Zurich Herald, 1941-07-31, Page 4DASHWOOD
ten';ted, Thaw 't leii Weeltilhnig trip they
atoreaf 4+ln Hence .spending their
Dies IN Michan 'aoneyeneon at the benne of the bride's
Dr, and Mrs. R. H. Taylor awed�arernts, Mr. an • .rs, Robt. Thom
3auglrter Anne and Mrs, C. Guenther Word has been received of the'p' 'p�
acre spending thesis vacation on a mot death of Albert Andersoae 'who passJ aoaa.
Mts. A. L C, e
• er strip to Lunenburg, eova Scotia, ed away at his home ail Marlette, s was a Visitor with
end otherplaces. 'Allah. in his 70th yeer�. He was born her aunt, 1171,, A. hLearn e inFlo t,
lir. Thos, Welsh aid MissFlan
Mr. and Mrs, kelvin Guenther and Flor-
in Stanley township autl resided arrest yaaoe iven'etaests of Mr: and 17rs, L:
nily of Jackson, 1Viich., are spend- until he left to take Up residence lin, Miekhe ataci family at thein s
n their vacation with relatives here Marlette, Sir,ri.rvin ; are Ns widow, una
the former Miss .o, stat Landon,ori, nor cottagta at Rao clean lark f+rr
'and in Exeter, y'^ a week -crash. •
Mr. A. 0. Becker of Kitchener, 'Marlette, J 'gild three churuien; aj Miss Marion Dougall, nurse -in -
spent a few days with his parents, nurse -in -
brother, J►�tlnir Anderson of Ileitsaal crainiiig• at yictoiia Hospital, London
Mr. nrid Nlrs, Hemy Becker last four` six?tags, M. Landon of Lina•eh�'
I'axk; ailQrs. F'aii er q Oxfords lwTd In:; is holidaying with her parent., Mr,
'week, tills„ arm. Wieder of Winci or incl and firs. W. R. Dougall.
Mrs. S. Noll of Stratford visited.r9as, Kay Drysdale of Sarnia is
rwith relatives here last wee:..
Mrs. tC�iar<t 1)isyson of I�ippera. holidaying withherparents, Mr. and
Miss Shirley Krueger of 3uaiela, . W. M. 3. MEET holidaying
M. Iith le.
visited with her grandparents, 31r, n The July meeting of Goshen W. Miss Mar Buchanan, R.N., super -
rand lira. Henry Krueger on ;Bator
ALS, was lienor ill the church on the in endent of the General Hospital in
CJ,ay. 1;t kbi 'with ae very good attendance, Niagara Falls, is holidaying with her
Miss Betty Eckstein of Kitchener, .Wire. Percy• Xohnston , ;grr'ai'p had, mother, lairs. Alex. Buchanan,
Is spending her holidays with her celoargencpche program, which had its, Mr, and Mrs. N. E. Cook and fain
;grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, •I on i;y, theme : "!remonstrating the Tray ^o'' ' rely -have returned home from a en
Becker. Christ ' in BT•otherhood, Vir W; 1joyab]e motor trip
Mr. and MTs. Fred Ten .Wc -eaeClarke `'as organist throughout the to Quebec and
pending holidays at Wasaga Beach.,
family of Kitchener were Swaim las- meeting The scripture readingchos-
5tors with her .parents, ,,e. and :Tht:� en free Col. 3:11.-17 was read by Mrs Mrs. Wm. Davidson is confiner! t
Henry Becker, - Bruce-11cClinohey, giVirkee a chalk— her home owing to illness. Her many
fi•leri•ds hope for a speedy recovery,
Mrs. George Hess and daughter"
Ruth have returned home eori an
enjoyable trip to the West vsiiting
with the former''s parents, Mr. mid
lair s. Pettigrew.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Spence 'of .to i ne fighting to ,pi serve ,ehristian
Detroit spent the week-onii With -lt:[i•s, , de&nocarc against a view of life which • The annual reunion of the Ilh -
L. Mcisaac. •exalts race anpciioriry and utili s son clan was held at Bayfield. It
was decided to hold, the 194Z 'nun-
--ea------ i race predjuices .fmr• its own ends. .
ion at the home of Samuel Wai en,.
