Zurich Herald, 1941-05-22, Page 6" ZURICH HERALD Y , 31a3' 22nd, 1941 do It E This is ;n la ar for existence, It is war to the death. It is a There caii he no half way—no compromise. It is a war. Money is the fourth arm of the service. Whatever you are called on to pay or to lend, it is that our sons offer. 1.1V it war to win or to lone. to WIN. little compared to the live There have been many and heavy calls upon Canada already. There will be more. Let us face the truth and the truth will make us free. It is freedom we are fighting for, Br.iti spirit that makes life worth living. If we fail, we fall. Be prepared for. sacrifice. Great Britain has set u5 an ex doesn't record. Let us FIGHT! Canada has the resources lives, let us be willing to Presently the Govern The money is her • sh freedom, the freedom of body and ample on a scale of heroic magnificence history . Let us spare nothing. When our soldiers offer their share our livelihood. ment of Canada will call for money. We are spending billions. We are already heavily taxed. But most of these billions and those taxes are being spent in Canada. That money comes back to you. Keep it rolling. Keep putting it back into the war effort, so that 1t may be spent again and again and again until Right prevails and the world is free. MI MI 111 Caiiad4 muSi he que PARTMENT :r O 1 P I N A N C E. O CANADA 42 11. Only 2 gears in entire machine 2. Flexible coupling takes core of all reel positions 3. Eccentric ring controls tooth angle 4. Centrifugal lubrication from reel arm reservoirs 5. Tooth -pairs independently mounted --easily replaced .A. Lifts more --kicks less makes higher, looser windrows See Ike CASE and See /he DIFFERENCE Low .04galer.ALV. N 134414 Zurricii, i none KLQPP'S EM -STOP SERVICE MAR .T ON GAS A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication At Klapp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds of Crease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor.. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25e. Galion Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms.. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Warmer Weather and Better Roads .HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection EARLY BLOOMS vises that front bloom was earlier tills G oar than in any year since 18i15� George doricha nd who liven just y outside Godorich and is one of the where the oherrie were in bloom ore largest Fruit growers 1Yl Huron ad- April 25th. In that year there was a CHICKS FOR SALE "?SES? We Again Have Those HEALTHY., HUSKY w&Irl'E I,EG- I301#,:N CHICKS for you and we invite your tto cone and inspect our stock. Prices Reasonable, Phone 93 r 1''7. Bruce .J. Klopp.' tf2-3 7ITV AaNTED • I1 iiil take a limited number of cattle ea pasture for the season, Ap- ply to S.yiv.. Witmer, Babylon line. FOR SALE 1 AR3'M1.1saS, ATTENTION! • A limited quantity of Prince Ed- ward Island potatoes still on hand, at very attractive prices. A full supply of Coal, Cedar Post., L. C. Shingles, Concentrates, Stock Minerals, Salt, Oils and Fertilizers of a31 brands. Heasall Co -Operative Co. .s�uuvaasn WANTED We wish to advise the public that we are in a position to handle PIGS ready for Market. Give us a caTT for 'further particulars and prices. — General Trucking at Reasonable .ligates. Phone Day or Night: THIEL TRANSPORT 3-l.0 E. Thiel, Phone 155. C. Thiel Ph.1G7 WANTED CASH for Dead Animals and Fox Hrses. Phone 47r15, Reverse all { charges. Zack Williams, Dashwood, R.R.S. -50,39 Zurioli Garage roae and purchase your Aut- mnnoti've Requirements from ?urich's oldest Established garage and Service Station. We can supply all your needs. axpert Automobile repairing, vith the latest testing instrum- nts, Acytelene Welding Tires 3atteries, Oils, Greases and .epahs. IBA Gasoline in three Grades Give Us a Call! IL M USF A.TJ hone: Day 103. Night, 47 f PRODUCE 1 Farm Produce ANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES —FOR -- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm, O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS E Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET' Let Us supply you with the gery Choice of Fresh and Cur - Meets, Bolognas, Sausages, ,always on hand. Kept snow storm and Ice storm May 26th iii tech in Electric Refrigeration which destroyed nearly all the bloom in Goclerich Twp. In the past 45 yrs 1695 and 1943. have been the earliest.. blooms. DIES AT HENSALL Robert Stewart, well-known dist- rict farther, died Friday evening at Byron Sanatorium where he was ad- mitted 14 months ago. He was in his 614th year. Surviving are his widow and a son Douglas; two brothers and three sisters. The fuerat was held on Monday from the residence of his brother, John R. Stewar:, officiated 'by Rev. W. Weir, assisted by Rev. H. Jack, of Sealorth. --t 1, ME LARGEST RESERVE BAL- BOIi ELECTROCUTED 4..NCE Or MAT CANADIAN MUT Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins , Yun utt & Sou INSURANCE extern Farmers' Mutual h!r Ipsul•a; ,le Co. OF WOODSTOCK 'ibluch sympathy is extended to Mr;(JAL COM ON Y tlnl!li;r, BUSINESS and Mrs. Harold IParker, who byes three and a .half :irides east of Hensall on theboundary, in the tragic death of their eldest son Gerald, 7 yrs. of age, who was electrocuted last Fri- day r iday evening when he attempted to pull the lifeless body of his dog from a hydro wire which had faiil'ed when a tree ,fell on the south side e the road by his father's farm. Our 4.000 volts passed through has body. c ,gent also Dealer in I.zghtn. OF ThIS KIND IN ONTARIO :fount of Insurance at Disk on Dec. 31st, 1936, $22,301,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bands $273,613.47. Mates—$4.60 per $1,000 for 3 Years F. KLOPP.-ZURICH Tho bay noticed the dog was dead km RAS P+ici all kind' c,f Fire. by the WOO tree and attempted to , remove alt valets.Ike, was electrocuted. , nsurance