Zurich Herald, 1937-01-07, Page 4BLAKE
• eaeetNand everyone :z
d 1PYospevous New Year:
eseni.`Mrs. Chris, Erb and Mr,
cl M. Leonard Erb were Semday
visriore with Mr, and e.rs Mose
-alehl$1,1 ai near Exeter,
Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Swartzentrub=
blr. and Mrs. Allan Seenrta.entru.
iar•„ Mi. and Mrs, Sari Giuseerich
«zaxtl family, Mr,. and Mrs, cud. Oesch
Marx{i family, Mr, and Mrs. IZay Gin-
i rich and sang spent New Years"
'Mee,: with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cin-
Ur,.and Mrs. Clayton Smith o^ St.
sa pin were Sunday visitors with.
and Mrs. Sol Bechlc i
. and Mrs. Allan S zrt;:entrub-
er, Mabel and !,dist Swartzentruber,
Laura and C'.s.nee Casella, spent
vie week. ad at Tavistock.
eek, emu Mrs. Sam Gingerich and
„c.4 were Sunday visitors with Mr
• triii- Mrs. Mose Gerber, Goshen line.
Mr and Mrs. Aaron Gingerich and
•runny were Sunday visitors with Mt•
nd Mrs. Jacob Gingerich of the
Goshen Line.
Lr William Bechler is improving'
icrly after the operation for the
,emoval of his tonsils.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ` Attridge of
oderich, spent New Years Day
'with her mother, Mrs. E. E. Clarke.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs
'Roy Qingerich were:: Mr. and Mis
.''acob Swartzentruber, Mr. and Mrs
i3. Oesch and family.
A Happy New Year to all!
Ms. and Mrs. M. Tully and family
ere visited on New Year's Day by
bels 'Tuily's sisters and their famil-
des .from near Brucefield.
ISfr. Fred Steacy of Detroit with
'. Wail. Jarrott and Annie during
Sze week.
and Mrs. Ross Love were in
'London Saturday and brought their
•a`ughter Helen home with them from
the. Hospital. We .are glad to hear
she is home and doing fine.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson are
spending a few days in Stratford,
The scholars and teachers return-
ed to school on Monday morning af-
ter a pleasant holiday. •
Mr, Norman Johnston, missionary
of Bolivia -gave a splendid account of
his work in that place on . Sunday of -
ternoon in the Hillsgr:oen church, He
had slides with him and gave thein
along with pigs address. Mr; :and
Mrs. Johnston and daughter leave
shortly for their mission in Bolivia,
' May they be sparedfor many years
to tome, in carrying on.their splend-
id work among the natives. •
The W.M.S. will be •held at the
home of Mrs. Robb . Stephenson, on
Wednesday January '13th, 1937.. Mrs
Turner's group will be in charge of
the program,
Miss Mary Little who has been en-,
gaged at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Rosi Love for a few weeks, left for
her home in Hensell. ,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Love spent New
Year's with their daughter and son-
in-law,Mr. and Mrs. Percy Campbell
of Hay Township.
Mr: and 11Lrs, Albert Hess of Zur•
ich spent New Year's with Mr, and
Mrs. John Baker. •
At the school meeting :n S. S. No.
3 Hay on Wednesday afternoon, Mr
Wesley Richardson was appointed
Trustee. Mr. Garnet .Jacobe Having
Mrs. Robt. M. Peck .has spent the
past two weeks visiting with friends
in Toronto.
IVVLr_ and Mrs. J. Collins and son
of London have been visiting with
Mrs. Collins' mother, Mrs. W. Arm-
strong and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh and son
Wallace of Brucefield visited with
Mr. and Mrs. W J. Dowson on Mon-
1VIr.Norran, Johnston, :;iissionary
on furlow from Bolivia, S. America;?.,
gave a very interesting and instructi
�'®•'' �. do
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ZURICH HERALD and the following Paper
for one Year;
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Weekly Witness .............. ,$3.15
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Border Cities`` Star, Windsor ,.. $6.10
Kitchener Daily Record ,
Ahd a great many more that wo cannot enumerate here.
We have the Agency for every, reputable Magazine) ,in
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1,110 *4• (PI'F dM 404,4 404440.404 •Gv'v : w4+4,
ve talk on his work in Bolivia,
Goshen eherch 'last Thursday
ing; the address Was illustrtete.'.
lantern slides,
Our people hire have r t,
interest in Mr. awl „ l}j,ee "Je
and 'their work, and count it re
liege ,to be able ap gs4st th
any way, and as they
livia in the near k"M
and sympathies of thea,;'';
els will go with thea'n . n:r,r?
