Zurich Herald, 1937-12-09, Page 1VOL)(XI l I 23 y13. ZURICH, THURSDAY MORI a s DEC MBER 9, 1937 4A y Cheater L. Smith, PublIelialil $1.55 a year, U.S, $1.510 in Adk s ,so z1 4RJ•s Rs, *2 MAY a oni.aeasv,, Farmers!. Attention! We have been appointed selling Agents for the celebrated Viking Diabolo Cream Separator, the separ- .ator with a ten year guarantee. Let us demonstrate this machine to you end compare itwith all ethers_ And don't forget, the best feature is the unusual easy term. Liberal allowance for trade-ins. C. SCHRAG & SON, tf44 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH— ONT. "A Changeless Christ for. a Chang- ing World." Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German_Service. 1L15 a.m.—Snnday School. 7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcome to all Serviees.r E. TUERKIIEIM, Pastor. HAIRDRESSING THIELS HAIRDRESSING PARLQ, Ales. Fred Thiel wishes to advise •the:public, that she is now open .for bus nese.' Permanents and Finger - Waving a specialty. All permanenwts guaranteed. Parton located in rear of"Still: For appointments call or phone",102 Zurich.' COMFORTABLE GLASSES ;:': At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Z t rr bring, B.O. Successor to S. FITTON at EXETER • Open every week day except Wedinesday Switch t+ a 1938 d.:e And Save Money Phone or See Us for a Demonstration Before Buy- ing a Mew or Used Car. We can Save You Money USED CARS NOW ON SALE: 1930 O d VACH, Overhauled, 'Olean 11Zabair iTpholstering, 1931FORDyODEL A .COACH, 'in Excellent Condition. 929 F.ORDk4,05,ACR,, On Tial its n53 : i923, GHEE. COACH; New Rings Ituettoie'd,-New 'Tai and " 193R License_ See This �cenmmacal "Ear 1928 WHIPPET COACH, Recently `Overhauled. 1937 DODGE COACH,; -..Locally Owned,.,fSnrall and. Guaranteed ' Mileage. .$3.O0 SAS IS $3.00 EARNED? EVE tin YEAR YOU- DRIVE DODGE, NEW OR USED CAR YOU SAVE $3.00 ON YOUR Z.I[CENSE. "'; .1 , DODGE ILICENSES COST $7 vo—CoMpARE :�, -, • C. FRITZ & SON ,DODGE AND DESOTA DISTRIBUTORS :ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER, CREDITON, GRAND BEND AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY L avitt's Ttuatre ;� EXETER — ONT. Thur., Fri., Sat., Dec. 9, 10, "War on the Range" Featuring: TOM 'TYLER Added Feature: CHARLIE RUGGLES, EL]JAN' WHITNEY, BEN BLTJL` In' "Turn Off the Moon" Mon., Tue., Wed., Dec. 13, 14, Jane. Withers Supported by Joan Davis, papule Comediene, and all Star Gast •' In . "Angel's Holiday" Miss Nora Fremlin spent the week - at •her home in Clinton: Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Surerus''of De- troit e-tioit were visitors with relatives in ithese parts last week. Mr. Daniel Truemner and son How- of Crediton 'were in town on onday: ..> M. and Mrs. Sam Oliver of Kit- arhener, were Sunday visitors at the ine of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz. Harold Stade who is playing hockey, in one of the fast Quebec urns is spending a week or so at kis dme here. Mr,, and Mrs. Morley Witmer, arty and' Kenneth of Detroit spent past week -end with . Mrs. C. 'cher. r." and. Mrs. P;.rcy Rowe and ily of . Thamesford, were week - ' visitors at•'the home of her moth - •Mrs. Lydia Geiger. Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Cook, M. d• Mrs. Floyd, Cablr.,:' of Kitchener,; 're visitors a1. t1i4�+ iome of Mr, d Mrs. John.` iili„enner the past NOTICE: BETTY ANN 'BEAUTY SHOP; Solve Her Christmas gift this.ye• by giving her one of our special ,peg) manents.—•Open every . evening wti Christmas. Call No. 159 for' end appointments,- but " get your pointment in early to . avoid being( appointed.