Zurich Herald, 1937-09-02, Page 1Vol. xxxvEiE No.9 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, Let the llerald Publishyour Sw Your Childreles Eyes Leavitt's Theatre Are you sure eat yau r elfflell 'rot handicapped hyr the ustelil 'of lappes which are MX Longer eeFfret ,tt is is vital lagatiter wildrelit must be neglected.. DO. it ereeN furthe School Tem! • E. Zurbrigg, Successor. fa, 4.. S. FITTON at- EXE3Elt Open every week (tar except , liVediteartar ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH,— OWE. PTA Changeless Christ fay a ing World.' leFriday, 8h—Luther League. 'Thursday—Choir Practice.. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—Gennan Service. 1L15 a.m.—Sunday SchooL 7.30 p.m.—English service_ Everybody Welcome to• all Services. - E. TUERKHEIM,„ fineator. EXETER — ONT. 'Thursday, Friday, Saturday 2,„ 4th_ :LOUIS vs BR.?sDDOCK Exclusive Motion Picture WORLDS HEAVYWEIGHT CHAM- PIONSHIP Feature BORN RECKLESS With. HARRY CAREY, and all Star Gast. Louis vs Farr Picture to foll- ow shortly.. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Sept. 5, 6, 7. "HIDEAWAY GIRL With MARTHA RAYE ROBERT CUNNINGS COMING "Borderland" with Wm_ Boyd. Mr. and 1VIrs. Orville McAdams and daughter, Mrs. W. McAdams and John Grieves all of London visited the. past Sunday- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo McAdams, Bronson line. -4.4,41•40++++++44-Z-B-Te-1"Tri÷1.,*-1-1-2.4-r+++++.÷÷+++ 1.4-14++++ 0-4.4 • --+ .,4st week on Wednes- . ,.. preachers and families i!ttt‘te'At'I'l Chester L. Smith, roughwk PTEL.MBZR (937-N 1,254 year, U.S. $1.50 in Advo et.selie lieu/Bees, 12 MAT MI OMAR04$4 HAIRDRESSING 1'11 THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING PARLOR NITS. Fred Thiel wishes to advise the public that she is now open for business. Permanents and Ririe:ex- .waving a specialty. All permanents guaranteed. Parlor located lie rear of shop. For appointments call or phone 102 Zurich, A wave of extremely hot weather has visited 'this section nals week, and just how hot it is we do not ]now 'but if you hang the mercury out in the sun it will soon pop up to the 110 mark. Mrs. Ida Redfern and daughter of Exeter and Mrs. Daisy Collins; M. and Mrs. Telfer and daugnter of Lletadon, visited last Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Theo. McAdams,. Mr. C. E. Zurbrigg, R..0., who lives at Lucan, was in town on Tu- esday evening, on a professional call. Mr. Zurbrigg has recently purchased the S. Fitton Optical business at Ex- eter, where he is open for business. Kindly note his change of adv. -on. page one of this issue. A considerable number of cases of infantile paralysis have broken out in Ontario, and a goodly num:ber of deaths are the result. One would do well to avoid from attending places where there are crowds of people. The medical science is completely bafiied just haw to handle the situ, - ation. A large adv. is appearing he this issue from the Department of Health and should be readcarefully by all to prevent spreading of, the e0AWee.„ • ',...4t7'-1-el,:s-74.7-x----fp •••••••• t • - Mr d' ;MVs. Ed. ,Selm Of New 1 Hambu -visited friends in town on Wednee ' Y. t Mr. 4 d Mrs. E. Stoskopf of Kit- chener, isited at the"hoine of Mrs. Thornaii ehil.son On, .Piinday, fanfilY-:,at4'Orest visited at the home Mr:: #0'7arg• Wm. F. Braun and of Mr.', in. Lamont on Sunday. MieSe 'Eileen and Alice Beaver left 'Nes y for London, where they have AC ted -.positions. Mr. p.....' Mee: Irvin Dedels and da- ught ' Kitchener spent their va- catio litti Mi'e. Edward Datars, sr, Mrs2"..c,iiex, Foster and children El. sine andlWilliseof London, were we- ek -end eetrsitors 'in this vicinity. . Mr. raild Mra Ed. Wendorf and daughter Coroma Mary, of Clinton, calledat/the .hoxne of Mr. and Mrs. C: L. Sinith, Sunday evening. Mrs. 0, Funk and daughter, Mrs. E. Magulee wed Mrs. C. H. Kalbfleisch all of D'ectroite were recent visitors with .Mieliiid Mrs, R. F. Stade. 