Zurich Herald, 1940-07-18, Page 8pct malni • 'adnc ' s 1 LA )11 „S D;r, ; ES ':*, In Dotted S9hrin 'Voiles in p stay shades of Blue and Wine at $ 1.110 each LADIES Silk Dresce , in new Styles, floral designs at 2.59 •each. GIRLS' SLACKS i s Zest color, Zero shrunk cloth, 1:a ay L i Lite ane, t•s'hn. Priced t;rarn 1.19 to 1.69 pair. New Volt Hate, Fine crinis, Work Shirts, Every - ting in Underwear; Fine Trousers; Made-to••Meas- u:,.e Smits,. Sweater Coats, St a w Hats, Etc. • GROCERY SPECIALS Sugar crisp corn flakes 3 for 20c 17c i9c 25c Coffee, per lb 30c Super Suds with bowl ....25c Cookies, per lb. 15c Canned Corn, per tin 10c Chocolate Cookies, per lb. 3:.31o, 4 for Sodas, 2 lbs. for We have seed corn, sorghum, Mangel and turnip seed for sale at lowest prices PRODUCE WANTED PHONE a 1 sura ' e es ARE LOWER FOR 1940 Special Low Rates for Farmers Living on Township , Roads Special Advance Allowance for Winter Storage on Farmers' Cars. Rates and Partticulars Given without Obligation Andvew F. Hess, Local Representative a g_zarlen Zurich tII1110111111111111010,I 1,111111111 ZURICH . HERALD 11111 111111 1011 I 111(11111111111111111110111111111111111111111 Illi 11111111 1101111111111111111141111101"' • �... m rt., 1'•.3k.Is X-i?Js. '41,.}i..t,.:tw,`. .s�i. .�:f .��'.".. +'. a+; .,:".'`�".+'K'sT-'.?vx, HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult Us. And be sure it is the faanous Frost Fence! F Aaatianaa 'MIME . . . . for long 4Je, Comae in and see our stock of Prost Farm Fence .. the finest we've eves had. Heavily galvanized by aptaiai Frost procec s. Wears for a lifetime_ We can quote you attractive prices. TIGHT • S 1.001 ZINC BONDED ud.uIrt FROST '..w,. sir SAVES YOU MONEY I_ PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin. -Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord in all sizes Furniture, Springs and Beds. Mattresses Plumbing', Furnace Work, EvetroughIng and Tins ith ing our Specialty, full line of heavy and. shelf 1 -lard ware always in stock, 'T'ires and Tubes IFelt and Marshall 1 14 S rocier3r 25c /3c 27c As, sweet mixed, 27 -oz, jar 25c Japan tea siftings per lb. ,35c Blue Boll coffee, per lb. ........_• 35c Paper towels 150 to roll, each 15c Minute tapioca, with pyrex glass, 2 pl<_gs. 25c Oesr Lunen EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 Sweet corn, 3 cans Cream cheese, per lb. Sodas, 2 lbs. ,J1ll1(iI( j'tQJi ll1111lli1i0i1 i+t' s4 Miss Rose Albrecht wha has had a position at !Grand Bend, has return- ed home. Mr. Master Ray McAlister of Clinton is spending a few wee::s holi days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Desjardiine. Mr,. Dan Thiel of Waterloo is ,pending a week with her sister -in - taw, Mrs. .George Thiel, also visiting Alter relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jacolbe and on Laird; Miss Pearl Pfile and Miss -'oinayne Geiger motored to Listo- we11 on Sunday, visiting with rel - Ayes. :Dr. and Mrs. P. J. ,O'Dwyer and f'anzily have returned home after :pending a pleasant two wee_ .s vee - :Ilion at the summer resort near Wil- berforce, Ont. The farmers are about through with the haying •crop and a lot of fine hay was taken in this summer. Friends and relatives of Mrs. Fred Witwer who had been staying • with ier daughter, MTS. Daniel Koehler of Kitchener, were sorry to hear of her -leach. -Mrs. Witwer had reached the •gc of 82 years. The burial took place on Monday afternoon at Exet- er cemetry. Mrs. Herb Mousseau, recently en- tertained the ladies of St. Peter's Lutheran Women's 1\Ii sionary So- ciety to a delightful social evening at her horse. Contests and informal conversation made the evening very pleasant. The guests were invited into the dining room where Miss Nor- ma Mousseau assisted by her friend _Miss iMray Merner, served a very hearty and enioya'ale repast. The president, -,A7 ;2. Deiehert, thanked Mrs. Mousseau for her kind- ness and