—Mrs. Ed. Gascho, •l?ro'1 NOTICE ART orders for Christmas Fowl mm be made not later than W ednesda)' December. 22nd,—Zurich. Creamer, Mi'. Alberto • ;S'r. 4th of Crosswell:, and his sister Mrs. McAlhii if `Detroit spent aa;fey days oyer tile. eek -end at the:home of 1VMr'.^ and, rs: Wm. O'Brien Judge T.. M. " Goteli4 of Goderich esided at theagpaiCoitrt of Nevis - EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED TUESDAY EVENING Of Each Week C. E. ZURBRIGG, Reg. Optometrist, Call for an Appointment G. H ESS Jeweler and Optician • PHONE YOUR 0 R FOR '•419.5#1 Why pay for cheap Coal when you can buy Blue Coal for the same price and have the best Also: Miller Creek Alberta (Rose- dale) ; Glen Rodger's Briquets and Coke. W. R. DAVIDSON We pay Cash for Eggs Pone 10' - Hensall t#:*: ***leo* f**4oseoeo®sa*se**o*oe®*oo*aems®***e-G • WE SELL THE BES1 OR LES', Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Hillcrest Shortening, 2 lbs., . 23c ...Aylmer Tomatoes large tins, .2 for 2,3c Mince Meat, 2 lbs. 23c :S,:alada Tea, brown label half's, half lb. 33c ;Salida Tea, yrelIo w label, .half's, half -lb. 3 l c Fancy red Cohoe:Salmon, ;half's;, per tin 16c Toddy, serve hot or cold, half's per tin 23c Oxydol large, per pkg. ._.,. T.24c Biscuit 3, Sandwich cooties, pe M..'-.: .'- '' 14c New Frac d Dotes, 2: is. , .,....„_.,.,;,... .„ ..., 25c Sultan -A Raisins, 2Ibs. 25c - new .fi s�, 2 -lbs * ' - /. 21c Nttaraln fig e„ Christmas Candiesand Nuts are now in. Sell- ing aE lowest -possible •prices- Also see our Display of Toyss. Christmas lifts,, Etc,, for everybody. .460.1C.MBI2NE€2 Highest' Phone 140 rghf of . app "Fight "Fight ,at'least`. once a wee'k'. ; the suggestion made, by Me. and Mrs: James `Michael Clark of Providence, R:'' ; to -married'Louples who would 1.1 a 7 `be happy. "We have plenty of fights"' wiii1\•1;each its readers later ini rnan,yi they said "on the occasion or ""their' instances„ as we are waiting this ants - golden weddang''l anniversa1•y, "but ;cle, 'Wednesday. evening, our supply they always straighten • themselves of xeadyprint from Toronto has net; out: Everyone should fight once- in a as y• arrived: This usually comes While." They are also liberal in their on Wednesday morning, just where views on smoking and drinking, prov- : the fault is we do not know, but we ided the letter is indulged in only !will not be getting it till Thursday "once in a while." Clark 79, and his !manning' at: leas, or perhaps later. Sc wife, four years his junior, enjoy ex- `don't: brat a your local publisher, as cellent health. ,we were on schedule, but cannot 'print without. the necessary paper. HAY COUNCIL Gun Club, Organize eras "revised .in pieparation3'' should e be a municipal election. -Will Be Late ,week's' • .issue, of the,.Herald' The regular monthly meeting of the •Council of .the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, November 29th, with all Li men Beers present. The minutes of At ..a .meeting called in. O'Brein's jProduce. shops 'lest Friday evening a 'fairly large attended gathering got ',fairly and organized what will be the meeting, bold Nov. 1st were ado- ,known: as The Zurich Gun Club, and pted as read. After disposing ee the ja big q on";' IiwiOng is anticipated communications the followin resole by the' local boys. It was decided to g Glave a jack rabbit drive every Wed- nesday afternoon, and in case of bad 'weather, the drive would he held the following, afternoon, Thursday. The organization was as follows: Presi- dent, 19lieo, Haberer; Vice Pres., Win tions were passed.: That the. Reeve be :authorized to sign the •agreement for