Zurich Herald, 1938-07-14, Page 4PA Tied Cars For Sale T X28 Bepo$sesst>cl Cher, sedan, ---4930 Repossessed Chev, Coach 'Mese two cars will be sold at a Big Bargain ALSO a 2.-1930 F'axd Coache. , in ,tock, 1-x1928 Ford Coupe :1---1934 Ford V8 ('each, 1-1936 Ford V8 Sedan L-1:128 Ford coach- .,. A. Prang and Son, Zurich BLAKE Ur. and Mrs. Amos Giinger'ich and. slaughter dean, Mr. and Mrs, Josiah •Steckie and family spent the week- . end at Markham. .Mr. and Mrs. Allan Swartzentrub .er, accompanied by Edmund Swertz- ,entruber and Miss Katie Bendel, mot- ored to Tavistock on Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Sau're arm •eeaseee, •evlue had spent the past were:!: with ?ijrs, Rudy (Desch ireturned home 'oh Monday. Quite a number of (young people from the Bronson Line, spent Sunday visiting at Baden, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron °Gunge=iich and fancily were, week -end visitors with •friends near Baden. Mr. Christ. Schutzlreturnee 1orlie on Saturday from Clinton Hospital., 'Where he and weth an apefation. STANLEY 'TOWNSHIP -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong' and family of litradbert, 'Sack., 'a're' V-isit- ing with the form is mother, Mrs. 'W. Armstrong. The Goshen Yourre People's Soci- ety are holding 'iheir ammo �lienic :at Jowett's Grove, on Wednesday of ;thi.s week. 161r. and Mrs. Robt.-McRonald of London, visited.- recently at the home eef Mr. and -Mrs. 'Jahn A. Armstrong Quiteanulr_bea•Otte/111 d the' -Orange celebration 'in ''Stratford, on -Tuesday. MUCH CH HERALD AUCTION SALE E' D A S H W O O b • Of Property :and Household Effects At ZURICH On SATURDAY, JUL) 16th, 1938 • At 1,30 o'clock, pen,. Dwelling Property—Consists. ' of frame house with Kitchen at,' -ached, has storm doors and sterna \wi:ridows, plenty of both hard and eet't water, good cellos, etc. There s'a'ne also some fruit trees, a barn, sxneist house and the property is nicely •leCated on the Main Street of Zuti+eh. Teams of P •ope ty--1.0%a on day of Sale, and Balance in 30 days. Household Fffedts—Glass cupboard Sink, oil ::cove and oven, •coekstove, drop leaf table, kitchen chairs, 2 leouches, dark ,esak extension table, light oak extension table, 6 dining room chairs, writing desk, drophead White sewilig. machine, baseburner, 3 rocking chairs, 2 bed room suites with springs and mattress, 3 beds With springs and mattresses, dresser,. small stand, 3 parlor tables, fern stand, oak dropleaf table, '2 bureaus,, harness sewing machine, cobbling •outfit, single bed, washing machine, ringer, ironing board, 2 sadirons, 2 washboards, 2 washtubs, quantity .of sealers, halfton of chaeanue -coal, cheeping block, crocks, pails, peis,ana. pans, 2 toilet sets, quantity .of dish- 'ci., hanging lamp, 3 lamps, ,.quantity -of picture frames, beltree, ntri !wile, crockinole board, large carpet 10x16 parlor rug 9x9, piece ;of linoleum 9x- 12 new, 2 sets of rollers and 'tracks new, paper hangtug (arise, union crates, 4 good wood jaclks,=a:quantity of limber, stepladder, inikes,.,shoveis, hoes, spades, gaaden tools, orilon scuffler, gasoline :stove, 2 .other lad- ders, Ford runaFbaut, !poles, ?caths, grindstone, sawhorse, :-extension 'lad- der, nearly new, wheel `barrow ' new, forks, snow sh,tatrele, :bluiksak, 2• cross- cut saws, scythe, sicker, qu'a'ntity of dishes, cradle, Bli ss 'chair, "5ega1. oil •can, wash boiler, •`clothes'rack, 'coffee grinder, •cabblege cutter, ,regiilator clock_ and nu']r:anus other articles. In case of -mina ".Sale wi'11'. be ''held in church shed. TERMS --CASH Arthur Webr:a:, .Auctioneer. Milford Merner, Clerk, E. H. Axt, Eeaecutor,'Late-Ed. Axt Estate, i4i,+ 3•++ F +•i++•i +++4...a..:•.g..,.