Zurich Herald, 1936-08-27, Page 7FINANCIAL 4. 1Y 1000. Amus -Cadillac Gold Mines, Ltd., tilos been formed with a capital stock ,of 8,000,000 shares to develop a group ,of claims comprising 200 acres im- mediately west of Thompson Cadillac :Mines in the Cadillac section of Que- ,bee. Officials state that exploration ,work will be started immediately to :further prove surface showings found in earlier operations. Present cam- ,paign will be followed by diamond drilling for a depth test. Officers of .the company include, E. A, R. New - (son' president; A. W. Jackson, secre- ,tary-treasurer; J. B. Smith and J. H. Button, directors. which to sink a shaft, officials state. All equipment has been delivered to the property and set up ready to start work. Jack Smith, formerly in charge of operations has returned from the property with a number of high grade samples taken at a depth of 8 feet in No. 2 pit on the No. 5 vein. At the point where the samples were taken the vein is 41 inches wide and shows free gold across width of 1 foot. Bouscadillac Gold Mines Ltd. has lbeen formed to take over and develop the property formerly held by Gra- ham Bousquet Gold Mines in the Bousquet section of Quebec, and ap- plication has been made for listing the shares on the Montreal Curb Market. Negotiations have been completed for power supply. Andrew Walz, consulting engineer, in his re- port, following examination of the .property stated that it warrants sub- stantial expenditures on development. ,In earlier operations considerable 'work was accomplished and some sec- tions showed favorable indications. The proposed campaign is planned with a good view to giving the pro- perty a thorough test. The company bas $150,000 cash in the treasury. M int fiel rev clai Lan hay sid ing aI tha am by Re me Su sh re fa m co SCOUT1NG Her ' There Everywhere A brother to every other' Scout, withoutregardto race or creed A 100 -mile three weeks' mountain hike through the Kananaskis Range or the Rockies is the holiday outing chosen by a husky group of Scouts of the 20th Calgary Troop. Steps toward enrollment of thhe Jun- ior Forest Wardens by t he e Branch of the Canadian Forestry As•. sociation as Lone Scouts' of the 130Y Scouts Association were announced at the annual conference of Quebec Scouters at Granby. The announce- ment was made by Provincial Cpm missloner T. H. Wardleworth. The ineral Estates has extended its woodcraft qualifications of the Junior crests in Northern Ontario mining Forest Wardens are similar in gen• ds by optioning a property in the era! to those of the Second Class iving West Shining Tree area. The Scout. ms are know!. as the Cochrane- gtange-Bulluck-Burke claims, and e been previously worked to con- erable extent, including the sink - of a shaft to some 75 feet with invited =mint of lateral work at at level, Recently the workings ve been pumped out and an ex- ination is to be made this week S. Pcwer Warren, E.M., of Mining search Corp. Ltd., with a develop- nt program in the background. rface sampling of a vein which ows an impressive width gave assay turns from $1.05 to $12.60, with a vorable average giving encourage- ent to the larger grogram being nsidered. Skookum Goid Mine is carrying on a diamond drill campaign at its pro- perty in the Red Lake area to deter- mine the most suitable location on Classified Advertising CSYCB BATCBEBY �STABLISH A CHICK HATCHERY. A sound, profitable business. To ¶responsible individuals we will rent ,Few, modern mammoth incubators up to any desired capacity. The P. D. Co- loperative Corporation, Ltd., Station B, ,Hamilton, Ontario. ABTIPICIAI, LIMBS HANGER STANDARD LIMB CO.. 126 Wellington West, Toronto. [m - ,proved Limbs without shoulder straps. Free catalogue. • Last year the young publisher was awarded "La Medialle Veremeil" by the 'Academie Francaise, as founder a"Le Petit Jour". The fifth World Scout Jamboree is to be held at Vogelensang, Bloemen• dal, a village ten miles west of Am- sterdam, and near ancient Haarlem, Holland, July 31st to August 13th, 1937. Camping plans are being made for the attendance of 30,000 Scouts from all parts of the world. Jean Baptiste Boulanger, an Ed- monton dmonton Boy Scout, for several years editor and published of a quarterly, "Le Petit Jour," although still but 13 years of age, was recently honour- ed by a visit from Dr. Rene Cruchet, of the University of Boreau, France. C•andalaca Gold Mines, Ltd., has been incorporated to develop a group of 10 claims adjoining O'Brien Gold Mines in the Cadillac area, Quebec. A substan'ial sum of money has al- ready been placed in the treasury, and options have been given of addi- tional stock at prices ranging from 20e to $1.00 and which, when com- pleted, will place about $600,00 in intends the treasury. The company to iL.mediately push development and thoroughly diamond drill the pro- perty. Canadalaca is capitalized at 3,000,000 shares of $1 par. AUTO ACCESSOBIES NEW AND USED CAR AND TRUCK Parts shipped everywhere. Satls- !faction guarantee' or money refunded. 