Zurich Herald, 1940-05-30, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Subject to certain exemptions, the Foreign Ex-
change Acquisition Order requires every resident
of Canada who had any foreign currency or foreign
currency deposit in his possession, ownership or
control on May 1st, 1940, regardless of amount, to
sell the sane to an Authorized Dealer (chartered
bank) on or before May 31st, 1940.
"(,''mess an extension has been granted by the
Board, any resident who has not complied with
the terns of the Order on or before May 31st,
1940, will be in default and subject to the penalties
provided in the Order. •
The Order does not require the sale of foreign
Further information and particulars may -be
obtained from any branch of a chartered bank.
On Sale Now!
if: eh
as k
_4 direct obligation of the Dominion of Canada
"Since the inemento e day of last September, hundreds
of theyeands Cha Canadians haat. been asking themselves,
`l, , ..-n 1 do to 'help win the war?,
'Cate answer is, .q, sarin.; :' Every man, woman and
child in the Doinmion can now snake a direct and con-
tinuing contri:nitiorl to Canada's war effort by saving
not only his dollars, Int al, o his nickels, dimes and
quarter, to bay Canada's 55
War Savings Certixica e.a lsv1a
wa,R SAVLNGS CERTIFICATES.. repayable in
w e ,.-R •a a=e,.ew e, ar n.. -• -
crease by 25%. They are sold as follows:—
ollows:For a 55 certificate you pay 54
For 'a 510 certificate you pay 58
For a 525 certificate you pay 520
For •a 550 certificate you pay 540
For a 5100 certificate you pay 580
'TO FIT AMY BUDGET: You can take advantage of this
patriotic and profitable savings plan, whether your savings
are measured in dollars or in occasional nickels, dimes and
quarters. Canada's War Savings Certificates are expressly
designed to appeal to the man or woman of modest means
who cannot afford to subscribe to war bonds of larger
denominations, •but who -desires to do something tangible to
assist the Country's war effort.
CHILDREN TOO: Even children can purchase War
Savings Certificates, using their coppers, nickels and dimes
to buy War Savings Stamps at 25c each. Sixteen of these
stamps *111 'buy •one $5. Certificate.
DEVELOP THE SAVING .HABIT: You can purchase as
many War -Savings Certificates as you like, up to $500 ma-
turity value .in :any calendar year. Buy them when you wish
—• buy the= soften. Remember, systematic saving is success-
ful saving — and Tour Country needs your money.
REGISTRATION: ..Banti War Savings Certificate is regis-
tered in one 'name «n1y, and -is not transferable.
REDEMPTION 'F?V.aar;Savings Certificates cannot be called
for redemption .,by it'he tGiaveralrnent prior to their date of
maturity. The &swarma, .tiroweuer,, has the option, after six
months, of ne nendi g Hits Teerlificates for cash at fixed re-
demption vaelnes. In \.urgent cases, advance notice will be
Get your War Sa5oeings
Certificates or Stamp maria
today. Your ,employer 'will
gladly arrange t•a marks
weekly deductiarre:Irmo your
wages to boy Warr $a zings
Cotopiete in formatrir n-,artd.application. Jornes at
Automobile Insurance
Tariff and non -tariff rates gladly
quoted without obligation. Special
rates to .all farmers plus 20%' dila-
count (advance winter storage rates)'
Except residents on paved highways
Farmers' preferred risks 5-10 P. L.
1-M. rate $9. yearly. Let the insur-
ance Company do the worrying should
you be unfortunate enough to be in-
volved in a liability claim. Do not
wait until you have had an accident.
3. W. HABERER, Zurieh a,
brother Louie has come from North
I)•akoto to visit him. There also are
four surviving sisters, 'Miss Far.ani
of Goderich; Mrs. Win, Johnstone of
Bayfield l Mrs. Antoine Reese and
Mrs. Herman Kaupp, of St. Louis,
Missouri. Services were held in St.
Peter's Church at Goderich, with itt-
terment in Colborne 11. C. Cemetery i
Late Mrs. Frank Weeks
Thursday morning, May 9th, the
death of Mrs. Frank Weekes came as
a shock to the community. She : has
not been in good health for some,
time, but became worse with the a-.
hove mentioned results, lassing+a-
way without an outward sign or Catr-
uggle. Mrs. Weekes before marriage I.
was Rashel Beatty, daughter of the and::
late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beatty
was born on .the Beatty farm adjae-
ent the village of Varna 71. years a:.
go, assisted in Beatty Bros.' store'fer
several years and had she lived till
May 24th they would have celelirat
ed their 30th wedding anniversrv.
