Zurich Herald, 1940-02-15, Page 3Hitler's Yacht Detained Them In Mid -Ocean ieheaasee Boris Lindholm, Erne Karlssau, and Helmer Gustayson (L. to R.) of - /leers aboard the Finnish freighter, Siggy, arriving in New York, told how they had been halted in mid-Atlantic by Adolf Hitler's personal yacht, the Azico Grille, TOP, and ordered to Stettin, Germany, where ey were held for twenty-one days. They said the Azico Grille has 'been turned oVer• to the navy and Outfitted as a raider. initiernwer1 ave You Ream The talesman stopped at the house and asked the lady if he could interest her husband in an electric razor. "He alight be interested in your razor," she remarked, "for he dnaves close onto once a year." "Shaves once a year!" echoed fie salesman. "I never heard of aanything like it." - 'he lady nodded. "He used to slave twice a year," she drawled. "But that was when we had lady Dodgers." -0--- "You promised to be good," said the another reproachfully. "I know," said the small boy; "hut it was only a Hitler promise." -o- ne foreman of a gang of rail- way linen had more than his share of Irish wit'. One day he was walking along his section of the line when he Amid one of his men fast asleep in the shade of a hedge. Eyeing the lean with a smile, he said: "Slope on, ye idle spalpeon, elope 4)11. So long as ye slape ye've Fort a job, but when ye wake up we're cut of work." -0- "I'm sure you'll forgive me, nay dear," said the expansive WORMER Se her guest, "if I go on with limy knitting while you are talking. Then 1 shan't fed 1'mm wasting nmy time." -0- :Even in these days economy can lee overdone. If you doubt it, lis- ten to the Rev. E. Streete, Vicar ,of Ashford, Middlesex, England. Here's his appeal from the pulpit the other Sunday: "I have no objection to buttons being put in the offertory plate, but please do not take them off the hassocks." "'What's the the fundamental difference between a man and is woman?" "A man will pay $2 for a $li . article he wants, while a woman will pay $1 fora $2 article she doesn't want." Letters For Hitler Taken Frrom Mails Three letters addressed to Ad- olf Hitler have been removed from airmails travelling from the Unit- ed States to Europe by way of Bermuda, censorship officials dis- closed. The chief censor would not re- veal their contents, They were ad- dressed, respectively, to "Herr Ad- olph," "Chancellor Hitler," and "Fuehrer." HEALTH TOPICS ACID STOMACH A MYTH Acid stomach is largely a myth and calls for rearrangement of Iiving habits rather than the use of alkaline preparations, according to Prof. Chester M. Jones of Har- vard Medical school. 'Hyperacidity," he said in a Lec- ture, "usually is only a supposed chemical disorder of the stomach" and taking medicine is not the way to attack the fundamental cause, which •is "usually one of improper dietary or living habits." -0- A NATIONAL OBJECTIVE "Education is the most potent weapon in the campaign of pre- vention of ill health arising from faulty or defective diet and nu- trition." Pointing this out to a large audience in Toronto, Hon. /an Mackenzie, Dominion Minis- ter of Health, endorsed and launched a project undertaken by the Health League of Canada to advise women on the right foods to use. Practical demonstrations in cooking are to be given in a number of city schools. The syl- labus for the course of instruc- tion has been scientifically devel- oped and when the success of the project is known, it is intended to outline the technique adopted, for the benefit of any part of Can- ada desirous of undertaking sim- ilar work. The field of nutrition, said the Minister of Health, was above alt the one in which Canadians, as individuals, could learn the most with the greatest benefits to theul- selves. "We need health in our armed forces," he continued. "We need health in the nation and we can achieve it only by having health in the home. Victory in the field will be a hollow achievement