Zurich Herald, 1941-05-22, Page 4PAM 1 l+ 'OUR ZURICH HE1DD_ Theraday. "bila;, r 22a14,, 1941 fi for ACTIVE SERVICE MATES 'OF PAY IN THE RANKS :$130 a per:Day with Board, Lodging, Clothing, .Medical and Dental care wovided. :EXTDRk: (1) Rates waeying�from 2.5etto7750 per day for skilled tradesmen ,While employed. (2) :Dependent Allowances in Cash. There's a place for YOU at the wheel of a roaring tank; behind. a spitting Ack-Ack gun; astride an armoured motorcycle ... and YOU are not the man to hang hack. It's YOUR fight : the weapons are being forged ; the 'way prepared. The call is to ACTION from the minute you step into uniform. You and your PALS are needed NOW. Canada and the Empire, your home, your loved ones, must be protected; get into the fight. The Canadian Active Array requires Hien for Artillery, Engineers, Signals, Armoured Cars, Tanks, Infantry, Transport and Supply, ledical, Ordnance and other branches of the Service. The Army is prepared 'to teach many trades, and to train you to efficiently handle Canada's weapons of war. Go 10 your nearest District Recruiting Office. Find out about these Units; how they work, what they do. See just where •, yi�tt''7l if it in- See where any particular skill you possess can best be utilized. Then join up for tCTION. Apply to Nearest District Recruiting Office or any Local Armoury. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA BAYFIELD URIAL eNT BAYFIELD The 'if;Eaaly elf 'Dr. Arthur Stewart Atkinson, veteran Detroit dentist and one of attyfield's .most protuiinent gunner residents .who died in Detroit was brought here.1or burial, the for - era" being held on Sunday in Trinity .Anglican. church and interment in Mayfield cemetery. Dr. Atkinson was 'widely known in Detroit and was oni 'of the i'iteett,t,<.gudar ; ernmer visitor,, here. Born in e ori. Eng., 72 years age and came to Canada in his youth' Ie grutmate l from is hilaeielphia Den tal College -anti for 4F) yee.rs practis-y 'ed his aiiefession 'in Detroit. In 1890 the was married ;14,k iROQWW.ralii, St. Catharines, \who eielevivee with three eons, D.ortrx'1d :Le .,4ethur, Jo):n all of Detroit. Another :,elle, Dr(.,genet At- kinson, . rpt er, alvtiiecQw4. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr. and Alm ,,eAntcrd Lock and areiiy of Detroit petit the weekeend with the lade•." father, Mr. Frank 4Geofneey of. Beaete• 'Tomes. Mr. and Mrs. ;Salras and 1Y Ir 311aurice 'Denomme left on Monda;1 for Windsor to be. with '•xs. Bache); De/lel-erne their mother who is ser iously i11 at time of writing. Mr. and (Mrs. Vincent Jeffrey o f,i Detroit were Sundav visitor; in thiw ecoinmuisity with their parents. Mr. Joseph Bedard of the Blue 'Water north was confined to his bed a few days last week. Messrs. Lowe and Raymond Den - mine of Drysdale called on Mr. A. if)ucharme on .Sulyday last. Mr. and Mrs.:Ploy Rau of Drys- dale •ri rth, were St, Joseph visitors on Sunday last with Hr. and Mr. Xioininique Jeffrey. iblt,. Gilbert Jeffrey spoit a few *Lays .fast week in L;ondozla vislkng, hor daughter DASHWOOI,) { Born—At St. Joseph" ;Prospitdl,' London, on Sunday May ailtth .to Mr and Mrs. Roland Grenier ,a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mcisaac . and .family of .Windsor spent. the ns& k nd with Mrs. Lucinda Mcisaac Mrs. Luanda •Mclsaae 6:s :spending a few weeks with her sons in Wind- sor and Detroit • -- i of Exeter's new bridge was completed family -:consists of four ,sons and thy() lest Saturday. The flooring is ninety o! imam* (beautiful .gifits and receiived' feet long and thirty feet wide. It daughters, Mrs. Cyrus .Schoch, of : was poured in four strips rimming Zurich .but now of .Sebringville, is! the length of the bridge. A cement past ..5.0 ,years, and was the recipient pier supports the flooring of the a .daughter. j bridge. 