Zurich Herald, 1941-08-14, Page 7Voyage of "Slave Ship" Ended In Chase and Capture BRITISH WARSHIPS DRIVE'SL4VE SHIP' ASHORE. RESCUE 400 PRISONERS AFTER ORAF SPEES SCUTTLING, ALTi1ARK HEADS FOR HOME Obtaining false clearance papers at Bergen, the Graf Spee's supply ]hip Altmark was spotted by two British patrol planes as it attempted to dodge along the Norwegian coast in a dash for Germany with hund- aeds of captive British seamen in its hold. British naval vessels, swiftly summoned to the scene by the patrol planes, overhauled the Altmark and forced It aground, rescuing the captive Britishers and killing a nura- aer of the Altmark's crew. HAVE YOU HEARD The pilot had taken great pains to explain all about his airplane to the pretty young visitor at the airport—its mechanical features, parpose of this and that, what pil- o ts did to meet actual flying con- ditions, 'etc. He looked at the girl and smiled, "Now, you understand, 41013 you?" "11 but one thing," replied the El 0"And what is that?" he asked: "What makes the thing stay op?" _0_ We are informed that a hu- morous Toronto druggist ex- poses a ease of soap in his shop whitlow bearing the per. fitment inscription, "Cheaper than dirt." _0_ Sam had just passed through a hair-raising experience. He'd just seen a ghost! "Yes, sub," the Negro said. "Ah'd jes' come outer the cow - abed with a pail o' milk in mah land. Den Ah hears a noise an' de ghost rushes out." J1Was you skeered?" asked one of his listeners. "Did you shake with fright?" °° �h don't know what Ah shook with," replied Sam solemnly. "Ah cain't say I shook at all; but when .A1 got in de house, there warn't no milk in de pail, only two vounds o' butter!" —0— A film star was being ex- iunined for a new divorce. He had been married six times already and six women gave him a very bad character. "Don't pay any heed to their stories,' he told the judge. "They're only old wives.' tales." —0 -- They were having a board meet- ing of a firm in the city, when the secretary ran in and said the office boy had pinched half the petty cash. "Disgraceful!" and "Shocking!" and "Disgusting!" some of the members said. But the chairman said, "Remem- ber, gentlemen, we all had to alert in a small way." —0— "Thanks very much for the birthday cake. But what's the Idea of the electric bulb on fit?" "It's forty candle-power, fray dear." The poultry ailment known as ;fowl paralysis is believed so come t on that it takes nearly 25 per vent of the birds in average farm ;mocks. ASTHMA BRONCHITIS MO TOM, uANQ-I COUGHS ii BD COLDS YIELD FASTER TO How Can 1?. SY ANNt AbtI EV Q. How can I sew snaps on garments most efficiently? A. Sew the half of the snap with the projecting point on first. Then press this part down firm- ly on the material in the place where the corresponding snap is to be sewed. This will leave a dis- tinct impression in the goods to show just where to sew the. snap. Q. How can I prevent gravy from becoming lumpy: A. Adda pinch of salt to- the flour that is used for thickening, before mixing it with water. Q. How can I preserve the paint in a half -used open can? A. Sealing it with paraffin is proof against its hardening. Qe How can I prevent moths from attacking fur? A. Moths will not attack the fur if plentifully sprinkled with pepper or tobacco, which leaves no unpleasant odor and can easily be shaken out before wearing. Q. How can I remove coffee and tea stains from linen? A. Soak the spots in glycerine. Allow to stand for several hours. Then wash in the usual way. -0-0-4- -1-9-4-q- .fts•: •'-4o- 40044 What Science Is Doing .o- ' .o •rat r. -s+ SLOW LIGHTNING Discovery that there are two distinct types of lightning, one the explosive, smashing stroke familiar to everyone, and the other a hith- erto unrecognized slow and burn- ing stroke, is announced in the magazine Electrical World. One kind blows a tree apart, the other sets it afire. 