-i L }•+ ter+ ;•. ++4.4,++ + +d i+ f F�+• •�§•�; .:- TRY ECKETJ=$ae 4 4 -r 'Y ' -t 3• 4 4 4 Town Taik" J, Ie'a also CHOICE 'VARIETY OF CAKE, ':TIES, /*ND SWEET GOODS. All Ingredients -Used are of the Eliglest Quality ALL ,CONF.'E:C: t IONS ICE :CREAM Our'Store will be closed each Wednesday Evers g ekeIss Bakery — Zurich 'T'elephone 100 '.4.3-4-4+i•ar4++++dry'+ ++++++++++++++4 +-:+•i4444*+++•ir4: k 4+++ + 1'H'E'-WORL =S GOOD NWS ,wfll;;eome to your irepme every day through "THE CHRISTIAN ' CIENCE MONITOR yrz. Inter,zatlo✓ta4 Jaily Newspaper It records for $w'i the world's cleat% constructive doings. ,fi5telvlOriitor • does not explytit crime or sensation; neither doesilt ignore ;then], • ,but deals correctively with them, ligatures for busy men; tri kaU .the ,family, includir ,the Weekly Mag 1ne Section. •The. Christian sctence Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts please enter my,'oscriotion to The ptzistlan Science wetter fee at period of :1 year $12.00 81-:s:onths 58.00 3 months 53.00 1 mont0, i$l1,;00 Wednesday issue, irxpr::ding Magazine section: 1 year $2.80, 0 tssues25e :1cie_ AddreaS ,01st s,hle Cody oe, bt'Q'yrn,est INi 111IIIII f IIIHII IIIB 1 i 11{' '((61 III I 111111111111 111 W fj , '140,8,11111 31 zimmi 1Ti llmm 'ell III HERALD OPPIOE Do You Koow?Jy Mr... MERCHANT! You know thoroughly well that you have ve power in your store, to influence the decision of your cus- tomers in regard to what they laxly from you. Your customers rely on you to give tem products which in use or consumption, will give themlete colr�ri�► satisfaction. If it is right ' to, use. big city dailies and natla�.aly- circulated magazines th , �n by the same token, it is right to use local the w: ;kl`t ;�e crap perse am �+ V . he Mat tel Saieiintlil this of CUlI2mi„ilty, and my name is ADVERTYSE 1 I IIWIt ' I ' 11 Il lhj j l I I 1 ,'�dl ' i I I! ngll e (f ll ''i i�nni ,I�1Ij . 1SJb11 iplllW.luuL111>a1�IIidalI til ,4,i,i,1 9�,1!ro l�n,!Gi;uiV!Qallll plallmll ��,, n 1yjf��rm n����,• n, 1�re���'�(E . _ tlll�rnB,�lit.11��Wb�e�I�u'IIWIW$W ��iu�iil4UliIWJIA�R 11111111 Mr. and Mrs. Beal Neeb and fam- ily of Pontiac, are ;,.pending their va- cation with Ms another, Mas. Mary Neeb. Mr, and Mrs, Ervin Mcisaac encs family of Windsor, are spending a week with Mr, and Mrs. P, McIsapc. Mr. and Mrs. Archie :Sender of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs, E., Bender. Mrs. Jlenrieh of Kitchener, visited friends here on Sunday. Harry Hoffman attended a post graduate course in embalming at the Baiting Institute in Toronto Dr, and Mrs, R. H;; Taylor attend- ed the Conservative Convention • in Ottawa last Week. .Ir. and Mrs. Joe I}ruce and Misses Grace and Reta Hayter of Windsor, spent the week -end With their pazen- tc.lir. and Mrs. Robe, Hayter, Master Bobby Hayter retur'ued with them and will spend his holidays in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zimmer • .of Windsor called on friends here over the holiday. Mr. Orno Statten and liiexia eief .Sarnia visited relatives here on Fri- da3,. MI, and Mrs. Nichol of Hickson, Mr. and Mrs. Bothwell, .Mr. and Mrs Granger of Detroit were Sunday vis itors with Jonas Hartleib .and Lavada Mr. Wes Smith and another, Mrs, H. Smith of Detroit called:on.friends here on Sunday. They were residents of this town forty years ago, .there- fore saw a lot of changes .in that time. Mrs. Frank M Benz who has been attending her Mother who is seriously ill returned to her home in Detroit on Monday. - Mrs. Mary Neel is on the sick list, we hope for a weedy _recovery. • Mr. Milford "Mcisaac and Willis of Detroit spent the week -end here. Mr. and. Mrs. Clayton Pfiie - spent a few days in Detroit and Lansing, Mich. Miss Ruth Kleinstiver has resigned her position as teacher in S.S. No. 10. Stenhen and has accepted the school in -Centralia, Mrs. J. Rnsdlike and ch1Tth'en are spending their 'hdlidays With. ter mo- ther, Mrs. Meaner. Miss Jean 'Dark of Windsor is visit- ing- her grandparents, ''Mr. and Tdrs. C.