Zurich Herald, 1941-07-10, Page 4• At 'Pot •re"`". DRYSDALE 1Vir. and Mrs. L. . •stn ells and amtly of Detroit veiled un the lat- ter's parents during ,the week -end in "croute to tine Myrter,' lhrine at Mid- land. Mr. .and 'Mrs. Jas. S:.pha. also son valid his wee and family of Detroit, , :o mum{ .nln w pu,t-Ito,m et.1. loads Mr, Frank Carriveau, Mrs. Rachel I)enomme of Windsor, visited with the Misses Gelinas a few, days last week. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Shorky and family of Detroit spent the holiday, with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ducharme. Mr. and -Mrs. Leonard Gerorette and family of Detroit spent Sunday Make Better Jams and Jellies Book of 72 Tested Recipes under label of every CERTO bottle SHORTENS BOILING TIME—For jam you need only a one -minute to two -minute full, rolling boil—for jelly a half -minute to a minute. MORE JAM OR JELLY—So very little juice has time to boil away that you get op to one half more jam or jelly from an equal amount of fruit. BETTER TASTE—COLOUR—In this short boil the fresh flavour stays in the fruit; the natural colour remains unspoiled. NO FAILURES—If you follow the Certo recipes exactly there'll be no failures. Your jams and jellies will turn out right. E171 %UF UCH HERALl .. ✓,»,i :l,•, ,F'>r•tr �•4'•u•4•«b,4'3••'r ,;..H > :+k . +•iR k"k+ "We R.ecomend - FEED And SEI. .the Best with Mr. and Mrs. Rernmie Denonnme Mrs. A. Wesley and son Elmer his wife and child visited, at the Mous- seau home. M. Lloyd Bedard lost a very fine colt last week. Lloyd is very un- fortunate as he has been losing hors- es every year asince commenced farm - `!incl: or where he will Kpenu some time. MT. and Mrs. Zephie Charrette Detroit o' form- er's were visitors with the rm- D er's parents for a few days. Mrs, Rachel Denonme returned to her home in Windsor after spending �i few weeks in this neighborhood V1t ing. iting relatives and friends. Mr, Bill Ducharme who has been Mr. and Mrs. James Sopha; Mrengaged at the Golf Course Grandand Mrs. Edgar Sopha spent Sunday Bend, had a call ;from: Windsor last' with Mr, and Mrs. Adolph Sopha of week where he has secured a posit - the Blue Water north. ' I ion in one of the busy factories. I Mr. Jule Cantin of Montreal, ie Mr. and 1VIrs. John Cadet of W'all- aceburg, also Mr. and Mrs: Hanle of Big Point were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Overholt Miss Roselli .Corriveau has en- gaged with with Mrs. Writes, Beach o'Pines for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Athanase .Denomme, of Detroit were guests with their par- eits, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Denonnnne. St. Joseph and Beaver, Tswn home with his mother in Beavertown for a few weeks. Mr. Joe Sararas.who has been laid up for some time is now fast impro- ving. • DASHWOOD Mr. Percy Kleinstiver of Chicago, spent a few days with hitt parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kleinstiver. Mr. Roy Neb and sister, Mrs. Mos- her of Pigeon, Mich., spent the pat week with their mother, Mrs. i\Iary Neeb. Mrs. S. Adams .of London" spent a few days with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Kraft last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Chesna and fam- ily of .Birmingham, Mich., are spen- ding their vacation with her mother, Mrs. Willert. Mx and MTS. W. Schultz and da - ,i phte,,>_;.Ona of Detroit spent a few days yvith relative: here. Miss Grace Guenther of Kitchener spent the week -end with her brother Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther. Mr. William Maier of Clinton Co. 'Thine, .spent a few days with relati- ves here.. 3VIrs I.ueincla Mcisaac who has be- en visiting in Detroit, returned to hey home. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mclsaac and fstintrly of- eDtroit and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Alfred Geoffrey of, Chatham, and son spent the week -end in Bea- vertown and the surrounding district 1 visiting relatives. . . Mrs. Albert .Burke of Detroit, was a Sunday visitor with her mother in St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Masse and dao ghters of Detroit are on their vao ation for two weeks and aYe enjoy- ing the balmy breezes of Lake Hur- I on at Point Aux Bouleau sct'inmer re- sort. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard 'Cook and daughters of Detroit .and Mrs. Ross Hewette of Windsor, spent. Sunday in Beavertown. Mr. Frank Geoffrey 'left on .Sunday; for Windsor where he will he for fr few months. . Mr. Avila. Ducharxns of the Blue Water south left on SUndayY for Thursday, .Tiny lOtb, .94 Twenty- ive Pounders Roar at Dedication Ceremony . The thunder of gunfire was the crowning point in the dedication ceremony ,which intro- duced the first IS -pounder equipment to the Canadian Forces. From now on these guns will be rolling in a .steady stream from the great gun factory of Sorel Industries Limited at Sorel, P.Q. (No. i).Firing a salvo of 6 new 25 -pounders. (No. 2). K. T. Keller, President of the Chrysler Corporation (U.S.A.) congratulates J. Edouard Simard, Vice -President of Sorel Industries. Mr.. Keller w.•as asked by the Canadian Government to help solve the technical and management problems involved in this great undertaking. So he appointed one of his Vice -Presidents, M. W. Ledyard Mitchell, to act for him. M. Mitchell is shown above (No. 3). Mr. Keller and Imo. D. Mansfield are enjoying the reward of months of work and worry (No. 4). UnNveil ng the new 25 -pounder (No. 5). * . .... .. • PURINA OTIOliVB „. .,... 4.• We carry a ffull line of .P'm'inaia Pro ucts, such as 4. 4- • Startena, Chec-R-Tabs, Hog Chows, Etc., " tc. . + Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made at reasonable &stance ELAM W. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91r20 + .! •S -'r ifr•. ?c•i••k•'r,i'+•€•.q•+ .l••P•i••i' h o •I•ri"+• b° meteesetgP etrieeeeeQisee 5 5 r;$ to 0 0 0 so 5 8 50 to °: 1 Only Westinghouse, Regular O e�_O * g4.50. Bargain Price ...-$ o l g O 2 Only—Coll eld (Sunlite) Regular ' { •, w is 49 52.50.. Bargain Price: ..... $65.t • • : 1 Only—Beatty (Whitecap) washes- p i. ��•,.. �u�r Phi co• Reconditioned, like new, • Sale Price $22.D0 j I� t ® G a � 6 1 Only—Beatty (White caIID OD ,g') bx Ir ' II Reconditioned 5y20.0 �i s , i s irl �t.� r ca �1 rs •A'� ., • 1 dysxly--Easy Action Hand �rvasltier, 1'c et ® I�'• �I 1' t � • slightly used, like new only S.ot3 a ;i{ S e 4 1 Only—Hand Washer $2.O0 till) #�.' ODO tit a itSEE THESE BARGAINS AT ::►i HESS -- CEO -- El.ECTRIC 0 �'J&eviooe nesseemeeeeeeeeseefmeeee. aye ' • er p +<s f • crorp co Iectrio 91 orad Ervin Mclsaac and family of Wind- sw- spent the week -end with their mother Mrs. L. Mcfsaae- r red Hoperoft, HMCS, ocean sea- man,' who is stationed at Halifax its home on leave for two weeks_ Mx. and Mrs. A. E. Oestseicher and Mr.., and Mrs. Vernon Schatz were Sunday -'visitors -With Miss Ella Martinson at Elmira. Fire destroyed the garage of Mr. Jack Wein about a half mile north of Dashwood on Saturday morning: The • fire is -believed to have been caused sparks frying from unc: rneath a kettle where beans were bailing. .Dashwood' Fie :Engine ,was called - and kept tie -'lie from spreading to other buildings.. Master 'Charles Tiernan spent a f'ew holidays with friends in 'Glial inn'' this week. Mr. and ,Mrs. Addison Tiernan en- tertained a number of their friends at the 'Commercial Hotel recently 'in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mer- ner Who were recently married. The evening 'was spent in playing progre- ssive euchre after which Mr. hind Mrs. Horner were called forward and were' presented with a lovely tri -- light floor lamp. Mr. Merner on be- half of his wife, thanked the friends very heartily after which a d'a']itty Iun.clx was served. vice, Mrs. J. Henderson and ,Mr. W.. Alexander introduced the people to Rev. and Mrs. Grant