0— SEES OIL UNDERGROUND A pint of earth, dug from with- in a few feet of the surface, can be made to give direct signs of oil fields that may be buried 10,- 000 feet below. This is done with the mass spectrograph, a new scientific instrument which out- does the tricks of magicians and which never before has been. put to commercial use. —0— VENOMS STOP PAIN A. combination of venoms from two poisonous southern snakes has been found effective in re- lieving intense pain from cancer and arthritis and stopping spasms of epilepsy. The reptiles are the rare coral snake and the common cotton -mouth water moccasin. HEALTH TOPICS -4W!4-4.4-4-4-4---9-0-4.*-1.-V-9^a-y-c•4 74 -Www SUGAR AND DECAY it's the sugar you eat that caus- es teeth to decay, Dr. Leonard Fosdick of the Northwestern Uni- versity (Chicago) dental school is convinced. Sugar taken into the mouth pro- duces an acid which, with bacter- ia normally present, causes tooth decay, he reported to the mid- winter meeting of the Chicago Dental Society. "Tbe only method known at present to control dental decay, whic'h has good scientific evi- dence to support it, is to avoid the intake of sugar into the mouth," he said. —0— PLEADS FOR POOR MOTHERS A plea that maternity clinics be established for the poor "aas made by Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe, doc- tor to the famed Dionne quintup- lets who spoke before several hun- Speaking before several hl;n- dred women gathered for the Miiz- neapolis Tribune newspaper wo- men's press conference, Dr. Defoe said the lessons learned as a re- sult of the quintuplets' care might be made the basis for a 'broader movement. He urged participation in move- ments for establishment of clinics for the proper care of mothers and babies "so that sill children may have the same chance," —0— PNEUMONIA CONQUERED? Statistician of the Metropoli- tan Life Insurance Company are inclined to believe that pneumonia as a death -dealing disease is well on the way to being conquered. They point out that, coincident with new methods of treating the disease, such outstanding declines in pneumonia mortality have tak- en place among the insurance company's millions of 'industrial policyholders in Canada and the 'United States, that in 1939, as well as in 1938, a new low record death rate was established for the disease. And this improvement. has continued into 1940, when a pneumonia death rate of 51.7 per 100,000 was established during the first four weeks of January, a rate representing a decline of 33 per cent as compared with that of e corresponding weeks of 1939:- Canadiaitt National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways for the week ending Feb- ruary 14, 1940 were: $4,355,727 as compared with 3,185,937 for the corresponding week of 1939, an in- crease of 1,169,790 or 36.'7% Cigarettes released for consump- tion in Canada during the first nine months of the current year amounted to 5,275,000. Does your nose tell the pain - Sed story of your disc ont- fort-sore ne s sand stuffiness in the nostrils, Irritated membranes? Get quick relief. Treat your nose with Mentholatum, the balm with the money -back guarantee) Mentholatum acts instantly—penetrates artery nasal passage—soothes inflamed membranes—helps clear head and nose. Get Mentholatum today from your druggist. In jars and tubes -30c. ITCsTOPPED .or Money sack Per quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, nth- lato'e foot, soaks, scabies, rashes and other externally Doused skin troubles, Use world-famous, cooling, ante septic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Greaseless, eteinlcea Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense !telling. 