Zurich Herald, 1941-11-13, Page 1.t. Forty Second Year THURSDAY MOHNNG, NOVEMBER 13 1941, thrifty buyer patronizes the home Are You Suffering From Headaclie? IT so; Have your Eyes Examined with . the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R., �. OPTOMETRIST & OPTIC/PeN .cioDERIca — ONT. • Good Glasses at Reasonable Pri.ces ant=92.6.134010.111...,./AVEZZISOMI.V.C.610.10:41VAISCAIASWAMIVIOV141IIIRIMOT THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now Metter than ever. Be sure and give us a call. MRS. FRED THELE, Proprietress COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PrucEs C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. A.parevedi Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Eacept Werinesday. RATIONING GASOLeNE Ottawa — Gasoline rationing will be introduced in Canada shortly, illunitio•ns Minister Howe announced in the House•of Commons.. The rat- ions will be as Liberal as possible, aiel will be fixed. from month to month in accordance with the supply situation. The news came as a great surprise and was approved by the op- position leader. 'We are going to put in a flexible system of rationing ou .....1.1.64001n1.0.11•01.6160111....kerdanum•••••••11 Let us tel yakut the New ge and De o. 194 MODELS Finer ancl etter Than Evar-- e Jima poiacm DE LUXE TWO -DOOR suatar, Ago WARD FRITZ SI.Na.40110.IIIMMOISPIer 1.•!102011airagvIIWIMMTONII.C411*.eralneasa.nureSI¢Mwriatesem*Ratreerctsz*.iatatT(4” • WieruaissantgavaaMmatruas....larameamastwaarapagooseemee. Leavitt's Theatre, - Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Thursday, Friday, Saturday November 13, 1'4, 15 SPECIAL FEATURE IN THE NAVY With the Popular Radio and Comedians: Rates': ;1,25 in Canada, in aclvanate 11.50 U.S.A., advano4 CHESTER L. SMITH, Publish% .i.ercharit omatiolusesnatwarow............aamasonfaummumnamomaramsensica% semen IVIisses Doreen and Shela Schilbe visited in Kitchener for a few days r. W. C. Pearce of Exeter was Abbott and Costello a visitor in town one day last week. • Mr. and Mrs, Ted Miller and fame Monday, Tueeday, Wednesday ily and yrs. Len. Prang were Sunday visitors at Dashwood. SPECIAL FEATURE -,! . Reit and Mrs. Albert Deters and lawny of Desboro were Tuesday yjiitors with relatives in town. Miss Eileen and Alice Beaver %eat ae week with relatives and fri- erikt, derich. eellIre*.d Mrs. Milfred Schilbe vis- ' lie'e,Ruffalo, N.Y., on Monday and TieeedaYe where Mr. Schilbe was on engagement. DIVE BOMBER IN TECNICOLOR With an All-Star cast, ingilding ERROLL FLYN, and FRED Mac:MURRAY Coming—November 20, 21, 22, ".The Great Dictator„ Starring ChOlie Chaplin, Janie Oakie, and Paulette Goddard. AftiZeilka=021,41.2(3. 421,11.114112410111WJESSAMMIIKEIN and we are going to make the rat- ions just as liberal as our supplies of gasoline will permit" said Mr. Howe. APPOINTED CHAPLAIN ..Rev. R. Keith Love, B.A., B.D., pastor of 131enheim United church for the pact two years, has received a call from the R.C.A.F., and has reported for duty at Man.nmr, Pool, Toronto. He will enter .the RUAF as a chaplain. Ordained at the London Conference 10 years ago, Mr. Love served a year in St. Thomas and 7 years in Kintore hetaiaa—Poelnezeto seexanneremerrettna-rjale.' native o the Hillsgreon district, Hay Township where he was born 34 years ago. He attended the Exeter High School and graduated fr.:en the Western Univ- useity and received the Sanford gold. medal when he graduated from the. United Church Theological school, Toronto, MAD PHEASANT DINNER Pmd Creclton, treated a :7i,tirOf his friends to a pheas- ill mit dInner recently. Mr. Kerr and Mr and Mrs. Geo. Hicks returned after a twe-day shoot at Peele Island.They fund the bird e plentiful. They had I no trouble in getting their legal qu- ota of ten birds. Hunters were there from all parts of Ontario and the 7nited i4tntes, coming from .any of the big Cities and the 6outhern Ste etas to attend this two-day pheasant shoo. The boat that carried the. hunters and their game back from the island to the mainland was load- ed with 8 tons of birds.—Exeter Times -Advocate. AWARDED DAMAGES Godeeich — A Supreme Court jury after five hours' deliberation award- ed Frank Fingland, K.C., $,200 with costs in his motor damage action a- gainst Lorne Brown, garage owner, and A.ntione Garon, factory manager both of Clinton. The claim was for. $1'5,0.0. Of the $5,200 judgment 60 p.c. was 'apportioned to Brown • and 40 p.c. to Garen in accordance with the jury's findings of the degreesof negligence. The trial which. had been in progress arose out of a mot- or car :accident on March 23, 1940, on No: 4 highway, two miles south of Clinton. A cavalcade of Clinton autos bearing the hockey team was on 'its way to St. Thomas for an 0. H.A. juvenile final game. A snow blizzard was blowing. Mr. Fingland stopped his car because of an accid- ent ahead of him only to have the Brown car pile into the rear of his. It bounced off into a snowbank and completely 'blocked the highway. Mr Fingland had a badly fracturea leg as a result. