Zurich Herald, 1938-07-21, Page 8PAGE 'EIGHT ZURICH HERALD Thursday, 21st, 1,9 f �. H STORE WITH THE 1 THE STOCK I "tall WEAR Men's Fine Shirts, each 98c Men's Work Shirts, Navy, each...... 65c Men's jerseys, assorted colors, each 9Qc Men's Jerseys, with Zippers, each 1.00 Men's Sport Trousers, a pr. Men's Nests and Shorts, each Men's Sox, pair L98 25c 15c GROCERIES! GROCERIES Golden Bantam, Corn, tin i Oc Salmon, 2 for 19c 17c Cookies, per Ib. O,,, ariges, dozen Grapefruit, 6 for Green Tae, per lb. Prunes, per lb. Matches, 3 for Give us your Order for Cherries ASCHO tro al PRODUCE WANiTED 20c 25c 39c 10c 23c PHONE 517 Huron Erie Debentures NADA TRUST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES Any Amount.. for.. $100.00.. and over Accepted 3% pier annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 Years 314.per annum for 3 and 4 Years. 34= per annum for 5 to 1.0 Years.. Free Information From A kdrew F. Hess, Local Representative Zurich Zurich AeVEPiiW3OTrA)Q d faite)i00'0410J gaiRea..0G,iia=f34': ,'Pi 9 3 ca 1 HARDWARE - SEEDS If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! PAINTS! and Er" ti i. . . for lone fife. Coyne in and sce cur atocSk cf Frost Farm Fen, . t>'te finust we've eves 11.3,41. s+eavily e,alvani:.e,1 by special Frr.st process, wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. FURNITURE TIGHT LOCK ZINC BONDED an acelusire FROM' kature the SAVES YOU MO Vg. PAINTS.! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes 4 Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace \'Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ZURI - QUALITYPRICE 3NT. SERVICE 664 04tothltOo}o a 1 • • 111111111 111111 H III 1111111 1 11111 1111 01 11 111111111111 1111 111111111111111 11111 3111111110 •' 2 Gr ce -y oLore Soda Biscuits, 2 lbs..., Seedless Raisins, per lb. /5c 1 Oc Pep Bran Flakes, (with pitcher) 2 pkgs. 25c Peanut Butter, 2 lbs. Ginger Snaps,. 2 lbs. Shu -milk for white shoes per bottle Certo, per bottle Vegetarian Beans per can Meng esch EGGS WANTED. 25c 19c 15c 27c 10c Zurich Phone 165 EE ''r i""1 iilli'10iii(urii1'11fl0101 ilil11111100101110011110I iHs1001I 110001 111111111 IOIIDIiI11111111111111111111 !TEM M FOCAL iNTEREST Fine showers visited these parts of ..at..in Ontario over the week -end. .rir. and :hrs. Dan Thiel of Kitch- were Sunday visitors in town. Rey. and Mrs. E. Turkh.eim and nv_ribers of tiie family motored to London, on Wednesday. • 1'ir. and Mrs. A. P. kowe and enily of Thoindale are spending a f+ \, days in t.rw•n. .;_1. Herman Williams of New Ham- rurg was a week -end guest at the :ionic of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Miss Ruth Johnston and Norma 4iousseau are spending their holidays in Detroit. faster Edgar Kochems is visiting at George Link's 14th Con. for a few days. 2.dr. and Mrs. Henry E-iehert of 'i'eon, Mich. were recent visitors friends here. Mrs. Gibson and family of Goder- ich were Sunday guests at the home. of .Ir. and Mrs. Chas. Welber. Kr. and Mrs. D. Saunders of Strat ford visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thiel on Sunday. Mr. Victor Dinnin of London TTni= velsity was a, Sunday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rader. _Mrs. Roy Howard and children of London, visited with her parents, Mr rid Mrs. H. F. Weseloh over the we- ek -end. :Mr. and Mrs. Orville Beaver and family of Woodham were recent vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beaver. Mr. Jacob Weide who spent the past three weeks with his son Percy -1t Waterloo, has returned to his ;home in Zurich. Mrs. Percy Weido and two sons of Waterloo, who was visiting her moth- er here for a few days has returned to her home. Farmers are busy cutting the big wheat and barley crops, and some of the early oats are also cut: Soon the harvest will be in again. Messrs. Ray Fisher, Erwin Hughes Spike Klapp and Ross Johnston, who spent the week -end fishing at Lion's Head, returned with a nice mess of trout. The auction se7+, of the effects of t.re. bit.. E. A. .