350 trial bottle proves it, or money hack, Ask rout druggist today for 0, O. D. PRESCRIPTION. FOR O`,EN ONLY! If fidgety nerves, restless nights and dis- tress from female functional "irregular- ities" keep you from having fun in life— take Lydia ife--takeLydia E. Pinkbam'e Vegetable Com- pound, made especially to help such run- down, weak, ailing women. TrIl ft/ rove. DO NOT HAVE TO SMOI(A1 "HOW CAN I STOP SMOKING"? The number and urgency of ap- peals from people who wished to be quit of the habit prompted the Writing of a 16 -page booklet giv- ing practical answers that have 'worked. The cost? Just the cost of a pack of cigarettes! Order direct from the author, George A. Little, i12 Lytton Blvd„ Toronto. 25 cents with order, or 5 copies for $1.00. Postage prepaid. Coal Output On Increase 1939 Pro(fuction in Canada Tops Previous Year; Coke Ton- nage Lower Canadian coal production during 1939 totalled 15,460,897 tons, com- pared with 14,294,718 the previous year, the Dominion Bureau of Sta- tistics reports. imports totalled to 13,884,816 tons, compared with 13,- 461,614 and exports 376,203 against 353,181. Coke production ansouuted to 2,- 388,027 tons, compared with 2,352,- 003 in 1938. During 1939, 1,104,371 tons of Canadian coal and 2,207,707 tons of imported coal were charged to coke ovens. Coal production during Decem- ber, 1939, was 1,457,825 tons, com- pared with 1,350,986 tons in Decem- ber, 1938, Bituminous coal output was 1,059,055 tons, sub -bituminous, 53,166 and lignite 345,604. 4SfRES!IS IT YOURP PLUG! IS 114 THE Reindeer, so much used in the • northern European countries, are the only domesticated species of deer in the world. The total production of gold in the world since the discovery of America has peen estimated at 1,294,935,511 fine ounces. . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . . AGENTS WANTED S)dLL WHAT EVERY HOUSEHOLD Needs! Familex salesmen live sell- ing guaranteed Familex Products. Quick and Sure Sales — Fair Pro- fits — Repeat Orders, Get facts and catalogues today: Familex Products, 570 St. Clement, Mont- real. JxYPLY GOLD INITIALS ON AUTO - mobiles. Profitable opportunity. Samples 10c. Proposition free. Pe- -tthick's Monograms, 867F. Toronto. IIAIIY ()FLICKS BABY CHICKS, ALL $9 PER HUND- red. Barred Rocks, White Leg - horns, R. I. Reda Wyandottes, New Hampshires. February and March delivery. Carlton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ont. BIG, HUSKY, QUALITY CHIICKS, buy from a breeder who has a re- putation for liveability. Wo hon- estly believe our stock the best obtainable. White Leghorns, Bar- red Rocks, Hampshires, low prices, Niagara Poultry Farm, Niagara - on -the -Lake, Ontario. LOGICALLY POULTRY FARM Bred chicks are better value than hatchery chicks. Five breeds se- lection, 7 cents and up, farm rais- ed pullets. Circular on request. Highway Poultry Farm, R.R. No. 1. Waterloo, Ontario. CHICKS, WHITE LEGHORNS, 9c, Barred Rocks and New Hamp- shires 10c, from Government ap- proved, blood -tested stock. Write for catalogue, Brucedale Poultry Farm, St. Thomas, Ont. MORE FOR YOUR MONEY IN THE new 1940 Tweddle Chicks, more breeding, more egg laying ability. more meat producing ability, and more chicks for your money. You can buy Tweddle chicks as low as $9.45 per hundred, 18 varieties to choose from. S: d for free cata- logue and pr :t. Tweddle Chick Hatch • - tinted, Fergus, Ontario. SATISFIED CUSTOMERS OUR best advertisement. Read what our customers say- in