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS WE ARE. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE, WITH A GOOD SUPPLY OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRO- CERIES, ETC, AT LOWEST POS- SIBLE. PRICES. Men's Wisulloreakers at . . 3 50 Boys wool windbreaker& with Zipper .............2.95 Boys Doe skin winolbreakers at We now have a full Tine of Underwear in Men's Ladies' and Childrens. ..2.5O mews...Wakeman. BINGO IN TOWN HALL - ZURICH ON Friday, November 14th. At 8 Proceeds for local Red Cross Admission 25c fin- 12 Games. EVlRYflOfl WEL001\111 , Mr.and Mrs. W. H. henc-77of Grand Bend were Sunday visitors at e,l home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner,c,7l Tuesday was observed as Armistice Day, and observed as a school holi- day, and what a happy moment it 'will be when another armistice day will dawn on the present struggle in Europa and Afr: 2a. and 11irs. :3. M. Wagenast and little, 'daughter 1 euline of Stratford, Mie. and Mrs. Edward Keller and fa;aiiIy of Dashweod; Mr. and Mrs. Pdter•Deichert Sr.,and son Theodore .and, Mrs. Wilfred Eichler and soli Allen and Mr. • Albert Deichert ofiNeWillairdeurg; Mr. and Mrs: Alf- redfag and Miss Ebna.:Pfaff spent lxii;44$4,‘:2M111: Mrs, Jacob' - Get Their Deer . Ph lcal hunters, Ivan Yungblut, Theoe•ated Jacob Haberer who were in the, Haliburton District have re- turned with each having their quote of deer, and the former treated us to a nice bit of ven!son sua-. which we w1.l be enjoyine on, They re- po4 ihatdeer we.," enite numerous in that dietrict. \'1I& Mr. Herbertl Moussean who went up north has as I yet net returned. Local hunters are enjoying the daily hunting up in I Bruce County where lima is an open season for a few days. THE WEAPON THAT HITLER FORGOT 111e. Sword of the Spirit, which is the d „of Gae. The Bible Seel- lireiently coming: to you with the annual ,appeal for contributions -Whelp 'with the great work of plac- aag! God' s• Word into the hands of thos4'Whbeliave no other way of °b- lab -Ai ite.' Let not war interfere with, the 'greatest task of all.. A stuninary of last year's contributions of the district follows: Babylon line $8.85; Blind Line $1.05; Zurich Ni t26.75; Zurich south 711.05; Goshen south $2.75; Bronson line $5.5E '14th concession $5.35. "Do it 'again! C. L. Smith, President; B J. KloPp, Secy. -Treasurer. OBITUARY Late Leah surer. One of the community's aged and most highly respected residents pas- sed to her eternal reward in the per- son of Mrs. Leah Surerus, relict of the late .Benjamin Surerus, who pas- sed away at the family home, /4th concession, Hay Township, on Satur- day November 8th aged 90 years, 6 months and 21 days. • She had not been enjoying good health for some time, being bedfast, and thereey was much inepnvenieneed: To know Mrs. Surerus; 'OOS to love her, as she was of great Christian fortitude and with her was always rightteousness first, a great believer of the doctorines of her church, and attended e.rvices whenever she could. Her husband, the late Benjamin Simms passed a- way a goodly number of years ago, and also a daughter Adelaid prede- ceased- at the home hist JatitlarY• Surviving are: Two sons, Wesley Surerus of Detroit and Albert tq home, and two daughters Mrs. Ed. and Mrs. Gorge Karbfleisch of De- troit. The. funeral was :held privately at the hOttie Tuesday afternoon to the Evangelical church, for pubile sorvice and 11ronsonlinecemetery for interment. Rev C. B. Heeken- dorn officiating. And so another ag. fel bider Of higs esteem has left Ile. I PHONE YOUR 0 :7777-7 BRIDAL WRE-ATI-1 ... the finest and mese beautiful that money ca buy! DIAMOND RINGS $15 up WEDDING RINGS $5 up A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for FLUE COAL ALSO: Rosedale Alberta,,' Semet-Solvay Coke, Miller Creek, Etc. The Roe Farms Milling Co, Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid foo Eggs according to Grade Pone 10 - Hensali • ....••••••••••••••••4 .4,0, 0...44 .4044,0 •••• •O,O, • • • • a • • • • 4t6 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • OUR SAMPLES OF 24.95 and 2750 A SPLENDID RANGE Wc HE HOFF -WAN & SON Phones 86 and 93. HOFFMAN AND WESTLAKE Funeral Directors and Ambulance Service 0. ••••••••••••••eeeeee**.00*a afoe......+.04,4 Underwear We carry a Good Supply of New and Well Made Underwear. Men's, Boys' also Women's and Girl's Sizes. Be comfortable when the cold wea- ther comes in our warm Underwear. RUBBER FOOTWEAR Keep your feet warm and.. dry when.. the colder days that will soon be here really do come. .. We have Rubbers for every member of the Family, that will give you real comfort. A Good Assortment of new Crockery just arrived. In most called for sizes which we think are very good value for the price. See them! THE BLAKE STORE Eclrnund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97 iSetneatINNIMIPPIIIIIIIIMMamewestgarratillMILIMSMIWITIKSIMSWIA•tateaMa 4