'Considerable material has been used in the flooring. It is estim NEW COUNTY CONSTABLE :ated that there were nine carloads of Helmar Snell, chief of police a stone approximately 360 tons; 180 Seaforth, has been appointed a yards of sand and about 2,260 bags :county ,constable to take the position of cement. Three inches of asphalt Mrs. Hamacher is spending a few made vacant by the resignation of well be laid on top of the cement. Constable A. E. Jennings, of Sea The workmen are engaged at present trveel.s with Lo r daughter, , forth. There were 15 applications. It in building furans for the curbing. A Mr. Albert t;riluiong in Lis understood w�e- derstood the choice was betsidewalk will be laid on the west side rt Goeetztz is on the sick list f th brio d 1 1 d will Mrs. Weism j,:..r and daughter Mrs i.oman's and '\ ieses 1Vlaggie and Lo - toe Deiehert ,tilt of New Hamburg ,ietted with relaatieres here on Thur..s- lay. lelr, Alvin Kell, nan is ?laving hie: house which he :rtt ntly purchased wiiwel for Hydr_.o•. The following 'ie, the Red Crors ahiprxeent for the last.emonth: 12 prm.� ;ockiy ;5 sweaters, 2 !helmets, 8 prs. awo vaxi mits, 2 tu3iille deck sweat- ers, weat ers, 4 :s, sea boots, tw:ash cloths, t boys :ebirts, 2 boys Wants, 2 boys .oats, 4 ctiui1ts and a *mete of 26 eieces. Mrs. 'Herold Kellerfnaus ,ice .visiting "friends in i,oronto and Voir tis this week. Mr. and lb.:, Leonard Bern is •, Mrs. azra Bender. '+�Irs. Miles ani'l Roy ;3erader visited Mends in Tomah on lunday. CENERA[ NEWS en Mr. :Snell and Constable Westlake o• a xa ge an sp la guar s wi at .Grand Bend, formerly of Gorrie separate the sidewalk from the road - The position pays $1200 a year, pills way. Eleven pillars are to be erected 3.690 csx .allowance. M.e. Snell was on along the east and west side and el- .Seaforth Police force for 10 years. ectric standards will be erected .at either end. ---Exeter Times -Advocate. TO GET INSTRUCTIONS OVER THE TOP C V...Piekard of Exeter, census :commissioner for the electoral dist . Huron County event over the top riot of Hunou-Perth, will turn school and raised $28,529.00 in the Huron master during the month of May. War Services campaign, the execu- Comudasis>rier 'Packard will conduct tive committee learned at a meet'in'g classes sof instruction for the 43 odd in Clinton. The amount raised is $8, - enumerators who will work in this 529.00 over the quota, or 142 per et. electoral district ;to gather informa- of the money asked. Some municipal - tion for ;the Dominion -wide census ities went far over the top while which gets ;lander •a',,ay on June 2nd, others did not, quite come up to their Prospective ,enumerators are now quota. Included in the produce don - being seiectted but before they can ations Agric. Rep., James C. Shearer be officially appointed they must who was in charge said, were apples, .first IWO e;pifinations, vegetables, ograin, field beans, wood YOUR COLD? A C.iERM'S loads of hay, cow hides, fence posts, "GHOST" May Cavaie It puppies, goats, pigs, calves, 'scrap Science reports, at last, :on the iron, ,cutlery, fowl, eggs, baby chicks file and books. Following is how the causes o e9k1s and gees dove to the rotord shows fol+ this distmiet, borderline