our booklet. When you buy Baden chucksyou get quality chicks at a low price. Standard quality White. Leghorns rred 5]shires,Hybr ds $9.4, White Rocks and White Wyandottes $10.45. • Heavy breed pullets 90 per cent $16,90, Leghorn pullets $18.95. Day old cockerels, three week old ea- pons.rBaden Electric Chick Hatch- ery Limited, Baden, Ontario. JOHNSON'S CHICKS ARE ONE grade, the best we can produce. all breeders are hloodtested and culled. Bred to Lay Barred Rocks and large S. C. White Leghorns, Barron strain. Prices March and Apill, Rocks 10 cents, 90 per cent. pullets 17 cents, cockerels 8 cents. Leghorns 10 cents, 90 per cent. pullets 20 cents, cockerels 2 cents. Safe arrival guaranteed. 10 per cent books your order. Circular on request. J. D. Johnson, Fergus, Ontario. ORDER BABY CHICKS NOW. AT - tractive prices on well bred Bar- red Rocks, White Leghorns, Hamp- shires, Austrolorps. Write for prices. Winnhnm Hatchery, Wing- bnm, Ontario. CARS, NEW AND USED MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS, LTD., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Ply- mouth dealers: three locations, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, 2040 Yonge Street, 1220 Danforth Ave. Our used rnrs melte es ninny friends. EDUCATION AI. STUL)EN7`N Nose ENRUI,i,IN-x FOR courses an Matriculation, Short Story Journalism, Shorthand and Speech Culture Make use of your spare time Write today Canad- ian Correspondence C.oilege, (es- tabiished 1002) 229 Ynnge Street Toronto ELECTRIC MOTORS ELECTRIC MOTORS SUITABLE for every purpose. Jones .4 Moore Electric, 296 Adelaide Street W„ Toronto. FISIiING TACKLE Ott SPORTING GOODS FISHERMEN! SEND FOR OUR new, larger, 1940 Fishing Tackle catalogue, out March 20th. E. Mattis, 171 Craig St. W,. Slontreal, Quebec. FARM EQI'IP\XEN'r FANNING MILL (KLINE) FARM - ere say best seed grader; wild oat separator, also screening repairs. Testimonials. Kline Manufactur- ing, Islington, Ontario, FILMS BEST RESULTS -- ROLL„' DEVEL- oped with higloss deckled edged prints — 25c. Reprints Sc. Beauti- ful enlargement free. Prompt ser- vice. Excel Photos, 1266 Lans- downe A.ve., Toronto, TRIAL SPECIAL — SEND NEGA- thee, this advertisement and 1.0c for three prints and 6 x 7 enlarge - Mont, or roll and 25c for eight prints, 6 x 7 enlargement, London Photo Service, Box 551, London, Ont. Established 1919. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used — New SPECIALIZING EN Itlelll;ILT MO- T(iliS, 1'(IW1,)12.UNi'f'S, Ilydrnnlic Ifoucf9, Wine bee, Generators. Stnrt- ers, S8eg•nrloa, „nra,nretors linu1 n(- orn — Pxrhaege 8lertice, Maw; -- Stettetnetion or refund, Levy Auto Paris, Toronto. FILMS -- PRINTS FREE ENLARGEMENT IN STUDIO. Folder with each order. Films de- veloped and printed by experts. 25e; reprints 10 for 25c, Nu -Way Photo Service. Station "A" Tor- onto. FOR SALE HEAVY SIX BUICK MOTOR, 1004 Vessot grinder, speed Jack and belts. George Kelso, Markdale, Ontario, HORSES FOR SALE NUMBER GOOD HORSES. MATCH - ed teams, one Percheron stallion colt, grey. J. McAninch, Route 4, Guelph, LEGHORNS FOR SALE BECKER STRAIN, SINGLE COMB dark brown Leghorns, males $3.00, trios $6.00. Henry Becker, Water- loo, Ontario. 