Zurich Herald, 1933-03-30, Page 7OHORUS NI TAKES OFF 20 'h. Has To a Slim To Keep Her Job FRESH AFTER A NIGHT'S DANCING was getting much too fat," writes a chorus girl, "and I expect you know how deadly that is to one of us. In fact, in time it. means 'the gate'—in other words, our services are not re- quired. In these days a chorus girl has to work very hard—dancing as well as winging—and It is really necessary to be slim. .A. fried advised me to take Kruschen Salts, which I did, and after taking them for three months I have lost 28 lbs. I am delighted, for nobody loves a fat girl. The girls at the theatre used to laugh when they saw the Kruschen bottle on my dressing table. But those who laugh last laugh best, which I do at the end of the show At night, as I am -quite fresh and happy, after a hard night dancing. Thanks to Kruschen Salts."—(Miss) M. W. $t has been established that excess fat $s mainly due to improper working of the internal organs, which allow waste material to accumulate and clog the machinery. Taken every morning, Kruschen Salts effect a regular, gentle, end perfectly natural clearance of this poisonous wastage which encumbers the system. Your blood -stream is thus preserved from contamination. Re- freshed and invigorated, it floods you with a new feeling of vitality, a new urge for activity. You follow the urge, and after about a fortnight that ugly fat starts to go. You feel it; your mir- ror reflects it; you make for the near- est weighing -machine, and very soon know it. Kruschen Salts is obtainable at all Drug Stores at 45c.and 75c. per bottle. • FREE TRIAL OFFER OF KRUSCHEN the toot, and thou, if not entirely convinced that Kruschen does everything we claim it to do the regular bottle Is still as good ma new. Take It back. You druggist is authorised to return your 75c. immediately and without question. You have tried Kruschen free at our expense. What could be fairer Manufactured by E. GairriTlre HvoIIES, Ltd., Manchester, `England. (Established 17541. Try Eruechen now at our expense. We have • distributed a great many special " GIANT" packages which make it easy for you to prove our claims for yourself. Ask your druggist !or the new " GIANT " 75c. package. This consists of our regular 760, bottle together with a separate trial bottle—sufficient for about one week. Open the trial bottle first, put Lt to OUR CROSS -WORD PUZZLE Horizontal I—Dexterity 4—Over 9—Carrpall 12—Bean 13—Ethical 14—Before 15 Individual 17—Faculty 19—Land measures .21—Seine ,22 Moon ,24—Convulsive sigh 126—To strike 29—Passage 31—Tennis term 33—Girl's name 34—French conju..rintknn 35 Watch charm 37 --Slang: sailor c39—By 40—Set of tools 42—Pile 44—Characteristic 46—Kilit,d 48—Weapon 50—Capably 51—Color 53—Lowest point 65—Checkered cloth 58—Name of foot disease 61—Self 62—Example 64—Kind of dog 65—Beetle 66—Eaten away 67—Golf mound Vertical 1—Serpent 2—Deer 3—Oppressor 4—Cupid 5—Parts of skeleton 6 --Conjunction 7—Tub 8—Spirit 9—Insect 10—Vase 1I—To place Mystery Sounds dile Science Found in England, India, and the United States Travellers returning from India often speak of the Barisal guns, the mysterious boomings Eke distant gun- fire heard in the delta of the Ganges. There is, however, no need to go ao far as India in order to hear mystery sounds similar to the Barisal guns. They have been heard on Dartmoor at times when no firing was in progress 011 the Okehampton Artillery Range, and when no thunder -clouds were within sight. They came late on warm'. evenings, muffled reports precisely like those of distant guns. IN THE NORTH SEA. Fishermen who use the North Sea 1 occasionally hear similar sounds. They occur usually in warm, foggy weather. Look -out men at Ostend have reported identical noises, very dull and distant but many times repeated, and always occurring towards evening. They con- sider them to be subterranean. There are at least three' places in America where mystery sounds have been heard for many years past. One is that beautiful region, the Blu Moun- tains of Georgia, where there are rec- ords running back for sixty yearsor more, reporting heavy crashes and booms, resembling the sounds of a dis- tant bombardment. These occur at all times of the year and in all weathers. It was formerly suggested that they were caused by bears rooting under rocks and sending them rolling down the hillsides, but today bears