Zurich Herald, 1933-09-14, Page 2THE
Mystcr.ioUS masquerade
Ata London Ounce club Molly Car -
Stairs. meets Roger Barling who prom-
ises to get her a job. The following
morning molly is stopped s ollee,
"tun and taken to the police
where she is identified by a Mr. and Mrs.
Silver as their missing niece. That night
at the Silver home she discovers she is
being used as a decoy in a gambling
house, The Silvers next tell brolly that.
Major Carstairs her fatherher , is returning
from India. olly uns unto Roger develops
when %1 Silver's study where there
leaving Paul
supposed father.(Marra
3eTheYl meets
a her
ical condition it was otherwise with
his faithful retainer Cleveland,
He had been with Mr. Roger since
the conclusion of the Great War. Now
Cleveland Inas one of those rare, con-
scientious souls who believe that what-
ever one's mission in life may be, each
individual is charged with a great
duty to do that job not only to the
best of his ability, but to cultivate an
even greater ability for the job. And
Cleveland had made a personal as well
as an impersonal study of his employ-
er. He prided himself that no other
human being understood Mr. Roger's
foibles and his character as he did. In
fact, Cleveland believed that he could
even interpret Mr. Roger's unspoken
thoughts, which valuable gift enabled
him to anticipate that gentleman's
wants with an accuracy that had to
be experienced to be appreciated.
• But during the past few weeks
Cleveland had been conscious of a
complete change in Mr. Roger. He
was dealing now with a being so
radically different from the being to
which he was accustomed that the
metamorphosis called for a complete
reorganization of Cleveland's method.
It was not that, however, that worried
Cleveland. It was Roger's utter dis-
Roger gazed at the soldier with wide
inexecl'uloue eyes. Carstairs! The
nine appeared tdi'a be haunting him.
For the moment it hypuotized his
"I'm pleased indeed to meet you,
sir," responded Roger, taking the
proffered. hand. "Sir Hugo has been
telling me something about you."
Major Carstairs smiled god-humor-
edlly, "Hugo was always extravagant
with his tongue, Mr. Barling. He's a
born hero-worshipper. Started at
school if I remember rightly, You
once had a passion for cricketers,
hadn't you, Hugo? Used to paste
their portraits around the study wall."
They all laughed. •
"What about lunch?" suggested Sir
Hugo. "I breakfasted at eight o'elock."
"The early -rising way to health,"
suggested Roger.
"That's right, my boy—early rising;
that's my motto, eh, Major? No linen -
lounging fox me.'-'
The meal was a great success. Sir
Hugo monopolized the conversation by
asking innumerable questions on In-
dian policy that would have; required
the services of a dozen Blue Books -to
furnish the answer. Roger was puz-
zling his brains about Major Car-
stairs. The mention of the name 'had
brought him back to the girl who had
so attracted him. at The Cygnet Club.
It appeared as if fate were conspiring
against him, determined that on no
account should he be permitted to for-
get that name. .
At the conclusion of the meal ne
managed to get Major Carstairs alone
while Sir Hugo had been called away
to. the telephone.
"I've just asked Sir Hugo if he'd
dine with us tonight," mentioned Car-
stairs, "I wonder if you'd care to join
ts? You see I'm rather strange to
London and though my daughter
knows -Town quite well, I think it
only fair that she should have an oc-
casional change of companionship,
don't you, Mr. Barling?"
"I'd be only too. charmed, Major,"
smiled Roger, "although I must warn
you I'm not considered a great success
with the ladies."
"I'll mention that to Molly," smiled.
the Major, laughingly.
Roger's brain reeled. Yes, this was
certainly the last straw. Fate had a
=down on him. In all probability the
name would haunt him to the grave.
Well, he told himself, cheerlessly, per-
haps he deserved it.
(To be contitued.)