14 - .... Rey.: 011'd ears. Albert Datars and fareilYee eboro spent their heli - days i.e iiimother, Mrs. E. Deters oe taw , ee..., er, AtM4. E. Burn attended. an Evableic4$ Ministerial gathering d HENSALL ,„ strdt, day. V Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smillie of were Toronto, were reCent guests heree.of , • Dee Smillie and Miss Miirray. 1VIr. •Wm. Hildebrandt spent afew fee TRY ECKEL'S eat Town Talk • eeeEd. Noll of Mayer- (--• • h eeeeSeratford, , ' -also lays.yeeently-irr;Londo.41 With-flziA*14:4"" re& ' 1VIr. elainrie, five-year old dangheer or 1 mew, el erton, called at thelionie and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore while PIES, AND + down. a number of steps, fracturing. aY. CHOIClE VARIErr "IF CAKE, ++ playing in the barn at htr home, fell! d of Mr: and Mrs. C. L. Smith on Sun - •SWEET GOODS. S All Ingredients Used are of the'Higlrest Quality + ALL CONFECTIONS — ICE CREAM 4. 4' her arm She was taken to Clinton Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wurin of Marjorie, five year old daughter Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Oswald 4 of theBronson line; Gordon Becker of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudrnore, Hoepital for, treatment. 4. Our Store will be dosed each Wednesday Evening 4- 4- + 4 fell down a number of steps, fract- vet, were Sunday visit - while playing. in the barn at her home Mr. and Mrs. A. C. wring her arm. She was takvite,en.q:ad Mrs. Karl .McClin- Clinton Hospital for treatment. cl ihey, Ohiselhu et. ;eme: • Mr. and Mrs. John Dingwall and! Eckel's aikery — Zurich le daughter Helen and friends, of Sti.-1 George Thiel of the 14th Tdergeonecon. 'Hay, has purchased the dwelling proI 00 „... eeetsville, visited with Mrs. Dingwall's- + + opme,i;lteyd abtythmer.sAoultbheervtesptieeinsedhaoufertoawlind 1. sister, Mrs. Geo. Follick, also herl -0, r *++++++++++++++-referefeeet-44++-1-4-4+4+++++++++++.14+++++++++4. brother, Ed. McQueen. Ioccupied by Mr. S. Gingerich and Lois and Marian McLaren return - family. Mr. Thiel has purchased the , ed h•ome after holidaying with Rev. [and Mrs. Young at thteir cottage, property for rental purposTes. near Forrest. The many friends of John Graig are pleased te hear he has been able to return home from Lonaon Hospit- al, wherea he has been ror several 'weeks much improved in health. . Thomas .JOhison of this village cole- Marks 83rd Birthday 'hated - her 90th birthday, at her .Mrs. Walter J. Fee celebrated her home m Zurich. Mrs, Johnston has .83rd birthday at her home in Hensall the distinction .of being the oldest • with members of her family present. person in 'the •village. She has been ,Duting the day Mrs. Fee received ,a resideht of Zurich over sixty years numerous congratulations and gifts ,and has seen the village grow from from her family and other friends. infancy to where it is to -day. Mrs. Mr.- and Mrs. Fee have a family of Johnson, we are pleased to say en-' five children alive, one son; Victor, „ieYs good health and takes her daily having passed away some months ago walk. She has four daughters: Mrs. at 'his home near Hensall. Surviv- E.. Stoskopf • of Kitchener; Misses Mg members are Mrs. John Wallace Matilda, Alice . and Susie at home. But:rale. 