Zurich Herald, 1940-01-25, Page 4WAGE. FOUR . TOS NS "And here.... a $10.00 deposit for this young Brown starts the third generation of Browns at the Bank of Montreal." Ask for details of our various savings plans for all purposes ... education, travel, home- building, investment, insurance, for emer- gencies and opportunities. ESTABLISHED 1817 QeA BANK WI -HERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME'! Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG, Manager Zt'ft C, HERALD 11 a+s3eoseactiro t.n.4 3Bilee0 0Etel f4Cgs sneresuosentagen* Y u ooesees ,R Vinter'sFuc We are Now Filling Orders for this Winter's Fuel. Let us suggest the Most Suitable Fuel for your Heating Equipment... Prices always within the Limits of other Dealers with Quality Considered. SEED CLEANING. We have an up-to-date Seed Cleaning Equipment that we use for Custom Cleaning, and invity the Farmers who have seed to clean to arrange with us for this Work. PURINA STOCK FOODS AND CHOWS A Ouaranteen Product that will greatly help your Stock and Poultry. to Vigor and Production, which will mean greater Profits. Try it? Le4S bil 111M1801111111110SIVAdoeS e s 11 DASH•WOOID Mrs. George Brown has returned from a three weeks visit with her -daughter in Stratford.. Mrs, Alex, Buchanan, who suffered a bad :fall in her home, continues the stone and her many friends hope she may soon recover. 'The many friends of Mr. Joseph I-Iagan will regret to know he still continues quite poorly, suffering from a bad attack Of ear trouble. But is expected to be around again soon, Miss Florence Welsh is improving nicely following an illness of throat trouble. Miss Mary Buchanan, superintend ent of the General Hospital, ,Niagara Falls, is home nursing her mother, Mrs. Buchanan, who recently suffered a severe fall in her home. Death of Raye Clarke The death occurred at his home on Friday last of Raye Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clarke • Jr. He had been ill for a week with a sev- ere case f pneumonia which had st- arted from a bad cold. Surviving aro 1, is parents and three brothers. The funeral was held Saturday wed con- ducted by Rev. A. R. Brook. Hensall Cou,icil Minutes - The first meeting of the 1940 Vil- lage Council held on Jan. 8 at 11 a.m. in the Clerk's,Office according to Statute, all members being present After all sucscribing to the Dec- laration of quilafication an adjurn- ment" was called till 8 p.m. in the evening. when. the minutes of the i previous meeting were read and ad- opted.. Levi Rands appeared asking for as- sistance: re fuel, was advised to pro- peily- apply for assistance by filling in the proper forrnn. R. J. Paterson, tax collector, ee- 1 ported $729,52 as being outstanding to date: Motion, that we extend the tax roll until the first meeting in March. Lee Redden reported re the work done on the streets, also poll tax, al- so the water supplied several ratepay- ers. J. A. Paterson treasurer, report- ed re the finances. Motion, that all motions be verba]. That J. A. Pater - s011 be Clerk and Treasurer at the former salary. That R. J. Paterson be Assessor and Collector at the same salary. That we lay the matter of Lee Hedden's salary and appointm- ent over for next meeting. S. Tu - Mrs. Alvin Kellerman underwent an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital London last Friday. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Kellerman. is progressing very favorably •and hes' the rink. That R. J. Cameron and many friends hope for a speedytee- D. Robinson be a road and street covert'. committee. That the property com- 1°Iiss Marie Ford had her tansiis mittee be empowered to _hire a man xetnoved in Dr„ Taylor's hospitendelast to look after the rink at 20c :per r hr. week. That we appoint lVliss Margaret Hob - Rev. and Mrs. Luft and family, kirk for the years 1940 to 1042 and and Mr. and Aires Elgin Meaner ;spent a few days with Mrs. Luft's parents in Kitchener this week. Quite a number of ladies of this vicinity attended a Red Cross meet- ing held in Jams St. •Church, Exeter on :Monday • afternoon. Mrs. E. Edighoffer of Zurich is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. P. Mcisaac. manual labours at 20e per hr. and man and team at 40e per hr. 