-.',:t on Saturday 1 i. ;t'i, cut It ratge• number of peo- p•.0 ert_, not sold, J .:o?!.:liYilr .,re in full 1 ,earn ,L' 00 ioy i`ic r,l I inc a ...'L' Huron Mr. and .Mrs,. <:r,i ald 1) no e+rno .re1 dalighte;r° Carolyn, also .dr. and Mrs. Urban Denomnle and Doris, sp- ent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hartman, Bronson line. • Go incillor and Mrs, Max. Turn- bull of the Blue Water. Highway, ac- companied by Mr. arid Mrs. W. E. Turnbull of: the Lake Road, were on a motor trip to Manitoulin Island last week and report a splendid time, • A rtnouncement The engagement is announced of Grace Gertrude Ross, da,,g-;er of Mrs. Wan, A, Ross and the late Mr. Ross of the 2110 r;, ;n Stanley. near Kippon, to Mr. Edgar r C. Shunk, on of Mr, and Mrs. S. Shunh of Tor- onto. The marriage will take place luietly the latter part of Jury. Suffers Fractured Hip In jured in a fall while watching iia oce:e •sings at a sports day program at Dashwood, on Wednesday of last week, ill the evening, PPe' er Mcisaac 18 -year-old old well known .r.•rident of flat 1 rilagc, was taken to St. Joseph's hospital, London whore it was found is hip was fractured. Mr. Mcisaac was somewhat crippled with arthritis •tnd when unshed by the throng wilt ebinr a do:,t dance, he from the st p., oa uilding on Main street. Ilii was removed to his home, but when it was found lie was more ser- iously iously hurt than at first appeared, he w7+3 ta'tcai to the hospital. Itis con, dition is reported as fairly good. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, dairy :dotter, creamery 30 24, 22, 17 .. to 13 15 to 20 72 450 55 5:i 2.25---3.73 28.00 8.00 11.00 1.25 1 Eggs, dozen .......... . Hens live ............. 'Chickens, live ...... Wheat, bushel Oats, bush. Barley, bush. Buckwheat, bush Flour, cwt Bran, ton Shorts, ton flogs, cwt. Potatoes, per bag new ..+an^sou Born -In Hay Township to Mr. and 1 Mrs, Chri's Be1erling, on July 13;. a ,daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer and family of Detroit ase spending t he week with friends. Muss :Monica Hartman spent last week with her cousin Cecilia. Hart- man Mr.. Austin Hartman from Dublin, spent the •week -end at the home of life parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hart- man, Branson line. 1VIre. C. Decher, Mx. and Mrs. Is- iah Witmer of Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. (Morley. Witmer of Detroit attended the funeral of the late John Gascho at. Elkton, Mich., last Saturday, also visiting other relatives. Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer Who spent the past -two weeks holidaying with his family at Wilberforce, returned to Zurich on Sunday to resume his prac- tice here. The family remaining for the balance of Jul y. The Misses Ada and Alice O'Brien of Souris, Man., are visiting with their uncle and aunt, Mr. anci Mrs. William O'Brien of town. The two ladies being daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Brien. What might have proven an ev- en greater shakeup Voccurred just est of town on Thursday evening, when twxa cars met, being incharge of Mr,'. William Farrell of the Town tine rear Blake. and Mr. Fred 'aptneau near Drysdale. Evidently Papineau's atte•,tion was drawn. i.0 aome animal in the '.itch and ho not notice the Farrell ear until it c s crowded oft ibr, A,1 1 <r :d ;n the ditch. Traffic Officer I... e, r'r s 'called and i I es-i+r•ated, The occupants of the Farrell car naturally received quite a shaking up, but no serious injury was done. Must Work On Farms Premier Mitchell Ropburn announ- ced last week any able..bodied men on relief who refused work on a farm 7r4 elsewhere would be cut of? the re- lief :rolls. In emphasising that ruling the premier said he hoped there wo- "ld be :farm work available for all ^"ployallle married men. Sin;:le men .