Zurich Herald, 1940-02-01, Page 7Canaclian ' Military Leaders Confer In France linielMetamtu., Here is, LEJi"1' to RIGHT, Brig. Harold Crerar, ulucf of Canadian military mission in England; Cola. Merles P. Vaalnier, Canadian minister to France; Gen. Andrew NfeNasrown R hto , t a andis corammander-in-chief • ofon bCan- adiaan forces in France; and Col. 0. R. Turner, chief of staff. They are fore going back to the front after holding private conversations with Vannier, who retrained behind. How Can I ? t3Y ANN(t Abid EY Q. How can I iron mats or any - ting that requires careful shap- ing? Q. Iron them first without starch and then place them carefully ow. the board. Fray over thein a thin, =oath cloth dipped in raw eterch, and iron dry. Q. How can I skim excessive gyrease from the •top of soup? A. Take square sheets of clean, seleite tissue paper. Lay one sheet at: a time carefully on the surface of the soup; then gently lift it off, s.ud all the grease, or fat, will ad- here to the paper. Q. How can I put out an oil lire? A. Never try to put out an all Sire with water, as this only spreads the flames. Sand, earth, gravel, flour, meal, any of these, is effec- tive to throw on burning oil. Q. How can I treat chapped lips? A. An excellent remedy for chap- ped lips is one-half teaspoonful of borax to one tableseoonfal•of hon - ay. Mix the borax and honey thor- eugly before applying. Q. How can I impart a rich, brown color to my sponge cake? A. Sprinkle a little granulated anger over the top of the sponge take before placing it in she oven. Reindeer milk, with 22 per cent butterfat is the richest of 11 dif- ferent kinds of milk listed in the U. S. 1939 Yearbook of Agricul- ture. What Science 9s Doing TEST "ROYAL JELLY" After a year and a half of chem- isal analysis, University of Toron- to chemists are preparing for an .experiment which will tell if they have succeeded in breaking down royal jelly - the mysterious sub- stance on which queen bees are nurtured into the larva state to make them rulers of the hive. Success of the experiment may _forecast synthetic production of the precious fluid which some slcientists believe can be used bene- _fieially on retarded children and :tor other human diseases. -o- TO IMPROVE VEGETABLES By treasuring appetites of to- mato plants in various types of :soil, Prof. Stanley S. Ballard, Tint - Varsity of Hawaii physicist, has suggested a possible new technique .?or the growing of bigger and bet- ter vegetables. fills procedure is based on deter_ :carnation of the amount of food gt plant Actually consumes, lather n31aan on the amount present in the ai0il. -0- CUTS PERITONITIS TOLL Three University of Pennsyl- vania surgeons attribute to bul- l anilamide--the "wonder airuer-- aa reduced death rate in peritonitis eases resulting from acute appetldi- J4We care convinced by the elin- ic4l evidence," the three ,6cien- alba assert in the annals of sung- eel', "that sulfanilamide therapy subsequent to operation has ame- liorated the severity of the Adam in spreading peritonitis in *way eases, and has saved some :these that ot.berwise would have 14een lost.iR Expect More U. S. Tourists Next Year to Visit Canad'lan Parks --- Superintendents All Point to Exchange Rates Tourist traffic in Canada nett season should be much heavier because -the war leas shut off Eur- ope as a tourist playground and because foreign exchange rates are to the advantage of United States visitors, according to super- intendents of 19 national parks meetings in Ottawa in January. National parks are growing more popular with both Canadian and United States tourists. Camp- sites have been provided, but there is a need for more bunga- low camps and boarding houses operated under private enterprise. Havel 1F el earl At dinner. Betty Jane had eaten the filling of her pie, but had left the crust. When asked why sale had not eaten all of her pie, silt replied: "Becaneo I don't like the running board" _.,.