Deceased was a very capable eeW-
Retic woman and possessed racy
sterling qualities, and an active,e-
iuiber of St. John's Anglican .ehtt ch,
a valued member of the W A ° of
which she was secret*:ry for ruobut �r
40 yeare. Surviving are her husbaand r' .
and a sister (Annie)) of Listo .ell,1
and a -brother Mr. George Beatty of!
Varna. Five brothers and • a ister
predeceased. The funeral was held to
the Anglican church and Rev ,'ohn I
Graham officiated, interment taming
place in Bayfield cemetery.
In Police Court
Born --To Mr. and .airs. Elgin
Merner, nee (Helen Luft) on Mon-
day, May 27th the gift of a daugete
(Joyce Anna Louise.).
Mr. Van Dyke of Tavistock i=
visiting with his daughter Mrs.
Mr. Ernest Stire of Detroit ea sacci
on relatives here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frecl Westlake :tnd,,
son Stewart and daughter Mar; ory
of Listowel, - visited- with :Idr. and
1VIrs. Thos. Hoperoft op. Friday a4th
Mrs. Westlake is a' .sister of lii's.
Miss Ph llis Reid of Thedford,
"111\7fi. an rs. rank tuorenz acid
daughters of Detroit visited with re-
latives here, also attending the fun-
eral of his mother, the late Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Rdbt. Hoperol't and
son Robert Jr., Mr. and firs. Mar-
tin Auger and daughter Mrs. Thos.
O'Neil of Humberstone and Mr. and
Mrs. Graham Arthur of Exeter and
Fred Hoperoft of Mitchell, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Hoperoft.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mclsaac and
family of Windsor, spent the week-
end with Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac:
Mr. and Mrs. Hoag motored to
Listowel on .Sunday.
Lightning struck the farm house of
Garnet Wildfong last week, causing
considerable damage: The bolt struck
an elm tree near the house shattering
all the windows an. the wert -side
and also striking telephone and 1$ydro
poles shattering them ;for .some dis-
tance and disrupting .services ; at
many homes. Windows were also
broken in .the Name of Hilton t Ford
sfarmer residing near the Wildfong
Quite a number from here attend-
ed a Red Cross meeting in Crediton
on Monday.
A number froan the W.M.S. mem-
bers are attending the W.M.S. 'Con-
vention in Milverton this week.
Late Mrs. Morenz
Mrs. Elizabeth ,Schilbe, ,Monna,
widow of the late Adolph Morenz
died at her home here on Friday'May
24th, just three weeks after the
death of her husband. Her husband
who was a noted gardner died, in his
91st year. Mrs. Morenz, after live
weeks illness died in her 84th year,
Mrs. Morenz had been a resident in
ashwood for the past 33 years, and
previously had lived in Hay ttownship
and Seaforth. 'She was a native of
Baden Ont. Surviving are -five sons
Albert of Stephen, Edward Frank,
and Wm. ofi)ashwood and ',Lottis
off Dashwood; three daughters;''Anna
and Catherine of Detroit; and Mrs.
Edith Mason of Dashwood Abei
Schilbe of Kitchener is- a .brother:
A. private funeral was held At the
home on Sunday -at 2 p.m. followed
by a public service in the tLttL'theran
church at 2.30 o'clock. Interment
took place in the Lutheran cemetery
on the Bron -son line, Rev. T. Luft,
Pte; Donald 'Walker of Toronto
was a recent visitor with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker.
Mils Ray Drysdale was a recent
:lsitor with air. and Mrs. (l, Gould,
Clicton. .
Nil Mildred Mallick, Il Y., of Lon-
lon, is holidaying with her parents,
\•r. and Mrs. Goo, Follick.
Miss 'Murray ,has returned to her
halve in Lpndon, after visiting Miss
Mattie Suelberlaand.
own baby or to 1seep her own room
tidy, Although the doctor had pron-
1birty-yeir-old Mrs. Salome. 'Cole., ounceil her in excellent physical con-
Ittnssian-born .deaf mute, who already iAzs• ;.Richard Jas 3 ks, stalwart son
leas three convictions against her for
the. Wholesale-sit.ashing of dishes a all
of the ,matron, adrnitded in his evid-
ence that he was unaittlke to handle the
window panes of her home, wail ori s husky 'l1Irs. Cole. • Wm. Drennan
guilty to theft 4)1' a copper
Thursday, jn •{lati.trich police cour'x fire extinl ul%her from Glen Campbell
;sent to ,sail for two .months for as:a-
*tlting Mrs, JacObr, manager and
'tnatron. of Huron County Home of
'which accused rias ,bbon an inmate
/tor some months. Tho leaest outbreak
.• Salornia who has bafi1'lld authorit-
ies .for three years, ewinre Ana May 20
fernier, ibu ;lis brother, heaves, joint-
ly accused, said "not guilty,
Late August Wild
August "Wild, 7ti, resident of God -
:when she objected to :t wer'a.°.:a attr•n• <•rieh. died last week in London Hos-
dant i ( the. instittrlie?_1 Est.•.. �' i`. "1 end.hi.' fifs,r. tl!? e+1 to
4 l'u'#1 tut rn+a ia:. Pao. li in h
I .t xla . .4111 of Joa,•lrh and Freda
his k1e) .Wild, defended farmed in
North Dakota for many yt,aar;;, ,nov-
ingr to Goderich in 1982 to retire. Ile
had beezr ill for 4trvera.t y'e it's
the y -ith-,tyre rf+a;, t...