'PromAuto Parts, Read Oattention ffice 735 Que,LeSt. West, Toronto. BICYCT. B tend AUTO TIRE BA.BGAINB UP, BICYCLES: $2 up, AIJTO- 0 mobile tires. Free catalogue. Transportation prepaid. Peerless 196 Dundas West. Toronto. POOTOGRAPBY YOUR ROLL FILMS DEVELOPED. printed with freeenlargement, conto Photo -Craft. 188 g E 501.3 AGENT J.E�M GE NEST i'Co V'oM/CAL I.I F'F.ECTI�'V. £ From The Herald, Merritt, B.C.: Good Deeds are done by Boy Scouts and Girl Guides and Cubs and Brown• les, and they go to their credit. Firemen do good deeds when they When the Mosquito Control crew workers do wood deeds when they fight mosquitoes and burn up brush alongside swamps and sloughs. A question arises, however, Whether a good deed in the view of one°is a good deed as seen by others. Here's an example. When the Mosquito Control srew were burning brush, the fire depart- ment were called out by one who be- lieved the fire was accidental and should be put out. As a result, Chief Barwick, atter the fuss of the fire was over was feel- ing 'mad' because his men had been called out needlessly, and there is no knowing what he would have done had he come across the person who turned in the alarm. And then! The scene is the Rover Ball and the Brown Owl reports that one of her 'Brownies,' relating her Good Deed, told how she had called out the firemen. soldierly appearance of a recruit: Officer —He looks very slovenly, sergeant. Sergeant. ---Yes, sor. Officer—Are you sure he washes? Sergeant—Yes, sor. Officer — Absolutely certain he washes? Sergeant—Yes, sor, but he dries a bad color, sor. Mother—When that naughty boy thre.v stones at you, why did you not come and tell me, instead of throw- ing them back at him? Junior—What good would it do to tell you? You couldn't hit the side of a garage. Hillside Going Into Production Following the recent pouring of a gold brick at Stanley Mines in the Michipicoten Area, comes news that the adjoining Hillside property will go into production in about three weeks time. Officials of Hillside Mines Limited announce that an order has been placed for machinery and parts necessary to complete the mill in- stallation at the property in the Michipicoten District. D. S. Baird, M.G., consulting engineer, plans to leave shortly to supervise the in- stallation of the new machinery and at the same time he will inaugurate a vigorous campaign of development, both on surface and underground. Immediate plans of the company call for test mill runs of the No, 4 ore body which has been exposed under- ground over a width of 165 feet with evidences of free gold across the entire width. Further under- ground exploration work and develop ment will be started on the No. 5 high grade vein which has been stripped on surface for 250 feet over an average width of 20 inches. A mill test of all material blasted over a length of 150 feet of this HILLSIDE oilers you • e A 1,500 acre property developed to the point of production. e A Mining Plant and Mill with power line in- stalled . ... ready to operate. • Indicated Ore bodies and Assay values that merit the expectation of a large tonnage op- eration. See Your Broker or Get Information at Once From R. C. BEATON COMPANY LIMITED ED TORONTO ADEL. 9351 R. C. BEATON O COMPANY LIMITED investments 244 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario. Please forward maps and full information regarding HILLSIDE 244 BAY ST. NAME ADDRESS It's tough to have to stick day after day to your work which is often any- thing but pleasant. But it's tougher yet not to stick to it and take the consequences of quitting. Pat—Sure, Murphy, and ye've got it on. Murphy (gazing solemnly at his bosom)—Right and I have, and it's a good thing you seen it or I would have gone home without it. The worst mistake a man can make is to correct the mistakes of bis friends. Sue—Have you read 'Finis'? Joe—No, what is it? Sue—It's the last word in, books. A sharp tongue and a dull mind are often found in the same head. The mid-day whistle had when Murphy shouted: Murphy — Has anyone vest? STUDY BUSINESS COURSES AT HOME snd save living expenses. All Business and ment. SecretarialHUndCourses a studied suocesafully through our Home Study Departgraduates during past thirty-one yeara. Reduced fees. 010 10MTBA C A1t,010f you sates ror lleer gePto oulsye. itnieh Is Day or Night SchooCANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE k Idnilding, sneer and Bathurst — '(,nporiat Toronto blown seen my Patron — Look here, amusement tax of 10 per price of my seat. Box Office Man—Well? Patron -Hand it back, I amused. I paid an cent. of the was not WOODS PRACTICE There was a young lady named Who married a man in winter; The man's name was Wood, And now—as they should The Woods have a cute little splinter. Man invented machine to free him- self from labor and now he wishes he had the labor instead of the ma- chine. A sharp tongue