-Steinhagun. Mr. Chester 'Geiser spent a few days in London 'hast -week John Don They -of 'Chicago is spend- ing his vacation with Mr. and Mrs.' R. Goetz. Mr. and Mrs.:Oliver Greybeil arid family of Toronto are spending, their vacation here. Mr. Wer. Tleinativer has accepted a position in the store with Tieman's for the summer. Dashwood Eianel;n:ttendeed-the: Tatoo in Sarnia on ,Monday night, Miss Ruth Kleinstiver spent last week visiting friends in Stratford: Miss Ana Schultz of Detroit is sp- ending her hdIidays -With 'her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader. I•=1 E N:S A L L Mark Dry sdeile 'Who for :.several months has been confined :to his hone suffering. .from a severe attack of rheumatism, was able 'to be , out for a drive Sunray 'last. Mr. and Mrs. Robt..McKenzie and fancily were vi.:llears in if.todetich. Struck by Falling •Timbe-'< A few days ago while engaged in working on the new ga>age of Win. Harvey, jas. Kilpatiiek had the Mis- fortune to have a heavy timber, some 28 feet in length, fall on hie should- er, breaking a bone, tearing ligamen- ts .and otherwise bruising, and- injur- ing the shoulder. He was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,by. I)hi. Steer, where x-rays were takena to reveal the injury. - Minister Inducted Minister Inducted The induction service of tine Rev. lMr. Brook was held on the eve. of June 30, in the auditorium of the church. 'There was a splendid ,att- endance and an interesting service held. Rev. Mi. Petters, of Varna, act- ing for the Presbytery of Huron, ad- dressed the congregation, and Rev. Mr. Gale of Bayfield, .tie .11.nister, both stressing the duties of the peo- ple to the minister and the minister o the }people, giving very helpful and valuable advice as to both relation - Death' of Wm. Dow Wm. Dow, a life long resident of the district and one of our oddest and most highly respected citizens, passed away at his home here follow- ' ing an extended illness. Born near Staffa 89 years ago. He farmed: there for many years. Later he moved to near Brucefield, and resided there till two. years ago when he purchased a honer in Her—all. Be was a rnem.ber of' the United Church and is survived by his widow, three daughters and two Sons. — COUNTY NEWS Dr. F. 3. Beachley is the new presi dent of the Seaforth Lions Club. • • Edna Elliott, of Wingham Junct- ion had the misfortune to break both bones in her ankle at a dance. 1'l,r. and Mrs. J. D. Gemmell, of Highview rarer, Tuckersmith, recent -1 ly cel ' 1 ted. the 50th anniversary of their man cage. Dr. G. C. Jarrott, who has been• ,nactising at Seaforth, has accepted a position on the staff of the Hamilton General Hospital. Rev. A. W. Shepherd, minister of Egmondville United church for the last two years, has retired from the active ministry and with Mrs. Shep- herd left to reside at London. .Chas. Zuefe, a former resident of Exeter, died recently at his home in Flint, Mich. The funeral taking,place in that city. Elected to Council Arthur Nicholson, of. the Mill Rd Tuckersmith, was elected by acclama- tion to fill the place on the Tucker - smith Townshiip Council made vacant by the death of David Gemmell. Home to Recuperate Jacl, Alien, Goderich sailor who was seriously scalded a couple of we= .eke ago while working on the tanker Samcolite at Montreal, returned to Goderich to complete his recuperation Allen was scalded' when a steam hose broke near hint. He spent two weeks in the hospital at Montreal. Truck and Car Crash A transport truck driven by James Hamilton, Listowel, and an automo- bile driven by Herbert Hanan, Tor- ento,•crashed on a curve at Bluevale andwhile the machines were exten- sively damaged, both drivers escaped with 'a shaking up, Go. Traffic Officer Lever reports. Crash on No. S Highway D.r. S. Coulter of Toledo, Ohio, ac- Jas.'Farrish, motorcyclist, at first conlpaixied by his -Wife .and daughter thought seriously injured, suffered are visiting here With the doctor's .only a wrenched :back as he was thr- father, John Coulter. own from his anaehine and rendered Quite a number vf -young men from unconscious when he rammed into the caroling factory onnfel Hensall are empl fee ; the '°Etirete;. '- ds of en automobile as it turned in - e pea pack for :to a farmer's gateway five miles east a few ,weeks. of Goderich on No. 8 highway. An, Margaret Hubkirk ;of "De (last :is' other auto had just passed a car a- ; .spending a few days with .relatives, 'head and Fairish sought to da the here. same, when it suddenly turned into Mrs. Elizabeth McASh is vatting his path. The autoinoibile was knock- • for a few weeks at the home of her ad 1'0 -'feet into a ditch, but the o.ccu- son John McAsh of Varna.pants -were uninjured. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McLean and children of Detroit are Visiting •rela- tives in the district. County Court session Judge -J. 'L. i(illoran Harald Sherritt of an here. Torinmlfcr was a . , presiding at visitor at his home.adjournecd C. C. Petty was Ottawa last ;at Godehieh, .dismissed an appeal by week where he was a delegate,atthe "Ross Rennie, of ,Seaforth, against a wekOttawa convention, where a .success . < vIction by „111Iag. Makins on a reek - or was appointed to take the place of ,less driving- charge last November. Hon. R. B. Bennett, Conservative itennie was the driver of a car which leader', struck a buggy, with fatal results. Cecil Hudsen and little son, of Mag. Makins found Rennie guilty of Chicago, spent the reckless dallying end fined the youth gweek--end here $10 and costs of $24.40, susupending With his parentis, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. his driver's permit six months. It was Hudson. , ';laude 'Blower, Miss 'Ellis and Miss understood Rennie had abandoned the Pfaff, teachers ofthe local public appeal. He was not in court. In up - h lioleling_thie;convictiori ;Fudge Killoran eage:tsed appeal costs against Rennie. Dies Int Stephen scpnviction Upheld se: oo1 have. all 'beers• ireengaged at the same eatery as .last year.. Robt. 'Moore. pprincipa'l",;of the .Continuation school, *i11 again the •prin;eipa"l ;and Miss Mar- garet Kilpatrick ,of'; T•reebri'dge, ass- istant. Joyce Sci'itton of .Torah -to. was a r'eees t visitor with her mother and sister Mildred here. Mr. and Mrs, Laird Mickle and chit dr'en were recent visitors with .'• ;nati- ves in Ridgotown. l''nirl.Last Bono vs The funeral Peter Stewart. for lmerle' of Tuckersmith, was held aro ' 'he home of has Ibrother, John D. St'' wart, of Tuckersmith, The eervice w' "onducted by Rev,jChandlee, of Kip. }r .., a1 WO 1al. IITE 1 n ,','{e,y 7 Xl ITIS The death took place in Stephen onJune 29th of Ben Makins who has beer( in failing health• for some time. He was in his 67th year and for many years he farmed on the London Rd. and later In Stephen Tw,p. He is survived by his bereaved widow and one son Wallace, of Stephen, al- so by three eisteres and three brothers Arra, N. Peterson and r e :` r,111i4 ef.. London: I',.ie;. icieped. who wes formerly ':ere.. Jlia. J, Sretitli of Zurich, also theca broth - ars, He ,vas a member of Caven Prete Ibytorlasi ohuroh; Exeter, The funeral' -gee hid wade:, ' 1C s :tt tk': 1 O,0,F. and, wns atteptl;A. j Dies in 91st Year The funeral of Mrs. John Black,, lifelong resident of Wingham, who died at her home, was held to St. IP'aul's Anglican Church. She had rea- ched the age of nearly 91 yrs, old, and is survived by two sons and a daughter. Takes Over Hotel The• oldest business in:. the town of Mitchell entered into new manage- ment July 1. Dalton Davidson on that date took over from his father Robt. Davidson, the management of., the Hicks House. -Known from one end of the country to the other as one of the best email town hotels, it has gained. its .present promiire'nce. thro- ugh having been under the best of management. • Bees Parade Main St. A swarm of bees- caused Blyth some excitement: on Main St. when they paraded up the street. The bees were flying quite low, practically on the pavement, and several. pedestrians moved quickly out of their way. Just after they got past the pest office they settled on -the middle! of he pav- ement and for a while cars and trix-' cks drove right through them. Finally 1VIr. Piierce eanne to. their' rescue. Falls From Load Last Tuesday while D. Bruce, of Cromarty, was assisting in uni'oailing hay, the trip rope broke and he frill front the load to• the barn floor land- ing on hia head. He was rushed to Victoria Uaspital, London, an X-ray revealed that • the ligaments of the• neck had been torn, and as he is in the seventies, hisr condition :%•s critical Two Twins Born There is no depression en the farm of John 0. Nichols, who owns two cows, one an Aberneen Angus and the other a Holstein. Oii May 13., the former had twin calves: and on June 22 the Holstein cow also had twins. This makes three calves in less than a year for the Holstein as she had _'a• calf on Jury 18, of last year. Golden. .tenni sern,f- A surprise celebration was held for Mr. and Mrs. Jona Sims at the home' of their daughter Mrs. C. L. Wilson Exeter last Tuesday, the occasion, be- ing their golden wedding. anniversary. A family gathered of brothers and sisters and their families about 60 in all. A picnic dinner' and sapper was served. 