'Bilis and Accounts read: Flyd Redden labor rink 22.60; D, Kyle do 19,20; Herb Hedden labor snow removal 2.80; V. .Redden d, 4.60;W. Love do 2.80; A.. Hildebrand do 2.80; L. Rands do 3.40; G. M, Case teaming 5.60; 0, Geiger do 13.20; F. G. 13onthron 'postage $5; Lee Heddon salary $55; A. Spencer &S on material streets 8.80; G. Mc- Lean grant 4.80; Dept. of Highways. license, Fire 'Truck $2; Honsall Red Cross, rent rebate $16; J. A. Pater- son, premium on Rands 28.00; Hen- eall Hydro, hall 6,79; School Board curreat exp. $1,000. Motion, that the bills and accounts,' as road be paid. The Constable was 'd fug instructed to enforce the bicycle rid- ing on sidewalks by-law, and the Council hope that the children and O! `*9 12,000 FLA NrtS parents will take notice of this. Tn pre!^::._.,•;tion for a long war, Great "lotion, that the Clerk orderGreat1'rlv':"ra and France, arear- liunieipa.l Worlds, also other recess- ranging for the purchase of as many ary supplies. That we adjourn. ae 12,000 United States warplanes its J. A, Paterson, Clerk. COUNT' NEWS 1 rae days January 25th, 194Q ,An Auto Accident %Way afternoon last an auto ac- cident took place on the highway two . miles north of Exeter. Dan Dew, of • Usborne, swas on his way to Exeter sand making a left-hand turn onto the highway from the sideroaad, Iain car collided with another car driven by Mas. Gigarac, of Windsor, The front of the Windsor ear and the side of Dew's oar was damaged but fortun- ately none of the occupants of either ear was hurt, There pert ce; oe pas- sengers hi the Windsor car and it had to be towed to Exeter t'or repairs. Traffic Officer Wrn. Robinson invesi:•- tigated. NEWS Exeter merchants report that they the next two years, authoritive so- urces said. . t.IPILS AT e''"• -"SOL Thirty-six schools in Middlesex Co - were victimized by a man from whom. attenti- they aeeepted worthless cheques. ince of 10 or fewer students, accor- Rev Waltianl Wei,. of Gnbr..ieh sae, ding to official report. While thew. accepted 'I he call from Carmel Pres- 'x' lon1 iihnee is not .made kraowr', nor bytes an church, Hensel', and the in- the district, the statistics of the de- duction will take place on January peatrnent of education show that 2 3rd. schools have an average attendants of four students, four -with five stud - Alvin Cortese; of Clinton, was el- cants, two with six, six with seven, 4 ected premier of the Ontario Ofder with eight, nine with nine and nine Boys' Parliament which was in slang with ten each. ion at Hamilton recently. UP TWELVE PER CENT. R. E. Manning, who tendered his Dr. E. W. McHenry, professor of resignation as town clerk and tress- physiological hygene at •the Univer- urer at the first meeting this year of sity of Toronto, reports that food the Clinton Town Council, has agre- prices in Toronto have risen. 12 pet ed to hold the position for the pres- cent. since the outbreak of war. Be- ent year. , cause he believes the problem of nu- trition Montgomery, the ;linghaan trition le becoming more pressing bowho was severely injured while due to rising prices, Dr. McHenry,anti bobsleighing a few weeks ago axed a group of other specialists will give who was taken to Victoria Hospital, featuree to show the public how to Iteep Canada healthy in wartime d: -- London, for treatment, has recovered I spite high liging cost y'• I sufficiently to be brought home. His, upper body is in a cast, .but a conn. MUCH SUGAR Prete recovery is expected. 