Fathers Take Interest
In Care of the Child
More boy babies than girl babies are
being born every quarter in Britain. It
is not surprising that husbands have
suddenly shown an extraordinary in-
terest in their miniature selves.
In the last quarter there were nearly
3600 more boy babies born. than girls
in Great Britain. And theywere the
healthiest babies that have beerteborn
anywhere in the worldl
What will happen, now that fathers
have decided to join forces with moth-
ers, will not be difficult to imagine.
On Saturday and Sunday afternoons
an unusually large number of fathers
wheel perambulatbes and carry babies.
If you remark on this strange sight
the fathers will say: "Why shouldn't
we? We're just as proud of them as
their mothers."
Cynics right down the ages have
frequently compared love with disease
---an insidious, creeping complaint
ending in complete paralysis of the
reason. Not infrequently, too,
it as
been mistaken diagnostically for dys-
pepsia and its allied malady, insomnia,
Take the case of Roger Barling by
way of example. For a whole month,
love had gnawed at his vitals; chang-
ed.his habits and his temperament and
left him in dire danger of becoming a
chronic sufferer.
Yet on the other hand Mr. Barling
would have been the last person in the
ad to admit that there was any-
Pithy ,Anecdotes
Of the Famous
Here is an Oscar Wilde story told by.
his biographer, R. H. Sheral'd, Wilde
would tolerate no slovenliness le writ-
ing, In the matter, for instance, of
punctuation, he was scrupulous ill I 3
extreme. Once when his hostess in a
country house asked him at dinner
how be had spent the day, he answer-.
"I have been correcting the proofs
of My poems. In the morning alter
bard work, I took a comma out of one
"And In
"In the
\N V
thing untoward the matter with him. regard of his own condition that was
It was true iris nights had been conn disconcerting. He had recocmmendel
sdstently restless; the times an
manner of taking his meals had been
characterized by an irregularity and
a half-heartedness entirely alien to his
mature; and he had discovered himself
being unquestioniably rude to his
friends who dared to inquire after his
Anyone who offered the suggestion
that "you're looking a bit seedy, Roger
eLl clan," had been consigned to a
purgatory where the minimum tem-
perature would make the Equator ap-
pear a land fit for Esquilnaux to live
in. For the sake of preserving the
harmonies of life they said among
themselves that something had hit old
Roger good and hard, while others
listening in at the Gossip Hour had
been boldly provocative and asked:
"Who is she? What's she like?"
'Which goes to show that in. love
appearances are seldom deceptive.
But Roger, it must be mentioned,
scarcely if ever actually thought
about Molly Carstairs. He had long
ago turned the cold lime of logic and
reason on her and satisfied himself
that she was worthless. She had de-
ceived hien—flagrantly deceived hint,
and even if he had fobbed off Detec-
tive Inspector Brayton regardingthe
, gaming parties at Paul Silver's place
at Hampstead, he would not admit
that he had done so out of considera-
tion of the girl he had so unexpected-
ly encountered there. Neither would
he admit that his last visit to the
place had been prompted solely by the
fact that he knew she was there, and
when he had discovered
her he had shrugged his broad shoul-
ders and told himself that he was no
On the other land, if Roger refus-
ed to face the seriousness of his clin-
all the specifies known to science and
without avail. The Latient, seemingly
unconscious of his condition, grew
worse before his eyes and to the de-
voted Cleveland it appeared a par-
ticularly hopeless case.
Cleveland was passing through the
hall when he encountered Mr. Roger.
"I shall be lunching at the club to-
oday, Cleveland," he intimated. "I feel
that a change of diet is eminently
"Very good, sir," said Cleveland,
remembering the pheasant he had
been instructed to order the night be-
fore. "Will you have the bird for
dinner, sir?"
Roger turned as he unhooked his
coat and held it out to his roan. "My
dear Cleveland, vulgarisms come so
seldom from you that I almost hesitate
to upbraid you. I shall be diniri'g
alone, but where, I haven't yet de-
"Very good, sir. The bird to which
I made reference, sir, was the pheas-
ant you ordered."