1 T' erswi`:y;r 154 lith, 133$ Zooid'Harness Shop New collars are needed at this. time of the year. Give us a call and we will fit you up. If in need of a harness ask for prices, all our wort:, is done with hand sewing. Your binder canvass needs repairing, bring the305 in and we will repair them 'before the rash starts. All kinds of repairing neatly and promptly done. Collar~ repairing ra specialty. CLAUSIUS. pt -5 ZURICH N.iNEWS School Grants Paid Checks totalling $39,494.42 were paid on iSaturday by County Treas- urer Erskine at Goderich addressed to various secretaries of collegiate inst- itutes, high schools and continuation schools. The money is paid for ehe education sof pupils from outside the respective school districts. Those in (this 'district .receive: Goderich $5- 508.82; Seaforth $5,583; Exeter $4,- 781; Clinton $7,365; Hensall $1,301; ,it•-ra In Magistrate's Court Goderich—Postponment one month because accused was engaged in writ- ing his =collegiate exams. and did not wish to, be perturbed a reckless driv- ing charge against Harold Asquith, 13 yr. old A.uburn student, was dis- missed by Mag. J. A. Makins. Asqu- ith had pleaded not guilty. The evict ence disclosed a most unusual accid- ent, in that Asquith, driving an auto- mobile to school, suddely came across 11 -yr. old Phyllis Steele, who darted across the road in front of the car. Asquith: took to the ditch, cut down a hydro pole, which fell across the road etriking the little girl a glanc- ing :blew on the head, inflicting in- juries. The little girl gave evidence and appeared none the worse for her .ordeal. "There is nothing to justify - a charge of reckless driving" said Mag. Makins, dismissing the case.. Wm. Porter, 'who was caught at a Benmiiler danee with a jug of cider' which analysed 5 per cent., was fin-. ,ed *100 and rests. with an alternat- ive of three months in jail, for hay ing liquor in a public place. He paid the fine. A charge of reckless driving preferred against Hoyt Bayliffe, of Mandan, after an accident in Goder- icle wars adjourned two weeks: fleSNAP 1 LARGE I E NTS T✓e;mrneaing and enlarging! improve a; p-s:ture..Both small and liarge picture hare were made from the same nega- itLve.. Any picture can be enlarged. camera, and showed up, too largae in the finished picture: The nem-. live was "masked" in making the, enlargement so that only the head .allowed. Result: a much better pic- ture. ''When you get a good picture, ea large ata .Amy good snap ii31 better - When fit's big. Enlarging "opens: ,np" the de'ta'ils—lets you see inter- 'eating .things you didn't -Seel- before,. And a large picture just naturally" !has more appeal to the eye. ort*' person two tures, equally goat,. and he will automatically- look, ae TIO SOME of your picture ai- , ito the larger one first. Moreover; hes, too /Huth —' a lot of .i„u1c;Q,tas,' n Zook at it longer. background and iiiateri al at toys,: ts►t w Don't let small site er surplus tom and sides that has little ormoh- material handicap your pictures,- ing to do with tho subject, and in- j Anysnapdhot can be enlarged some - Sures the picture effect!? ; what, and Boma, especially, those, Y)oa't despair. seeee Ioetrire;os tan, mitado on fine,grained filen, can bee bo retrieved. Here's: 'iow-: pick ori increased rna,ny 'Limos in sire. Very t:ie 1. L eyoli want,a) ) ::re' ji:e that y you have airtime ' in y'ear - en:a ee,_,to the ,l:r. ' rr d,)te' r, rigs •albrum right now, that, it e :'ate ed . g > would be worth franehte and hang- ing sx the home. Try it. You niay diecoveryou're a better stapsllooteer. than 3ro.tt thought! yy nal print. or, even lar -r. Ivor exahple„ look art; the picture Of the little girl above. "i;1ke head was the interesting part. 71i •.syyfee, bee itlnnda areas try CI:):.* i% tlh;l