severs a good many, real friendships in this world. Freddy—There certainly are a lot of girls in our town who do not wish to get married. Sammy—How do you know? Freddy—I've asked 17 of them al- ready. vein showed mill heads running $15.00 per ton, and true width shows average values of $8G,00 per ton. Revenge is about the most expen- sive luxury known to man. Electric Shaver You'll Luff to Puff And every puff is a pleasure, from the cigarette that's rolled with Ogden's Fine Cut. It's the better fine cut—the one wise rot] -Your -owners are breezing back to, now that better times are here. It's always fair weather with. Ogden's—particularly if you use "Vogue" or "Chantecler", papers. And, too, the purple easy - opening ribbon puts the Ogden's package in a class by itself for convenience. G EN'S FINE CUT P.S.--YourPlye Knows Ogden's Cul Plus. Writes Howard Vincent O'Brien in the Chicago News: it may be that you become a hermit, or get a divorce, and, in celibate solitude, finally work your face into a satin texture which the electric shaves is said, in time, to produce. You are still not free. Suppose you take a trip. The instru- ment you use at home won't work in a Pullman, and the ones that work in Pullmans are no good in trailers. And the ones designed for trailers and dude ranches aren't any good in Atlantic City hotels. The result is that a man who has resolve to dedicate his life to elec- tric shaving has to travel with a suitcase full of supplementary appli- ances. Even then, his liberties are circumscribed, his life hedged in by voltages, his soul bound fast with wires. No longer is he a tree spirit, able to roam where be listeth. The delights of exploration and acquaint- ance with remote corners of the world are not for him. Numerous are the places he cannot visit without taking a portable generating set with him. Endless are the complications brought about by the electric shav- er. Sad -faced men stand in the bread- lines—men who used to own homes and belong to the best clubs. These are the men who made shaving soap Sandy joined a golf club and was told by the professional that if his name was on his golf balls and they were lost, they would be returned to him when found. Sandy—Good, put my ball. The professional did so. Sandy—Would you also after it? I'm a doctor. The professional obeyed. Sandy — There's just one more. Can you squeeze 'Hours 3' on as well? The history of business omits the names of those who "could see no future in that proposition". An Irish guards officer called up a sergeant and spoke. of the an - name on this put M.D. thing 10 to and brushless creams. The electric razor has thrown them on the junk heap, along with the men who used to make razor blades. Sometimes 1 think it would be bet- ter if we just went back to letting the beard grow, the way nature meant it to. But we won't. We'll go on us- ing electric shavers. And our women will borrow them, for even more ri- diculous uses than shaving the face. "Bitter experience has shown me that my most logical theories are often wrecked by hots." rrid —J. rid littleB. S. sane. 14 C COPET N. at CAIN W 4 C, C, & 13. Tonic Tablets are really great tonics — Calcium Carbonate to purify the blood, banish pimples, blackheads and blotches — and Brew - of ¶Cod as Yet, tobuild uIron you up. nourish the blood, steady the nerves and put pounds of solid flesh on thin people. yourStart to feel enjoy besttodal y lfaall drug storto look es. $100.00 FREE in cash prizes Ask your druggist for 0. C. !2 B. STOPPED 1N A MINUTE ... Are you tormented with the Itching tortures of eczema, n affltiorashes,? athlete's orquick and happyr other relief. use cooling, antiseptic,, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Its gentle oils soothe the irri- tated akin. Clear, greaseless and stainlesr– dries Fast. Stops the moat intense itching instantly. Aor money at drug stores, Prove Increased Mental Efficiency Means Increased Earning Capacity You can learn to think positively and ;onstructively. You can learn to con- centrate and cultivate a powerful memory. You can overcome Inferi- ority Complex and learn to live suc- cessfully. Let us show you how. The Institute of Practical and Applied Psychology 910 0022EDEBATION BUILDINGQuI 732ontreal '- Issue No. 34 — '36 Olympic champions, athletes of various nations compete in one of the most com- prehensive sport programs ever held in the Dominion. World championshippower- "' boat races (225 cubic incl; class) Sept. 8, 9 and 10 ... World professional chaeta pionship swims, men 5 miles, Sept. 1; women, 3 miles, Sept. 3 ... Diving go exhibitions twice daily by trio world famous professionals . Archery championships Aug. 31 to Sept. 4 ... Junior track meet and junior regatta Aug. 31 .,.Table Tennis champion ships Aug. 28 and 29 . Athletic Day track meet Sept. 5 ... Yacht and dinghy races ... Softball and other sports competitions afloat and ashore. Ax5sEn oo3 ns resideng cs. GeneralManageil5 l' 6993A