Zurich Herald, 1939-09-28, Page 1de. VOLUME 4O No 12 Let the Z R 11 C Hf THURSDAY IVIOBIIINGI, SEPTEMBER 28, 1 9 39. ads. in the lleral COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRrCES C. E. Zurbirigg OPTOMETRIST' at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method a Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? . If so; ,Have youx Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODE,RIOH -- ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices 'ABETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP —YOUR HAIR—The most important thing to complete your spring outfit is your hair:. Treat it as such and come to us for your next PERMANENT WAVE. Introducing- to you for the first time the newest in scientrilc hair treatment, it is our pleasure to present "Prescription Permanents." Whether your hair be fine, course, white, etc., we now have a special lotion for each type and you are therefore assured of a. wave in the manner you have always wanted. Why Accept a Substitute for th.e Best. No advance in prices. • Phone 159 Zurich fcir Appointments. MRS. ED GASCHO, Prop. 0,04.00.00,044,4041.00, • • • See and I ide in the New.. 1940 1 1.94� DODGE. "KINGSWAY" .2 -DOOR SEDAN THE CAR. WITH THE FULL -FLOATING RIDE, And Many Other Improvements PHONE TODAY FOR A DEMONSTRATION! LIBERAL TRADE IN ALLOWANCE WARD FRITZ DODGE and DESOTO SALES - ZURICH •••121•MMI.M11111.9.46111.11141..01•401•3 - at'tt • 4,1 1 II renctruantonmeresimeotranwoulniaa,',, WE. SELL THE BEM' FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Fry's Cocoa, halfs„ per tin ... ... . . ... — ... Princess Rakes, glass bowl .free With 2 pkgs.27c New Sultana Raisins, 2 lbs. _ .23c Ogilvies BlendezI Flakes,- per ,pkg. T Oc Hawes Floor wax, pinst ........... Chateau Cheese, half lb. pkg. 1 5c Rolled, oats, 4 lbs. ---...... ...... 1 9c Toilet Tissue, 4 rolls .... . . . ..... ......_.-25c Kleenex 200-s, 2 pkgs .....--.... .. ... ........ .... ...25c 'Matches, 3 pkgs. .—..., of. •- • 25c R.eady.cut Macroni„ per lb. .....-....- 5c. Peanut Butter, 2 lbs. Pork and Beans 21.4oz., 2 tins .19c Peter Pan No. 3 peas, per fin 10c Jelly- Powder, per Pkg.. — 5c Pineapple, per tin . . . . .. .....10c ER .Pion e 140 • ZURICH FALL ?AIR Another Zurich Fall Fair .hae:coMe • r and gone, and the records riayk now this annual event on their pagce The day promised to ,jbe dry ove4iead, but rather chilly, as the nortlf•;evind kept blowing on. The attendant we regret to report was probably about a hundred less than last Yee"ao seemingly the coolness of thCday resulted in some not attendinge•nd if we mistake not,' the largereirs this year showed a small decreaje in attendance, while some 'smallenafairs had recordbreaking crowds. • (pere was a very fine showing inside, espec- ially in grain vegetables and fruits - The livestock, although the quAity was good, but a few less this year, while the horse classes were well fill- ed, in fact it took till after six 'o'cloek till these were all judged. In, fact, it was a nice little country faira:Ad everything passed off nicety •.' • '0,:* HORSES Wagon or Eapress—Brood Mare, C. Erb & Son; Foal, A. Reichert; G.' Erb & Son, W. Reid; 1 yr. Monro, M. Hooper; 2 yr. old, Cheater L. Smith, Publietiffik $11.25 year, U.S. $1.00 in Ad INA.age...k.t03,12 a.o.sc OgARrIntak our guide for yo'tir Fall buying ,......marysecussuculasmanovoomoirmamarzuareattsoworecaam.4,........ ea -77-a %ue- a•-• — 4a/.? Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer were Menday visitor's at London. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. 'Hamilton and Doris were week -end. visitors with Mr. and IVirs. 