Zurich Herald, 1941-04-17, Page 44.4.+++4.++++4.+F++1+'
4. tors/ v.-.
W• ecomend - FEED And SELL the Best"4.
* .1.
.4,.. We carry a full line of Purina Products, such as
,7.,-• Startena, Chec-R-Tabs, Hog Chows, Etc., Etc,
it Fresh Shipment. Every Monday. Deliveries made 1:
at reasonable distance
i ELAM W. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91r20 1:
.1.++++++++++++++++++++.1 -4.4.4.+.1.•:•++4-H-:.4-:,+++++.:•++++++++++
unievs 14 HICKS
Call 97 r 11, Hensall, for good Chicks for 1941
Hatchery is located 4 miles north of Zurich.
J. E. McKINLEY, Zurich, Ontario
tO 94.50. Bargain Price. ....$69.00
2 Only—Coffield (Sunlit) Regular
• 82.50. Bargain Price .... $65.03
• 1 Only—Beatty (Whitecap) washer
• Reconditioned, like new,
Sale Price $22.00
Only—Beatty (White cup) •
• •
• Reconditioned $20.00
elb Only—Easy Action Hand washer,
IR •
• slightly used, like new only $8.00
• $2.00 dill
Only—Hand Washer •
• •
al ains
1 Only—Westinghouse, Regular
• AZ.6650000903,0Q1600006•114104906**D0111110•060111119•1100.011•00
allayor of Goderich, who is Treasurer
of the Huron County War Strvices
The teacher of the Hay allot' -Stan-
ley sehoole have gone to their resp-
ective -homes for the Easter vacation
And the childree are enjoying theie
Seeding has commenced in time
Finity and eome are nearly finished, it
ie n very early seeding and came in
'with a rusle ;Re,: it was noe looked for
.no soon.
Mr. and Mrs, Otto Stephan'spent
.4.n. day ih London ocently.
The Hillsgreen quilting circle rea-
Ried the sum of e14,y dollars and
..lifty cents, from the quit which the
sold tickets on. The proceeds were
/agent to the War Victim's e.nid.
Mrs. D, Moser and son Lorne of
Iltratford '17/sited on Suncley with
ter sister, Mr, sand Mrs. Wm, Davld-1
lviary Hagan' kd London, is!
Tese4f.4-.0: 1-ee Hstere .110$8 Doily Ragan
.2•14 brother Prank,
it. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mr. Frank Jeffrey left 'on Satur-
day last for 'Windsor, where he will
epend a few week.
Mrs. Leon Jeffrey who ;has been
living in Chatham end Windsor for
the winter months, returned to her
home in Beavertoin eel Saturday
Mr. and Nis's. Joe Masse and fam-
ily and Mx. mad Mrs. ,Cyril Masse all
of Detroit epent 'the week -end in
this neighborlond and with relatives.
Mr. and IVers. George Ducharirre of
the Goshen -north., .weee $t. Joseph
visitors on Sunday last -With the foe-
neer's parents.
Mr. Napoleem Jr., and the Misses
Doris and Eva Contin eel Detndit,
I? spent Sunday IliVith 'their Iracrerits,'in.
St. Joseph.
Mr. Cyril Dnrharrne and Denetlict
.Bedard of Vrindsar spent the week -
lend with their parents on the 13lue
Water Highway.
Mr, Emanuel Sazaras motored to'
Netchener on &Wadley last.
"Mr. Lawrence Jellieey of 'Windsor
spent Sunday in the ViCbilty.
l!Iliss Marguerite Ducherene (of Aeon. -
don es spending a few :lis underthe
pareutal roof.
Mr. and Mrs. DotnIrfffpne Jeffrey,.
have Irecently moved in faeir new:
home j. St. Joseph. 'Go,.1
Mr. and ,Mre. Cliver jaquee and
Dorothy spent the •week -end with the
fonner's sisterMr. and Mrs. S. Dow -
ere of Sunshine:.