At a special meeting held
Blake United Church oraMan
ening, 1VL.'r,; Norman Johnston
ionary on furlough ,g we a 031
teresting and: -inspiring lemma o
work in Bolivia, his field of 1
which he illustrated with laulte`t'x
des,. At the close' of the service
Beatrice Manson, toad an eddy :
Mr, and Mrs. Johnston, Miss Al
Finlay, in behalf of the
rented them with a beautiful. cosi
Peloubet'e Notes on the Bible,
Mz% Roy' McBride p> esented !
with a sum of money in behalf.
congregation. • Mr. and Mr^s..
sten are about to commence the
stages of the return journey to'
field in Bolivia. The earnest: pry
of a large circle of :friends do
them that they may be kept s
and that thein work may pro
beyond human expectations.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scrut,,
!Port Dover visited relatives lien
er the holidays.
Joseph Hudson, who has bet,
Westminieter Hospital London,
last spring, was ::brought horn:
spend the holidays with his . i;;
He intends to return rto,the Hq
Miss Mavis Spencer of 'Dasl_
spent the holicl•a, ;here •with her
ents, Mr. sand71Virs. Albert Spa'
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Caleb;
fancily of London spent
with relatives here:
Mr. and Mrs Geo, C PL
holiday visitors with the i "i
,and daughter, Dr. and -M
at St. Marys,
Minnie Reid was a ,li
in London ;-with ]i,er,
Reid and family_
Mr. and iiiti.
holidays r atii friends''
Mae.'M. ghtoii
ent holidi
their `trio
sister, IV
holiday nisi
Mr. and/
Detroit vast
MiN =
Mr. and Mrs A.
Miss Norma Douglas
Allan Douglas of Lon
and Mrs. H. Vair and
Thomas spent holidays
Johnston and Margaret,
Mr, and Mrs.
Mae Simpson of Detre
day visitors with their
Norman Sinclair and
ion of Toronto, were'h,oJi
with their parents, Rev,
Mrs. Thos. Berry visa
week with her son Wilson anti
in Toronto.
25th Anniversary
'Trait estiar.. Jntxilrry^ . 7th, 1937• '
Mining in Canada, now second largest of the count ys
industries, gives employment to 80,000 workmen and has
a production value of over $300,000,000 per annum.
As an accompaniment of this great and growing mining
industry, Canada is building up a smelting and refining
industry of world importance. There are now huge plants
in Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, British Columbia and
Manitoba. These plants produce:
Copper • Nickel • Zinc - Lead • Cobalt • Pion
Ferro -alloys • Gold • Silver • Bismuth • Radium
Cadmiinu • Selenium • Aluminum • Tellurium • Uranium
The plants .give direct employment to 10,000 workers,
and indirect employment to many thousands more; have,
a production value of $200,000,000 per annum; purchase
coal and electricity co the value of $12,000,000; pay for
equipment, supplies, freight; ere., some $40,000,000 per
annum; and add some $1000,000,000 to the export value -
of Canada's mineral products, without counting the value
of the gold recovered from base metal ores.
Prominenclyidentified with the upbuilding of the smelting
and refining industry of Canada from its inception, the
Bank of Montreal gives this industry financial service•
through every stage. Thousands of workers are deposi-.
tors, sharing in the safety and facilities of the Bank with;/
their employing companies.
The Bank's services include: Commercial accounts; foreign,
currency accounts; financing of shipments; loans and dis=
counts; collections; trade and credit information; safe-
keeping of securities; savings accounts; money orders;,
travellers cheques; banking by :trail; personal loans.
$ ABI �S11LD_
XS 3.7 - /-/Jinn QI_l:tC.13., 11LO1'NTR1 AL
Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG, Manager
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McQueen cel
iterated their 25th wedding'-ainsiveze.
sary- Christmas day and enter eines f
friends from Beach: o 'Piller, Mitch»'
ener, Thames Road, Blyth and Hens
Celebrates Birthday
Mr. J. W. Ortwein celebrated his
87th birthday,. at his” home on Chiist
mas Day. All the meniters of hie
family were home for the occasion
except one daughter, Mrs. Brenholt,
of Kitchener, who was unable to.be
present. Mr. Ortwein is hale and
hearty and his many friends hope;
that he will be spared to enjoy many,
more happy birthdays.