ateelf, studying a il:range Municipality Quota Amt. -sub. :>xew world, where live the viru,, , or: %Iay 1,280.00 '61.1., Celebrates 91st) yrthda,' ranisons, (not germs, but maybe trieir ttante Ile 876 00 77 86182 y p Hensall e .oldest lady, M. ivlag- i'ilen:r, Lindenfeld, celebrated her 'let bi.ithday at her home +r fere on Jednesday last with the member's of •cit fan lily bring preeent. She was urn in Baden and has igen a highi'' respected citizen of .Hensall for the navy ,callel'.1 during the day. Hex 1 "spanks"), which give us diseases Stephen Twp. +.. 1,250.00 771.53 like influenza and many puzzling,, Tuckersmi'th Tp, 800.00 1,0`28..(5 f but .deadly, afflictions, Se=e this fea-,rs;borne Pp. 850.00 703.851 tune article in The American WeUJ Clinton 1,000.00 1252,5131 with the May 25 issue of The Detroit; &aforth n00.00 15550.33 Sunday Times. Winghatn 1,000,00 2070.00 ttceter , . .t ....• 1,000.00 1.762.40 Getxs011 +, ..., ,D.QQi 668ifl0. NEW FLOOR it Roaring of fort;tjnt for ith flooring A +4..e++++++++++++++++++++++++++.10++++4.+++++4'4.+4 4: 3 4. •b "We Recomendall! a- And SELL the Best'? 1:i„ 7 S 4. 4-- v. ...+++++++++++++++++++++++++ .:•q•+.',"..1.++++++++++++++++++++. PURIN C We carry a full lime of Purina Products, such as Startena, Chec-R-Tabs, -o' Chows, Etc., ' Etc. Fresh.Shipment Every Monty. Deliveries made atreasonAle distance ELAM W.. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91x20 easaaewaaaavasayeatass • 0 0 0 0 0 9 i facAy--' lreotinghousel, R.:egaal,rcr 0 0 0 ea 00E'0000 raw^ 01710e0eai3ia eeeseteme S. .earl %,~r`asher Bar.ain 94.5.0_ 'Bargain. Price ....:fitiu.f?xrb 2 Only—Ci ffiela (Sunlite) Regular 62.50., Bargain Price ., a $65. • 61, • • 0 • • 0 0 0 0 • • • 0 1� so 0 •• a ® ! (a1 0 � Wil" � i��• t 1 Only—Beatty (White seta' 4 > ' i .r ' ' � ' 911,1 @¢ ..H 0 Reconditioned ........ $2e. 4 r_• ��, f 0. .k k. nl+• a. 1 Okily--Easy Action Hasid washer, iso , slightly. Wised; like new aonlg .ilfl �}'. i.... d • ' •-. p 1 Drab,+--'cl' and• Washer 2.00 0+ • • a- 0 •' • a seize 6•pilieees•®0••*•*00*0141119 gibe eesseseeeteoessati•e•L 1 Only—Beatty (Whitecap.) + ashen ff ecu.,acRtixrred;,Slee• ».e117+„ Sale Price• ........ _ $;=:00 • .• m 0 e SEE THESE BARGAINS AT HESS -- . `: i� TO ELECTRIC 41101' KiltA*4104.4 A DURO) Firessure• Water er System will' do the same for you;. if that problem be Zack of running water and sanitary conveniences. iii your home_ Outside Pumps. atad, toilets belong to the past. In. every home running water should be .available at the turn of faucet. Likewise, al modern i mco Bathroom is necessary for the health and happiness of your family. A modern a Duro Water Supp System m will furnish the water and make it possible to install an, Emco Bathroom,. The Duro Special: Systeme capacity 250 gals. per hour, complete with 25 gaol:. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only.. ... $ 86.00 For a lovely bathroom, as illustrated, the EMVICO Built-in Bath, Shower Toilet and Lavatory with trimmings costs only... _$137$4.04' (Sil and, ixo,n ,pipe arta fittings extra) Other CopleteCompleteBathroomom .equipment as low as...; $ .50 Duro Water Stipp • Systems are styled for dependable - life -long service.. Thousands of satisfied users prove their - worth. They can be supplied far Gasoline Engine operation.. Can be purchased under our Easy Payinent Plan. ST.ADE and WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. PIRt ;BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED toedon Hamilton Toronto Sudbury. Winnipeg Vancouver