Zurich Herald, 1936-03-05, Page 1"mol.
XXXVI into. s6
Chester L. Srnith, P 1 h
: 1$1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Ae eu '
*1.50 11,1 ARREARS, $2 MAT 01.081.06.•1.
Patronize your local Merchant and read the Home Paper
The travelling put5i4'e get some re-
l5ef. last Friday when• the: diig snow
plow gradually worked its: way in
to the Blind. Line,. within a half mile
of town.. But ore Monday and. Tues-
day the big trucks st111II became Mired
fn the deep snow a half mile out of
town. However, or Tuesday, the
road superintendent,. Me, I8? Oewa.:ld
with his staff' managed to plow out
and shove aside the snow at these
Mr. W. J. Beer and Harry Del -
bridge, of Exeter returned recently
from a motor. trip to Florida. They
spent the greater part of the time at
Miami where the weather was ideal
and while there. they did not experi-
ence any of the cold weather that
has been reported from. here. In
other parts of the state the: weather
more difficult laces wee are told the was not as favorable. They enjoyed
road to Hensall s mew quite passable I n splendid trip and visited • many
and with colderweather con?mpg a- `Points of interest including the 'Sing-
Singgain down from. the; melte a perhaps ?ng Tower, one of the finest pieces of
we can say the roads' are "".rhea's the architecture in the south. They also
first time in four weeks. or ser., This visited the famous caverns of Luray,
Virginia, unexcelled for their beauty
and place in the world_ When. they
arrived in London they were unable
to proceed farther with their auto
owing to the snow and they arrived
home by train.
On Sunday morning at 11 o'clock
the King delivered his first broadcast
eurely is a winter to be remerrubered
for years to come=. However there
will still be a Plot of baxll roads be-
fore we can goo purrierg clown the con-
cessions leaving a dated ce.E duet
Do You Need Glasses?
.Stop and Think how important itis
-that you wear correct glasses•—cor-
erectly prescribed for your vision.
-Correctly styled to your Ease.. Your
ihealth may largely depend en keen,
See C. E. ZITRHit GOE, R. 0.
Every Tuesday at ZURICH
:at Dashwood, Saturday„ et Mile's
1 Evangelical Lutheran. Church
A. Changeless Christ Fan- a Chang-
ing World'"
: Friday, 8h—Luther Le ago ..
: Saturday—Choir Practice.
10 a. m.—German Service.
11.15. a.m.—Sunday Scheid.
7.30 p.m.—English service.
1 everybody Welcome ea. .n1 Services.
E. TUERKHEilF „ iPmetor.
know the people of nearly every co-
untry of the world under all conditi-
ons and circumstances. And although
I now speak to you as the King. I am
shill the same man who has had that
experience and whose constant effort
it will be to continue to promote the
wellbeing of his fellowmen. May the
future bring peace and undersltand-'
ing throughout the world, prosperity
and happiness to British people and
may we be worthy of the heritage
which is ours."
South Huron
Impassable roads caused a decrease
in the number of exhibits at the An-
nual seed show of the South Huron
Agricultural Society at Hensall on
Friday, Feb. 21st, but despite this,
Mr. Herb Mousseau made a busi-
ness. trip to London and Windsor
over the week -end.
Mrs. Otto Stephan of Hensall is
at present at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Win. C. Wagner.
Mrs. Cie,. les Scotchmer of Bay-
field, spent the past week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht
and also her sister Rosabell who is
the judge, Prof. W. J. Squirrel, of still confined to her bed.
Ontario Agricultural College, in l)r. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen .and
speaking following the judging, said
the exhibits compared very favorably ,fancily of Exeter, were Sunday vis•
th an he had seed. Prof. Squirrel (tors with relatives in town. We
message to the people of the Britiell in r an informal talk, discussed a num- were indeed interested to rearn that
Empire, and as usual, 'the United bee of the problems that affect the Di'. Cowen and Dr. Bryce motored
to the lake on Sunday afternoon. As
we covered practially the same
ground wit a reliable horse and cut-
ter, little did we think it were pos-
sible for a car to glide over the road
from Zurich to the lake.
States Systems carried the message.
His majesty who spoke for JO min-
utes, expressed his gratitude for the
tribute which had been paid by
people all over the world to King
George and said: "It now falls upon
me to succeed him and carry on his
work. I am better known to most of
you as the Prince of Wales, as a man
who during the war and since has
had the opportunity of getting to
Mens and Boy s
farmer, particularly in relation to,
seed, Dr. A. R. Campbell, President,
of the Society, was in the chair. The
Town Hall was well filled for the;
meeting and the large number of
questions asked the Prof. indicate the;
interest which is taken by the farm-.
ers. A hearty vote of thanks was
extended. The prize winners are as;
Fall wheat—W. R. Dougall, H.Des-,
jardine, Owen Geiger & Sons.'