Miss Isabel Robinson gave a talk mei'
4 Highway, near Kippen.
KIPPEN NET `S `' rhe Miracle ,f tl heist:" .tailing -as
leer text John II Chap. verse 1. Miss . Hensall Man Injured
Robinson also eaureributiFil :at. •teeny I
A very enjoyable. time -ems spent beautiful vocal selection. 1Irs. Y. Jack Boa, Hensall, suffered, -cuts
and bruises by the Congr•egaafiinn ,of ':the United Johnston and .Mes. E. Stephenson,
ical attention whichlre i eek necessitated med-
ls auto left
Highway No. 7 and 8 east '0f the
Little Lakes, east of Stratford, early
Theo. Luft of Kl`tchnnrrr, raier:`c
::Sunday with his parents,, Rev. a•d
Mrs. T. Luft,
Miss Emma Tiernan 'of Lon ion
spending her vacation 1:v6'Th re;htnves
,ge'neo,rehristian people orf today t o
demertstrate the ixia1-i that •Chri'si
and His Church have the only solut-
Thxi !" or racial and _national hatreds
mei predjuces. Especially does this..
chaPlenge come to a jreople who clahn •
Churches here .and Hillsgrcen, onlrendered a local duet which was al -
Tuesday last when -they' journeyed tel so greatly appreciated. Mrs. H.:Er7-
Jowett's Glove. lixyfield Ter 'their; ratt gave a temperance reading from
annual Sunday achotil •picnic. Many ;the White Ribbon Tid:inger, Ire.: R.
=enjoyed a ball game during 'the 'if- ;j Erratt presided for the business ''dis-
terno>n. The sports were in 'chargemission when it was decided to eant-
if chil1:4• reen rand were well ecan-1 ertain the Baby Band and d a,ttrers
test.'.'. end interesting. lat the Apgpst meeting. An invitation
N. 11•.•, \ratso'r and •1:. le 1 received from Varna Auxiliary
tele 1:'r:ici• of Anel 1..,=, - ! tis join with them for their meeting
ills a -, l+er,,,,, an ; * i Loy. ,n A. Aiet. TC., when Mrs. Toll of Wirt-
+ae'.e tea,,,,,, :tlr. ,-;„,„, t •;a' gyrate to Branch meeting in
gee c , M. Pt is 1 Wor'ktock in 'lL y, will be guest •sp-
of -i,'' . l' .1,-,11.1.,,,i,1+L,r0•t:.r...ci.,: .-.i•. ..1 tarter was lead from Mr's.
i1:.-. .. ., r„ 1::i't:-i si� int Sun .'r, _':a which she exprc'esed her
tai. ... ' mr;=. Cly:,:,, , •u•.. :,:t'ciation of the donation of
,-1e. ee,eeee e ee ee • ,•''•'rs (in her honor) to the
tet _. :ri. ,,,l.' 1,. bee 1 i e ,e• - eey Fund for war ttefugees.
itJ t t Ricker, 1."tett^.;; fr toA
len.er from the ne hhorhor d wor-
.her howl le Loedon. kers :i.. ociation of it oionto was read
Mr. and :Its. Archie Parsone, Ger- urging all who could, to invite a co-
ald r.nd He Id s pert Sunday with uple oi' boys or girls from the city.
Mr. en'; Me:. J. L'inii:',t ee '_':•',I•en I t0 .,_io o a vacation of tee, weeks•in
Ur_ 1 Amos e r e: t, TiMi z ; the Enrcall air and senehine of their
Doris, Ferget=on and Mr. Arthur ihomes. Rev. Mi -s Here. cic,t'd the
Aslh atth, all of Ildt•rton :Tent Sun- 'meeting with tine Benediction.
day with Mr. and Mrs, W. Horsey.
Margaret 1'e -bus of near
Zurich is visiting her grandmother,
Mrs. H. Ricker.
Mrs. J. 'McGregor and Miss F.
111eCloy of Seaforth visited recently
with their sister, Mrs. E. Butt.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Miss .lIyrtle Thompson of London,:
is holidaying at the home of her pare
ents, _dr. and Mrs Robt. Thompson;
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. iMoore and fa,
roily have returned hone from a. p1-
easant vacation at their cottage :at
Mrs. Ann Berry is visiting with
Mr. Avila Ducharme of Windsor, her eon Ed. Berry in Windsor,
spent Sunday with his parents of the Din McKinnon has accepted a pos-.
Blue Water south
F ition with the civil service at t'be:
11Ir. and Mrs. Peter Papinesu, • of Ontaiio Hospital, London and con
Windsor were Sunday visitors with menced his duties last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Sararas. Raye Paterson of Toronto was a'
Mr. Nelson Candle .and. Neola•Wo- visitor at his home here.
odeock of Montreal arei holidaying Mrs. B. A. Campbell of Toronto,
-in ;it. aeseph with their parenis. visited in Hensall for the week -end.
