Zurich Herald, 1937-02-04, Page 5Tbursdan, February- lithe ,I9' BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL xrDL EY . HoLM $ 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTA ARY }'PUBLIC, ETC. 4OlFJ?ICE--fiamilton Street, fust off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. fSpeeial Attention to Courieel sand Court Work. Mr. Rouses may be consulted at lGadeaich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL 'Dr. W. D, RYCE L. D. S.'' _tM D. S, DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday,' Friday, Saturday, At HARTLEIB'S BLOCS, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. r.d ti`3,' N L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. -Sc VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Horne of the . lat Dr. J. Routledge. Phone—I3 e. Zurich • e A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All rriseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- 'veer of Scottish terriers Inverness Helmets. Or ; ' Hain Street, /apposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON- <hitt any .Auction Sale, regardless as to size or .article to sell_. I solicit your businege, and if not satisfied will .make no charges for Services . Ren- adered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone i3-ta7. PRODUCE 'IV.s I jtsi }.,. 'HIGY TEST CASH PRICES -FOR-- CREAM, EGGS MW POULTRY 'Phone 101, Res. 34, Zurich BUTCHERS uricbs' --Popular MEAT % AR]KET Let Us supply you with the Peery Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, at,. always on banal, Kept veil in Electric Renx•:tgc'ratior'.'' Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 'u.ngblut & Seoul ......m. INSURANCE stern RianCre !Attu 1 eager instance C. OF WOODSTOCK -THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT J L COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO 1. Amount of insurance at Risk .on Dec, ist, 1935, $20,479,730.00 Total Cash in 13ank and Bonds $254,627.52: Mates—$91.50 pet $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. Klopp—Zurich r to Also neater is Lightning gods -PM O. lands 41i: Fitt Imsuita ac y Put Your Want, For . Sale Lost, .Found, Etc,; Ads,. in this CoIIY[l1m NOTICE SPENCER CORSETS, Individually Designed. Style or Surgical. Mrs, Anna MaolTonald, t39 Phone 137 •Hensall, Ont virlyttilkta FOR SALE Young beef by the quarter.--AP- Ply .to. Sol Gingerich. NOTICE The annual meeting of the • 14th Con. Farmer's Club will be held in the school. House on Friday evening February 5th. All members aria in- terested parties are requested to at- tend. Samuel Hendrick, President. E. Blake Ranier, Secretary NOTICE I have a PCV license for hauling live stock to Stratford, Kitchener, and Toronto_ All stock insured for full value till weighed in. Give me a call for rates. Phone. 141 Zurich. Herb Block. For • Sale A Four -Ton Weigh Scale for sale at Blake by Tender. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders close February 10th, 1937. Apply to R. } oar•glas, Blake, t31 .ac SAL} 1 bay mare 0 yrs. old; Black colt rising 2 yrs; Bay sucking colt; a few fresh col.'s; same stocker pigs Apply to Samuel Hobner,. R. R. 3 Bayfield. Phone 78r11, Hensel]. NOTICE We have a house for sale or rent, Apply to: —L. A. Prang. & Son, Zurich. •[CE`: ANNOUNCEMENT . Plain Dresses and Suits 70c. Insurance Included. This is a con- tract special for a Iimited time axily. PARISIAN LAUNDRY LTD. And Dry Cleaners. Thiel's Transport "• LEAGUE MEETING The Walther Executive Committee of Zion's Lutheran church, Dashwood held a meeting in the basement al. the church to plan the League pro- gramme for the • remainder of the term. The minister, Rev. Theo. Lill% asked if Bible study, which was gen- erally held once a month, be held• ev- ery two uveas! stressing the :act that iustruetion in the Bible should be the amain educational feature for a chur- ch organization such as the Walther League. It