Miss Etta Jetrott is spending the
vacation with Iwo. mother, Mrs, X.
M,r, and Mrs. S. laird of Londote
spent the week -end with the latter's
father, Mr. R. J. Cooper.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Homey and Miss
I. Ferguson visited on Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, E, Heldman
of Elimville.
Miss Isabelle Alexander of Shed -i
don is spending the vacation with hell
parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Alexandee
Miss oime Pybus of London, vire
ted over the week -end with he.
grandmother M.
II, Ricker
Thatedaye April,.17th, 1941
Bray Chicks
Order Them Through
Phone 91. r 20, Zurich.
Huron County Agricultural RePres-
entative, in charge of the popular
cash or produce feature of the Hur-
on War Services campaign now in
Dr. and Mrs. G. Jarrott of Strat-
ford visited on Sunday with the
former's mother, Mrs. K. Jarrott.
Miss Doris Alexander of London,
spent the week -end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs W. Alexander.
Misses Kate and Dora .Dalyrurnple,
of Stratford spent the week -end with
their father, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dalyl-
Miss Margaret Cooper of Toronto
spent :the week -end with her mother,
Mrs. W. Cooper.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor and fam-
ily of Stratford spent. the 'week -end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dins -
Seeding has begun in this vicinity
A number of friends from this
vicinity attended the funeral ,of the
late Mrs. John Parke in Hensall on
Saturday. Mrs. Parke at one time re-
sided with her late husbanereeeoeine
farm now occupied by their soiellr
and Mrs.. Clarence Parke. It is only
a few weeks since Mrs. Parke waas
ifee" eesr
. at Iectst, thcit's what
his £olks think... he went
over with that hard -rock
mining outfit in the engi-
neers seems like only
yesterday he was a kid
spending holidays here...
now he's in the -middle of
the big fight.
Wel/ do our part too . . .
Remember ---when Victory is
won your d.oliczs come back to
you with compound interest.
The moxe you. save and lend,
the better ior Canada NOW—
the bet±er for you 'THEN.
PalinPlu%a eWar Savisgs Comnuttee, 01D6W4
r .
calling en many of her former neigh
heartfelt sympathy of this commini- Betty Taylor of London spent Eas- HENSALL sgessiee ,eurlira a musical. program.
mock wedding.
bors and friends around here. The hotel this winter left last week.
ones. ' Chas. Steinhagen. Thos. Dickton, 'who has been con- Ed. was followed by a :Little° .0 f St. Catharines spent
ity is extended to the sorrowling ter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
We are pleased to report that Mi Mrs. Sellery of Seaforth and Mur- fined to his room for somem °Mils, 1 a few days with his mother, Mrs..
Ed. Stela is much improved in health ray Wolfe of Fort Erie spent Easter as a result of a fall, sufferai a Week &Thu Little and other friends.
confined to,
Mrs. Sam Hey spent a few days in with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Wolfe. ng visited by his daughter, Mrs. ll and continues quite ill. He is be- The many friends of A. 'L. Cease
London at Easter time. Mr. and Mr. Bach and Theo. Luft iregret to hear that he is
his mom owing to illness. _
1VIr. Lliyd Jeffrey returned to his of Kitchener 'spent Easter Sunday Geo. Glenn.
Mr. Bob Drysdale left for Chathm aOheeles, infant son of Mr. and Mrs,
home .from Kitchener! where he has with Rev. and Mrs. Luft. where he will spend' four monthsE. L. Mickle, returned home after.
spent the past few weeks employed. Mr. and Mrs.. Archie Bender and training with the Canadian army.
being reonfiend to the Sick Childrens
He is now helping hiS father with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zimmer of Tor-
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Jones of Cram Hospital in London recently owing ta
the sending. .
here. ill:110s
onto spent Easter with their parents arty were visitors at the home of her -
abeth :and .Mr.. 'Wm. Finlay visited re- Mrs. E. Flynn of London was a A parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett. Mr. George TOuglas and daughter,
minstrel show istieing prepared Miss Irene, returned to their home
Mr. and Mrs Harold Finlay, Ells -
here after spending the winter mon-
The WMS is being held Wednes- E rre....-- - -
Sunday visitor with her aunt, Mrs. by local talent and will be presented
in the town hall here and at Zurich, the in London. .
latives at Kincardine and vicinity.
