Zurich Herald, 1941-04-03, Page 4MRIC1, f.. HERALD
YO,IYit .
riluesday, April ta, 190
&/.torgefi yew ere'
McKin1ey's CHICKS
Call 97 r 11, Hensall, for good Chicks for 1941
Hatchery is located 4 miles north of Zurich.
J. E. McKINLEY, Zurich, Ontario
•ti+b000ss•••••••••••t••••••• •••••••••*••••••••••••••r•:
2 Only—Coffield i(Susaliite) Regular
82.50. Bargain .Price 4405:00 ate"__- ,'-tea •
•i ds•sisri•••••:•• 40.40 04414..•R+a-01)e/p4iditi +l6.rd 04900i1.s,V41000
Electric Washer
1 Only Westinglmame itegutar
94.50. Bargain Price ....$:69.00
1 Only—Beatty (Whitecap) washer
Reconditioned, like new,
Sale Price $22.00
1 Only ---Beatty (White cap)
Reconditioned $20.00
1 O Iy—Easy Action Hand washer,
slightly used, like new only $8.00
Only—Hand Washer. $2.00
While the spring season rE
, Y
r hstilllotaround
tY here to stay, there isa thsaE' pant, is M. Charlie Ran
:(veld weather and much ice on the and 13i11 Denomme who butchered a
take, which always seems to kecp the i four hundred pound pi;,, rendered
ear colder. The :snow and fee is prtte 1 the lard and made 'fifty petrn.ds of f
�f 11Y 4I1 lone POW and rho land is learnMer e .usage iza tries• and t( hale
drying up nicely.
Talkin • :;,bout smart butchers 41 -
g t
Phone 123
hours. Anybody in need of such
butchers, they are -ready for service.
Mrs. Robt. Hoperoft who has been
visiting here for the past week has
returned to her home in Port Col-
Mm'. and Mrs. Sidney Baker spent
the week -end with friends in Windsom
Mrs. C. Guenther who spent the win-
ter there returned home with them.
Mrs. Currie spent the week -end
with friends in Meaford.
Messrs Campbell McLagan and
Donald Oestreicher of London Med-
ical School spent the week -end with
Mr. and .Mrs. A. E. Oestrercreer.
Mr. Sant Gottschalk of Hensall,
called on. friends here on Tuesday
Mr. Thos. Hoperoft has purchaser)
the property of the late Mr. Georg:
Mr. C. Watts has purchased the
property of the late Morenz Estate.
Mr, and Mrs, 1?arteliff of Clinton,
spentSunday with relatives here.
Mrs. Graybiel is confined to her
:bed through Hines. Her sous Oliver
of Toronto and Wilber of Woodstock
were called home on Sunday owing
to her illness. We trope for a speedy
Mrs. Icln:11a neater who has been
in London for some time has return-
ed home and will leave shortly for
Sarnia. •
Mr. and Mas. Henry Hoffman and
Mr. and Nes. M. 'Tiernan wear: Sun-•
day visitors ht Kitchener.
The choir of the Evangelical
church under the leadership sof Mas,
M. Tiernan are preparing an Easter
Cantata entitled "The Great Light".
which will be presented on Easter
Sunday. Mr. X E.. O;estreicher •will,
Ta'eside at the own.
Mt..and Mrs. Tlaw:s. Dinsmore, son
Jim and Mrs. Douglas attended the
funeral of 'the latter's brother-in-law
at'Stra1 troy on Sunday:
Misses Aare Mildred arid Kath-
leen Hey ,of London, spent Thurs-
day at the .home of their parents, liar
and Mrs, Samuel Hey.
'We Fere Pleased to report that Mr.:
Edward IStelcic, who has been very
ill is somewhat Improved. He has
been taking treatments each week at
Mr. and Mrs. fot,Ald Turner and
son Douglas
crP Loudon, n d0 w1�� .,
rl, this
vicinity during the week.
Mr. 'Edmund Swrrrtzcnttrul�nr our
los 1 store keeper t k greet -
p. 1✓la,�c x� t,Y'te.�
pg his cuetorners with a broad stalk'
1heie :care A yoanee son ilrt yGd to,
J,+ "We Recomend
We carry a full line of Purina Products, such. as
1 Startena, Chec-R-Tabs, Hog Chows, Etc., Etc.
Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries rnacde
at reasonable distance
t ELAM W. SHANTZ Phone, Zurich 91.r20.