°ne not now eligible for relief. As. has been the case, relief would con- tinue to go te the f<;• -VI worker's i'arnily while the reran would be all- lwed to retain a portion or rn.s wag - as, the rest to go towards relief. • The Army Worms • The scourge of the army worn ..ontinues to spread through Western Ontario. Weep -end reports of its infestations carie from widely scatt- ered counties, Success in the battle against the pest is reported froro.. :..arnbton County where army worms were threatening the Thedford cel- ery m .arch. On the celery crop it has been brought under control, but ''rlveral acres of oats and.bariey have "ec:u de,st'roye d there. In the Kincar- dine- sector of 'Bruce {.County army worms are causing concern. it is their first aprearance there in 20 years, ";wo:tams in Wellington County also- report, lso_report, the worms in vast ltnrnbrvs but Other parts are froe of the pest. paaaaaaaaaaracaar 6.1.40017 4444,4444.4 4444 4+,4.4+4 + 4. y �. tto 71. We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of both Shelp and Heavy Staph Hardware; Stoves, Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us ffer You Good Suggestions along this Line. 4 +41400 4424 +44 4144144.4444141014444.0 7 HARDWARE NEEDS 4.4.4+4e2= S cx FURNITURE Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest' in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining .Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE 4. For the most conservative purchaser, we have a.1 Large Assortment of Slightly Used ,Furniture that will' give you big value for the Money, such as: Davenports, Couches, Dressers, Rockers, Other Chairs, Etc. Be: 4 sure and look these. over. a, .1r Johnstoj. ed Kaibfleich4. .i,.a4 .,7, IIardw ret 'unit e. hoe ' + •k.I.t,ei- ..+ 4,4•.,d..k..3 ++ 4,•F'+'.444°' +I4'4 4.+1<+41^44 12-70 ,+t++++4i +,4.4, 1++ +4.4.F Choice Qt:aiity' Zurioh Gaya ge cots and Shoes We carry a nice line of choke Footwear for Men,, Boys and err omen. All our Stock is; fresh and of very choice materials. No leftovers or second grade lines. Let us" fit you, up with your next pair of woes. See our line of Sport Shoes. GA.RFILED BROWN Victoria Sheet. Zurich,, Ont. WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING Your Patronage Solicited Come and purchase your. Aut- omotive Requirements from Zurich's oldest establishet Garage arsd Service, Station. We can supply.. your needs, Expert Automobile. repairing, Acytelene Welding, Tires., Batteries, Oils, Gt•eases. and repairs. LUNCH ROOM And clears` Rest -Rooms at your. Se vice H. MOUSSE Phone: Day 103. Night, 47 III1111111111IIIIINIIINYklili"!!F'!:: 1iIIliN1811111111111111111115iiI1111111111NIIliIII11111111NIIINIIiIIIIgI1''lill"1111;,,;1N,iiNiiN!iII111111i11'1NIilsmlii11111iN1:illi II!' :I 1 "110;+! I II I!„h111111a.IN(111JI11h„_1,14'N111lIllp THESE PRICES subject to cha e withant Notice aaa Painting Wagon .. Painting Buggy ,. Recovering Buggy Rercimming Buggy .. $7.00 and 10.00 ..... <.... 6.00 and 10.00 Top 16.00- and 18.00 Wheels Set <......».«<_..... 1 2o00 Buggy Shaft ..... ........,........ ....<,.....<.......,...,....,..,�fT""01; Cross. Bar •.••... .. ...e... e.eb..b.e< .o...boena.ou.++,,.n .bee.• Buggy Reache.ee. ..•. a..ay.,eaao.aeaaa ob...a.. b o. u c...b..., C.25 Buggy Spokes each.e...e.e..».»..a..<.bb...ea......>e.e..,.» 25c "1>"t n'.1.1a;, a.1 •• d4 1111111141111111111111111111:'11111111111111111111111111111;i111iN11i11111111114111III11 I!IIIIH 111 m ! ; u;p;; ;q;;-rn+ ! 1 . • i IIII LL. J11111�IIIIIIhINll11.11,IIl11,�4Jhi1116411.ihNlll�.,.tlrilll .._,,IiIILIINIII�IIIIIl1101lIlIINIIWI!I,IIIIIiIINIIIIId!u1,� 1 1VIA B Y -A1R, S EW GENUINE M. -H. PARTS work best on M. -H. Im- plements... Mower and Binder Knives ground while you wilit with cart'barunEhun equipment. Guaranteed. Batteries at $4.49 11/2 year battery guarantee 6.85 2 year battery guarantee 17 -plate 7.95 Guaranteed 440-21 tires at 5.5.E Visit the East End Service Station for City Serv- ice at Zurich prices. Cars and trucks properly 'greased with latest hydralic equipment. GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Rep,. 67 East and West End SERVICE STATIONS `: TIONS