Miss Mae Schwalm of London, is
Varna. A public dance will be herd atthe in the course of a month., Sam Rennie
day evening at the parsonage inviSiting with her .parents; Mr. and
. Coeee.e.,,... ,,Locei. on Thursday even - musical director; is cTirectingthenturs-
es allre. Peter Schwalm.
Mr. Elmore McBride is an smiles, ing, April 17th. Good music will be ical end, and Benson: Stoneman
Mr. Joseph Hagan, who has spent
congratullethensl The Red Cross shipment for last pianist. For a number of years pasa
the Wm" ter months in Florida, return -
a little girl is beighening their home, provided. •
- a ininStrel 'show has been presented
ed home last week.
spent a few days with her aunt and sweaters, 2 turtle neck sweaters, 2 ved a .big success.
month consisted of 20 pr. ,soces, 41in the. Spring here and always pro-
-Bab Drysdale, who has been train, -
Miss 1VIalgaret Love, Parr Line, _
t .
uncle, Mr. 'and Mrs. Roy McBride. pr..,Sea bootS, 4 pr. two way mitts, 3 . • Addresses Institute, ing with 'the lieserve army aChath--
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sparks visited pr. straight mitts, 1 pr. half mitts, am, visited with his parents, Mr. andlitts, 4 Mrs- James Paterson and Mrs G. liihrs. G. M. Drysdale a few days.
with, Mrs. IVIanson. . Wash cloths, 4 large quilts, 1 small
M. Drysdale were hostesses fin"
Miisses Mae and Helen McNaugh-.
Mr. Arthur March :meeting of the Finlayson, teacher of quilt, 5 dresses, 5 blazers, 1 child'r the -
ton of Toronto were recent visitors.
Blake !Punt School is holidaying dress and 1 layette .donatted by King- .Senror Wem-
with the former's brother, Lorne an&
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Daughters' and Princess Pats S. S. en's Institate with Miss. Beryl Pfaff
'f Peter IvicNangliton. 1
Finlayson,eteaT Xippen during the 001. . presiding. Following the singing ,
The town hall, Hensall, was pack-.
Class of the Evangelical Sunday sell -
Easter week. L.11 e Institute Ode "The OId Rugged
Mrs.' Melia Fisoher who has been •CrQs'''' wassang. 'The
_ roll call was
eation. of the l3lake school concert,
od Saturday eve. last for the present-.
_ DASHWOOD Tuesday . for Sarnia.
in London foe some- tirne left on ' answered with your favorite radio
eeogram. The motto, Behavior 18 a which was a decided success. The ree-
Mi./T01` in which everyone shows his piis all
''''' itahly in the - numerous songs, dialo-
took their parts most Crede.
Miss Antionette tiler of London
puipit'in the Evangelical church last ents, Mr. anl Mrs. Joseph Ziler 14
par- image, was very ably given by .6.
'Rev. Weir of Hensalleoccupied the spent, Easter, holidays with her
Tuesday evening, Passion week. oor2e Claude Blowes. A pleasant feature of gues, jokes, skits, etc., and their tea,
Mrs. Towers of Toronto, is visit- the eVening was the presentation of
credit -for his capable leadership.
cher, Arthur Finlayson deserves much:
ing her daughter, Mr.. and Mrs. Er- Tr. Ben Price was taken to St a bank book to Shirley Loraine, in-
Vh. (Gmenther. Joseph's Hospital, London, in Harry fast daughter of Mr. and Bars. Erre
Mrs. Bareliffe of Clinton „spent a gaff m an's ambulance rest week, est Doerr. Miss Beryl Pfaff :read the GENERAL NES
few days with her mother, Mrs. Mer- Miss Oneeda. Restemever, R.N. of address and made the presentation.
ner. London spent Easter with her par- The demonstration on part staging
Miss !Laura Currie of 1 Clarksburg, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer. was given by Sam. Rennie.