Spring wheat—H. Desjardine, 03
Geiger & Sons.
Early oats—Lorne Chapman, Alex
Womens' Institute
TheZurich Branch of the Women's
Institute met in the Council Chamber
room on Monday evening, March 2nd
for their regular meeting. The meet-
ing was opened with Mrs. Ed. Haber -
et in the chair, by singing the Inst-
itute Ode and repeating the Lord's
Late oats—W. R. Dougall.
Buchanan. Prayer in unison. Mrs. O'Dwyer
Barley, i-rowed—W. R. Dougall. anti Miss Lenora Haberer favoured
W ork rho /� the ladies with a pleasing piano clues.
GH D d Jo'tn 3
Wepper Aan LornenC M L 'the Iettl'r•
Lorne Chapman, Alex. Buchanan. • The Histor * of Hay Township and
Fieldpeas— esjar ine, e thea village of Zurich compiled by
have put in aStock ofp Field .beans—Lorne Chapman, O. Miss McLean,"'tearer-6r
Gent's Wrist Watches
$7.95 $7.95
Regular Price $10.00
e hfr'
We p 1 concession school was read by
Good Choice Quality Men's Geiger &Sons, W. R. Dougaii. -Melvin Brown. Irene Turkheim de -
Yellow Eye beans—S. E. McAr- lighted the audience with a mona-
nd Boys' Work Shoes, and thm', Alex. H. Crerar. ! logue entitled ``That Terrible Tommy' the public to come in Timothy seed—W. R. Dougall. I A vocal duet by Mrs. Ward Frit::
Red clover seed — Sam Dougall, and Mrs. Bryce, accompanied by
and we can fit you up.Lorne Chapman.
Potatoes, early variety -- W. R.
Mrs. O'Dwyer at the piano, was well
rendered. The roll call was respond -
ed to by "My Maiden Name and
Potatoes, general crop — W r place of birth." The meeting was
Dougall, H. Desjardine. along the line of Historical Research,
Buckwheat—W. R. Dougall, H.
land most of the members brought an
Desjardine• antique which resulted in having a
Most creditable showing of seeds real good display of antiques. There'
WE (GIVE EXPERT WOBls".t11 AN- -W. R. Dougall. r were 33 members and 10 visitors
The Committee in charge
Your Patronage Solicited HAY COUNCIL were Mrs. Tuerkheim, Mrs. Ed. Hale
Theregular monthly meeting of the erer, rillrs. E. Gascho, Mrs. M. Brown
Council of the Township oi, Hay w1t' and Mrs. J. Sararas and they served
Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont.
Specials for Thursday, Friday and .Satrinclay
Hillcrest Shortening, 2 .—.._-_.23c
Singapore. Pine Apple,. per tin 1 Oc.
Sultana Raisins: 2 lbs. .. . .__..__•_.._. _._ _ .__ ..._.. 2 5 r.
Kelloggs all Brno., per pkg• _... _.._ 20c
Libby's jumbo "Tin, Pork and Beans, 2 tins._._i9c
Pumpkin, cho ee Quality, 2 tins .-...- .—.....-25c
Pitted Dates, 2 Ms for ...........................25c
Golden. Bantam Corn, 2 fins for _.. ....._...._...,25c
1 4c
JelIy Powder„ 5 for ... .
Fancy Red• Col'rtoe Salmon, Half lb, fin
Asparagus: CU1.'&ii'gsy;, per lin
Spinach„ per tin
Prints at .... 15c 'to 25c Yard
Printed Broa& tlx and Pegnei at yard! . —35c.
Another Shipment a l u to.,, , .s t __..•,.... clic.
Highest Price*t foe 194Ins.
held in the Town. Hall, Zurich, on .a very dainty lunch and a social half
hour was spent.
Monday, March 2nd, 1935, with all
the members present. The minutes
of the meeting held February 1st,
1936, were adopted as read. Aftw
disposing of the communications the Late Mrs. John L. Gerber
following resolutions were passed: There passed away at the home of
That by-law No. 51-936 appointing her brother, Christian Sclvartzeir.
Patrolmen for the various Twp• rd. truber; Bronson Line, Hay Township
Divisions of the Township of Hey1VIrs. Barbara Schwartzc,n�ru ,er, rot -
for the year 111;3.6 be rived three tim, jet of the ]ate John L. Gerber, aged
iso and finally passed.
That accounts covering payments
on Township Roads, Telephone, Cli r-
'ity and Relief, and Generar accoun*:
be passed as per vouchers:
Township Roads: G. Jeffrey rd.