are extinct—ani the nois- es continue. In the hills of North Carolina and near Franklinville, in New York State, the same sort of sounds are heard. They are described as resembling quarry blasts. STRANGE STORM WARNING. Prof. A. Issel, an Italian seismolo- gist, has written a paper on myster- ious noises heard in Umbria over a lcng period of years. These detona- L Mrs. Robinson was an extremely tions were quite distinct from ordinary careful mother, and had repeatedly peals of thunder. The centre from cautioned her 6 -year-old daughter which they appeared to emanate was against handling any object that might Monte Nerone. In the Middle Apen- nines pennines subterranean thunder of the same kind is usual. The people call it "B ombio." One of the strangest spots on earth 1rck cloth. lS—French Mural article 20—Sun 22—Vegetables 23—Up to 25—To plead 27—To be of use 28—Trivial 30—That over there 32—Chile. 36—To' capture 38—Plait 41—Great fright 43—Play on words 45—Unceremonious 47—Moist 49—Titles 52—Title 54—Glen 55—To spread 56—Past 57—Conjunction 59—To regret 60 --Period 6.3—To act Gems from Life's Scrapbook Peace "Peace is the happy, natural state of ran; war his cor'ruptio_n, his dis- ace."—Thomson. "Blessedness is promised to the eacemaker,not to the oonqueror."-- tutees. "The need of mankind in this great front of establishing peace' among the Mins is to realize man's oneness of iglu in God." --The bllristian Science bnitor. t. "All things that epeak of heaven peak of }}ecce."—ilailey. t "Nothing can bring you peace but ourself. Nothing can bring you ace but the triumph of principles."-s- merson. t "The question of peace or war de- /pude on. our power to create fellow Infant Colds ,'.' ABV'S OWN TABLETS", writes rs. Louis Wheeler, of Indian Road >reseenf, Toronto, "are splendid for t ildren's Colds, Coughs and Cramps, They are the best corrective a child "Qr�have.° 4 film a baby or young child "catches (old", a safe, pleasant, efficient cor- xectivc is needed immediately. Thou - 'grids of Mothers always keep BABY'S t9WN TABLETS at band for the .prompt relief of the common ailments oo childhood. See safety guarantee in 'oath 25 -cent package. 248 Dr. Williams' BABY'S OWN TABLETS ISSUE No, 1 2—'33 Answers to Last Week Puzzle For Five Complete Se of Poker Rains You can obtain a pair of first quality Ladies' pure thread Silk Stockings, 45 gauge. Combined with excellent wearing qualities, these Stockings have the dull, sheer appearance which is so de- sirable, and they are obtainable in the latest shades. Sizes 834, 9, 9/, 10. There is genuine economy in roll- ing your own with Turret fine cut, as you can make more than 50 cigarettes from a 20c. package. • FREE Chantecter Cigarette Aape:e with every package. CIGARETTE TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited osennesneasnoasanali The Youth—"Your pearls." The Girl—"Pearl who?" teeth are like contain germs. One day the little girl came in and said: Little Girl—"Mother Dear, I am never going to play with my kitten any more, because she has germs on is the Quebrada Encantata (Enchant- her." ed Ravine) in the Uloa Valley, Hon -1 Mrs. Robinson—"011, no, there are duras. This ravine at times sends no germs on your kitten." forth a loud, melodious sound; which Little Girl—"But, Mother Dear, I may be heard many miles away, and saw them." is regarded by all the people within ----- hearing as an infallible sign of rain. "Can you tell me the way to the What is more,the-sound is so moclu- Post Office?" inquired the stranger. fated: as to indicate by its pitch whe= "I can, sir," replied the oldest la- ther the corning storm is to be heavy or light. The amount of promised rain is in. exact proportion to the vol- ume of the sound. Fares Tried By British Railways ship. Only love that believes in fel- lowship, and will suffer anything in making it, can dissolve the frictions:' —Rev. James Reid, M.A., is the Bri- tish Weekly, London, England. Remember: The conquests of Alex- ander the Great, and compare tom With those of Christ Jesus, whose op t- qu0t were not against cilli, but against evil, Recolaring of Radiators Radiators never should be painted, for that diminishes their capacity to radiate heat. However, they do need refinishing from time to time in the i"iz- terest of appearance. The proper fila- terialto '04 is lampblack mixed Ter, alcohol. It not only improrea beauty