W,sebingttin --- Sites, have been .sel-
visited wleth her brother .and sister -in Miss Grace Kellerman of Toronto T. C..Joynt has bean confined to
sufrerinit i toted ,for a, stiing of Canadian air:
law, Mr. and Mrs. Spenule, Currie is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harold his room for several days
i leas, stretching through Britiale Coll.;. -
over Easter. Kellerman, from a, severe cold.
umbla from the United States to Al
with :friends here.
Mr. A. Phillips - of Deterrit spen't Mr. and airs. Harry Cook of Win- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd of
dian minister, disclosed. He aid theme
aelca, Leighton McCarthy; the Cana -
Mr. A.
Mason and friend of Pal- dear spent Sunday with Mr. and IVIre Toronto were 'visitors with her' par-
merston spent Good Pride, ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smillie and
now are, about 1,100 t.Tnited Statee:
dsor visited here ,over Go: irwirlillahyi: 4D:er:Trinali"eorn'atKfecil7; 'ser.sPelid:rsiTneho°ft. London,
mother, Mrs. Edith .Mason. Clayton Wildfong of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shepherd.
in lithe Royal Canadian Air Force.,
(citizens who have enlisted in Canadae
Mr. and .Mrs, Wm. Smith or Win-, London were Sunday visitors with in Scott Memorial Hospit al,Seaforth,
John Craig wha has been quite ill
Mrs. • R. Baker retutned home 'With
sas Zimperoiteverde!o he could return to
them. ' visited With her parents liege on Tu -
Annie spent Easter ,veth P.
and MTS. Taylor and daughteKc Mrs. Dora Stadelbauer and family his gran'IParents, Mr- and Ms, J.of London were Easter Sunday vis-
esday. ' London, was .a recent visitor with
W. iOrtwein.
Lloyd Ortwein of the RCAF in
.e • Jerry .Drummond of the RCAF' of
st, Marys was calling on Mends in
towu "e"titmlversary. •
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Smillie were
visiting with friends in Sarnia.
left last_wseelinc'4!°17 with her Parents, me, and yen
P. „Kraft.
Lorne Kleinstiver
for Bowmanville where ha ;has see. A, fieautiful and impressive Easter
tired work.
Mre, Garvey and sort Itonnie are was given in the 333veatigeltel ellarch
Mr.and Mrs, Harold cantata entitled "The Great Light"
vent E•4,ster with friends in Fergsl, t')°a-elikeiSnhrhdya(Illy°:Arisn.Y111:1;1117: TulyoanlatIllan; hitiffitrbdeieerre:
jelle, and lqra.
)40 Pondiain8Gtitrh(1,Cv
d111erw1A1111,°11:11:17:1 11.°eastr;Saaaeff'r)raauGseTti.6•
Divorce is intreasing in Ontario,
according to statistics issued by the
/Provincial Secretary's Departmentat
Queen's Park indicate .that 1940 saw
more lames broken up through do-
e:nestic difficulties. than ever before
in the !wistory of the province. Over
the last five years, hearly 4,000 cou-
ples, feoin various stages of life,have
pleasantly surprised at the home of 'decided they "just couldn't make a,
their son Clarence, when about 40j go of it" any longer. Here are some
tinoe,triorbo6r; tahnetilr f8riehridlsvefigdaintrretincIvivit.1, fisgu4; tlepese 81,9,87469, .5119,4; r019171,2 (301171; 1109318p;
ettary. ihe home was beautifully there were only 3,5 divore 3s granted.
illeCOOd0(1, in.tei 400'07 After Pro- tnan Canada,.