hospitality. IIII 11. J1_111111111111111411110111 IIME�Cli(il�i�ilf—,—I<Cf1fi_ii( il`i'•' "i, ` ipl' ge The printer alwa:s makes mistakes and when he does; there is no hiding or getting out of it. In a recent issue i.iiaitting, up the a:iituaty of the late John Plaxbird, unintentionally the name of one slater, Mrs. Henry How- ald of town was omitted, we had this name included in, the copy, but somehow did not get it into typw. Then in the mention rg of a laa. a,,. coa .in•, two daughters, a brother Fred of men going to the Pinery for the of Stephen.. week -end we ori ti tl Fari Thiel and J. W. Merner, but incladed Edw. Gascho, who was not la the party. Mostly everybody* mekea little mis- takes like this daily, end nobody iF any the wiser. but wh: n the printer ir•'-ns them the ::t•,•.,.: out like the great pyramids of Laia !(t. DIES AT GRAND D :,ND i1'Lrs. Alice Love, ‘. i, e or Joan Love Grand Bend poatiaaiaaa died on !Monday at the home of her son, Wm Stephen Twp. She wu • in her 79th year and had been ill for three mon- ths.. Formerly Miss Alice Turnbull, she was the lasst survivor of a fam- ily of seven children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turnbull. She was (born in Hay Towndhip and for many years lived with her husband on a farm in Stephen Twp. larlor to mov- ing to the Bend. Surviving are her husband three sons and eight grand- children. ZURiCH QUALITY PRICE NT SERVICE 9 y,, ,pt, t'3� ^yt'%}^1uOI 'rip # ai THIEL'S HAI DRESSING Visit Our Salon for your MID -SUMMER SPECIALS Let us quote you on the very best and latest Permanents, that are pleas- ing and satisfactory and that will give you personality. Hairdressing Salon at rear of Store. For appoint- ments call us by phone 102, Zurich. MRS. FRED THIELE, Proprietress Block and BORN at Zurich on July 8th, to Mr. Mrs. Gordon Block, a son. 4--,f Misses Kathleen Itay, Alpha Mey- ers and Ruth Church are this week attending the religious summer camp near Paris. Do You OBSERVE or Merely See? In the American Weekly, with July 21 issue of The Detrtio Sunday Times you'll find 140 quest}ons to enable you to find out Exactly how observ- ant you are—,an instructive, enter- taining feature by Judith P. Chase, well-known quiz expert. Be sure to get The Detroit Sunday Times. HAVE MANY BLANKETS Blankets Contributed to the Cana- dian Red Cron; Society dnrina its recent appeal have not been sent to Fran;ce,as they ..could not take a chance of them not falling into Ger- man hands; The first shipment hal been: authorized before the French armistice, abut were diverted to Env- lanrlwhere they (will be stored un+il ,,n'ri.,d. The remaining., about '60,000 will be held in Canada. 4--� DIES AT EXETER One of Exeter's oldest residents died at his home Mnndey in the per - Con of .Strx'ren J. Hogarth, who was in his.84tli year, was a resurent of Stephen Township until his retire- ment . to Exeter ' 20 years raTo. 56 years ago he married Ahnira White- r.,,i4 who enavives him. also two sons Victor of Exeter and Gifford of Wis- STRUCK EY CA0Z Struck by a passing car as he stood on the shoulder of the Blue Water Highway, two miles south or: Bayfield late Sunday night, Kenneth Stirling .t6 -yr. -old Stanley Township, is in Clinton !Hospital suffering trom con• cession and severe lacerations to an Cut his condition is hita.roving 1 is not in danges, The Stir'inv er• had run out of gas and Kennethhad v:arted out on foot to the near- est service station when two automo- biles traveling in opposite directions - awe; iotas vine "'she fender of one driven ,by John Denomme of near Zurich, who told Traffic Officer Webb t'• :t he was blinded by anpro,;^!ring lights, struck the boy and hurled him into the air. The lad was found lying in the ditch, unconscious, taken to a farm and a doctor called. lie wa•; later removed to hospital. De:.iomme topped his car after t -lar, iteilr..ct anti ie.ndeted assistance, He was not held, 4r F a anomeemomommasommsailR 1`. 