1'5-1935 2.80; 14. Adams road 10-
1'985 8.00; Telephone accounts —Noruntil Friday when the Angel of death
'7lurch Hydro lights office 5,49 ; ,88 relieved the sufferings. Some menthe
H. Electric Co. supplies 80.83;
3, ago an operation was perrormed at
H. 'G. Hess 1. month salary 165.00;
J. W. Haberer, auditor `?.00, Balt Kitchener, which helped only for a
'Telt. Co, tolls, Dec. to Jan. 70.08; short niceivery andime.lrmild c clisrposition,G, wasif and
Duplicating reports, etc. 11.50; Cr was beloved by all who came in
DelrJzert auditor 2.00. General Ac' contact with, she will be indeed
counts—Zurich Hydro lights town .be greatly missed by her relative.
-hall 3.80, Municipal World sub:crip and neighbors. For the past year,
tions & C. 10.80; Postage auditors or since she has been not so well
2.=22; F. Donnelly account 6.00:
she spent practically all of her time.
Duplicating; account 47.00; S. S. No.
at the home of her brother, Mr. and
7 'part 1935 rates 700.00; Sep. S. S. Mrs. Chris. Sehwartzentruirc•r, whereNo. 1, bal. 1935 rates ;107.34, Goo. she received the best of attention.
Doldhert, auditor 8.00; J. W. 11 aber- ,Her husband, the irate John L. (ler
er ',auditor 8.00; A. F. Hess tax deed
ter pteclecra,erl ,even yrara ago, Lod
Clarkson 3.00; Amn:iement tax tick-
'ets '5.85; Stade & Weido account .50 tltey> ware uzzited in znarriag( in the
year 1893, when they immediately
U, S. S. No. 16 balance 19:15 rates. moved on the farm where Mr. Gerber
'59 .811,died and which is now owned by the
Charity and Relief --Town of Clin estate. The remains rva•re laid to
'tun indigent 9.80; J. Kellerman ditto in the A. M, Crznc*tc r} , tired to
`2.'6'5; 1.• Sehilbe & Son ditto '1.r 0, restHay on February 29th, with
M. Desch ditto 4.80; A. Melick ditto Line, C. Schultz of Poole and li.ev'
and trip to Toronto 12:`20; P. Eisen- P. �ia.ftzingor of Marlen 'officiating.
'burl' ditto 12.00; Sick ("hiidre et. Sur+Trine' pre: one sister, Mrs. John
grant 5.00; Reid & Co, act.
G. Erb; Four brothers, Rudy, Jacob,
'indigent 11.40; J. Albrecht transients
Christian :and David Schwartzen-
4.40; Stade & Weido act. indigent i. ,.. r, ail residing within a short
'•4.11(1; J. Casella & Son ditto 2.48; G.
distance; of where the departed had
li Thiel ditto 3.00; J. W. 1[c me'r, lived all her life.
Iitlitto 6.22. All is over. hands are folded,
The Council adjourned to Meet a• On a calm and peaceful breast;
i gain on M onday, April 6th, 193(1 ate All is over, suffering ended, in eta afternoon-
i A. F. Hess, Clerk, Now dear sister is at rest,
66 years, 3 months and 15 days, the
death taking place on Friday, Febru-
ary 27th, after many months of much
suffering. Various Doctors were
consulted and regardless of all than
nursing of kind hands and medical
attention the patient grow weaker,
These Watches are fine 15
jewel Movements in beautiful
Cases, with Strap or Bracelets
Absolutely Guaranteed
Hess, The Jeweller
Phone 74 Zurich
'blue coat`
More Heat—Less Attentieni
The color _guarantees
Semet Solvay Coke.
Miller Creek ani
Rosedale Alberugt,
Tile and Brick.
Highest cash prices paidr or
Eggs on a graded basiss.
Phone 10 HENSeeTZt
$22.00FOR. $15.50-
; 18.00 FOR 11.75
20.00 FOR
20.00 FOR
Sweaters and Underwear
than cost
.r emcee •te•••♦•♦♦•♦♦♦10•♦• a♦♦♦♦s••••i•i•i••i•rire•a•e a • .
All New
at ies
a�3OVetp ,m'+or /1,044.
Reducion SALE
We are offering at Greatly Reduced Prices,
The Following Goods . All Heavy Wool
Underwear, Wool Blankets, Men's and Boys'
Windbreakers and Sweaters,, Heavy Socks,
Men's and Children's Heavy Socks... All Heavy
Boy's Tweed Pants and Bloomers, Flannelette
Prints., Gingham's and Towelings, Etc., Etc.
Ask to See Our New Chintz suitable for
Quilts and Comforters.
PHONE 11 ., , ' ' BLAKE