A very quiet wedding took plate;
in Toronto on December 23rd when
Rev. Mr. Pannabecker united in mar-
siege Mr. Albert Haring of Kitchener
and Miss Dorothy Little, the .eldest
daughter of Mrs. Little and the late
Holland Little of Hensall, The yo-
ung couple were unattended. Mas,
Haring was a former well known and
popular Hensall girl and her many
:•iends are extending their best wish-
es to the young couple. They were
visiting with relatives in Hensall la: t
After a lingering . illness, Davi d,;
Haiet, passed away :at Iirtissels
Thureday last, in his 68th year.
is survived by his wife, one clang]
and three sons,
Said Parni
Cl oa :r;: Beatty, Sr.,' has sold hi.
'erre ad jrarent to Varna to John A.
"'a' nuc. of Posifoit11, for the snarl
"''• Me. Beet!•y intends hold,
air etaeti ns sale shortly..
Olt% tl'Cheques
on Knitting Co. played
s to its employees recently
each with a cheque. A
et m ...program was carried out
liemiJs of the company and.the
pioyeea",and their: families, with a
hristmas tree from which gifts . we-
e. distributed,
Preaches Sermon
Donald Gladman, of Emanuel Col-
ege, Toronto, preached a splendid
1Vew Yeai^'s ,sermon in James St. Un
'ted church, Exeter on Sunday eve-
ning last and his friends were deligh-•
ted with the message.
Reeve Sweitzer Retires
Win. ;Sweitzer•, ex -warden of Hur-
on County and the retiring reeve of
Stephen Twp., who for the past 17
years was a member of Stephen co-
uncil;, has decided to retire, he has
fol 'the past eight years served as a
ner of the County Council.
A Minister Passes
Rev. Those Charlesworth, retir-
ed Baptist minister,1
til I� who died at his
hone at London, was for a time pas -
en of the Cli.ton Baptist church. He
had reached the age of 83 years.
Purchases Ressidence
Dr. D. A. Anderson, of London,
'a former residents of Exeter, has pur
ichased-the residence of the late Jiro.
'Pedlar, Exeter, and expects to move
to Exeter early next summer. Dr.
Anderson, who has been practicing
dentistry in London intends retiring.
Finger Almost Severed
Carl Store, Exeter had the middle
finger of sis left aand almost severed
'when he was struck ,by an axe while
chopping wood. Carl reached for a
etick just as a companion weilded
the axe. Both tried to withdraw bat
the axe caught the middle finger near
the centre. The doptor is endeavoring
to save it from amputation.
Laid At Rest
The funeral of Albert T. Mugford
68, well-known Goderich Twp. farm-
er who died, was held from Wheelers
funeral parlor, Goderich. Rev. D. JJ.
Lane of Goderich.and Rev. G. Wylie
of Bennailler, Were .in charge of the
ee . vice.
Appointed Actuary
John C. Archibald, son of Reeve
)V', R. Archibald and Mrs. Archibald,
uckeirsinith, has recently boon ap ",
ohitesi assistant actuary of the Ben-,
ere l"ife Insurance Co., of Des:
lames, ',Iowa. Mr, Archibald 3•s er
ractuate' of Seaforth Collegiate in
lute.' • 1
lniurerl 'R,v Ate*,n'
L •NBaird C.P.R. relief freight'.
ger,. of f `tit, s Gann.. de
en t".ie Go le i _bis sqsnesee th ir.
iia:tstorn A;hilrz: crosathg.I'iaxn i;:r
;i�'rett and Was taken to the ospt a
with superficial injuries. The car
was driven by Bruce Volland of Goal.
erich. Mr. Baird was relieving at
the Goderich freight shed's.
Juvenile Judge
Judge J. G. Stanbury, Co. Judge
for Lincoln, wino recently moved to
1St. Catharines from Exeter, alias, by
an order -in -council of the provinci-
al government, been appointed to the
position of juvenile judge of the city
of St. Catharines and the County of
Lincoln. Recommendation for the
position came only through the me-
mbers of the legislature for Lincoln
and Huron counties but also of 'the
council of the city of St- Catharines.
River ou Rampage
The Nile river west of 7Sungattaon
hass been on the rampage with the
reecnt mild weather and rains. Never
in the recollection of the . oldest cit-
izens has the river 'broken up and
the ice gone out in December, and
probably never did the water -reach
a higher ei level than it has with
recent freshett. Many farsners wel-
comed the deluge of rain which has
-replenished wells which have :been
low for •same time.