'Thursday, J tilxr 181.1, 'q,}9 &.i iiaD401..a.v :.µ s •, 11 VP 1..e4, '4'4. •,, Fun ae ` ;� pu err, YOUR SEASON'S RroEQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of both Shelf and Heavv Staple Hardware: Stoves, Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices FURNITURE + . See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites oil A Full Line of all the Home . Requirements 4. Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest i in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc.. .p 4 4r 4 4, �k • Hardware Furniture. Phone 6 +4 44.44++++++2404 �&4h4Ca$'50fi•CMrd..;.. ++••t%•r44•s..e+,9:++•'4,-�i„} SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the more conservative purchaser we can save you many a dollar as we have a fine assortment of Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you big value for your Money. Drop in and look these over and get our Remarkable Low Prices• Johnston & Kaid.eise Hensall Codicil Minutes The regular meeting •of the village .ouncil was held Monday eve last at 71 pan. in the council chamber with all members present. ln'ttes of pre• •pious meeting read and rdoptca. Thos Kyle reported the wo;l: done in the Inst month, also the borrowing of 10 girds of gravel from 0. Twitchell, rleo asked about a neer flag pole and ,ome protection for the bell rope, same to be looked after. The Reeve reported re painting the town hall. Correspondence read and filed. Dept,. of Unemployment relief, county tree- asurer, E. Stapleton, Tuckersmith council, Pedlar People, county clerk, Ivey and Logan, D. E. Hames, Liq- uor Control Board, Attorney General Dept. of Highways, Mrs. E. Cornell Imperial Oil Ltd., Mark, McLeod Tew. The clerk reported re the Hed- 1en case in division c vrt aoso pre - 'enter.' the financial report for the first 'siz months of the year. Bills and accounts read as follows: Bon - ,throe. Drysdale supplies $21.86; Roy Weber, supplies $6.25; Imperial Oil read *Al, $813.85; Pedlar Peopie signs, 7.40; H. T. Cudmore, gravel!, 7.50; Jno. Zuefle plants 95c; Root. Middleton, supplies $1; Municipa' World Ltd 1.53; G. R. Hess $45; Orville Twitchell, supplies F.D. 4.5C Hensal Hydro 5.16; E. Willard tru- cking ng stre t e s $2; W. Otter'bein, labs, re streets $5.20; 't Ripler do 5.80 • Roy Todd 6.80; L, Hudson $6; F. f'ta:s 2.80: E. Fairburn 6.'10, 11 Love 80c; G. M. Case teaming strs 1$8; C. Smillie teaming 0.20; W. Da Ibuslabor 4.60; Thos Kyle, salary $55; J. A. }Patterson, salary and pos- tage $1:1.3,00. Total $1,142.05, Mot that the bills and accounts as 'read be paid and that we adjourn Ito (nett again Aug. 12th at 8 p.m.—. r A. Paterson, , L "es s n Clerk, Jam , rprr,- ay. msam smaserre __. Dead and Philied PAMPIS REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. zammaismaans(=Eaaamsamonzena- do. 4•44.4a•444.4.4.4-1.4.4++++4.4÷ - •dy 4.4.+ref..•+9+....a...x.4'+.;'++++.;.++44.;,, 4 t i 4. 4. h.y oay ent! Let Us Discuss with you the New Way of Owning Your Own Home on Easy Monthly Payments. Call . in and see uor new type of BLOCK FLOOR PHONE a.� At a Very 69 Low Price. YL1L �E•E•�i•Jk.F•%r.rr�••�•1•�•€•�•,1.a...:r•:•.�.=r•&.{,h• v.t..;..i. r,..�..5+•`r•.••. •i•3..z.g..;:. ase eaaan BREAD actually supplies one-quarter of the food energy of Canadians .'.. is in large part responsible for their high national health record. A'rich'source of carbohydrates, bread is the best, and, cheapest form of human fuel. The modern loaf, includ- ing milk in its formula, is also an important source of protein, equal to meat in building and repairing mus- cular energy. health t o meet to- day's vital far energy a t For the necessary gy n day's .emergencies -•eat plenty of bread with each meal! YOUR BRUER'S SKULL, scientific equipment—and the finest ingredients --give you a loaf unsur- passed in wholesomeness and delicious flavor. ECKEL'S BAKERY r, Zurich Pam "moi g 4 4.2 8 .r, • 8