- Dentist -- "There's no need for you to shout. l haven't touched your tooth, yet.' Patient: "No, but you are standing on my coma." An English motorist, wee had a fifty -gallon tank of gasoline in re- serve when rationing was intro- duced, consulted a friend as to what to do about it. .'Bury it, my dear fellow," was the reply. Accordingly, he gave his garden- er instructions next day to dig a holo for it in a secluded spot.. After a time the gardener re- turned. "I've buried .the gasoline," he said. "What do you want done with the t:tnit?" -- "With what weapon did Sam- son slay the thousand Philis- tines, Tommy?" asked the Simi - day School teacher. "The axe of the Apostles," replied the child, after a tong pause. The boxer who knew practically every trick in the gaufo finally met his match. In the third round lie found himself fiat on his back, listening to the referee counting over him "One," roared the referee, "two -three-four - five _- sir. -- sev- en -- The fighter reached up and grabbed the referee's wrist. "I'm a little hard of hearing," he interrupted. "Would you Mind re- peating that?" Judge -"Do you wish to marry again if you receive a di- vorce'" Liza •-• "Ah should say not. Ah wants to bo withdrawn from circulation.! 'rid Ate of Foe quick relief from itelling of eczcnn, pimples, lh• lek'o foot scales Aoabiav, radios and other ortemeile oauecd skin troubles use world-famous, aonllaa,'tatl- a ainlcs1l Soothes it troubles, n d quickly stops inkneo itching. 25otrlalbottle proydsit, ormoney be L: ,roar draggidt today for R, q. %, Plisses! N. HEALTH TOPICS RHEUMATISM MISUNDER- STOOD The much -misunderstood "rheu- matism" or "arthritis," is -a disease which should have more attention. - than it is receiving in the world today, according to an article in the monthly "Health Journal" written by Douglas Taylor. The writer points out that :"of all the serious diseases affecting - the welfare of the nation those known as 'rheumatism' and 'arth- ritis' are among the most import- ent, most neglected and most mis- understood. Ivo other disease caus- es such widespread -suffering and crippling among all ages and class- es. Much of the misery and In validism is unnecessary and is dir-: eetly due to many strange ideas abroad concerning • 'rheumatism' and 'arthritis.' It is high time the some of these popular misconcep- tions be seriously reviewed." -0-- RURAL SERVICES INADE- QUATE George 1-1ouutey OI Toronto, dir- ector of plu)110 health and medical services tor the Uanaulan Council of ivlental Hygiene, last week de- clared that health services, partit.- Wally in rural areas, are- inade- quate. Lanada's health workers now to- tal be,bill, including move than 1.0,000 physicians and surgeons, 4,000 dentists, S0,1)00 gra.tuate nurses, 11,b00 nurses in training, 0,700 practical nurses, b'i0 optic- ians, 5;10 osteopaths and chiropt'ac. tore, and 1,"00 other men and wo- men in health professions. But, the 20 cities m Canada 01 more than 80,000 population and totaling 28 per cent of Canada's total population, have 45 per cent of a.11 the doctors, 48 per cent of the nurses and 19 per cent of the dentists, he said. Address Soldiers' Mail Carefully When Sending Letters Abroad Make Certain The Address is Absolutely Correct Mon Misleading addressessoldiers' s' mail, now that the First Division of the Canadian ,Active Service Force is overseas, are causing such letters delay and are entailing, con- siderable extra work to members of the Canadian Base Post Office in indentifying the addressee, Recent- ly postal authorities announced the correct way to address mail to the troops overseas, and to troops still in Canada. In spite of this much mail matter is being posted which gives the name of certain barracks and also damps in England, instead of the name of the regiment or unit, whieh is entirely omitted. lease Post Office authorities einpb.asize :that to send mall to soldier's ad- dressed to barracks oeQamps the United Kingdom. is most likely to cause delay, and that each prac- tice is It hindrance rather than a help. The soldier may leave been moved from that camp to another in the interim, a.me of aarracks or camps in England should not be given. The name of the regiment or urit should always form part of the address, NECESSARY INFORMATION Itis again .