And SELL the Best"
•..;..;..;. ; p,;.vr,i..l..p.y++ +++ +++d• i•+.p..;..;».; •i+++ •8•'r,,a.; ..A,+.; ti ee +.,.,i..i•4--ree
brighten their home.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Finlay and
Elizabeth and Mr. W. N. Finlay vis-
ited the latter's sisters rn London,
one day during the week.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Block of
Zurich are, at present staying with
Mr. Sam•McBHde.
)lis Eulene Jeffrey of London,
ti;rsrted her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Jeffrey recently.
Diecd---In North Battieford, Sask.
the death oceurred of Mr. Alex. For-
rest, a thresher at bete time.
Mrs. Watson of ,Londesboro visited
recently with her daughter, Mr. and
Mss. 3. Sinclair.
Quite a•'nnanber fromthis vicinity
atteeded the funeral of the rate Mrs
W. H. 3ohiston formerly of Kippen
in Exeter on Tuesday—The symp-
athy of 'many Ivppen friends is ex-
tnded to Mr. Johnston and the faan-
Mr. ate i' Mrs. W. Horne, and Miss
Irina Ferguson and Mx. A, Gackstet-
ter visited .on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Westlake,' near Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph Ferguson and
family of Chieelhurst visited onSun-
deer with Mr ;and. Mrs. Are-tte Par-
Mr. and Mrs.' E. A. Westlake were
recent visitors with relatives in St.
Mrs. 'Ernest Helen of Farmington,
Mich., is visiting her parents, clZr.'
and Mrs. David Dewar.
Harold �co* clnerof Toronto, s
ent the week-ercd with M. and 1%4318;
Robt. Seotehmer.
itIrs, Percy .Weeteit and Mrs, Lloyd
1Vlakins ,have returned home after
haliinee spertt the past. fee0 weeks ink.
;Of Farm, ''arm .Stock and lmple-
;lMt,nts; on Lot 13, Con. .a, Hay
'Township. 114 mi'les •ryesk oi' Hen
.salt nod two miles saute, or
.A.'t -.1 p.m. Sharp
11'O'13Sgs---i'Belgian Mare, G 'yrs,
gold; .1 -.Belgian Horse, rising 4 yeai:•s;
,1. Grey gorse, -,rising ti yeses old; 1.
,General Pierpt ?e :Mare rising seven
years old.
CATTLE-. l 'blue Cow, fresh; 1
Hereford (ow, due June 15th; 1.
Red Cow due lune 20th;`2 3 -year-old
,Steers, 1,288 :lbs; 4 2 yeareeld Steers;:.
4. 2 -year-old Heifers; 2 1 -year-old
Steers, 1 Roan Calf.
PIGS, HENS, ETC ;-1 Sow with
'9 pigs 3 weeks "old; 1 fat Sow; 25
Bock Hens; '2 'Geese, 2 Ducks.
TMPLETr ] T'11S .— 1 10-20 Mc--
' Corn ick -kering Tractor in A-1
shape; 2 -farrow tractor plow; Stiff -
tooth cultivator; Frost ez Wood bin-
der; been :sculDer and puller, Cock-
shtte t:ortaixer drill, 11 -hoe; I,H.C.
n; .,wnure 5preaded {new); steel rot- .,
•lee f3 -drum); 1 mower; sulky rake,
•:•section !harrows, circular saw (ste-
el frame); scuffier, cutting box, sap
:parr, turnip drill, cream separator;
'Massey Harris grain grinder with.
steed jack, ;et of sleighs, flat rack,
'hag rack, ntoneboat, Wheelbarrow,
;root ltzilper, :set of scales, buggy,.
fir, 150 feet hay rope, pulleys,
';sling ropes, sling chain, uertc. 2 o it
;barrels, extension ladder 32 -ft pump
'for gas barrel, fanning mill, scythe,
;Hoes, shovels, forks, Whiffletrees,
'Neckyoices, net of single _larness,
'plow harness, 200 bushels oats.
, F-d,.Tl M.-- !140 acres of grass land,.
Lot 11, Con. 5, .Hay Township, run-
ning water (spring creek) .
TERwi.: --Chattels—Cash. On Pro-
perty--Made known on clay of Sade..
Mrs. Armour Todd, !Proprietress.
Harahi .Sackson, Auctioneer.
Mrs..John Taylor and famrty have
moved into tee residence on the
highway recently vacated by Walter
r hai.rbure.
Milton iartwein of London . was a.
visitor with .his parents, Mr. and Mrs~
.i. w erretrain:
Miss.1eari Harpole of London..
Evisitesl tatith her mother, Mrs. (Grace
ll and Men. Stcre spent a few
days in Toronto.