3.; Galster. •,, Mrs. Harpel, Mrs. KennedY and H. Horton of Hensall ivere Tuesday vis- itors at the home of Mrs. C. Eilber. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and family of Forest were Sunday visit- ors at the home of Mr. William La- mont. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hess' of Pontiac Mich., are spending a few days with the fortner's brothers, Andrew F. and George Hess, Also taking in the fair Mr. Clayton Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs •Clarence Hoffman and son Bobby, Hoop, H. Becker, Sr; dyr.. o, 0,3. of Galt .and Miss Muriel Preeter of Hooper, G. Thiel; Span C. WI. Kent, Kitchener were • Sunday visitors with G. M. Hooper; the formers' parents here. Agricultural, Brood mare, II..;4ur, ner & Son, N. Keys, R. Tinney &.. Mr. Stuart. 'Wright, who has been Son; Foal H. Turner, W. Dale, R, 111dBride; 1 yr. old, R. Hamilton, M. Hooper, H. Turner; 2' yr. old, : W. Hamilton, Span W. Hamilton. Heavy Draught, Brood, marc,' H. Turner .& Son, N. Keys And gml;Foal W. Dale,, N. K.eys,,H. Turner;' 4 yr. old W. Dale, F. W. Steeper; 2 yr. old W. Dale, R. Tinney, N. Keys; §yr. old, F. W, Steeper and.2na; Span, F: W. !Steeper, Mrs.. Jacobs., N. Keys; Roadster—Brood mare; R. Marton Foal; R. Manson, IL .Tinr.eyn 3 id, S Ml1or Val BeelterSitatk• e Roadster S. Miller and 2nd; Lady Driver, W. Monro, S. Miller, V. Bec- ker. Carriage—Brood mare, C. W. Kent R. Manson, Foal C. Kent, Otto WillL ert, R. Manson; 2 yr. old W. Monroe 3 yr.. old C. Kent; Span W. Monroe and 2nd, S. Miller; Single horse W. IVIonnee arid 2nd, S. Miller; Judge—Archie Haas, Paris. CATTLE Shorthorns—W. Oestreicher took tilexcept 2 yr. old, W. Oestreicher, a. Pepper; Heifer calf, R. Pepper W 1eseee;• nee; Bull ander 2 yrs. W. nreicl:er, R. trepper. Beef " • rad ---1 yr old heifer A. Pepper, B. Klopp; ileffee (-elf R. rwer, F. rneier; Steer, r yr, R. -aper, F. P e•z, Stcer calf, R. en -e, O. .'7,tiencl.:s took all in eleee in -l' y" t Herd. J creey cow, 71. or yr. o...1 1i., Pr.y.1 O'Itn_ron; • Palled Aly,U:;--• 1L"' B, ;lore and 2r.• ; Bert sTiT-yr, T2e.. • ' A [..per .",r! r• , 7 1t.011' 2, "I i P.A111 ,A1+, ' ' 7. ": 71.70 .f.-41; Ewe, W. Terny, O. A.11i3T • -A ;yd ain,. 0, • ion 4'11 n tbra vla,,s: tele: :-.ter— • .‘,e 1-, 0. Darra.nce, O. Lawson; E tam. D. Gra- lem, C. Lawson • .; ewe. D .l.aluma, G. Dorranve lamb D. Graham and 2nd; D. Gra- aam, C. Lawson, E D. Gralionn and 2nd. HOGS • YOrkSliht,--.A.ged r:MV, R. ?Tensor) Aged boar, R. :larn ea; Spring sow R. Lamont, R. llivneon. • Tamworth--Age-1 row, R. Neilson Spring Sow, W. Sparks and TInmehn y Snell; Judge. IhmInms, cock, hen, cock - rel and nullett, Loo ()Trion and 21id; S. S. Hambure, cock lst, hen ist & Incl Lloyd O'Brien,Cockrel and pullet ht W. Clark; Barred Rocks, cock aV, Clark, hon lieneeront and 2 White Rocks. Cock, D. GraharrnSno- wden & Grainger, hen D. Graham, J. Kockems, cockerel F. MeClvniont. .Snowden & Grainger, pullett F. Mc- Clyrriont. Snowdon & Grainger; Brah- mas, cock D. Graham, Thiel nros hen Thiel Bros. D. Graham, pullett. Thiel Bros. -and 2nd; 131k, minorcaq cock, hen, eockrel and pullett, O. Battler 1st; White Minoreas, talc, 0, Continued on Page rnt employed in Prang's garage as mech, ante for some time, left On Monday for •London where he will join the army. Stuart had- made many fri- ends while in Zurich. • You are cordiallly invited to attend a "Piano Recital" by the pupils of Miss Lenora Haberer in the basement of St. Peters Lutheran church, Zur- ich, on Thursday, October 5th, at 8 p. rn. 