in this war if all that remains is a devitalized home land. We must not let down our health standard. On the contrary, if we are to be worthy of our fighting men we must strive to go forward in our war against ill -health." During the last fifty years no animal plagues such as Foot and Mouth diseases, rinderpest or pleuro -pneumonia have occurred among, Canadian live stock. What Science is Doing 1VIAGNIFIES 33,000 TIMES Scientists have succeeded in otic- ing photographs of germs rtlagnie fled as many as 33,000 times their normal size, it is revealed in the Canadian Medical Association Jour- nal, The instrument used to achieve this magnification is the electron microscope, constructed in the De- partment of Physics by J. Hillier and A. Presbus, research assist- ants, under the direction of Dr. E. F. Burton, head of the depart- merit at the University of Toron- to. The magnification is 28,000 times greater than that of the or- dinary microscope. University re searchers, express hope they will be able to photograph viruses nev- er seen by the eye. The new microscope is being us- ed also to photograph blood, in the hope that changes denoting the presence of cancer may be de- tected much earlier than by pre- sent diagnosis. It also is hoped that effect•of drugs upon pneu- monia may be gauged, particular- ly on the fatty, protective cover- ing of this germ and of tubercuI- osis. • Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1, What should a young man clo when at a party or other affair, and he finds himself next to a girl to whom he has not been in- troduced? 2. Is it all right foe a bride to have the initials that will be heirs when married, placed on her silverware and linen? 3. Should a napkin be held above the edge of the table when unfold- ing it? What sized tip should one give for services in a beauty sal- on? 5. When eating in a public place, and the waiter passes a dish, should one say, "No thank you," or merely""No"? 6. Isn't it poor taste for a hus- band or a wife to make fun of the other whei'i in company? Answers Say, "I am Ralph Wilson. I do - not believe I have met you be- fore." 2. Yes. Many modern brides do this. 3. No. The napkin should be unfolded on the lap. 4. If the services do not exceed three dol- lars, twenty-five cents is suffic- ient. If more than three dollars, one may apply the ten per cent rule. 5. One should say, "No !'hank you." Courtesy is never out of place. 6. Yes; even when done jokingly it is not good form. • Hiding a wire in his false beard, a man concealed it until sent to prison in France for daring jewel thefts, and after he had escaped by picking the Iock, guards found the wire. and hair on the floor of his cell. The Refrigerator with 5 Zones of Food Storage for Greater Protection of Health and Food SEE THE NEW NORGE AT YOUR LOCAL DEALER'S FinnsKnown' As Magicians Nordic ,Sagas include Many References to Wizardry of NArthern Race, Says the Moncton Transcript Nordic sagas are full of refer - oleos to those sorcerers, the Finns, says the Moncton Transcript. to the days before Sanies III, of Scot - Ball''., received the Orkney islands Las a dowry with lilaa'garet of Nor way, when the great anchorage of Scapa Plow, which could hold all the navies in the world, knew only Viking ships, it is possible that the tradition was carried to Scotland, for an;' old Scotch ballad tells us that: ",ei F1nn coin ower fra Nor'roway Fir to pi't tothache away." We have no explanation to offer as to why Norse sailors attributed magic to the Finns, except the ob- vious. if anyone is to be presented popularly with uncanny powers it is commonly one of unusual ap- pearance, and so perhaps a first Finn ,was chosen because of his non -Nordic aspect. In those ancient days ships did not have polyglot crews and Iasears if not landlub- bers were -not seen in European waters. Indeed a "Iasear" seems to have meant originally one attached to the "Iashkar" or army