Zurich Herald, 1936-06-11, Page 4BLAKE,
• oxia. M. Rudy Swartzentruber
•Isin.ob Sunday. with Mr, and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Gesell and fain:
i3rspent Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs., Jacob Swartzontr.k1;er,
Mr, Willie Bechler, Clarence and
Laura Gesell°, Eva and Gertie Bed. -
ler were Sunday visitors with Miss
Arildred Kipfer of the Babylon line.
Mr, and Mrs. John Erb visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Swartzeneruber
on Sunday.
Mr. Edmund and Mabel Swartzen-
ttrober were Sunday visitors with M.
and Mrs. Roy Gingerich.
Mr and Mrs. Chris., Erb left on
Sunday morning for Imlay City,
Mich., where they will accompany
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gascho of that
place on a trip throughout different
parts of the States.
Following is the report of U.S.
S. No. 9, Ray and Stanley for the
spring 'term:
Sr. TV—Elva Hey 65, Verde Bae -
abler 59;
,jr. IV—Edith Swartzentruber 71,
Ella Bohn 69, Anna Foster 61.
Sr, Ill—Yvonne Geliaas 54,. Ver.
non Oesch 52; Arnbrose Hartman 44
Jr. 11I—Glady Baechler 61. Norma
Hey 56, May Foster 56; 1Vieade Ba-
ker 58; Monica Hartman 44, Lauren
Gesell, 88, Verna Gingerich 30, Har-
ry Daechler 24,
Sr, II—Bruce Baker 61, Arthur
Gelinas 58, Teddy Jeffrey 57.
Jr, II—Harold Erb 67, Ivan Bae-
chler 59; Betty Baker 51.
Stanley Gingerich 80, Jim Dinsmore
'7'7, Orland Gerber 73; Vera Oesch
73; Leonard Foster 61; Victor Hey
Sr. Primer—Clement Regier 72:
Roy Erb 65; Lucille Ragier 51,
Jr, Primer—Clare Baker, Dorothy
Oesch, Nola Baechler; Irene Baker;
Edsel Ducharme; Marie Ducharrne.
Number on roll -40.
• Miss 1V1, Dougqas, Teaches.
The services • on Sunday in the
Hillsgreen church will be taken by
Rev. Peters of
The Young People will hold their
Anniversary Service on Sunday even-
ing, June 21st. Rev. Maire of Tham-
es Road will be the guest speaker.
• r.4
. .
The annual meeting of the Liberals of South
Huron, as constituted for both Federal and Pro;
vincial.purPOses, will be held in the
• at• 2 p.m.
BUSINESS ---Election of Officers and General.
HON. A. W. ROEBUCK, Attorney -General; W.
and others will address the meeting.
A cordial invitation is extended to all Liberals to
Charles Zwicker,
Pres. Federal Ass.
J. G. Stanbury,
Pres. Prov. Ass.
Frank Fingland,
See: Federal Ass.
J.. A. McEwen,
Sec. Prov. Ass.
THIS tii//sAifeThis •
Capacity 250 gals.
per hour, with 30 1 ----77
$8 1.50 I •
Time payments if desired.
Just think of being able to turn taps and get
running water throughout the home, the barn and
dairy — to have a modern "Emco" bathroom in-
stalled and be able to use unlimited hot and cold
water from handy faucets.
"Duro" Water Pump
Duro-Special Pumping System
all Canadian -made, complete $81.50.
3 -piece "ENICO" bathroom with all
fittings ready for installing.....
Hydro's Free Gift to
Rural Dwellers
Electric current will be provided—
Free of Charge—for operating elec-
tric pumps to provide water under
pressure for Household Sanitary
Write for free illustrated booklets at once and start
on the road to modernizing your home,
London Hamilton Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver
• Thursday aune 110,;1930
TiiI4„ligFIN MAY
The 0.4,03 ,AktY ;,+ ahs Snett rhip
• 4/4teal..
.1.4tool4 tea
Gra, •_.•$�,77 tons
Tot./ P.,1,!..F.111 and 4.;new $,200
• • •
re •is
it, too, stan
By concentrating on only one motor fuel, economies are
effected in refineries, warehouses, delivery trucks and gas
pumps. That is why we are able to give you High-Test,Knock-.
less Power and Long Mileage ... at REGULAR GASPRICE.
• ; •
r G -e; your initia.4
on this attractive,
emblem. It fits °”
your license Plate.
15._m SUNOCO
Dr. Smillie of Hensall, and members
of the Kippen Choir will take part in
the singing. ervice at 7 p.m. in
the evening.
Mrs. Ross Love and babe, return-
ed from Clinaon Hospital and are at
the home of her mother's for a few
Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Heart called
one evening akt the home of Mr. and
Mrs. M. Tulley and family.
Mr. Wm. Jarrott and Annie visit-
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Jarrott of Kippen.
Miss Edna Cochrane visited at the
home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs.
H. MeMurtrie.
Miss Edith Forrest of Hensall,
visited with her niece Miss Mary For-
rest last week.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
One day last week a tractor owned
and driven by one of our young far-
mers in our neighborhood tonic re-
venge against its master after putting
In a hard day's work. The driver in
question had pulled out of the field
into the road, and left the tractor
stand. Whilst he went a few rods a-
way to an adjoining field to water
cattle. In the mean tune the. tractor
pieked up some steam and headed,
• for home:. Now, we de nOrt: know if
. there was disagreement between the
two for the aet. However, by 'quiek
action by .the driver, tho tractor was•
captured and brought to a Standtsill.