construction of the lldworth Drain and Clerk forward a copl to Nicholson Bros., contractors.O'B%en; Gi'btratattee,. D. Fuss, Len. That the following be designated as Polling Places and the following , Sarasas, Chas. Rau, Bruce Walker. be named as Deputy Returning Of1i- : OBITUARY cers and Poll ,Clerks for the various Polling Places in the Township of Mrs. Waal, ir'aercl*er Passes H for the year 1938 and that a The deatth took place on, Sunday ay ibylaw be prepared confirming same t the home of her mother, ,Mrs. Ben and shall be read three tunes and Serener; of Clan Surerus, relict of dinally passed: the lute William iKaereher, who pre - Poll No. 1, Polling place Schoen deceased a few years ago. Mrs. Howse e k. 2, D31.0. E. Poll 2, ; heere 'few months, the and the end Poll, Clerk C. Prouty; past ,S. House No. 14, DRO D. l3urns P:,e came quite ` suddenly on Sunday. S. gcAr;thwr; No: 3, Town Hall DRO ' After; her, marriage to Mr, Kaercher Wm,' O'Drein, N. Gashcho; No... 4,i they lived in Detroit and for a short D Oswald A G: ime irnFloridat� then about ten years 'Hess, '1�0: 5, S: House No.. i2 IORO; age they pure used a place on t e, Pfile, P,C., H. Truemner; No.',Dashiw,00d ` to Grand ]and road atti 6, Kellerman's .Store Dashwood, DRO', Weyburn, where they lived till Mi C. Pfile, P.C. A. Weber; No. 7'School Fa.ereher• paemet away, after whirl' House Yo.- 3, DR0 J. B. Pc' •meet, P,C. ' sh.e came toe live with her mother J. McAllister; No 8 . F. Dea,roomme s . and family. She was of a very nixie Store, •St: Joseph, DRO, lbw E. Du- personality and ,had made, many eharme, J. Corriveau, Jr. i warm friends with. her pleasing.; alis- Accounts `co'ering payments on position. Being born and raised on Township Roads, Ilay Telephone, Sall the Surerus homey -she was known by arks, ,Charity and general account':a .large; circle of friends: Suceviving Abe passed as per vouch rs. are two 'brother's, Albert at honi.e Total Township Roans :51052.13';; and Wesley at Detroit. Thome sisters i`otal Teuephone accounts $1807.60'd survive, Miss Adeline at home and Total salaries $615.00; Total charity l Mrs. Edward Italbfieisch and Mrs. and relief $27.18; Total 'Genera Ac-g i George l,Halbfieisch of Detroit, besides counts $5'7(i.0. , her aged mother who mourn her lose•. M .tion, that th'. 'Council adjourn Tieoeased had reached the age of t% 'n meet again • on Wednesday, Dec-, years, ,2 months and 16 days. The I funeral took place on Wednesday Boxed Ties at i o _ FANCY SOX • NEW SHIRTS •• REAL SWEATERS • ALL KINDS OF WINDBREAKERS • • • SCARFS - ALL -WOOL at• ... O a a • SUITS. and. OVERCOATS, a 0 •a a a a s�►��a,ao•'aa��eaA ,, 4 R aP� RQP•410& ®(i �i {T:�• dJP6 �Qt16f AG14b ai C*Gi o3�� ��M • • • • • • • Men • 356 and 50c :• • • 4' 29c • Qt° • e • • • • 4 Made -to -Measure, at All Prices 0 nrcoa Sri EMBMM•ERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS AsmoimUistza, i inns er" ri° 1.511/t, at 1.30 o'clock in the after/ ell4 for the final session . of 19a?, A, V, �11.55S, Twp. Clerk, afiterntoon. to Zurich Evangelical, eliu or service and to the Brou' son line teem tory for interment, eat, Christm.s G*. SANTA CLAUS Stopped off at Our Store on His Way from the North Pole and left part of his load. There are Gifts Suita ale for the Whole Family, such as Sweater Cbats for Men, Boys and Girls, Uncle wear,• Blankets, Lunch Cloths, Towel Sets, ..tanners Pillow Covers, Christmnis Booklets and Cards, Toys of all. kinds, Candies; • Nuts, Oran- ges, Fresh Fruits for the Christmas Cake- and Pudding. CALL, AND LOOK THEM OVER! p� R. I Yn, . OU • GENERAL . EROHANT PHONE 11..97 , ..., E -i