and family_ Lunch was served by the ladies and a social time enjoyed. Rev. Grant, .Who comes from Wroxeter, succeeded. Bev. E. T. Chandler who has been - lpast+or here for eight years and who has oioved to Parkhi'l. KIPPEN NEWS FIENS.ALL M. and 1Vlrsr. Geo. Saundercock of Windsor sepnt a few days %isiting witii Mrs. Annie Saundercock. Mrs. Stan. Tudor and Mrs. Sararas were .at Hamilton a few days last week. Dr. land Mrs. B. A: Campbell and" members of their family of Toronto,.. were at their summer hone here. hr.. Win. Joynt, dentist, who has len on the staff of the Ontario Hos- pital, Ajrillia, has been trans.:arred to. London to perform similar duties. Mrs. Alda 'Simmons is being visit- ed by her sister, Mrs. Woods, of San- �;a aBarbara, Calif. Mrs. Jones (nee Mary Little) of London, was a recent visitor with re- latives herr. Miss 'Goldie Cross, student at AI- sna College, St. Thomas, is spending her vacation with her parent, Mr.. and Mrs. W. B. Ca oss. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson were• recently in Detroit attending a: The W.M.S. of the United church wedding. reset for their' July meeting at the Mr and ri1VIs E. L. MickIe and ;home of Mrs. J. C. Bell with a good. fatuity -ver visitors at Ridgetown ands, attendance. Mrs. Allan Johns't.;n pre- 'Irdeau Park. sided. The topic was taken by Mrs. Mr• and Mrs. Hiscocks who were. 'H. ,MeMurtrie an: the form of ques- recently married at Thorndale are. tions and answers spending the suanmer months with' Mrs. John Cooper had the mister- the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs - tune to get badly scalded on the leg Hunt. .last week with boiling water. Miss .Ada •Gram of Detroit, is ]xoli- Mn and Mrs. Bruce. Walker, of dayisrg with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Hillsgreen visited on Sunday with the 'George Gram. batter's brother, Mr. and 1q.C'rs; John Mr. and ;Mrs. Alonzo Ortwein, of" Cochrane. ]);'iron were ivsit'ors with the foxm- • Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor ;•:tict fair�er'S parents here. 'i'ly of Stratford spent the past week 1 Mr. Lorne Elder of Galt .-sis • a. ,holidaying with relatives tie the vic- i inity. , Mr. and Mrs. John Buth and dau- ghter of Flint, Mich., spent, the. week end with the former's :brothers, Mr. anti' Mrs. E. Butt and Mr. Thomas Tw" rtt. Mrs. N Pybus of London visited 1recentlY her mother, Mrs.. 11. R'aelrei•; Miss Doris Alexander who has spent the past two weeks witht iter parents, returned to her position on London, :lf+fnmlhy, Quite a number from, here enjoy- ed the cooling breezes of the Lake on Scinday f Ind'uetiom Held Induction services for Rev. Grant • rs ;pastor of Kippen and Hillsgreen visitor with his parents here. Mr. card Mrs. Lee'land Willert and'. son Louis, of Zurich were visitors; with Mr and Mrs. Wilson Carlisle... Mr. W. R. Davidson has moved his office and Produce rooms in his new and unproved quarters opposite to the 'former place of business, where k. Davidson and staff can serve the, Many patrons tetter than ever. :Bold Family ,Reunion ; „.., A very pleasant day was spent at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ort - vein on July let when their annual.' fancily reunion was held. Those att. ending from a distance were Mr. and'l Mrs. J. Brinkholt, Kitchener; Mr. M. W. Or'twein, Miss Margaret Billings, IUnited Ohurch charge was held .in and ;Mass Vera MacVicar, London;• b Kippen ip re Uniteand was well attended d Church On Friday ev- Mr and Mrs. W. Schaffer, Kitchener" by mem Mr. and lays. Jas. Paterson gild Mr.. 1 bora of both ehurches. Thu services ants Vis. G. Drysdale and family,. ( was .In charge of Rev. Mair' of Tha- mes Ilensall. ;laughter; Nits, Robert Ilia d and addressed the castor. Lahr of Boswell, Pa:, was' unable .trr Rev. Carrie of Bayfield addressed the attend. Mr. and .Mrs. Oitwein - ars Olat yaw. ' ongregation,- music was provided ;y getting up an v .'s s, he being in his, t 1 •