was decided to publish a league newspaper. -.,Miss Helen Luft was elected editon. It was also decided that at caeh meeting, enter- tainment such as musical numbers,'I humorous readings, etc., snouid be ++' given. The league program for the remainder of the term will consist it of Bible study, hymn .study, catecl,. Lan study, reading of Dr. Walther Maier`s book 'For Better, not fair Worse," and similar educational fea- tures, A Bad Accident MAN KILLED When the Stratford-Goderich Dies- el electric train crashed into a truck on a level •crossing on the outskirts of Goderich •last Thursday at 12.20 noon, Edward Powell, elderly resi- dent of Seaforth, was killed outright ;and a second younger man, Frank Sproat, was taken to the Hospital with a fractured skull, Lacerated :cad and damaged brain tissues. Hie condition critical. The train ileal:! was pta out of commission by the impact and had to be tower to the station, a quarter of a mile away, by the steam yard engine. The truck wee travelling west, to Goderich, at the thee of the crash, and was struck amidsh.ip by the pilot, The train was just about to complete its run, Tor -11 onto to Goderich. There have been several accidents in recent years at I this level crossing, located on the Huron road, No. 8 highway, at the :own limit;:. of Goderich. Two year, ens a :Ewell Telephone employee Iost iia, life, intend( the same manner. 1: LOCAL NEW ICH HERALD ¥; Elgin J. Hess, of .St,•, Cat !' Ines was in town lastFriday att4n, ing the funeral of his late mother Mrs. Beers, • of Buffalo is visiti relatives here, she is a sister' to r, Louis and Chas. Weber. Mr. Lee Oesch, who recently erwent' an operation at London f•J pita, has returned home, and i :'gooks quite himself again. The floods are .still raging int central States, Ohio, Kentucky "at farther on dawn, The cities. are big sufferers, in one city the w was 80 feet deep, or 20 feet out the.big levees Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfile o f s . . 14th Concession entertained' the Neighbors, ' Mr; and ' Mrs. Wm. Haugh and family, and Mr. and Milne Rader and family. The Junior Farmers and Juni Institute held a delig�litful frolic ,; the home of Mr. and Tdrs Alex Mo sseau, Hay Township on Friday ever ing, to which 'many of the you people of the district. attended. In 'reading over the reports ' o the Huron. Old Boys' Associatio meeting at Toronto recently'' ' notice that "Dr and Mrs.• B. e Campbell headed a large delegatio representing former Zurichites"3 'Congratulations tions to Di... and Mr Campbell, as we know you still hay' a warm feeling for the: old biirg. RECEPTION . • The wedding of Morey Stelck and Grace Meyers was enjoyably celebra ted by a number of friends and rel- atives el atives who gathered for a reception' at the.home of the former's parents; on Friday evening, January 29th. Guests were invited from as far a- way as Detroit, ,Goderich, Ingersoll, Luean, and Lucknow, along wit11. many living closer to home. The rooms were decorated with pink an white streamers . and bells. Music was furnished by the McBride family' James Denomme and the Stelek'fam ily. The gifts received by the bride and groom were costly and numer- ous which shows .the high esteem the young couple hold in this community'° and among their friends in distant cities and towns, Annual Meeting Bayfield Agricel nsai So:iety The annual meeting of the Bayfield Agricultural Seeiety wee held in the Town Hall on Wednesday afternoon:. January 20th. Reports were present- ed and a balance of over four hun- dred dollars being one hand. The fol- lowing officers and dis:•..c,•ors wci 6 appointed for 1937: . Hoi Pres:, H. McNaughton; President, eta re ,Clrire; let vice-pres., Pol:�ert A e be "c 2nd vice-pres., John Rzt'.iwell; se ro tary, A. E. Erwin; TreaS ur c. , A' Edwards; auditors, john R. Camerae and was. H. Reid; Dh -stow. F. T I Woods, S'm, 1 Moncton, lid. Foster, M W7):11 m ti!.eph r oa, Cell Sports -.W. W. Wise. 