Golden Wedding
The home of Mn and Mrs. Adana
Glazier, rSeaforth, was the scene o"
a happy athering; wheat their family
and intimate friends gathered toget-
egether to celebrate . their golden
wedding. They were married in Kin -
burn at the Bonze of the bride's par-
ents. Fallawbig; :they farmed in. Hull-
ett Twp., later moving to Clinton
where he •worked for bridge and bui-
lding; of C.N.R., retiring ten years
ago. Both are healthy and well. Mi.
,GI‘aizer is 75, his wife 69. To 'them'
were born four sons and three dau-
Cause bf Accident
A low-flying' plane, with lights
clearly visible, which circled. Gocie,;-
ich the other evening, was the direct
cause of an accident 'to Mrs: Joseph
r isher, who was. visiting with friends
1`hnv ;heard the roar of the fly-
ing emetic, and, raxt out the back door
I tzmpse of the torship. Mrs.
p'isiler slipped on the steps and fel to
i' +e cement sidewalk, fracturing her
hip. She was taken to her home in
t voidance and the injury was giv
en Medical. attention.
' g
'The marriage of Eine, Ileola:e, eld-
r ;t' daughter .of Mr, and MVlra. Wil-
Vren Wright of Crediton, to CTar!
ItestTe Penbaie, of est• son of Mr.
zac Mfrs' Luther Penhalr,=., of Exeter,
', .!t place :iecently at the home of
Rev, G. it Woad, of Londbrr. They
seas: attended. by 'Misses relarjorie
and t";'arjuerit'e Wright, sisteis '''of
the bride. ;Clifton Hunter, of EXete'>i•
assisted the groom.
4 Late John Belt
IThe death took .place in Exeter on.
Saturday last of John Bell, an este-
' !erred resident in his 74th year. He
had been in -poor health fox two ye-
ars. Was born in the 4th Con. of Us -
borne and 31 years ago moved to
Exeter to resside. In 1915 he pur-
chased the property on which he re-
sided. He is survived by his bereaved
widow whose maiden name was
!Elizabeth Hodgert, also one daughter.
and three sons, _ . e
Again is Winner in Draw-
'+ erns of Frank Pernieliaker•, o.f-
Minton• are Tasking him to go 50-50,
on a sweepstake ticket or some other -
°hag cbance. ' Some time ago he was
Qs mer of the first prize, a cedar
chest /packet. with linel, etc., in a
draw organixation by the Ladies -7 -
Auxiliary of the Legion, while the,
other eveninga-ticket he had Pu_
chased for his mother seciired a fine:
grandfather clock in a contest arran- •--
ged by the local Lion's Club. _
Dies After Stroke .
Residents of uouericn were shock-.
etc to hear of the sudden death of•
'Ars. Kate' Hughes Sale, 60, widow of'
Major. C. E. Sale, who paid .the sup-
reme sacrifice while overseas with the.
18th battallion in 1916. Mrs. Sales,
suffered a aitroke a short time after-
fterand died 16 minutes after being fo-
und i.v ner rl' lio
roma home en holidays from teachiakts,
at ioronr,o.
.Goderich and was married30years
ago, She is survived by a son and a
Gives Life Trying to Save Vag
Ttobt. Maskell, 14 . yr. old and only—
nlyson of Mrs. L. Maskell of .Goderich.,
was killed when lie was struck by a
train ion the C.P.R. trestle bridge.Ho•
anal a fziend were walking on the-,
l restle'tovez the . . rutland when they
were surprised seeing a train 'ap-
iproaching. The.: raced for a safety
zone on tale 1::'. bet young Mask -
ell„ turned to gel his dog and beforee
they ,reached a ,::e of safety:the
train was upon ' ni: it is notknown
whether the en, 0., struck the lad or
whether he r rol naseing the
pup. His body 1 rifled lecl down '75 feet,
to the rocks 1:4:` r"I o nnjineer on
'lie train, as wsr:?i as he. sighted thte
Tom, had applied the emergency
brake and 1 e : 5'r+. not stop-
ped to get the ri. i lad could have
tvonto'safety. 'i. r hiapanion esetzp-• •
1. .1r1i+e ql. ' ,in.sler the:
0:2 (,thrititsrlc.., ,.