Zurich Herald, 1941-04-10, Page 6ursday, A. Qtit, U' 41 PLAN FREE FREIGHT ttawa The Agricultural Depart - out announced on offer of the Do- xIon Government to pay half the oat of moving 8,000,000 bushels of _eed .grain from Port Arthur of Fort William to farmers in Ontario, (ne- u, mid the Maritimes, if the provin- noitel governments affected agree to sa ,the balance of the irreg? t char. and arrange, :for shipments. WORLD WIDE WAR on — Belled in the possibility 10, of a world-wide conflagration involv- ing an attempted German invasion of Britain timed with thrusts at Suo7 and Gibraltar and a Japanese thrust et Singapore increased .among dis- plomatic and military authorities. Possibly invasion of this island re- mains' the No. Ii consideration ;in dis- succions of a possible Pan of .grand- iose proportions to seize at one swoop three of the world's most stragic positions—Gibraltar, Suez and Sing- apore—while the German aunty and , air force try to break Britain. HAVE YOU PAINS CALLOUSES OR CRAMPS AT OR NEAR WHERE FINGER POINTS DR. SCHOLL'S representative from Toronto will be in our store On TUESDAY EVENING, APR. 15, 6 to 10 o'clock This man is thoroughly trained in the scientific methods of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, internationally famous Foot Authority, who, for almost a third -century has been alleviating human foot suffering throughout the entire world. Come in for Pedo-graph imprints of your stockinged feet. Learn how the proper Dr. Scholl Foot Comfort Appliance or Remedy can relieve your particular foot trouble. ED. J. DATARS Shoe Merchant Zurich THOMAS PRYDE Of Exeter is given convenor for the Huron County War Services Camp- tign now in progress. URGE PURCHASE NOW The Ontario Dept. of Agriculture ' is encouraging farmers to purchase certified seed potatoes NOW, 'before much of the present available stock has been sold for table purposes. Many growers will require a change of .seed. This is specially true in Western Ontario where continued wet weather ruined many potato crops last fall. There should be no delay, the Dept. cautions, in arrang- ing for seed potato supplies. Agri- cultural Representatives in every county have a list of growers who expect to have a surplus of certified seed potatoes for sale. BUTTER SHORTAGE FEARED Toronto—The Concentrated Milk Producers, Association of Ontario in a resolution opposed importation of oleomargarine said "there may be a grave scarcity of butter in the win- ter of 1942" because provincial bonus and premiums for hig hscoring cheese may make it "more profitable to the pasic producer in Ontario to manu- facture his milk into cheese instead. of butter." The resolution continu- ed: "Some industries are desirous of manufactured or importing oleomarg- arine into Canada and will undoubt- edly be ready to take .advantage of any situation that would assist in in- fluencing public opinion in favor of vegetable fats as a substitute for butter in Canada.." "In many lands this year belts are silent --mars are dimmed ... " RT. HON. W. L. MACKENZIE KING: It is your privilege to attend the church of your choice ... to worship as your conscience wills. A Nati world means the end of the church you love. It means compulsion to accept a form of worship prescribed by political dictators. In the words of the Prime Minister, "When we speak of the preservation o£, . democracy, of Christianity and of civih- zation, we use no idle words the existence of all three is at stake." Freedom of worship is one of the price - lets privilegisr that all Canadians enjoy. That dearir.bought right is in jeopardy. Therefore we mutt all unite in supporting; Canada's war effort in older to preserve this Freedom. Keep M.p YOUR PLEDGEE. Increase Your Regular Investments ns WAR SAYINGS CERTIFICATES Retne,sber—•In iddarinn to your pledged amautat—. you can bar extra War Savhgta C.rNfleatot troth your Bial rest Office of Bink. or curves from the War Saving. Comatttee, Ottawa, Poblisbid ky Mt raw UMW Cewsrit by OlMaw Nave You Dea G..'ci*o4eVJ LET'S MAKE IT A WHI' ; . ''IND FI ISH! (The Boys Rely on the Folks Back Home") Thousands of firms and individuals, in all parts of Canada, have respond- ed magnificently to this Six -in -One Appeal. But there ate other thousands equally ready to help. You may be one who has still to be heard from. This is an appeal to every Cana- dian who has been overlooked. We wish for every Canadian, at home, an opportunity to support our men in uniform. The Fund is now well on the way to its objective. That objective definitely can be reamed, probably exceeded. For the sake of "The Boys", let's finish it with a bang that will raise resounding cheers from Coast to Coast! How You Can Help If you have not yet been called on by a War Services worker, and if you have not yet sent in your sub- scription, make up your mind NOW what you are going to do, and do it TO -DAY! Fill in the coupon below and mail it to your Provin- cial Headquarters at the address shown. If you know of some friends who have also been overlooked, get them to do the same. The form is self explanatory4 Simply check on the left in the appropriate place, and if you enclose a remittance, make it payable to Canadian War Services Fund. An official receipt will be sent you by return mail. Every Dollar Does its Joh" Remember—all monies contributed to the Canadian War Services Fund will be divided in accordance with government -approved budgets, amongst the six organizations em- braced mbraced in this campaign. A non-profit corporation with let- ters patent from the Dominion Government is your guarantee that every dollar that you subscribe will be properly applied to provide com- fort, cheer, recreation and needed personal services to our fighting forces—services not provided in any other way. Your contr;ibaa,tiorsa is urgently needed! •MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY1 1 Provincial Headquarters, Canadian War Services Fund, PROVINCIAL HEADQUARTERS, c.ANAOIAN WAR SERVICES FUND. ROOM 101, 200 BAY ST., TORONTO, ONT Cheque O Enclosed is <Money Order} for Postal note as my crootribodioa to your Funds O Please send me in duplicate official pledge card providing for instalment ,payments, which I undertake to complete and return, subscribing all told the sum -.,. Name (Mr., Mrs., or Miss) Street Address u.rPlw11111•0 City, Town, Village or R.R Telephone (if you have one) Al* FM THE ONLY NATIONAL APPEAL FOR OUR MEN IN UNIFORM ANNUAL REPORT Womens` Institute FOR 1940-41 and Historical Research, dwelling mainly on Hay Township:41r. Victor Dinnin spoke on education rand health centred on children of sc:-ooz age. Dr. Annie Ross of Blyth gave an genteel to members for the new -borne impressive talk on the Baltic Sea babaee,, and treats, flowers and earths . dwelling particularly on 'Vinland. were ;sent to gut in members an+ • Once again the loom of time has Splendid papers were given by sev otfie2,s in the community. woven another year of Institute work eral of the members, Mrs. Merano Tinto history and we are standing OescTrt ,spoke err Canadian ltmmiliors latter We amore indeed sorry to lose can upon the threshold of a new year. giving several poems. iVlzs, Warm s"f1 ' nye-nl�err, Mrs. Andersema'. With pride we look back over the Fritz and Mrs. ;3:nhn Turkheim spoke but what ix'°tar loss is another's gain_ on famous music composers. Mrs. Edw.. Gaseho gave a paper on Relief. Mrs. Mack, the local leader or the care of clotting project presented some excellent ideas of a practical and efficient ,clothes closet. Another interesting 'feature was a display of 'Chinese artielkest given by Miss McGowan of Myth, who has done Missionary work in China. A Thomas : '1way Rome, with toys an& also :made a donation to the Institute; . Ward are the Wer Memorial Hospital.. Several Baby Bank Books were pre Years that lie behind up to the pres- ent time. From so small a beginning we have become world wide in our work, and our organization is looked upon by all other .organizations as one tlust has aceomplished much,. and can,,be depended upon to assist in all work pertaining to Home and Country and the uplift of humanity. The possibilities of the Women's Institute are simply boun.clicss, and it gives me joy indeed to recall to quiz proyiare on the Institute Hand our minds some of the inspiring act- Bock conducted by Mrs. I -h ,r ,vasa ivities that have been cr;rrierl in in real htdp to nag—eel—tit us better with our branch during; the riesi year. We the by-laws of our Institution. "Mier have a membership of 2R moi+:lm art y ee• we entertained Hansell and average attendance of 81 and we Ct ee.li.ton Institutes and they ler Ovid-' h Td nine meeting.. A real benefit 34.z. rc? an en;yoa:able program, these .acct- e.ened from the adrive es ,p;:ven iSybegs rriTt►rd us a. splendid opportunity Our Institute would not be complete without the boys and girls of our community and we do appreciate thee. part; they take in our meetings, also rhe numbers contributed by older: mergers; of the community. The war I work carried on by the Institutes is truly gratifying, and this year we were responsible for making a quilt, eeliiavg tickets on it and presenting,' moving *Anne of the Royal Visit, the prooee:ds ,west'e donated rto the Red- Cross. ed-Crors. If a 'Women's Institute lives en- tirely to itself, it cannot become pct'--, nranent in itself. That fact is just as true as the verse `Fla who livefh' to himself elir.th." Play Heine and Canada he the: high ideal of our In» e;:rT ;a l'di lxoffer i ttfmi;l the iirrl elves closet together instetute to -clay gave an interesting :talk on two cliff-, env werk.g At Christmas time we re- Stitu.te tp iy. I3eatrfce Mans oreimt ��Jubaects. CanadianIntlu.etsaes:,i rr.4 xabered ieerphau thikdren•, at alae Se