1 Western Canada's two beet sugar • Goderich Man Injured factories have processed 262,000 tons Wm. Craig, well-known Goderich : of beetu---the largest crop ever pry garage owner, received a fractured diced in South Alberta since the sn gar industry was started there attire skull along with other injuries when be pining of the century. Ideal wea- the car which he was driving leftthe trace favors] operations and with ab- road a mile west of Haden, The in- ilor and W. Allan appeared re airan- sercce of severe temperature, feu dor nd for hockey and riappeared affairs. lured reran was removed to Kitchencx beets were spoiled by freezing. A• - Thaat P. Moir and H. Horton be a Hospital where he spent the night.He bout 10,0(10 tons more were harv- was taken to Goderich by ambuIancc Property Committee, .same include the next day and is recovering at hire esved than in 1938. hone. Mrs. P. Fassold is visiting with her daughter and sister 'fn Ingersoll. Mrs. R. Baker is spending a few weeks with herr .daughter in Windsor. Skating is the order of the day just now and the new rink is inex- cellent condition with very good ice. a Several hockey matches will be play- s ed shortly. • Born—At Dashwood an Sunday, January 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Qe Guenther, a son. aesicustre tseette leIsaeisatodasnoesseseeitinaenacanavaatal 0 Death of Mr;. Lame Mrsr. Hannah Lane, widow of J. BAYFIELD Tames and Bill Robinson closed %heir store on Tuesday fat and left len Sunday for Key West, Fla., where they y intend spending a month or so. itr. and Mrs. Murdock Roes who .t•e been visiting their daughter in; •Woodstock for some weeks, returned to their home here. 'Dobbin" is usually the one who sails man but on Saturday last it took ten or more men to pull "Dob -1 Ade out of the Hayfield River. In j this case "dobbin" was the nigh 4.arse of Geo. Lind: ay's team which same harvesting ice in front of the Ceh sranties. The water at this point vas between 12 and 14 feet tt retp. Work at the iee is being held up by :the stormy weather. DRYSDALE The roads along the Blue Water lilighway are remarkably well con- *ide •'n ra l • t nE bi Morin g and cold of t; the past week. The big snow plow lktas passed along and what little snow and banks thieve were, are aIt eines- led leas-' d away. Sorry to report that Miss Eliza- >eth Gelinas is ten the sick list at aerea ent. The many friend% of .Mr. Philip I./moraine will regret, to learn that lie has left for 3t. Joiseph's Hospital. London, for treatments. Mrs. Frank Mous,eau at near Hen-, gall, spent the week -encs at the ltIrr11886a u home.. Harvesting and pae'lcirre1` see me the o"flee of tht, riay, the h c, •irs ing taken from the river,at Gratnd J1'end, and trucked up here, St iti of very nice, quality. Owing to the continued cold and stormy weather, there seems to be a Iarge number of people affected by a cold, and many are laid up. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr. Leon Jeffrey of Beavertown who was taken suddenly ill on Friday last is now much improved, Miss Sherry Jeffrey left on Thurs- day last 'to spend a few weeks in Detroit. Miss Yonne Masse of the Blue Wat- er south, who has spent a few months in Windsor, has now returned to her hoarse. Henry Lane, formerly of Dorchester died on Monday afternoon in St.,. Joseph's Hospital, London. She was in her 84th year. She had been i11 for the past two weeks. Mrs. Lane was born in North Dorchester Twp., and had lived all her life there ex- cept for five years latterly spent at the hone of hes daughter, Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher, Dashwood. Surviving are a sister, Mrs, Barbara Dibb, Elk- ton, Mich; and two Step -daughters, Mrs. Oestreicher, Dashwood and Mrs Gordon McPherson, Bryanston. The funeral was held on Wednesday af- ternoon from the W. A. Hunt funer- al home at 2 p.m,- Interment was made in Dorchester Union Cemetery. HENSALL Sorry to report that Mrs. N. M. Miss Greta Lamnie was recently in Gamin of St. Joseph is confined to Toronto, attending an executive me - her .bed for a few days. eting of the Aaimnae Association of Little Miss Julette Masse, daughter the School for the Blind. of Jaynes Masse, was taken suddenly Mr. John Zuefle, one of our pion - ill on Monday night with .an .attack eer, business men, has been poorly of appendicitis, when she was rushed lately, having- recently ;suffered a to the. Hospital Aa operation was tte4rt af:tack but `'his many friends brened]ately advised, and, •a4 far as !tape to• see 'hive around again in kis cart be learned i, )ties, esuccessfiti, ; ileitis •good health.' The people i f our burg have taken : Wm. Daniels, who recently suffered full advantage of the recent cold a;,eart