Mr. John Durand of Detroit called
on old friends in Beavertown on
Sunday last.
Mr. Eddie Briseon of Beavertown,
left Sunday for Windsor and Detroit
for a few days in company with Mk.
\I, A. Cantin.
Miss Madeline Ducharme of Si.
esep'i Hospital, London is visiting
.r parents for a few weeks.
�4Car Tombie of London,
L. A.. PRANG and SON
General RepairingZURICH - ONT.
Leather -Goods •and. Harness
General Store.
ent a few days in this neighborhood. her slipper -length swelling gtwmOft Kenneth Norms left for Muskoka„.
returning on Sunday to resume his Ivory Sheer, with square cut neck- where he, has secured a good position-.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harris of
work. . line and dainty puffed sleeves. The,
i Ailsa Craig were visitors with friends
Mrs. Joseph Bedard of St. Joseph ca . 'ea a bouquet of Rapture Res.
here, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wel-
north, was guest one day last week to and Qypsophoha. A large whitepc-
ter Fee:
her daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Jeffrey. Lure hat, kid pumps and gloves' corn- Higgins is spending a few.:
Mr. Clayton Smith of Beavertown, pleted her costume. Miss Noia Sweit
13ZeekS at the Beach -o -Pines.•
who has had a staff of men working zer, who was her sister's bridesmaid,
TrarolHd Bailey of Shelburne "i§.4
on his summer cottage, have now the was charmingly gowned, in pink- or,-
roof on the same, and when complet- dy with pale bine satin sash, :visiting with his sister here, Mrs. K.
ed it will give great appearance
to wearing white sandals and hat. Her Traviss'
Ifr. and Mrs. A. L. Graham of Lonn
our little burg. bouquet was of pastel shadedAquil--
don were visitors with her- sisters,;,
Mrs. William Ducharme Sr.,
and egia and ern. 1S&. .., Mrs. Ballantyne and Miss Katie Scotte.
Mrs. Wm. Ducharme Jr., were last
cousin of the groom, acted' as best
Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and
week visitors to Mrs. john Charrette man. ' The bridesmaid was Presented Morally Wallac.e of Buffalo, visite&
Mr. and Mrs. Rexnmie Jeffrey of -with a pearl and coral necklace. The in town, the guests of mr, and Mrs_
Beaver Town and daughter Doris, groomsman received a set of gold Walter Ire. a. 4
were guests to Mr. and Mrs. Paul cuff links. Shortly aftt-r the cerern- Mrs. D. B. McLean spent a few
Masse on Sunday afternoon last. any Mr. and Mrs. arldri'' !eft on a days visiting her sister in St. Morriss
We hear there will be wedding a- motor trip to Niagara Fells and Mr.. and Mrs. Finlayson of Sea -
round town, an account will be given Ottawa, the bride travelling in a fo& visited -With MT. and Mrs. Nel--
Rosewood crepe dress:, '71----t"--- flannel S021 Blatchford.
a little later on.
Bean seeding is the order of the coat and white accessories.. 'Upon
day, though it is getting late it May 'their return a reception will be held
prove a good paying crop. As .it at the home of the bride's. parents.
must be expected there will be a The young couple take up re -
shortage of spuds throughout the en- ' sidence on the groorres farm scathe
tire year and for that reason the shipka_
beans may sell at good prices.
To Hold Picnic
The annual picnic ..of the. Creditni
Evangelical ,Sunday School will be
held; atf Grand Bend on „Time 10th.
fl`he ;Stairs' Class with C. Mawhin-
hey as chairman Will be in charge of
the sports. ,• .
. ,
- June Wedding
k pretty wedding took place on
aturday, June 6th at the United
litirch parsonage, Crediton, when
• ev, J. W. Johnston united in marri-
* e Ila Grace Sweitzer, elder daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Matt: Sweitzer
A demonstration on theontrof of
Internal Parasites in sheep and
swine will be held on the farm of pareets,,Mr, and. Mrs. ,'11,ed .Datars..
James Smillie, Lot 10, Con. 1, Trick-
Wilson Berry, of Too-
r.30iniat.T"D"r„on LTluonsedlaYS:ethrtiont.: °Mrs:
Provincial Zoologist, will be in cha'
rge of. this demonstration and all awa spent Sunday Visiting with 'Mr.
farmers in the district are invited to and Mrs. Robert Paterson.
attend. Mrs. Lois Simpson and Mae Sirnp-.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Petty SP - son of Detroit, visited with relatives.
ent a few days in Tbronto to 'visit :hem
relatives. Mr. Petty was a delegate Boss Corbett, little son of Mr. and
from Hartsell to the Conservative con- NE& aohn
vention: neumonia.
Corbett, is seriously fl
UoutePrkasonanodf V.Merils.n.e.ToRh°nliaSihdarpSheaarn1:71 Reeve a. Geiger was in Goderich Miss Glazier of London Is spending •
wath p
he late *John Sharpe of Stephen+ the past week attending the June a few weeks visiting at the home or-
rownehip. The. bride: was lovinglY: inlsession. of. the, Gauntz COUttCH., kr. and Mro. James Green.
• mss Mabel Fee, nurse -in -training;
at the St. Thomas hospital, whO has
teen home for several weeks througlaf,
illness, has returned to resume her -
duties at the hospital.
.Allan Soldan of Hamilton is
'visiting friends in town.
Wm. Callahan of Detroit, spent a
week -end here the guest of Mr. and.
ItfreFied 'Corbett. t. '
;Mr; and Mrs. yearrliarburn or
St.4ffa Were -visitors herewith her