"My apologies, Cleveland," smiled
Roger. "I wonder what made me jump
to such an outrageous conclusion?"
"They do say, sir, that what is
known as , association .of ideas, fre-
quently manifests itself in the sub-
conscious mind of the patient."
"Oh, my hatl" ejaculated Roger,
"And whoever said our educational
system was the worst in the world."
Saying this he opened the door of the
fiat before the astonished Cleveland
c: uld perform that office.
From the flat Roger walked briskly
along Ifnightsbridge in the direction
of his club. Earlier that morning he
had been "pestered" by another visit
from the persistent Blayton from
Scotland Yard. Blayton had merely
called in the hopes that Mr. Barling's
memory had improved and that he
could recollect any further haunts fre-
quented by the late Mr. Carruthers.
But Roger's memory was a stubborn
affair. It could remember many things
but there were others of which it had
not the remotest recollection, and In-
spector Blayton had gene on his way
not in the least rejoicing, but telling
himself that Mr. Judson, chauffeur
and general handyman for Mr. Paul
Silver was a slick customer.
That he had been hanging around
in the vicinity of Baeling's flat when
the Inspector had accosted him for
some strange purpose other than the
excuse he so extemporarily 'furnished,
he had no doubt. Added to which he
was puzzled to know just what really
did go on at the Silvers.
Judson had mentioned the parties.
the afternoon?" said the
afternoon, 1 put it back
John Drinkwater, on the nomination
of John QalsworthY, was elected a
member of The Square Club (named
after Fielding's Parson Square).
"I was' to meet him "Calsworthy) for
my first attendance," recalls Drink -
water, "tont on arriving in London
found a letter:
"'I am fearfully scirry that a calam-
ity has befallen us, and I must pass
you on to Gerald Bishop, the main-
spring of the club. The fact is we
have lost our dog—dead—the after-
noon. You will forgive me, I am sure.
But I am sorry'."
One more story—to give you a good
taste of the delightful flavor of the
Drinkwater book. It seems that Wal-
ter Raleigh and Gilbert Murray—close
friends and contemporaries- were of-
fered knighthoods at the same time.
Raleigh accepted and became Sir Wal-
ter, but. Murray declined . the honor,
Rt�feigh was chipped about it by some
of their friends. (You remember the
original Sir Walter Raleigh!)
"Well," observed the new Sir Wal-
ter, "I knew that I had to choose be-
tween being a 'butt and a prig, and I
decided to be a butt."
Of course, you recall the amusing
story the new Sir Walter used to tell
against himself with such glee—he
was that kind of a man! How, when
he was over here on a visit a reporter
met the train on which he arrived at
Cleveland, and not knowing him, stop-
ped a fellow -passenger who "looked
like an Englishman," and said: "Ex-
cuse me, but are you Sir Walter Ra-
leigh?" And how the man replied with
an "amused look in his eye": "No, You
Will find Sir Walter Raleigh in the
smoking car playing cards with Queen.
One of the anecdotes about Andrew
Jackson ("old Hickory"), related by
Marquis James (in "Andrew Jackson:
The Border Captain") tells of the
funeral of Jackson's father when, af-
ter a good'old Irish wake, the pall-
bearers start on their cold march to
the cemetery and arrive at the grave
—without the body.
At the tme of the Pharaohs, when
an Egyptian cat died the men of the
household shaved off their eyebrows
and sat around wailing and rocking
themselves to and fro in stimulated
angush, for the cat was regarded as
secred, says Arthur Weigel], noted
Egyptologist (in "Laura Was My
Camel"—an enchanting little animal
"The body was embalmed and buried
with solemn rites in the local cats'
cemetery, or sent down to Bubastis to
rest in the shadow of the temple of
their patron goddess. I myself have
dug up hundreds of mummified •cats;
acid once, in fact, when I had a couple
of dozen of the best specimens stand
ng on my verandah waiting to be dis-
etched to the Cairo Museum, ("Basta
Cat") was most excited about
a Baby?