attack, is improving, He was snap by •puttia.g away''' itheir'wThtrer's suit getting over an accident of a supply of ice which is of the very broken hip while On a visit in Brant- best at present. ford, and was just able to be around On Sunday last the people of this Local doctors have been kept busy, conimunity faced one of the worst the past few weeks as so many people blizaards of the winter in going and have been suffering from flu and returning from church. The first colds. ear that made sin attempt to get Dr. Wrt'a. Geiger of Waterloo, was through found itself perched on a a recent visitor with his mother who 1a brine rwl 1 not until the has linen quite seriously ill. ITeelse,; r,oe." lr "1 tit+ it fir. end 'S y1 G. Drysdale were ":'s . , Pulled reL c ,, h- ra 't«ntfortl. T:itr, r hers `Jet^T`lor,, ing for the f.,•,thf+ai ;;s tea ;,Bane ee,et{e and '.Toronto recently attending a fres'-. parish, they should be vomplimentcrd r:iture exhibition being fridd in thoei i for they h1<>very and far stele chaise, tlTe,In Toro e � �t sm.; ;eIsth" i#sn lririt, Itoy'ra•I York Stat Rev. Wi Weir for the years 1940-'41 to the Library Board. a group of young surveyors, presurra- Correspondence read: Good Roads ably working for the Dominion Gov- Association, Ont. Municipal Ass'n; ernment are making a complete sur - Sick Children's HospitaI, ,County Tre- vey of a' group of farm properties, asurer, Dent. of "Public Wedfare; five miles west of Dungannon. It is Dept. of Highways; TER Branch; J. said the surveyors represent the Roy - Taylor Safe Co.; Hensarr hoard of al Canadian Air Force and that they Red Cross; same considered and filed are making a survey- of approximat- Motion, that we rebate tee Hull rent as paid for the Red Cross. That By-law 1, receive first and second reading. That By-law No.:1 receive third and final reading and finally passed. That we set the rates for Air Training Base. Is one of the Federal Government's air training bases to be located in. Ashfield twp. near the village of Dun gantion? That's the question resid- ents of that community wee asking, as ely 1,000 acres of land, which nray be utilized as an eirport, and train- ing centre for British Empire flyers Everything is Being done secretly and no definite information is forth- coming: FISH EXPORTS HIGHER Ottawa—Fisheries Ministry annta- lances That Canada's fisheries export trade, Increased by r-•,ioximately -$1,620,000 in the first 11 months of like past year. Exports were valttedi at $26,792;786, come:nett with $25,- 113,274 •in the corresponding period of 1939. The gain was in the trade with the U. S. A. and the United Kingdam. Exports to the U. S. were about $12,576,400, an increase of nearly $961,900. They consisted: mainly of fresh and frozen fish. CENTRAL TRAINING SCHOOL Canada has been made the central training school for the air forces of the British Empire. Already hund- reds of Canadian youth are seeking• application forms for enlistment. This event marks an epoch in Can- adian 3ife. • Not once nor twice but six times yearly the specifications for Mc4Ii Frosteu4 - gasolene—the famous MARATHON "BLUE"—are changed to give your motor its accustomed power under different climatic conditions. RED INDIAN motor, lubricants, too, must conform to requirements that are totally different int Wintet than those of Summer driving. FLAY'; $. F.E RED;INDMAN product assure you of trouble-free rfor l� min+ed .the yrt,'nr.:tr+ql"d. .. t Drive into our station TOMORROW sad let us put your car in • shape for uiouhlaffrce, repair free service ctuiing the Winter *onthsi, °. Anti-freeze:'in the `radiatkir4Wiinte.r=grade RED INDIAN at iti~Dt INDIAN AVIATION in the crainitcaseWinterge* 1u$ rkantsin gear' bac and differential—battery checked (free) ---tines chimed --chains repaired, cleaned and tnatde ready for use—chassis lubricated—tank filled with Winter --grade MARATHOISI 491L'11J "' forst quick start and o steadypowerIto matter bow low the thermomsetergoes. DO ITNOW k. Odes.tn et tbi... ellen et the MD OMANI, . where Produ;ts end dervtea► ere the 'host. tint a HOWARD KLOPP — ZURICH Wald a° ritz Used Car Lot in Connection