(:mphasized that 111 the, addresses, abbreviations of the names; units or s rviees should be avoided, and the names of such spelled out In full. Abbreviations such as A -T, AS..A.c, or A.D. (Anti- Tauk, Anti-,?,.ireraft, or Arm Co- operatioa Squadron) should NOT be used, but the full names should be given. In sending mail to soldiers a1 - ready Overseas see that the address contains only: Regimental N umber, Bank. and Name, Full Name of Regiment or Unit, 0-O Base Post Office, Canada. In addressing mall to icoldier0 serving in Canada give: Regimental Number, Rank and Name, Full Name of Regiment or Unit, C. A. S. F., Postal address of Training Camp in Canada. RETURN ADDRESSES Do NOT send such a. letter care Ott Base Post Office, 'Canada. See that postage is properly pre- paid, and that return addresses are given on- all mail matter sent to soldiers abroad- or in this country. Sidney Northeote, 52, was al - Most certain he had an infallible way of taking his own life. He tied a rope around his neck and fastened it to a bridge girder, in Winnipeg last week. if the rope broke there was a river 25 feet below. He was in hospital nursing braises and slowly realizing he overlooked a detail. The river was frozen. Most dairy rations will' be im- proved by the addition of a suc- culent or green feed. Either corn or hay silage makes an ideal sue- culent for winter feeding. o-L-•bs 6_e_ -• a e srte a+ Modern Etiquette BY ROblilt.l A LEE Q. When a woman is i:ntrodncing her husband to an acquaintance, `slaeuid she seee "'Tis is my husb- and," or, "This is Walter"? A. When a mere acquaintance, She should say, "Tbis is my hnsb- and." if it is an intimate friend, she may say, "This is Walter." . Q. is It considered good manners for a girl to powder her note and use lipstick in mimeo? A. No, while we see thio (i•'ne every day, it .cannot be called "goorti manners." it is touch better if a girl will de such things ptivate- 1y. Q. Isn't it poor manners to take more than one hind of food on the folk at one time? -A. Yes. One should never do this. Q. What is your opinion of a neighbor who plays his radio so loudly that it can be heard distinct- ly several doors an ay? 4. A complaint should bo res;ie tered against a person who is :his inconsiderate and 11l -bred. It can -be stopped Q. Hew aro the wedding recep- tion Bards and the cards of admis- sion to the church sent to those invited? A. 'These cards should 90 enclos- ed with the wedding invitations. Q. Is it correct to Leave the spoon in the sherbet glass, when nue has finished eating the dessert? ` A. No; the spoon should be k lac- ed on the plate that holds the sher- bet glass. For common ordinitry sore throg 00 °M 061 HELP ST6ESS166 HEOD coos clone running ...eyes streaming ... head aching ...miserable! There's no sense in such suffering l TRY MENTHOLATUM for RELIEF -at once 1 Its soothing vap- ours penetrate infected nasal areas -help ease inflamed membranes -help to halt mucus gathering. Treat that head cold NOW -with Mentliolatum - guaranteed do bring relief or money back. tut stli druggists Jars or tubes 30c. MENTHOLATUM UM Gives COMFORT Dolby r.\ .,..p„.,.. tea... -6w... .--..... ar 0 Feathers Bought Canadian Feather f: Mattress Co. 41.47 SPRUCE ST., TORONTO T DIXIE is the thrifty man's tobacco. Itrs a c00I,slow-burning smoke! 'Elie Gota Canal is the longest A stream of hats pouring out; in the world -115 miles --with the of an underground opening led Suez, 100 miles long, ranking sec- to the discovery of New Mexico's ond. remarkable Carlsbad Caverns. o e CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . . AGENTS 'WANTED 127 HOMEWORK PLANS. BE FUtilt OWN noss. THESE fans eau be worked anywhere. writieulars free. fsuardian Ex- change, 971 college St., Toronto. SHOES - WORKING GARMENTS. Sell Dress and Work Shoes, Sports and Service Boots, also Men's Working Garments. Free selling equipment, bonuses. Step -Easy Shoe Montreal. g'.467 :totre Dame ARE You t'LAi6N1N(e A NEW S mecu m OR 12LTUROOh1't Ano eatlgnte a/SARCLAT '1ILE" THE LATEST CONTRIBUTION to home modernizing; easily and quickly applied; attractive color combinations for kitchen, bath - T, d.., 2679 DanforthaA.ve.,utToroer nt , or your Local Lulnb'>r Dealer. DAD Y trliil'liS GOVT. APPROVED CI3IC1i.S FROM blood -tested breeders at. money saving prices for delivery up to Mareh 15th. Grade "A1" White Leg - horns, Brown Loghorr-s, Black Minorcas, White ilnOrLas, Almon - as, $3.