and pre- sumably he was not even a marine. British sailors were long un.will- BIG BEN The PERFECT Chewing Tobacco, ing to risk their hides in a ship which included Finns among the crew. They do not seem to have anything against the Finns individ- ually but they did object to the un- avoidable intimacy in a ship with wizards who play poker with the devil and use human lives as the chips in the game. STOPPED QUICKLY olt,neerre odeK liaftk rtliviirtm1tt61al act Whet i;letaelly Ilos.tsklt lttuliie'. HYa llo!lia, at etrusei.ts prays Baer moray heck a a CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AGENTS WANTED 127 HOMEWORK PLANS 1011 YOUR OWN 13USS. THESE plans can oc worked anywhere. 'particulars free. Guardian Ex- change. 971 College St., Toronto. SHOES - WORKING GARMENTS. Sell Dress and Work Shoes, Sports • and Service Boots, also Men's Working Garments. Free selling equipment, bonuses, Step -Easy Shoes, Reg'd., 3467 Notre Dante West. Montreal. ARE Stn., t'1.ANNiNU A NEW KITciii:_`F OR IIAT11I.00lZt Inverrtigate "Ug1:1CLAY TILE" THE LATEST CONTRIBUTION to home modernizing; easily and quickly applied; attractive color comb:na:1,5ns for kitchen, bath- room, redm'.tnd IIind Lumber Co., Ltd., 2579 Danforth Ave,., Toronto, or Your Local Lumber Dealer. BARN' C1J.ICI<S IOABY leltIC'KS, ALL $9 PER HUND- red. Barred Rocks, White Lege horns. 11, I. Reds, Wyandottes, New liantpshires. February and March delivery. Carlton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ont, SUPERIOR CHICKS, 5 POPULAR breeds from 8e up, 3 week liva- bility ,guaranteed. Growing pu1- " lets, 3 week 25c, 5 week 33c. Cat- alogue free. Superior : Hatchery, Box Anleinwood,-Ontario. BRAY CHICKS SHIP SAFELY ANY - where. Early orders mean earlier 'profits. 19 varieties, Started chicks 1-4 weeks; 3 week old "capons to order. Catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton. QUALITY COUNTS! TWIEDDLE Chicks are noted for quality, the chicks live, grow and pay. Our enormous production enables us to sell these high quality chicks for less. 13 pure breds, 5 cross breds to choose from. Leghorns as low as $3.95, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires as low as $9.45. Ask about three week old capons. Free catalogue. Tweddie Chick Hatch- eries; Limited, Fergus, Ontario. BOOK -LOVERS BOOKS ON ALL SUBJECTS, STAMP for catalogue. Betts 73ookery, Box 76, Jarvis River, Ont„ Cannda, ItlJ11.1) A 11(x1110 5 -ROOM BUNGALOWS BUILT ON your lot for $2,500 on. Govt. Loan, Ternas of $250 down - $14,71 per month. York Heights Development Cn., 39fl Rey Street. Tnrnnto. 1I11SINI0SsOPPORTUNITY BUTCHER • BUSINESS, ELECTRIC :machinery, large Kelvinator re- frigerator and complete fixtures in thriving town, sacrifice owing to sickness for $1,410, George Schindler, Tavistock, Ontario. DOGS FOlt SALT; GREAT DANES, COCKER. SPAN- iels, Irish Setters, Dalmatians, Wire Haired Terriers,'TV!Iliama Pharmacy, Carleton Place, Ont. CD11OA1'lDNA1. STUDENTS NOW ENROLLING FOR courses rn Matriculation, Short Story, Journalism, Shorthand and Speech Culture. Make use of your spare time. Write today. Canad- • Ian Correspondence College, (es- tablished 1902) 229 Yonge Street, Toronto. ELECTRIC MOTORS ELECTRIC MOT011.8 SUITABLE for every purpose. Jones & :Moore 1lleetrie, 296 Adelaide Street W., Toronto. FARM MACHINERY MAHE ONE-WAY FROM DISC Harrow, levers unnecessary, en- close stamped envelope for partic- ulars. M. T. Allan, Neville, Sask. bran AT wriot,rs ).LR lawns! ALL VARIETIES, FRESH, rROZEN, »Molted and salt flab. Write for completo prise list. (No order ton spall). Standard Isiah Co., 5191 St Lawrence. 'Montronl. jeeSetI VG TAtlele0 Olt SPORTING GOODS PIS/TERM/NI SEND POit OUR leetiv, larger, 1949 Fishing 'Tackle I.0 talogue out March 20th, E. ants, lei, Craig St. •w., I3tontreal, bec, Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used . - New S7 3iCIAL1Z1N(7 IN REBUILT MO- TOIf1;S, I'OVi7li t.Uit*I9'C, hydraulic hofrtia, Winches, Generators, Start- ers, Magnetos, ilitriiuretors, Radiat- ors -- 17:ce!iango Service, GIese - Slcttefec'tio n or refund, Levy Mato LPturts, Toronto. FILMS - PR/NTS FREE ENLARGEMENT IN STUDIO. Folder with eaeh order. Films de- veloped and printed by experts. 