toronto. Mrs, John. Wilson and sister, Mrs. Mossip, of St. Marys, were visitors in the village. Mrs. Wilson, since her husband's death, • has made her home in St. Marys. Mrs. M. Miller, a Detroit, has returned aftero a pleasant few weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs: T. C. Joynt Members of the family of Mr. and Mrs. N. Warmer, of Pontiac, Mich., and for years residents of Hensall, called on friends here recently.. The largest crowd of the season witnessed the ball game at Strathroy on Monday afternoon last, when the Sarnia Red Sox, Middlesex-Lambton champions defeated the Hensall BIack Caps by a score of 12-10. Hensall used 3 pitchers. Welsh starting, was relieved in the third by Carrick,who only lasted one inning an&was re- lieved by Kerslake. Carrick was the outstanding player for Hensall, hit- ting 2 triples with 2 men an, and made several sensational catches in Centre. Hensall Council Minutes The regular meeting of the Village Council' was held on September. 5th, at 8 pen. • in the Council Chamber with all members present except Co- uncillor: Spencer. ,The minutes of the previous meet- ingvere .read'.. Motion that the nun- utes be adopted. .G. F. Borth on tax collector; reported re unpaid taxes, as having received some arr- ears of same, Communications read from the fol- lowing: Dept. of Agriculture; Dep- uty Minister of Health; Ont. Dairies. same filed. Motion that by-law No. 5, 1938, ammending by-law 12, 1932 sued by- law No.4 1933 be given first and i S second reading.. Bills, and accounts read es follows: G. Parker, streets $4.00;0 School Board, current expenses $200.00; C. Hudson, streets 3.40; J. Passmore,' Hydro 4.39; 5. Priest, weed cutting 3.20; E. Sheffer, streets $4.00; G.M. Case, coal and cartage $53.85; W.R. naeldson, coal, $44.33; J. Patterson premium on Bond $8.00. Motion that accoulits as read be paid. Motion, that we call for tenders for the painting of the Town Hall same to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before Sept. llth, at 8.p:m. Motion,-' that we now adjourn to. meet again Sept. 11th at 8 pan. Ppecial Meeting Special meeting of the Council held on Sept. llth at 8 p.m. to consider the letting of the tenders for the painting, of the Town Hall also set- ting the tax rate. All members of the Council `being present. Tenders received from Fred Ken- ings and R. E. Shaddock. Motion that the tenders of Fred Kennings for painting Town Hall be accepted at $105.00. Motion that the rates for the levying of taxes be as follows for Debentures 8 7-10, County 5 2:-l0;; Library 5-10, school 9 5-10, Village 9 .1-10 mills; total 33 mills. Motion that by-law No. 6, 19'33 setting tax rate be given first and second reading. That it be given third and :final reading. Motion that Council now adjausat James A. Paterson, Gaiesk 'Pfau - Lye u ember 1• , 1933 �M•.�MVNM..MiMYY../tlM'.�NYiNMSA!ViM111yJ•IWi�•- , ES Voted into first place and bought in greatest noir,... hers every year for eighteen years For nearly two decades it has been possible to. say that more people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind. The only sensible rea- son is that 'Goodyear& give greater mileage and all-round service. PLUS... FIRST CLASS SERV!CE AT STADE and WEIDO Zurich,. Ont. Telephone 92 of the town's bathing facilities thi summer. Money expended in th improvement of the bathing' beach o in adding to the facilities for swim niers is money well spent. s Two Exeter girls who were camp-- e ing at Grand Bend recently were robe - r; bed of their' purses containing $14 i- :n cash and an $8 cheque. Entrance was made to their room one evening whiles the girls were absent by cut-. z, -ting away some netting and their: parses were taken • from their suit g' • cases. A couple of other suitcases in elle room. at the time were unmolest• - ° t eel:.. 1e ' Rev. Father E. F Goetz, until r cently pastor of St. James Chum Seaforth, but now at WalIacebur was injured when a hit and run der ver forced his car into a ditch wes of Woodstock Saturday last, ti priest received .minor injuries. While operating a sausage ma- chine in Christie's Meat Market, Sea - forth, Glendon Christie, in some man ner, caught a finger in the machine. On receiving medical aid- it was fo- und the bone was broken and the finger badly lacerated. A transient, giving his name and address as Donald O'Brein, Sault Ste Marie was removed to Kincardine hospital when It was found he was suffering from epilepsy and other dls eases. His case presents a problem to police who have to arrange for a watch for him each night. John Taylor, formerly of the Tay- lor Tire Shop, Exeter, who has been. confined to his home in Crediton, with heart trouble, was removed to t. Joseph's Hospital, London, last week. 'when Brant Township, Bruce Co-: unty, issued a statement recently: stating that the municipality had but a general tax rate of three mills and no debenture debt except a small is- sue of hydro for the .Police Village of Elmwood; the ratepayers of God- erich Township sat up and said "Shush" Goderich Township has a general tax rate of two mills and no debenture debt whatever. Moreover its taxes are paid 100 per cent. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized on Sept. 2nd, at the Uni- ted Church Manse, Kippen, vrlre"rn Elva Florence, second daughter oil. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson, was united in marriage to Alexander Dun- can McGregor, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. McGregor, Kippeni with Rev. Chandler o�e.•ialt Clinton is the sight.of a tented city a company of men from the Depart- ment of National Defence• having set uti tents in the town plot and are working out from Clinton, about a radious of fifteen miles or so. The party are engaged in making surveys necessary for the making of typo; graphical maps, taking in. all the valleys, streams,. etc:.. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lfn•denfie.ld; of Exeter, announce the engagement of their daughter Avis. Devene; Reg,; to Mervyn R. Cudnlore, son of Mrs. A. Cudmore of •Usborne. The mar- riage ' to take place the• middle of September. Clifford, son of Mr. and Mrs. S: Jori•, of Stephen, had` the niisfbrtune• to fall from a tree one day' reuentl'y landing on some shoots growing at the bottom of the tree. One of the slieots• penetrated the cheek piercing COUNTY NEWS •• Harburn and, Simon,. of Hartsell, were champions of the big'horsoslioo pitching tournament held in Woods- tock on Labor_ Day. Clara A. McGowan, of Blyth, heft for China, where she is engaged' as teacher at Chengtu Szeeheyaw, tea- ching English in the mission where Dr. E. C. Wilford, formerly of Rli'4.h is engaged as Bead of the hospital,' Gorle, is".r l o; and i 'l 1 1T persons ae well, have made goo.1 us Of interest to a wide circle of fri ends in the Presbyterian Church in! Canada comes the announcement of the marriage of Dr. Margaret Strang medical missionary at Dixonville,. Alta, and daughter of Mr. and Mss: .Henry Strang of Usborne, to William, Savage, rancher -prospector, of that district,. The marriage took :place.at the; First Presbyterian church, Ed- monton, early in August, with 'Rev. Andrew Osborn, D.D., minister of the :church, officiating. Mr. and Mrs rWilson of Edmonton; friends of Dr_. Strang, were ,the attendants.. Iifrost Thursday . morning someone• entered the Whyte Packing Co., store and warehouse• at Mitchell, by means: 1 of the• back :door. Chief Mott, in•. making his rounds, heard a disturb- ance in the front shop, but as the. 1 blinds were draws he was unable for see Inside. Mr. Scliellenberger• the• manager, was irnmediatell notified' and on investigation a large parcel' pf meat all ready wrapped up and: some bottled goods were found rea-• ay to be taken away, but no trace of the burglary could be seen. It is thought entrance was gained by the use of a skeleton key, .,,,..p.ag Dr. A. Newton -Brady, Bayfield who recently underwent a serious op- eration In John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, left Monday last for Ham- ireo>2, accompanied by Mrs. Newton - Brady, after spending a few days at leis home in Hayfield. He expects to move his household effects to Ham- ilton shortly. Dr. Newton -Brady has, been in practice in Bayfield for over-. ten years and Bayfield regrets his departure greatly. A very fine crowd from Kipper,. and :Wllsgreen congregations attend-• ed the induction services held in St.. Andrew's United Church on raiday • evening cast, when Rev. Arthur Sin-- clair, Moderator of Huron Presby-- tery, presided and inducted the near minister, Rev. E. F. Chandler,,form•- erly of.Blenheim. Rev. A. E. Pout - ter of Varna addressed the congrega- tion and Rev. R. M. Gale of Hay- field addressed the minister. Both gave veryexcellent and inspiring addresses. The choir assisted in the: service with an anthem. Chas. Godbolt, of the 2, concession: Usborne, had a miraculous escape• from death last Monday when a: coupe he was driving turned over several times on the road, the body of the ear was whecked beyond repair.. He had left his own car at the gar- age for repairs and in place he was, wing a coupe of last year's modek' ad was on his way to Exeter when e lost Control of the ear. It took o the side of the road ana :n turn - ng it quickly the wheels cramped mill'. o ear rolled over snaking a corn - Tete turn and a half coming to rest; nits side lying crosswise or the a nasty hole. The wound was dies- , a sed and it took two stitches on the outside and one on the inside to close the opening. Attendance at Seaforth schools tiffs' year is about the same as ease. The •Collegiate has 200 pupils as coni pared to 209 last year; the public school has 196, an increase of Goy-' h t th p 0 road, The body of the ear was s batterrci mass, t er t032, the Se f wrsted and bent 'into . . lire 52, aIle.. and t last school all shapes. Ile Was thrown out on- as i ,t year: 'thus to the roadside but althou Ii uff a.• g' S er- zero are now :four hundred and for- ir1 • from concussion of the bran j ti f l'hx� students ir1 Seaforth, schools was lible to rte aiu his feel.