'fort There 1'. Pliddleton, nfre•i ern °•( r• T, 1! Snowden, Freak Keegan. Naeohl. Stin son, Mre. T.Sri?wdee, Mee F. " Ewen Mr F. :Middleton, Mr-. r. Foster, Mrs. G. I tt'e. The data chosen for 1937 Fair are Glyedn •s arae. and Thursday, Septc'tnh.'r 22 and `,3. OBITUARY LATE MRS. F. HESS Crd e, aesRll�l • w:?:,; and cellephnre ZURICH FALL FAIR REVISED:PRIZE LIST OF LADIES" WO:RIK FOR 1937:,, LADIES' WORK DOMESTIC wilt piece, fancy quilting 4uiit, pieced cotton 9. ult f ane'y quilting, cotton, color. Comforter; homemade lieda'lrread, knit or crochet, new Nil, year. edspread, fancy, other. handwork. Ouse dress, cotton axes, sleeping garment, machin n made. phild.'s made over dress ed sheet, handmade, unlaundered weater, knit or crochet itchen apron ool socks, handknit coarse, new. itts, hand knit, fine, New aiming worn sock or stocking air crochet gloves initted suit.. Fist bag, cap and scarf, knit o ' crochet... an's sweater or pullover est "article made from old stockings DINING ROOM FURNISHINGS plana unch set, 5 pieces, cut work unch set, ' 5 pieces, other kind et table mato (3 or '5 ) able cloth and 6 r.ap'cins, emb. initials. entre piece, white, embroidered ffct act, ;,3 pieces, any other kind eedle point inch set, embroidered and table cover eget set, cut work, white or ecrue able cloth, emb. or cut work, lar a cosy ea towels, 3 embroidered BED ROOM FURNISHINGS ow slips, pair, embroidered 'flow slips, pair, other handwork icy sheet and pillow slips to match est towel, pair ath.towel and wash cloth ain, pair, t. and trimmed unity set oudoir cushion ight robe, Ladies' Wear ollar and cuff set, New ed jacket l atlie,^,' slip, handmade 1:�dies' dressing gown, fancy, new llo w slips, pair, cut `work CHILDREN'S WEAR ennct, Jacket and Bootees rb Cover erizge et, cover and pillow ra . match. iid ; fancy dre s handmade i s piny dressa•,••1 bloomers. id's costume, knit or crochet IVING ROOM FURNISHINGS ntre piece, colored - ble runner. C 1 i PAGE FIVE ZURICH CREAMERY We Pay a Premium of Two Cants per Pound E, Fat• for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price. Guaranteed • • Your Cream Graded, Tested and. Paid forn se the same • Day. • • • YOUR EGGS • AND POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and • • dPoultry at Highest Market Prices, according to 3 grade. --.-Your Patronage Appreciated! °1 THE ZURICH CREAMERY • se********®i1Pa4ASii61s1**e,i)�7.P tve,,,rxi�Ey.,::—. a ..:n.: 0 4 4 0 0 $ 2):rs t9 FP 11)00 tlr 49fl �!q•,1� ° Your Fuel Bill n HALF! I. Buy Storm Windows and Doors ,,I$", 4. LET US QUOTE YOU!' ..3 REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A .t se gamg.. + LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL •� 4. T;:aZES.. AND '' WILL DO •YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU ,1, + WAIT. 04. �! ,'LRISo lli��iij PHONE 6 .3, '"''manevms� e ti e O _ ZURICH �k "til •3•��u ar�F 4 I. I .a +�5'b4"2�Jt:SBf�S+'�sc000gbS^�S�ft, om 1�84�51*0* e sr ��s5�20 eGE�S2E�QC3t' selieca ;�+n°oEreii,R iB • es our VVinter's Pue Colder Days will soon be here again, and provision I must be made with suitable Fuel to keep the house 8 warm and comfortable. We can supply practically 0 all the called for grades of Coal and Coke with a s prices very morerate... Let us fill your bin! 0 faster and Pioneer' Poultry Feeds ii Plow points to hi, u.11 makes .f is09 0. plows 0 pillow, embroideredas seselleva, ober handwork CP �r'tlelcl set, handmade f Uria;i MISCELLANEOUS Bridge set Applique .qo stp Coll of articles made from table o; C o,11, gird _ -n images, 3 only. Kitchen coll. pair curtains, duster, tea towel, hand towel a,i�i pot lifter. Coll. 6 different styles needlework. Zto' be d ;played hung up) ART 'WORK 1t SEEDS"' SEEDS! cl t We are in the Market for Red, AIsike, weet Clovers and 0 a Timothy Seeds. 