:Taster Stephen Geoffrey of De- Mrs. Gordon Davis and family of
troit is spending his vacation with Toronto, are vacationing with her
his grandparents in Deavertown, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. le. McDon
Mrs Philip Bedard of Tulbulyand ald.
Mrs. Frank Dun:mime of Chatham: Mrs. Lizzie Fisher of Gravenhurst
spent the week -end with their par- was in -town attending the funeral of
eats of the Blue Water Hignw ay,:Mr i her sister-in-law the late Mrs. And -
and Mrs. Joseph Bedard. sew Love.
Mr. Frank Geoffrey who has been Mrs. •H. 0. Dayinan enjoyed the
.:spending some time in Windsor, re- past week at Grand Bend.
turned to his home in this burg. Mrs. Thos. !Pariner is spending
Mr. and -Mrs. Rudolph Cor'riveau, several week with her son, Earl at
of the Goshen line south, were gu- Toronto
e:rss with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Den- Mr. and Mrs. David. Rycknan and
•omne on Sunday last. family left last week for their home
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hewitt of -Win- in .Pollock, South Dakota, • after a
elsor were week -end visitors in Bea- very pleasant visit with her parents,
veitown. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parsons.
Miss Margurite Ducharme of Lon- Miss Erma Kipfer and Miss Mar-
don who has spent the past week with; garet Shepherd are enjoying their
her parents has now returned to her vacation with ,relatives in Toronto.
home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer are
:Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Geoffrey -of being visited by their daughter, Mav-
t'hetham ,pent Sunday with VIT.. 'is, .of Toronto.
Frank Geof re of this town. The Misses Edith and Lillian Mc-
Comment—By the way, what hes Ewan of. Kitchener, are vacationing
happened to the Westerly District at the home of their brother and si.s-
'Writer? Some few weeks ago a'
ter-in-aw, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mc -
good budget of news appeared in the Ewan, London Road, south.
J1eit1d, but since then no trace el' Miss 'Grace Brock of London, is
the whereabouts of the party; nay holidaying at the home of her moth -
the -party have gone on vacation for er Mrs. George Brock.
a few months; or again may have (er'ey Joynt of Windsor was a
jumped the job; there may have be• visitor at his home hare.
-en obstacles in the way, for the work ales ?-earl llarpole of London vie -
of a news writer is not always too ited with her mother Mrs, Grace Har -
pleasant. If you tell of the old pea. pole.
ple doings, they accuse you of in- Mrs. Charles Hart and c.'iildren of
terfering with their business, and if Toronto were visitors with her par -
you write of the young people's eats, Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster.
wheareabouts you get in a jam; and Mrs A. Coxworth returned to the
.again if your writing is not properly village after spending several months
worded, you meet with some disa- with her daughter., Mrs. T. J. Shuster
nova'l, Let not anyone thing be it in Montreal and is getting nicely set -
the way, rush your budget to your ,tied in her, rooms an Main St, adjo-
h:orne paper, so that your dear ones. ining Mr. J .Flynn's dwelling,
Who are in :some far oft corner of the
'world will also have the pleasure of The reahilriage�y as Moyer -:-Thompson
eling the news of their homeland tzedg quietly solemn-
•nn • e3 . to thein through the col e , in eeL ery Sounrl ref Hazel Thom- t
r+ t +a, of the Zurich %Tirana. � a of 'hers fled '�;r;, iron? 1
ti ' the 1, ever n ; est i'hompson, of He nsa1„ and David/
i, h . news piny seem old to I Mess ei, i' of :.Ir. arn'i Frani,
yem, they will be fresh for them I Moyer, of Parry Sound. Rev, Sone.
;when received n
r, :t -,fated and the couple Were unit
ISunday horning last, and wound up
in the ditch. The machine was badly
Marks 88th Birthday
`;Mrs, Yungiblut, well known in
district, `Hensall and s , an u a former
Hensel] resident, cele rated her 88th
birthday, July 18th at her home in
Waiterloo. Foy+ a number of years she
resided in Hensall where her late
husband was engaged .in the boot and
shoe business,• later moving to Wat- I ;
erloo where they took up residence.
The family consists of three sons .t.
and three daughters, :MTs, James ±
Bonthron of Hensall being a dau-
ghter. H
Minister Honored
Rev, W. R. Wright, pastor of
Bt-une field United Church, who ac-
cented a •oaf to Corinth, and Mrs.