IT:a.Car;f tilt' r'n9't' roe. -1 eaon`trated
with lig,,. sa,. sl..,,,,...1 t.h• matron"..
face t:t.; ice. Mrs. Jacobs said that Sal-
" .Fra o, was lazy—toe lazy to bathe her
ilrraday, May '80t1i, 1940
A E Johnston �4 I(aThf]eij ch -� Z iT t
um's ,;.' A.4 `9'I ss,��,^d �de..y .(Ce a Wit l''"lift 3ety . ld; tkf'a r
sail WilaSEF
alta ?lkir ia.
irkiiiiiiit.t.itr igen...:.=. ...a-nk .:•AaYrar'a trza�6¢atsr:wn?3'u-P eitrrx�rsrYie,xi/g2rarr37s.''INat
c q
\ \ i 9 1 , ,
I \'''"\ firiP
et hi3� �t
initen, La" un-
athr c i an urns
A. DURO Pressuve Water System will furnish an ample supply of water under
pressure to all parts of your home and farm. Without running water,
sanitary conveniences and modern facilities, so essential to health and happi-
ness, are not available to your family. '
The cost of. EMCO Bathroom, Kitchen and Laundry fixtures and fittings is
very reasonable and can be spread over a period of time -under, our Easy .
Payment Plan.
EMCO products are modernly finished, of high. quality, and -will give years.
of satisfactory service.
A THREE-PIECE EMCO BATHROOM—Tub on Legs, Toilet and Wail
Lavatory with all Trimmings can be purchased for, as little as._._.. $ 83.90'
(Soil and iron pipe and fittings extra)
THE DURO SPECIAL PUMP. shown above, has a capacity of 250
gals. per hour. With 25 gaL Galvanized Tank and 2S or 60 cycle
Motor, it costs only
STADE and WEIDO - Zurich
$ 86.00
Mrs. Harold Shepherd of Toronto
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Smillie.
'Miss Irene Hoggarth was a visitor
with Mr. and .Mrs. ICirk Hutton and
Rev. W. A. Young and Mrs. Young
in Fergus.
Thos Shaddick is somewhat impro-
ved after his recent illness and was
able to return home from the hosp-
Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Harding of Lon-
don was a recent visitor with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Corbett. i
Mrs. Tied Taman of Listowel spent]
the week -end with her parents, Mr. .
and Mrs. Chas. McDonnell.
Mr. A. L. Case is having his dwell-
ing .redecorated' outside.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Laughton of
Toronto were. Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. McDonelI.
Miss Mildred Follick g'i•adttaitect t,1
a registered nurse at Victoria Hospi-
tal, London, last week. Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Follick, her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. lad. McQueen and daughter Elva
attended the graduation exorcise,.
Raised $98.00
The members of the Marathon
Bridge Club were vera r' nn•t.ly
entertained at the home of '.,a_,,. (1')r)
Steam Wed. eve Itt t. '1"1,,,r., ••.vr•1,. 21;
h,,; ,eill minty 1.1fit li;'l a.."1
served by the hostess. tip to date the
bridge dub hes raised 593.0{) for
Red Cross work; The president: is
Miss Emma Johnston and Miss Katie
Scotus treasurer,
aMMiesemosiessei omp a unreNfN•NONMRM
Salt! Salt!
All Farmers requiring Salt should leave their orders
with us no later than May 20th. Bring your empty
bags, or leave your order before the proposed Tax
is put on Salt,._ Act Now!
We have an up-to-date Seed Cleaning Equipment
that we use for Custom Cleaning, and invvity the:.
Farmers who have seed to dean to arrange with, us
for this Work.
A Cuaranteen Product that will greatly Iiel'i your
Stock and Poultry to Vgor and Production, which
will mean greater Profits. Try it!
iee. Receives (s '?s:
Thar home Of Mr. and Mrs. (flans
McLeanwas the dotting on Saturday
avening for .a delightful ovenrng when
tiro 4 hisei1mi'st Hockey Club Diet and
Son I
rntecl P,t.
f1re 1'i,.C.It., Toronto, a lovely wrist!
watch. Pte Chipchase, a .navtive alt
Thorndaie, is wellelmotire iiia
trict baying boon here for, a.ale tirlta