of the part but also protects the metal. The flour in the wedding cake Or gypsies is mixed with blood taken from the , wrists of the bride and groom, Lower London—In an effort to counteract the heavy competition offered by motor travel the railways are reduc- ing their third class fares for the sumnier months. to the pre-war rate of a penny per mile between all sta- tions 10 miles apart. The result will represent a saving of a half -penny a. mile on existing third class rates and a penny on first class fares. Some officials declare, however, unless the railways regain a consid- erable proportion of the passenger traffic recently lost to motors this experiment will likely prove very costly. New rail fares will still re- main above the motor rates. It is not considered the innovation will affect London suburban traffic where the loss of passengers through the open- ing of new tube lines has been prodi- gious. habitant, obligingly. "Go up the Downs and keep straight along the. crooked lane, then round the square, and when you turn left you are right." _Many progressive women are up-to- date in everything, except possibly their birthdays. Proud Mother—"I think Junior be- comee more like his father every day." Neighbor—"Really? And have you done nothing to prevent it?" The average woman desires to be the one to make a man forget all the other women he knows, then, she pro- ceeds to remind him of them all the time by asking him questions about them. qb "Permanent peace is a pipe dream," says an aunt who has lived 21 yea.rs with her stepmother, 19 years with her mother-in-law and 25 years with her daughter-in-law. A naval officer on a country walk called at a cottage for a cup of tea. The door was opened by ex -Warrant y1• U . rWaaamt ANAEMIC - ALWAYS TIRED - WEAK NERVOUS - RUN-DOWN - RHEUMATIC In 72 different countries, sufferers by the thousand have found new .health, new courage and new happiness by having their Blood Oxygenized by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills:.. Weak and anaemic people have been wonderfully strengthened ... Thin bodies have gained needed weight... Nervous systems have been revitalized..... Pale, listless teen-age girls lave experi- enced the glow of buoyant health.... Middle-aged women have been fortified for the critical change of life, .. Worried, bigh-strung business men have been given renewed nerve forces Oxygenizes Your Blood Stream for you. By their remarkable oxygenizing power, Dr. Wil - Hants' Pink Pills make your food really feed your Blood, your bony tissues and iai1r Ilerves. YQU can exper'lence the bene- ficial restate of D. SS 11iaitis' Pink Pills, as so many thbir sands of others have testified. Get a supply f>•om your' Diu' wgist--aIid start the trea•tm.t ithout delay. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in- crease the supply of the vital element OXYGEN in the Blood Stream, which then carries new nourishment, new vitality and new health to every organ of the body. Unless your Blood Stream --- which Is your Life Stream— is adequately oxygenized (and thereby purified and enrich- ed), the food yoa eat won't• build red blood and firm. flesh IT'S LIVER THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SO WRETCHED Wake up your Liver Bile —No Calomel necessary For you to feel healthy and happy, your liver must pour two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels ovary day. Without that bile, trouble starts. Poor digestion. Slow elimination. Poisons in the body. General wretchedness. How can you expect to clear up a situation like this completely with mere bowel -moving malts, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or chewing gum, or roughage? They don't wake up your hver. You need Carter's Little Liver Pile. Purely vegetable. Safe. Quick and sure results. Ask for them by name. Refuse eubstitutee. 260 at W druggists,. 54 When Y'. urDughter Comes >t:®Wornanhosed Give Her Lydia E. Pinkham'ss Vegetable Compound Most girls in their teens need a tonic and regulator. Give your daughter Lydia E. Pinkhana's Vegetable Compound for the next few months. Teach her how to guard her health at this critical time. When she is a happy, healthy wife and another she will thank y7ou. Classified Advertising PATIENTS. AN OFFER TO EVERY 1NV ,NTOR. List of wanted inventions and full Information sent tree. The Ramsay Cont- pany, World Patent Attorneys. 