'MACHINERY FOR SALE CLEARANCE — TWO ONLY — Brand New Whitte Portable Saw- ing outfits, steel frame, steel wheels with tongue, swinging steel saw frame takes 24" or .26" circular saws — 6 H.P. Hopper cooled horizontal gasoline engine, fitted with magneto, can be used as portable power plant — sale price, $285. The A. R. Williams Machinery Co. Ltd., 64 Front St. West, Toronto. MACHINERY FOR SALE WADE PORTABLE DRAG SAWS, reasonably priced, easy to operate, a money-maker wherever there are logs to be cut. Write for free descriptive bulletin. The A. R. Williams Machinery Co., Ltd., 64 Front St, West, Toronto. MEDICAL SUCCESSFUL SCIENTIFIC STOM- ach Remedy healed many obstinate cases. User states: For years I was troubled with gnawing pain below breastbone. It causes gas and bloating. I tried many remed- ies, but my only relief was soda, and that for short time only. After meals it didn't bother me for a few hours: then if I ate something it stopped coming again after some time. The pain bothered me worse at night. After taking three bottles of Dr. McLeod's Stomachic I was free from pain. I kept on improving and have now been well for six years and enjoying my meals without medicine, If you cannot buy Stomachic at Drug Store write Dr. McLeod's Stotnach- ic Co., 558 Bathurst, Toronto. A GOOD SPRING TONIC. KIPP'S Herb Tablets. Twenty-five cents. All Drug Stores or Maltby's, Tor- onto Ten. NURSERY STOCK HARDIEST FRUITS, RARE ORNA- mentals. Request illustrated cata- logue and planting guide; 600 var- ieties, trees, shrubs, perennial flowers, tested and grown at Dropmore. Order early for free booklet on new fruit recipes, also premium with order. Strong plants; expert packing, guaran- teed delivery anywhere. The Man- itoba Hardy Plant Nursery, Drop - more, Manitoba. BY ALL MEANS PLANT NUT Trees. Beautiful ornamentals, pro- ducing food and wood. Or graft your present stocic. For hedges, foundation plantings, etc. use fil- berts or Winkler hazels. Write George Hebden Corsan, Islington, On titrin. °PL'Is'it TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infer. mation sent free. The Ramsay Co Registered, Pant Attorneys, 278 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada, OPPORTUNITIES Ii'On MEN PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE. IN- dustry urgently requires trained men, Learn electric welding now. General Welding '('corks, 100 Jar- vis, Toronto. Pe:D nisA1 elUI'1 1'UBen 't'U .aNBBEV l9AS11.0 /nespensiveI,v Homy remedy. Testimonials Cluarntaleed. Advice free Ra r1let 1', ilex 1 Winnipeg IIEPATOLA RELIEVES STOMACH and Liver troubles. Symptoms: Pains In right side, under shoul- der blades and across hips, indi- gestion, gas, constipation, gall trouble. Formula of doctor, Re- sults in one day! Price 35.00. Mrs. Geo, S. Alinas. Iyox 1072\V Saska- toon, Sask. FALSE TEETI-I LOOSENESS AND annoyance banished cheaply at home by dentist's wonderful dis- covery for building up old plate to fit. Users amazed. Free infor- mation without obligation. Ran- dolph Laboratory, 20 Whitehall Road, Toronto. NHL HAIR ROOT PERMANENTLY. Safely, privately. Remove super- fluous hair from face, arms, legs, forever. Treatment 31.00 postpaid, plain wrapper. Canadian Chemis- try Co„ Wilkie, Sask. PROPERTY FOR, SALE SEALED TENDERS RECEIVED till March 12th for two separate square Hundreds, 4 acres bush, 00 waste, creep stone house, bank barn on Highway, Wellington County. Not encumbered. Five irousand. App!5 Mrs. John Place, 485 Woolwich St„ 611011111, Ont. ISSUE NO. 9---'40 SEED FOR SALE GOVERNMENT TESTED SEEDS from (grower to sower) shipped In sealed bags, properly mixed for a wonderful Hay or pasture crop. Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, mix- ture, 313.25 per 100 lbs. Freight paid, bags free, Misner Seeda, Port Dover, Ontario. SEED FOIL SALE GOV'T INSPECTED, REGISTERED No, 1 and No. 1 Seeds. Oats — Car- tier, Banner and Lasalle. Barley— O.A.C. 21. Clover — Alfalfa and Timothy, R. Bruce Ness, Howick, Quebec. SEED POTATOES BUYING, SELLING, CAR LOTS, Truckloads, Table, Certified seed. Ontarios, Islands. Ask Hiseys, the Iargest potato dealers in Ontario, 64 Front St. E. Toronto. STAMPS WANTED STAMPS ON ENVELOPES. NOTE ing after 1870. W!11 buy for cash. R. G. Purdy, 310 Glen Manor Drive Toronto. TURKEYS FOR SALE WHITE HOLLAND I.URKEYS, Government approved and utility, stock. Prices on application. Bert Irwin, Seaforth. Ontario. USED AND NEW PLUMBING BATHS, SINKS, TOILETS, SOIL pipe, boilers, furnaces, radiators, etc. Lowest prices, guaranteed. Catalogue furnished. Main Plumb- ing Supplies, 921 St. Lawrence, Montreal. WANTED ONE 1914-15-16 RUMELY STEAM Engine Catalogue wanted; might consider others. Walter Gerling, Iola, Alberta. WATCHMAI(1NG LEARN WATCHMAKING AT HOME Beginners' outfits from $5. Nation- al Watch, Regina, Sask. LYONS February Clearance Sale New & Reconditioned FURNITURE All used furniture is completely re- conditioned, guaranteed thoroughly clean and sold with positive money- back guarantee of satisfaction, 319.50 THREE PIECE CHESTER - field Suite, upholstered in novelty repp, reversible Marshall spring cushions. $24,50 SMART, 3 PIECE CHESTER - field Suite, upholstered in blue shade velour, reversible Marshall spring cushions. 335.00 BEAUTIFUL BROWN e10 - hair Chesterfield Suite, (3 pas,), figured reversible Marshall spring cushions. $32.00 10 PIECE LIVING 110001 Outfit, comprising 3 piece Ches- terfield Suite, Bridge Lamp, Silk Shade, End Table, Silk Cushion, Table Lamp, Silk Shade, Metal Smoking Stand. $12.50 STUDIO COUCH, SIRING filled mattress, makes into double or two singe beds. $17.50 8 PIECE SOLID OAK DINING room Suite, buffet, extension table and 6 leather upholstered chair:, $24.00 SOLID OAK DINING 11005I Suite, buffet, extension table ally 6 leather seat 'hairs. Perfect, 339.00 COMPLETE 9 PIECE 111N- ing room Sui te, solid oak, bufret, china cabinet, extension tabl0. leather upholstered chairs. $53.00 LARGE DINING mom Suite, in rich walnut finish, buffet, cabinet, extension table nn.i leath- er upholstered ,:hair:, $69.00 MODERN 9 PIECE DINING room suite, in beautiful 2 -tone wul- nut, Buffet, china cabinet, exten- sion table, and I! leather upholster- ed chairs. $109.00 BEAUTIFUL SOLID 1VAL- nut Dining Room Suite (cost new approximately 3875), large buffet, extension table, china cabinet 6 leatlter upholstered chairs. 359.00 p•LOOI1 SAMPLE, 5101Jh1010 Chesterfield Suite (3 pieces), reb. 379. Uphoistered'in novelty repp, in brown, green or rust sha,lee, bullet type, reversible Mershall spring cushions. 369.00 MODERN 1'E111000e1 SUITE (factory sample), in bleached seal. nut finish, waterfall design, Ven- etian mirror, dresser or vanity, chiffonier. full size bed, sagless spring and new mattress, 389,00 SOLID WALNUT ')l11N0 room Suite, (cost new approxi- mately 32511), large buffet, exten- sion table, china cabinet and six leather upholstered chairs, 319.50 SIMMONS sTreEL. i.BED) 1N walnut finish, saglees spring, new mattress and large dresser in wan nut al - nut finish. $39.00 M01)IOIRN BEDROOM SU1'i'i in two-tone walnut finish. Dresser, chiffonier, full size bed and seg. less spring. 345.00 COMPLETE 1)181l11n,22 Suite, in two-ione walnut finish, dresser. chiffonier, full alae bed, sagies9 spring, 1011 new t00(01'ees. 359.00 FLOOR SAMI'LI8 13EDRe)05X Suite in the new bleached walnut finish with waterfall fronts and venetian mirrors, Dresser, ,:hiffon- ler, full size bed, cagless spr!nie and new mattress, 339.00 CUNNINGHAM PIANO 1:v mahogany ease. Wonderful 0ondi- tion. 38.95 Ihi05IER KI'JUIU N CA13111. et with sliding porcelain top, 14.50 6 PIECE BREAKFAST SUITE in ivory enamel trimmed black, buffet, table and 4 chairs. All met :hand! e carefully erotori for safe shipment on receipt of money. order :Ind sold with ) pnsit1ke nt,otn.' ey-bacl. guerantee or satisfaetion. Lyons Furniture Co. Ali 3 Yonge St, TOROW..t10