Send for
Oita !
to new
mothers• -S4
pages on—'
Care before
baby comes. •
Layette. Baby s
bath, sleep,
bowels, weight.
• Latest findings on feeding.
Write The Norden Co., Limited.
house. Toronto.
10 4 Ara
r Gat R
/r.FrP.'S�1 !corm l claG'isi1
tians think it unlucky to hurt a cat,
and in the native quarters of Cairo
and other cities hundreds of cats are
fed at the expense of benevolent citi-
zens. They say that they do this be-
cause cats are so useful -to mankind in
killing off mice and other pests; but
actually it is an unrecognized survival
of the old beliefs.
The coming of George Bernard Shaw
recalls the fact that it was the late T.
P. ("Tay Pay")* O'Connor who gave
Shaw his journalistic chance in Lon -
cion. When "Tay Pay" founded the
"Star" as organ of the Liberal Party,
he appointed H. W. Massingham—a
brilliant writer --assistant editor.
"Massingham used to talk to me
with rapture of a gentleman whose
name neither I nor, "deed, anybody
else had ever heard before—his name
was George Bernard Shaw," related
"Tay Pay;".in "Memoirs of an Old Par-
The ups ,t was that Shaw was hired
as one of the "Star's assistant leader
writers, as they call writers of edi-
torials in Fleet Street, at the princely
salary of two pound's ten shillings
($12.50 a week).
"I dict not know" at the time that
Mr. Shaw was a convinced Socialist,"
said "Tay Pay." But it was not long
before he discovered that some of
Shaw's paragraphs were raising a rum-
pus in the Liberal party which had
no use for Socialism.
,g .k
Lone Woman Directs
Farm Organiza tion
Edna E. Reed Sees to Receiv-
ing, Storage and Dis-
tribution of a Million
Eggs a Year s
Portland, Ore.—From a tiny office in
a block-long1 uilding, a slender, alert,
woman directs the destiny of a farm
co-operative whose members numb0
2,500 producers throughout Oregonand
Southern *Washington. She sees to the
receiving, storage and distribution of
100,000,000 eggs a year and directs a
sales organization with 60 per cent. of
its markets in the east.
The office, barely large enough to
accommodate a desk, a Sling cabinet
and a few chairs, is the headquarter.
of Miss Edna B. Reed, chosen a fe'i,
days ago as the first woman in the
United States to head a farmers. ^.a'
operative organization.
Miss Reed said to -day she "just got
into" the co-operative business, enter:
ing it 10 years ago, rising steadily Uri
til she was auditor of the Pacific Pim])
try Products Co-operatite, then findini
herself appointed by the directors tQ
assume the office of general manager,
let vacant by the death of E. J. Dixon,
to whom she was an assistant.
At first the fathers' council did not
dare to interfere with the actual
They limited their activities to re-
decorating infant welfare centres; held
concerts and entertainments In aid of
funds for these centres. One group of
fathers only a couple of months ago
raised £600 by this method.
Then they summoned up enough
courage to start lectures.
Dolls were used in some lectures,
real babies in others. And now there
are a large group of fathers in England
who know how to dress and undress a
baby; understand all the rules for its
feeding and sleep.
Recently they have come right out
into the open.
They have asked to have a einema
film shown to them which shows in
detail how father can bathe the baby
(coking after other children at the
same time) and dress it;
They have a right to be proud of
their babies,
Quite suburban social affairs he had
described them, and when Blayton in
his -innocence had mentioned "cards
and things," Mr. Judson had smiled
ia a somewhat aggravating fashion
and said: "Nothing out of the ordi-
nary, Mr. Brayton"
Roger arrived at the Junior Ser-
vices Club toward midday. He had
taken a fancy to lunching there just
lately because someone had persuaded
him that he ought to go in for politics
and to do that successfully one -must
meet the "right people."