•Wr glet, were honored when the Yo-
ung People's Union presented Rev,
'Wright With a billfold. The session
pritei iesented Kinn 'with a purse, and the
bors Mrs.,wright with a boor
Bequest to Raid Victims
1V'iss:73essie,.: Harlmoll, of Exeter,
oe king years president of the
eounty"'•'W .C.T.U., who passed away
n eerdly, lellt the residue of her est-,
ate;'valued at $1,588.74 to the Quee-'
n's Civadian Fiend for Air Victims I
40ix sItsk,
"We Recon rend, ,•. FEFD Anil SELL $be Best','
We carry a full line of Purina Products,. such..
Startena, Chec-R-Tabs, Hog Chows, Etc.,Etc.
Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made
atreasonable distance
ELAM W. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91 r20
..;-.r.r,y...;.,p..i + ¢ I• +.i.•!.'ib•i.+rj 1.3ey t}°!r..p"g.-: „ye".rr++.I.4- i r + ++11. ++ `+'3'+ii'i ++.
tario Dept. of Labour. •Cana:da. iso sale the motor trek to Lake Huron's
committed to large quantities of ; ki,eaches the heaviest of the summer
food for Great Britain. Already tho-
usands of High School boys, have
been placed -with farmers in various
parts of the Province, and 'the farrri-
hi an effort of Western Oiitario's`
citizens to try and escape the terri- -
fie heat in .its fourth day. Officers ire -
pert the traffic the• Heaviest. this year.
rose to 9
ers are so pleased with the rnagnifii- F A;rl along the lake. the -thermometer •
ant response of Youth that. thew Iloacel .0 and over and the water in
has been asked to suply an addition-, the lake was about 76. In Goderichal 500 boys. Adults who are not e:rt
gaged in essential. war industry :;ho-�,e mercury was94' seed 'at fort
uld follow the example set by youfyouthAlbert A I+' weather station If (i. A
and heed the farmer's appeal by vo I aragenrtazi -at •Stratford had his in-
strument hanging in the sun and it
unteering to work one day a week to 1 registered 120 when he removed it
help garner the limited. claps The .
fearing it being damaged. By early
Board has 500 applications whichhas ley i ess
not been filled, Adults as well as Col.- cars could be seen in
,legia,te boys and gils, who can;stcp anany places beng towed others pus- .
EE, , AL NEIYS into agricultural breach,. should wriL� d d AnAm
e azo America tourist
In Ohio got as :far as Goderich wh-
1 at once to the Farm Service Fat.e be was gasless and could not
Dept. of Labour, Parliament Bldgs.,
Toronto Your help will aid: in 0117 on. ' contractor's office back on the •
Blue Water , between G 'd
With farm helpers few and far be- F
`tweun, 'Ontario farmers are in des-
'pertite need •of • immeditt aid to saI-I
-wage the crops, states A. elacharen,
"Di2edteor, Farm Service Force, On-
ta.rio going over the agricultural i.�p God--
tario and i3ayfieid; was broken into
in providing Britain. and a ,five -gallon can of fuel oil stol-
en. The empty can was found but
no one knows wtat happened to'the
Sunday, the first gasless Sunday,
F1.5-„bv��+:SS �` ay”.r.�'�'n'it�•xM�svk��,�,r^�"r.�'!!:n!�
(Approved by Automobile Experts)
iv Cheek this List --Every hem zneans a worthw stile Sa g
O Reduce driving speed from 60 to
40 an the open road.
[j Avoid lack -rabbit stars.
or non-essential
[] Avo e useless
driving. •
D. Turnmotor off when not in use, do
not leave idling.
0 Dont, xace:Yonr engine; gine; let it warm
up slowly.
• 0 Don't strain}. your engine; change
gears _
• 0 Keep carUretor cleaned and prop-
erly adjusted.
0 Tune up'rriotor, ti -ming, etc.
regular service station man will gladly GAT/Ain ilie'se
and other ways of saving gasoline.Consult; skirls.,.
Keep spark plugs trod valves
0 Check cooling systems overheating
vrastes gasoline.
0 Maintain tires at right pressure.
0. Lubricate efficiently;. worn engines
waste gasoline.
D Drive in groups to and from irk,
using cars alternate days,.
O For golf, picnics crier other •outings,
use one car instead .of four.
O Take those short shopping trips'ON
FOOT' and carry parcels home.
O Walk toand from the movies.
O Boat owners, too, can help by
reducing speed.
REMEMBER: The `slower you drive, the more you save!
The Government of the
Acting through;
THE ffONOtB413L +' (;, 1). IIOWE, Mager of Munitions and Supply
C. R' Ct7T'1'.EELLE� 'dad Controller for Canada