-5; 90 per $20.90; Barred Rocks, New Hamp- shires, Rhode Island Reds, Hy- brids, several crosses, 99.90; Pul- lets, ?16.90, Cockerels, $6.00. hite Hocks, White WysnAuttes, Light. Susses', jersey Black Giants, Biac 1: -1.ustroivrps, 910.40, Pullets, $10.8".Cockerels, $6.90. Ask about our three-week old capons. Free catalogue. ie eHatch- eries, , Lited,Fergus, Ontario. "PROUD OF TRIM, t=ETTINt3 more s ixt epriag." writes 51r's. F. Gieborth, Ontario. of her Bray Wicks. Thousands like ner all Otter r.: anuria.. Join them this year. Order how, 2 hatches weekly for early orders pullets, cockerels, chicks. Catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 190 John St. N., Hamilton., Ont. 1!1'YLU .a. 0.03th) 5 -ROOM BUND -'.LOWS .11UILT ON your lit -for $2,500 00 Govt. Loan. Terms of 3250 down - 914.01 per month. York Heights Development Co., 33) Bey , tweet. 'riront'). (:lFryy'e letieL1)S FOIL SALE t2Hifi$'1'1:1tIfiELDS -- tit WEEKLY. Wu pay the freight, all you pay is Irum-Torenit.,'s largest dir- l;I. ,,t pieties - chesterfield, 2 chairs rnu upholstered ibrand tand new repp and tapes, tapestry cov- uriugs, spring tilled back, cosh• ions; attractive dustgu, only 940. Auuther bargain, uriginally ex- pensive suites, thoroughly recon- ditioned, 923.50. Send 910.00 now, balunee 91.00 weekly: We pay the freight to your station. Satisfac- tion or your money back. Royal Che, airfield Mfiers.. 66 Richmond Ease Toronto. ��-- EDU(tATION AL s'rUUI,N'1'a ,Nuty 1)N1''U1.t cu.-Iv:W's In Matriculation, Short Story, Jour nallstu, Shorthand and tipeech Culture. Shite use of your spare tilos. Write tudaY. Canad- fatl Curru pendeltc1 College, Street, t•tt,!iohed es - 1902). - Toronto. ieLECrittO ]r.O'rotts ELISO'1'itle MOTOR, 2 19...P. ALS() several other elms. Jonas \luure i:lcetric. 296 .'n ielalde W., Toronto. R*`tLl1� -- PRINTS FREE ENLARGEMENT IN STUDIO. Folder with each order. Films de- veloped and printed by experts, 25c; reprints l,) for 26c. Nu-WaY Photo Service, Station "A". Tor- onto. h ACUUtNh11t1' Volt SALE) WALE I'OILTAilL}d DRAG SA. Vr'S reasonably priced, easy to operate, a money-maker, wherever them are tucks to berut. Write for free descriptive bulletin, The A. R. Williams Machinery Co., Ltd., 64 Front St., West, Toronto. NEN WANTED t ,a ARE 1: OD 9,H1) MAN ? S: OU CAN have a solid business established within three mcnths, if you are tired of working to earn profits for someone else, own your busi- ness, and enjoy amazing profits every hour. selling 200 guaranteed necessities used in every home. IVa obligation. Get details and cat- alogue FREE! leanlilex Products, 670 St. Clement, Montreal. IIAltlDt 011•1,10.•••••••*.o...M.- HARD Y APPLE 1'1tEES ^-• bu 0Th. each. Canada's Lowest Priced Nur- sery, growing leading varieties Trees. requesting offerings. Tobe's Treery, Nia- . gars -on -the -Lake. untarlo. .� PHOTOGRAPHS OVAL VISIT, LANDING COVHItS, S5c; Fifty Mixed Newfoundland.% Gander' Day,11Newfoundla Hod- der,d, Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used - New srECLtL1'L11(3 IN REBUILT MO - '5 OUS, I'owa.Fi.UI Vt VI's. Hydraulic Uoiats, Winches, Generators, Start- ere, SSiUtnet0O, OOrburctors. Eiaillrtt- ora ^- Exchange Serriee, Glass - Sathanction or refund. Levy Attie Party, Toronto. UI' I" 8It IV ..v t';.•'l ult:. AN 01''i'141t VO 1:VEli t INV1:NTUR List or inventions and full inior. matfon sent free The Ramsay Co. Registered Patent Attorneys. " -4. rlt Ronk RI -rapt tntvn PERSON AL QUIT TOBA0C°. SNUFF. EASILY, inexpensively. Hone remedy. Testimonials. Guaranteed. Advice free. 13artlett's Box 1. Winnipeg. ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, - comfort positive support with our advanced method. No elat•:tic or understraps or steel. Write Smith1, Preston. Ontario °" Dept, STOPS RUPTURE. GU.ARANTEED understrapa,ju $4.50, springs. TrialN. Fleming. 1009 Granville, Vancou- ver, B.C. SEEDS SEED D DEALERS - GROWERS - Secure Highest Market prices. Sample to Harry Fisher, 3083 Jarvis Street, Toronto. ,SOLlltl''N.'A 6y.1_11.1Vxs 6.6t.71414. Sri 1.1 1-I,ONOlt 1tOLL OR U1rtt''1 of service, beautifully designed every province and unit repre- sented. Size 16 x 22 ir. 7 colours, suitable tor framing. space for photograph and scc'oi1 for perm.. anent record. Every soldier's acme needs one. Mailed to any place in Canada, 91.00. E, Mackintosh, Photographer and copywriter, 5e Granby Street, Tor:n:t-', TW 121..V'F: kiM:"2tiBN't - si.(10 eiTJ, WOOL REMNANTS - FINEST metes editing material. minimum - size 9" by 56" and itiegree Masted Collect. Money -back tsutrallt Ot. Aronott Bros., Ltd i:74.A. 1)e,moil- tigny East, Montle..:. 'LILA INED 1)I.z'L:t:t1i'r:s .1Si131'1'1VLY MEN 17 AND Ur1+SR wanted immedxateiY ter secret - service and detective work, twin - pieta training course by curre$- pundes,ce. Free lnfurnmtf /n. Write to C. id. Julien, Box 25, Station T, Montreal. ruu.i1T'Ult1t t'Olt BALL LYONS !rLt).:t.)tA t;f•) SALE NE II ANA) AriCtii UeTLO_NEI) UltAAT1'B Every art line cutup letety recohadf- tione•1, guaranteed ti,Urotighty mean. tinct dead with a positive tliunuy-Uiteit guarantee oL satisfaction. Au geode. care -rune, packed for sale snimilent ell 1'eetept ut ironer -ureter. Seectel, attentluit given to mail orders. bund oak Pining Moont '12• 00 leuite, buffet, extension table and t, leather seu.t chairs. 39 OO Solid oak 5-pieuu Matting 7 Room Suite, targe nutter., extension. table, china cabinet, and ti ieattnr upnosstered ,'hairs, Dining B.ntatitat wa.inut finish t(uent Suite, targe buffet, extension table, mina t` toi11- e't and 4 leather seat chairs. 9.1 0 Jtcautiiul targe walnut von- 6 eet' £thrill,' butte, 00.1:et, ex- tension table, came seri finet and 0 leather upn"uiterett enairs. 1'ut'teet. 89,0,-1 olid walnut Dining 1100111 u7 VV butte (eon new alv.,resain- ately 9300.) 10 perfect rnntituou, tt large buffet, extension table, e'nitt0 cabinet, and 6 leather ul'hulsterod choir s. iO.53and up. Large assortment ut China Cablrtets, in oak, walnut and birch, alt completes;; nud. 0 (e,tnrl 5 Fete Silnnlotis steel reconditit 1 ed, in walnut finish. sag- less spring, new mattress, new petit; pillows anti 3 drawer Dresser, with targe mirror and 3 drawers in wal- nut finish to match, 'mart 3 -piece Bedroom J e b n 35.0,, S cite, in beautiful 'u1 "-tons walnut finish. Dresser chiffonier, full size bed and sagiess spring. *'9,0© Large J3edroom Suite, in 7 rich walnut finish. dresser with large plate mirror, chittoniele vanity dresser and tull size bed. 59 .00 Heard nervi Mode:n 13_,irooila Suite, in ry ate"1'all itceign, 'venetian nhirrot's, in ble.xiltrd was- nut finish. Dresser, _lll±fenier, tilt size., bed, sagless spring' end new mattress. l �.SO Chesterfield Suite, 2 nieces upholstered in f.gured vel- our, reversible Marshall. spring etude. ions, thoroughly clean. 24.00 3 -piece Chesterfield Suitt:. upholstered in k:ngilsh tap- estry, reversible Alai It 1 sp%in5 cushions. 29.00 13eautiful 3 -piece e'hester- field Suite In novelty repo material, figured reversible Marshall spring eLargeushiuns3-p'e':e, pt t lett:',' co?csthcrfielditioldt. 39.00 Suite, (cost heti' aleproxi tnately 9300.). upholsterer. In brown mohair, figured reverhesteslbie'fleMldarshall Suite spring citaltlons, perfect. X9.00 It,itutiful t upholstered ill b1'een x111.: repp, with fluted back, figured re. vei'sible Marshall spring cushions. perfect condition, (coet new, $3511.). Largo aseortnlollt of ).t!teher C,b-. !nets, Bre,kfnst Suites. (las stoves,. Sewing Machines, Odd chir,es, Studio Ceuchea, etc., at ridiculously low prices, to clear. Buy with confidence. Remetnhte, all goods sold with a posit3Ae n1o1 t back guarantee 0f sint,. ti...tfun. LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Wong" Si., Toronto ISSUE NO. 5.-'40