'Mr. Quimby; Hess who 'spent the Eniny River Dialria:•tifgaged":' tiffsOl.,f estry work, spent the, week -end at hie home here_ prior to leaving for Toronto, - Mr. and Mrs. David Schnell and son Robert from Aberdeen, Sask., are visiting with relatives and friends in this vicinityover an excursion. Rob- ert who has just completed a five year term in classics in the Saskatoon Univresity, is now entering Toronto University for a five year term in similar studios, s!..,,cializing an Heb- rew, Greek and many other classics. Mrs. Louis:: King'? Pn.s,:es The death took plaee on Tuesday everira; of Louisa klopp, in reddenre in Z11 ih. She had been ber usual 17walth and was in thy 1,:,tc!kan an j 1.;,.:4:,a; helped to rrne31 •c41 :..z. Elmer- KI ,pp. when 131 of I sulFen she ,•;ank CIO W rn.l be l'ore al n!-.1 eorl 1 be sum- moned herl rIsseir. away. within a few 1, 81 -,sne; a of a2. As •) 't p),,5 no 1.eflnite a*.rrange- rta. were mzul ftw the funeral. 'Word has here :t Str!C'. ifinlypyr 47!'"-• ZurP.b. Fran :41:r.S. Sinith wont to nurat•P.?.* . ' • Angeles, where il;s:•:), •-•'• :e.1freVed two 71-Tel:es, tut ' • reed toJIAT c•nioyirx thb various auto (11 :::'ound home. Survieine• lid -'n ii, ar:Teen:el. 17,r, 'two ch,ldre.m, a 500 an I a daughter. a1,,ereneae T,17ra E"mith. rr Detroit and a sister,. "Mrs. Joetale rc,iger of. Zurch. Sorry we 'Mee not more par- tculars at present. A Real Beauty Sp.,t , The. vacant lot caused by the fire of the old stable on Victoria Street a week ago,' has made very rapid progress towards a real beauty spot, one of the finest you would wish to see. The same afternoon of the fire a gang of men were busy taking out the old timbers and lumber and the bricks and debries wore hauled away by truck, considerable labor was put forth in digging out the eld logs and levelling up the ground,several, roade of nice black earth were hauled ir end levelled, a nice picket fence er- ected on the south sido the same a on the north side, :a nice row of green cedar trees planted along the west side. 'Truly it is a creditable beauty spot, with an outstanding ap• Peal'ancef instead of the two old 'earns of a year ago. We congratu- late Dr. Addison for his efforts and Oeterminagon to beautify that p4. -Cc pre.petit, Community Plate Sale % off OW ALL PATTERNS Lady Hamilton Grosvenor Deauville Adam Coronation Etc., Etc. rhis is an opportunity to buy hose odd Pieces you have been wanting. Sale ends Sept. :30th. A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN • ... PHONE YOUR For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracips ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta,. Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling.lcris Feeds. . W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fon. .Eggs on a graded basis...„, Pone 10 - Hens 44 44+ .4+4* +. • • • • .0 44 4, ....4444-44 4464).".4' "4 I • 0 Ult, • 0 * • • • • A • • • • • • • • • • 6'• 0 40, tO • • • 6' 6' Fall OR Overcoatings These are the finest range of Suitings and Over - coatings we have ever shown, and prices the lowest Two of the largest and Best Firms in Canada. W. R. Johnston, and House of Hoth?,rlin. Over 600 Patterns to choose from. Made to style you want. OUR SUITS FOR $22.03 Made to Measure, are the best Bargains we have ever had. LOOK OVER OUR RANGE EMBALMERS ,r4,ND FUNERAL Dip EcTcr 1,4b..;)4>•644.100444,41.....a•soe.4.4.?o,,f,4<.?pallee.o4+44,,4,44 r ter-4.4.`"P"rOMEMERMURERNIMPUZIANIMMINELTIr2=9147ZYMALIAMEINCREIMMIMISMESV.:.-*d.;;:l'a ;MEI* sT,17. ts.77}1 Mr.?. 1 deg Ard Make Bi in With the Upward Trend of Prices, We advise the Public to Buy Now! We have a full stock of Goods usually found.. in a Country Store:.. Dry Goods, Crockery, Hardware, Boots and. and Harness Repairs, Etc. Fresh Groceries Always on Hand THE DOI% PHONE 71 97 U,Sib s ST1 BLAKE