'N.Y.: Mrs. Ernest Harris, During the day ,she received congrat- Allsa Craig; Mrs. Baughman, Chica- 'ulatioese Greetings, and many bea- go; Oliver of near Hensall. and Geo- utiful bouquets of flowers from fri- rge, Village constable at Hensall. .ekids far end near. Among others, a lov,elye. bouquet from the Ladies' Hedden Family Meets „, ••Aid of the Lutheran church of which A family reunion was held at the she is a faithfulmerober, The •many ., home of Mrs. Catherine Redden., teal feenedsof this:44nd old lady wished 'near Hensall, when some 36 Telatc- -her mawmore- ydars of continued tones...1.0...orrein WE SELL TIE BEST FOR. LESS Specials low Thursday, Friday and Saturday tt. Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon Half's, per tin______16c McCormick Sweet Sandwich Biscnit, per 111—..18c P arkd G Naptha Soap, &bars..25c .. Hillcrest Shortening, 2 lbs. Heinz :s Spaghatte„ 17 -oz. tin, 2 tins 25c Co -wart Cocoa, 1-116. tin .27c Pumpkin, 2% size, 2 this lc Rubber Rings„ Per Amen,- . 5c Zinc Jar Rings, perxTozim23c Seeded Raisins, Lexia, 16 -oz. per pkg. 1 6c Salmon, pink„ Iargge fire, 2 Tins ... 9c New Shipment of I -louse Dresses at ------- • Childieres Ankle Sox., ali:.sizes„ :per -pacir-13 j. Highest Prices few SM. • CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Mrs. Thomas Johnson, Zurich Marks 90th Birthday , On Sunday, August 22nd, Mrs. ,ves were present. Mrs. Heelden is the nnather of a family of 12 children, all of whom are living, 10 being present for the veunion. There are also 12 grandchildren. Also present for the reunion were Mrs. Headen's ++xto bratliera Noic!rtq Pid fam Hies. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rothaer- 15,111; Huron, and Mr. and Mrs. Na.m. Rothao-mo, St. Gatlin:lines. • good health and happiness. BASEBALL NEWS On Monday August 30th the Sea- • forth team defeated. Zurich on the local diamond by the sore of 14 •to 11. This victory puts Seaforth in a tie with ,Crediton for a play-off pos- ition, with one more game to play. If they lose their next game which is ageinst ginton on Thursday a sud- dep. deatIngame will be played on the Farmers! •Attention! 'ziirich diii4nd on Sept. 8th. Zurich lost to Seaforth because of the fact We have been appointed selling that theivere without the services Agents for the celebrated Viking of „"Bone" Foster •and "Hoop" Het- Diabolo Cream Separator, the sepal.- denim: 01 course without Heide- ater with a ten year guarantee. Let marl a lot of power at the bat was as demonstrate this machine to you loot, as well as his g-ooclpitchinrr. 411(1 coeipare it with all others. And Since Zurich has only one pitcher his don't forget, the best feature is the absence • means a lot to the home' unusual easy terms. Liberal allowance"'eearn. Joynt and Hudson of Remelt 02. trade-ins, handled this game to the qatisfactiond BM-1)2AG & SON. ' tf44 ol all. Wath or play-off dates, I . •Eyes Examined Glasses Filled 1.040•1•1110•11.1....4 Mr. C. E. Zurbrigg REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Will be at the Store • THURSDAY EVENING Good Glasses if you need them. Good Advice if you Don't. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN Phone 74 Zurich WARNING *bine coat Put Your COAL in now m the low price. A sharp art vance may be expected soon. Tile and Brick W. R. DAVIDSON We pay Cash for Eggs Phone 10 HENstar; * 40••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••tee-- • • , • • • x. eike Age • • • • •k • • • • • Order Your New Suit , • , • • • • To- -ay tr‘ • • 4 4t, NEW SAMPLES • • op, • • • • 'Ott • Att 4' • • 4 • • • eiv ..44444640*44,4&4044444044,444•044464,04-$41.4.6,c-4,...1,e•g,,,S,AK'41,4.1 • $20.011 Up EMBALMERS AND FUNERAP., DIRECTORS ,.110 • . . ., 0q, PPP Summer IMEMMINIVIIMEIMMEMMENVIL See Our New Prints, Broad- cloths ,Drapery, Cbintz, Cur-. taths and Curtain Goods, Etc. 1937 Garden Seeds, Root Seeds, Paints, Varnishes, Floor Wax, and Polishes, Varno- Lac, Etc... Etc. HARNESS REPAIRS, ETC. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R. Ne DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 97 113LAKk