As a matter of fact, Roger. had no in:
tention of going ilt /or politics. But it
had been Sir Hugo Gating who bad
made the suggestion, and Roger was
rather partial to Sir Hugo.
The old gentleman was flanked by
newspapers when Rogar"•entered.
"Hope you're staying 'tor lunch, my
boy. I've got an old friend coming.
along:. Like you to meet loin. Inter-
esting? I should say he is. Why he's
spent a lifetime in India. I(notais more
about India than tare Viceroy oe Win- •
ston Churchill. You'll like him."
Thirty minutes later Roger saw Sir
Hugo advancing with a soldierly "ran
wearing a navy-blue suit.
"Roger," introduced Sir hila', "1'd
like you to meet my old friend Major
Aldous Carstairs, late of the Indian.
Eventually Shaw's editorial indis-
cretions got.on "Tay Pay's" nerves,
but a solution presented itself when
Massingham suggested that G. B. S.
be taken from the "Star's" leader
-writers' room and made the paper's
music .critic.
"He gushed with enthusiasm about
the musical accomplishments of Mr.
Shaw, which I believe were perfectly
genuine," recalled "Tay Pay." Shaw's
mother was a music teacher, and he
has said that he had once to earn his
living as an accompanist. Anyhow,
the paper at the time had no musical
critic, .so the change was made, and
Shaw became music critic of the
"Star" at au increased salary of three
guineas (about $16) a week..
ISSUE 1`''1. 36—'33' &I> ."
Was My
it and walked round- sniffing at them
all day. They certanly smelt awful."
* *
The Egyptian cat is a domesticated
species of the African wild -cat (adds
Mr. Weigali)., and no doubt its strange
behaviour and its weird voice were the
cause of its being regarded as sacred
in ancient times; but although the old
these many
On the late summer hill, the everlast-
Blows whitely among the green
Star -moss blooms on rock; a cowbell
Over the ridge; the. grasses scarcely
Production and Demand
As general manager, she must be:
tempt o strike a happy
tween production peaks and demand
peaks through the medium of storage.
She must conduct the business to the
satisfaction of the 13. elected directors
fortunately she is not superstitious.
She must satisfy the producers their
eggs are being graded correctly and
that the best net prices are being re-
turned to them. She must keep the or-
ganization's working personnel—be=
twee" 125 and 150, depeudiug on the
season—functioning efficiently.
She must, in short, answer to the
whole business, and because a return
to Oregon and southwestern Washing
ton producers of between $1,500,000
and $2,000,000 annually is involved;
she must answer correctly.
Miss Reed likes this . work, because
it gives her a chance to "help those.
who might not be able to help there
selves" very well by marketing in
Fly fishing along an Oregon stream
for trout is a favorite sport of hers.
Miss Reed is slender, hair slightly
greying and she has flashing grey -bluff
gods have been forgotten
enturies, the traditional sanctity of To undo the work of morn.
— a
M rg
aret E. Sangster
Prone upon the earth's warm shoulder,
With :the planet eastward toward the
stars, I see
The wings of birds like a pattern of
shadow, weaving
A spell of flying loveliness over me.
—Frances Frost, in The Christian
Science Monitor,
We have
And smiles for th.; sometime guest
But oft for "our own"
The bitter tone,
Though we love "our own" the best.
Ah! hp with the curve impatient,
Ah! brow with that look of scorn,
'Twere a cruel fate, •
Were the night -too late
Our Own
careful thought for the
the race has survived. Modern Egyp-
Motorist: How many head of
livesepck have you got on the
place.? Fanner: Livestock? What'd ye
mean by livestock? I got three
tractors and two automobiles.
Silent and Strong
"The strongest men in history Redve
ever been silent." -- David Lloyd
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_w... IS AN. EASY
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