25c; reprints 10 for 25c. Nu -Way Photo Service, Station 'A" Tor- onto. 11A if Ul A I'I'I.f. 1111diSS HA1tUt A1'1'Lii) eltEIOt5 - 50 CTS. each. Canada's Lowest Priced Nur. sery, growing leading varieties Fruit Trees. Ornamentals. Write immediately requesting sensation- al offerings. 'robe's Treery, Nia- ,*•,r•, n„ the !.nice ((ntaria ICt1-LOADERS TIT ICE -LOADERS, WONDERFUL capacity, strong, practical, dur- able, easily moved. John Tait, Iron 'Bridge, Ontario. LT..CI11)RNS FOR SALE BECKER STRAIN, SINGL17 COMB dark brown Le Borns, males $3.00, trios 50.00. Henry Becker, `Vater- ing, Ontario. MILKING MACHINES GRADE "A" MILIKER MILKS TWO cows at once Into separate con- tainers. No pulsators. No old-fash- ioned pipelines. Write to -day. Wil- liam E. -Bawden, 21 Quebec Ave., Toronto. MACHINERY FOR SALT: WADE PORTABLE DRAG SAWS, reasonably priced, easy to operate, a money-maker wherever there are logs to be cut. Write for free deSoriptivo bulletin. The A. R. Williams ),raeltinery, Co.. Ltd., 64 Front St West. Toronto. itIEDIOINIE SUCCESSFUL SCIENTIFIC STOM- ash Remedy healed many obstin- ate eases. User states: "For years I was troubled with gnawing pain below breastbone. It caused gas and bloating. I tried many remedies, but my only relief was soda, and that for short time only. After meals It didn't bother me for few hours; then if I ate some- thing it stopped coming; again af- ter some time. The pain bothered me worse at night. After taking three bottles of Dr. McLeod's Sto- machic I was free from pain, I kept on improving and have now been well for six years and enjoy- ing any meals• withont medicine." If you cannot buy Stomachic at the Drug Store, write Dr. McLeod's Stomachic Co., 538 !Bathurst, Tor- onto. NURSERY STOCK RARE O11NAMIONTAT.S - IIARDY Fruits. Plants expertly packed,. ar- rival in good condition guaran- teed. Express prepaid, Trees, shrubs, and hardy outdoor peren- nials, nearly 600 to choose from. Send for illustrated catalogue. The Manitoba Hardy Plant Nurs- ery, Dropmore, Manitoba. OFFEI3 TO INVENTORS AN OFFICR, TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor. mation sent free. The Ilamsay Co Registered, Patent Attorneys, 273 'Rank street, t)ttn'nn, !°r arida 1'IC'l'UnEs i3ATIIING BEAUTY PICTURES. Drawing 'harts. Tdfe Photo- graphs. Send sti:mp for lists. Box 185, eleg nn. Sask. r+setIsoN;LF;. QUIT TOBACCO. SNUFF EASILY, inexpensively. Home remedy. Testimonials. Guernnteed, Advice free Tlarilett's rax 1 Winnipeg. IIEP.e1TOI.A RI:LIEVEs STOMA,'TH and Liver troubles. Symptoms: Pains in right side, under shoul- der blades and across hips, indi- gestion, gas, constipation, bail trouble. Formula of doctor. 115 - stilts in one day! Price $5.40. Mrs. Geo. S. A1mas, Pox l,a7 3W. Saska- toon. Soak. I'1tO1'AR'1'Y FOR SALE 165 ACRES GOOD LAND. 3'4 MILES C. N. hallway, 'i mile frontage North Thompson river, 72 miles north Kamloops. Strawberry and :nixed farming distict. 3900 rash. Lot 2626. R. D. 'Y. l)., Rainsford, Cadh,u o l;ey P. 0., TU'. SALESMEN WWAN'iThli) MAKE A DECENT LIVING SELL- ing 200 Familex every day neves pities, Guaranteed quality. Low price. 900 p'anillex salesmen live with this agency. Company's suc- cess depends on salesmen's. Twelve years of Increased busi- ness prove the possibilities buying in Fatnilex Plan. For tree details and catalogue: vamlle:t, 579 St. Clement ittnntreal, SITED I'O'1?ATOES UYING, SELLING, CAR LOTS. Truckloads, Table. Certified reed. Ontarlos, Islands. Ask mseys, the lergest potato dealers In Ontario, 64 Front St. E,, Toronto. ISSUE NO. 7---'40 SLED FOR SALE GOVERNMENT TESTED SEEDS from (grower to sower) shipped in sealed bags, properly mixed for a wonderful Hay or pasture crop. Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, mix- ture, $13.25 per 100 lbs, Freight paid, bags free, Misner Seeds, Port Dover, Ontario. SOLDIi':li's IJU!' OR itULL AND t;E TIF1CeATE IIONOR ROLL OR CERTIFICATE of service, beautifully designed every province and unit repre- sented. Size 16 x 22 In 7 colours, suitable for framing, space for photograph and scroll for perm- anent record. Every soldier's borne needs one. Mailed to any place in Canada, 51.05. E. Mackintosh. photographer and copywriter 59 Granby Street. Toronto TWELVE REMNANTS -- 51.00 ALL WOOL REMNANTS -- FINEST men's suiting materia,, minimum size 9" by 56" and larger, Mailed Collect, Morey -back Guarantee. Aronof0 Bros,. Ltd., 27-1A Demon- tigny East, Montreal. Lefeno CLOTIII1(I SENSATIONAL BARGAINS IN USED clothing! Write for big, free illus- trated catalogue on Men's, Ladies' and Children's used clothing. Gowdy's Mall Order Department, 337 Notre Dante Avenue, Winni- , peg: Manitoba LT ATCHIMAL .ING LEARN WATCH,IIAILINir AT HOME Beginners' outfits from $5. Nation- al 'tl'atch, Regime. Seek. LYONS February CIearance Sale • New & Reconditioned FURNITURE Outstanding 'Values that 'sill impel you to buy now for later require. mem,ts. Free Storage Open lilvenings i)ININ( ROOM BARGAINS $18.30 - SOLID OAIR DINING ROOl•I suite, buffet, extension table and six leather upholstered chairs, 539 - NIM; -PIECE DINING SUITE, buffet, rhina cabinet, extension table and six leather upholstered chairs, perfect condition. $59 - MODERN' ENGLISH OAIC dinette suite (floor sample), buf- fet, extension jack-knife leaf table and four chairs, in red leather. $89 - MODERN ENGLISH OAK' dining suite, (floor sample, regtii lar 3139), beautifully carved buf- fet, extension table, china cabin- et and six chairs upholstered in red leather. 36.75 - LARGE ASSORTMENT OF odd buffets and extension tables, in oak and walnut finishes. IIEDRO011f 1tAlIGAINe 33.95 - 100 MATTRESSES, ALT. sizes, deeply packed with fresh cotton, closely tufted, roil edges, in good quality floral art ticking. No (', 0, D. orders, AND ND GTP, LARGE ASSORT - moat of dressers, in walnut, birch d mantel finish's, 549an- 11 h AT"r1I 1'1. FOt R-P1EC1; bedroom suit,', in two-tone 'walnut finish, dresser vanity, ehiffonler and full size i)ed, completely re- finishe'l. $05 -1 1;1L UTIFT-L LARNE WAY, nut bedroom suite, completely ree- finiehed, dresser, chiffonier, van- ity, bench, full size bed, Saglesu spring and 1IPw mattress. $129 - t )t11POSSESSED),. 13EAUT.7- ful walnut bedroom suite (usacl ono month, cost 31911), lenge dtes- ser, vanity, chiffonier, full sine bed and : eglcss sprin=g, euaran- teed Rcrfect. (•lila4'i'l.1IIIELJ) itillt..tiN5 $39 - FLOOR. SA)u'I 1:-, chesterfield bed, uplt,)lstet•ed in good qualit;, brown repp, has largo wardrobe ,''ompertment for bedding, $ 3COMPLETE iopastoutfitp!e, ieeecher field suite, upllolstereu in brown r,'pp, reversible lefs.rsl:all spring cushions, bridge lamp and silk shade, walnut end table, sillt ell- shion, table lamp and shade, and modern metal smoking stand. • $94.95 -- CALIFORNIA BED chairs, large assortment of covers, full Marshall sprig, cushions. lilac' SPECIALS SEAMLESS Q1TAT.TTY OT]IENTAL. modern and conventinn:l patterns, in Axtninsters, t1 tltons. Erman, looms and tapestries, in most all sizes, at pre-war )nines, ODI) I rEcES 39 - iii()IrRII v' BREA1 FAS"•' suites, buffet, table and sit e Marra in waterfall designyour t hoiee Of color combinations. 8.95 AND 1, P, ?Alt? Sl &. 4I-huruere, thoroughly clt n anti guaranteed. 510.50 --- KITCHEN' C AFTNI: TS, IN oak and enamel finishes, 'a'Ith'slle. 'ing porcelain table tops, complete. ly reconditioned. 51,1,bu50 in 6-PIIgood CEorderI3 , R7 ARFA,T suite, buffet, drop-leaf .able and ffet Open Eventnge lhty 'i'alflt rosti'idenee, .411 goods lao3"1 ou a pond !rte ntoetel'back guaran- tee of eatisfnetion. Lyons Furniture. Co. 478 Yong S'.