1cie. c 0 TOlt 5) Jee Carton' l'o t ad:, a,i,�,,,,, "Phe Zurich Fell rl, d I rt kaisurie n Fair." e��i�tiiit,'i�t: a 4 fE" asees Louise Stelck, relict of the let Frederick ck Hess,for �, a resident of Zurich, t _r. ed at :y= , t'?e hotnc of her daufhti, "T•• (Rev.) F. I: Tio :_ld ret Firewood iaftea lingering illeb s, on Tue .�i,t January 26th , Aged 79 years, r month and 24 days. Mr:. Hess wa u -'1l known in Zurich anc; a'icinila and her many friends here reeled •'. t. learn of her departure. A very y ilee r quint disp:r itio�r. and r error' may';: to her family. Surviving are ,.fired daughters and two eons Tsirs Goo'c'ee Bissett of Saltford, Mts. Girdoe Wilson of Centralia, and Mr.. Hee, ald of Elmwood; the sons are, 1T.1r Fred Hess of London, and Mr. El�;,in Hess of St. Catharines, all beim; p:•e- sent at the ue i ,l. The funeral tak- ing place last Friday et Elmwood at 9 a.m. where Rev, Fisher of Walker - ten had charge. The r e Fins were c then .brought to Zurich where rror?rice was held in St. Peters' Luther:el Church, Rev. E. Turkheim officiating. Interment was made in the Lutheran cemetery. FORMER RESIDENT PASSES paper displ:y, 4 articles e-‘„: Oil leainting, lan Pape, from natuse .Oil painting r�'.-! n `; .e•,. eoiry* W. der,^ Colors, scene original Ws ei colors, flowers grouped ViTa,r' colors, anilrilrlr, copy' ? PasY 1, env subject • Cor entionel laden, in colors, any aa sl subject, • Wo ;d+F•carvin ;, hTcriv Amo ur pheko, fern scenes Single' piece Art Work, not listed. Sepia l X21 Mr. W. J. Tough of Rattonbury street, Clinton has • received word from Dilke, Sask., of the death of his brother-in-law, Mi. John David- son, from flu, followed by pneumonia Before going west Mr. Davidson con- ducted a blacksmith business' hi Blake for some years about forty years e- ery. FromBlake he moved to Wro- ster, Galt and Teviotdale, Ont., then to Saskatchewan where he took up land and farming and blacksmthin g Deceased had boetr'ailing Tor' some time and passed away at bis home in Saskatcliewan on Wednesday last; eaving to mourn his loss his widow, formerly Miss Elsie Tough, youngest <aughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Tohn Tough, Sr., of Stamey Town ,hip, and two daughters, -.ata nee, 'led and located near their parents' home, also ten grandchildren. The departed was in his sixty-ninth year. - CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Colic autumn leaves, mouneel and named. Col l'ecjion naountr.•d • weeds 13esl stressed Doll Crr o1ab work 'Bi e 1 douse, iTew Writing under 1.0 re „':, old Writjij , •over 7,n -, ars old Art,IUzideX 10 years old Art,gover 10 years old. • The main aim of the weekly news• paper as the name implies, is to give news,of its own district. It may have othe i” toms, such as to give the mer- ehana chance to tell of their goods m x, columns or to try to influence nab l;a` • opinion through its editor ,tale; ,rs,at First of all it must give the news ! .. erne of this news is not easily obta ed and ri'o editor can cover it all vi , out assistance. Especially Is this `lie when you have visitors. Man r;,Of the ladies think that pen sotifaT';`are the most interesting read- ing i% the whole, paper, Your 'visitors are tv ttally glad to have their names appe lr, so send them in. Sometimes peopli come In and give the impres- sion, that they are asking a favor when, they want us to insert tlrd namet of their friends who have been spending a few days with them. No person need feel that way about giv- ing us news items fox- we are indeed glad to get thein all. t � ' Su'oa echo �� 14� I have a full Line of a allthe requiement f School Eti.1 les All authorized Public Sell( ci ooks,inc 1u d r g flat New Speller Ali =FTigh School Text Books, etc. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. See Our Supply of- c,i;et Preparations Perfumes, Toilet - Waters, Perfumi7ers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Et.;," t Mee k eea hr A, J. MacKinnon, ZUT10 IF;