274 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. NURSERY STOCK. FDER NURSERY STOCK DIRECT ler Save dollars by getting my price on items you need. Standard Nursery, Fonthill, Ont. A. Roszell, prop. Sc'ARRMS X' R SALE. iv OVA SCOTIA F. RMS FOR 'SALE �. tl .Also hotels, businesses, summer r sorts. Free list. Hugh McCallum, Trur., rt RUG SUNDRIES AND SANIT-1R LJ Supplies. 'Write for wholesale cat Logue. Sent to adults only. Nationii Distributors, Box 443, Dept. W., RE- GINA, Sask. DIEDICAL. 11101s13PTURED? WRITE FOR INFOA-. MATION. Smith Manfg. Company; Dept. 100, Preston, Ont. AGENTS WANTED. q„I ALESMEN OR LADIES. OU PD spring catalogue and fabrics a ready; sell ladies', men's and children' fine knitted outer and underwear; a pR� ing business for you, steady employ ment, liberal commission. Write tot&; British Knitwear Limited, Simeoe, Orf REMNANTS In POUNDS LARGE PRINT OR SILK Quilting Remnants, $1.60; 25 pouxi $8.00. A. McCreary Co., Chatham, pet. Officer Jones, who had served with the officer. Both were delighted at meeting, and Jones explained to his visitor that he was comfortably fixed, owned the cot- tage and a bit of land, his only ex- pense being half-a-crown a weak for a boy. "Alt!" said the Commander, "To clean your windows and brass?" "No, sir," replied. Jones, "he calls me every morning at six and says, 'Warrant Officer Jones, the Command- er wants you.' I says, 'Tell the Com- mander to go to Halifax,' and goes to sleep again." This is the time of year when lust a little attention to the home premises and to the streets and alleys and va- cant lots will do much to improve the appearance of the town during the spring and summer months. Small ex- penditures and a little time will do wonders in malting a town attractive. Minister—"Do you take this man for better or for worse?" Colored Bride—"No, rah. Jes' as he is. If he get any better he'll die, an' of he gets any wuss Ah'll kill him my- self;_" Young Lady (after singing before a stage manager)—"Do you think I can ever do anything with my voice?" Stage -Manager — "Wel;, it might come in handy in case of lire!" .A man says in the Spring a house- wife's fancy lightly turns the furniture around. A. little girl of four came tearfully to her mother one morning with the complaint: "How can I button my 'areas when the buttons ire in the back and I am in the front?" Mother—"I hope you. didn't take a second piece of cake at the party?" Bobby—"No, I took two pieces first time." oaf ruaiaemonrer. SCALP -HEAL The World's Greatest So. `p and Bair Tonto Get rid of Dandruff and Secretions. Prevent baldness and grey hair. Restdr** the hair cells. Vitalize the scalp. Acct• before it is too late. Write SCALP -BEA'. COMPANY Box 613, Station 5', - Toronto Son—"Daddy, why do they call it the mother tongue?" Daddy --"Well, just see who uses it the most." One reason some corloernn are "in the red" is the fact tlyat n.ot enough black In the way of printers' ink was tied in their advertising, 14'4 hard to set the best of same men tti�q haven't 'any," YOU can earn good money in spare time at- home making display cards. No selling or canvassing We instruct you, furnish con pi_ete outfit and supply you with work. Write eo-day for free booklet. 1 The MENHEN'TIT COMPANY, Limited, 647 Dominion Bldg., Toronto, Ont. R.,y •°411IM•' ' •.;;>•' whir ,17 MUMS Rub Minard's in gently. It penetrates sore ligaments, allays inflammation, soothes, heels. Puts you An your feeti Spain Has 7 Women Mayors In Spain, -where only two years ago ronin occupied a position so depen- dent that they could not even arrange for their own bank account, there are i1. Sb. now seven women Mayors,—.San Iv ran- 'isco akrontele, 1llDIJC A!JD JMC t.AtCEY'S Reducing Gum s a non.diet, sure mid uhtrpileIeomlaoe eti *seised proscriptionn v Mt, ea that you eon satisfy yourself that it con taint nothing that seri( disturb the most sensitive sonst(t,rtien. Simply chew one piece of this lemon,* Savored medicated gem atter tacit meal to limaif excess fat. Guaranteed hnrmteto end e< wonderful, tomtit, tACEY'S Increases vitality. Reaulto oro re' markable. Wo have many letters saying: I've lost several pounds and tee( totter than I nave teal years" /5o A DDx AT Alt. DRUG end DEPT.. STORES. if you d3 not live star at drug atm+e, malt to LACEY'S, P.O. Dox. 210, Vancouver, mei.Maned postpald. tiooldet: "Se 'Slim," an ro4ue11