Miss Kay Dry-sda;a of Sarnia, was.
a week -end guest at tde home of her•
parents, d11lr_ • and Mrs. G. M. Drys-
' • The 54th anniversary of St. Paul's:
• Anglean Church will be held Sune
lolly, June Sth, Special services at.
11 a.m. and a p.m. There will be.
special speakers for the occasion.
Fire Damages Home
The 'large brick residence of Mn.
'Mark Drysdale was severely dam-
aged iby fire lase Thursday after -
110f131. Mrs. Drysdale was sewing down.
stairs en ;her home wheat site heard.
what she took to be a door slamming
upstairs, and upon investigating
found snaolce pouring from. the .antic.
The Hensel' fire brigade was quickly
on the scene, but despite their efforts
the roof of the residence was almost
completely destroyed.
Biggar, Sask., awl the Canada West. M►urm 1tVillert
Major E. Watson, Field, Secaetary
of the Ontario Division of the Red Tint marriage was solemnized by
Cross Society, is speaking at an v R.A. Brook at the United:
open meeting of the Bayfield Beseech Church manse on Saturday at `2.30.
on • Wednesday Marele 2..5tiie pan. of brace Emmeline, daughter of
'e1r .and Mrs. .Art Willert of Dash -
Dies at Clinton. - wood and Edward Louis Menne, song,
The death ocerium i inn Clinton of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wurm, Hen-.
Community Hospital on Match 13, of said. The bride -chose a street length.
Sarah Ann cEweudaughter ghter oft.
he .frock of romance rose crepe with:
late Joseph and :Elizabeth McCuiita lee accessories and wore a corsage
ugh, after an ilinms of a few weeks of taliarnau roses. The bridesmaid
resulting from a fall when she sus- Feiss l:..a,Ltr Wurrn, sister of the
tained a fractured hip, The late 'Mss groom, wore a street length dress .or
McEwen or. Jamey as she was fi au1- air force bine crepe with rose recces-
irarly known was born in Liverpool sories :and corsage of tea roses. The,
England 1.806 and was brought to groom was attended by Ray Camp -
this country as .a ,baby. The family hell of lbteter. Following the cereen•
first * settling in Montreal, moving any a wedding dinner was served to
the minediate relatives of tee bride
and groom at the home of the groe
em's parents Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
fi Viiu era.
later the young couple left
amid showers of confetti and best:
wishes on a motor trip to Hamiilton,.,
St. Catharines and Niagara Fai:7:s..
Late Thomas Dickson
A. highly respected resident of
11errsall passed away at his home on
"Mardi 24th LTi the person of Thomas',
Dickson :in his 80th year following a..
lengthy illness. The deceased had
been. a resident of Hensen fora num-k :
her of years, moving here from Seat-
•i:Crart€r, where he lived for many yeara
'He also spent some time in North
l altot<a. •J. a Was a friend to all, waas
hate and hearty and about town ev-
ery day until he had eusrnrrune 'to.
fall 'while canting on a neighbor last.
july and leas been bedfast 'ever since
He was s staunch Liberal, taking a'
!keen interest in the meetings and
later to 'Goderich Where her gxrl!frood
was spent, then coming to Bayfield
50 years ago. Surs'Mng, are three
brothers, Joseph; Sam and Fred of
the village and a sister, Mrrs. Chas.
Knuckey of Toronto. The funeral
service was held Sunday afternoon,
last, from her late residence, inter-
ment in Hayfield cemetery. The serv-
ices fn charge of Rev. J. Graham:.
Herb and Donald Hogarth of LOO
dote visited recently with therr par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hogaortie,
Mrs. Catharine Hedden, who lis:
spent the winter in Hamilton anet St
Catharines, visited in town.
Ed. Little of St. Catharines visited
with, his mother, lltr•s. Mary Little atad
aunt, Mrs. Meidinger.
Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins were
recent visitors with 'their son-hedaw ` election s, and was u, member of the
and daughter in London, Mr. 'and 'united Church. Surviving 44r.> two.
f, , t, o•
Mrs. Larne 11ynn daughters; Mrs. Sohn Shepherd
Mrs. Marjorie Sparks 'who has Mrs. George Glenn. A private !truer-.
spt :ut the past three lnoefhs in Lon a:l was 'held from the:, late reiidenct:..
don, returned to her Ittrete here re cnnt'lue'ted by ;Rev, R. A. l;rook. In-
ttielenneelit in VIecTlaggart's ec>tneter .