Zurich Herald, 1939-07-13, Page 8CAGE RIGH] THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Good quality factory cotton, yd. 10c Bread loth, '+,1:,.: 0 oanly, yd. 14c Unbleached Sheeting, 72 -in, wide, yd. -ac I abasso Sheets 80-90, each 1.29 Man's n's _F irne Shirts, at 98c Men's Sport Trousers, at pr. 1.65 Men's Work Pants, light !weight, pr. 98c CONGOLEUM RUGS, DROP PATTERNS 2 only 7 3 x9 at each 5.75 3 only 9x9 at each 6.50 1 only 9x103k at each 7.85 GROCERY SPECIALS Cookies per lb at i 5c Peas and Corn, canned, 3 tins 25c Q raker Corn Flakes, 2 for 15c Castile Soap, 12 bars for 25c T9c 15c 20c Chateau Cheese, Half's at 1 5 c Jar Rubbers, 12 cut, box 5c Huskies, W. flakes, 2 pkgs. 14c We take orders for Montmorency Red and Black Cherries. Prices will be lower than last season. Pork and Beans, large tins, 2 for Rose Baking Powder, 1-1b. tin No. 1 Ditch Cocoa, Ib. J. G SCHO PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 mmiumagummmimigemgimia Huron & Erie Debentures CANADA TRTJBT GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES Any Amount.. for.: - $100.00.. and over Accepted 3% per annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 Years 331% per annum for 3 and 4 Years... 336% per annum for 5 to 10 Years. Free Information From Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative .. Zurich 1 ZURICH HERALD 111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111 Il BEEE r ry Peerless wheat puffs, 16 -oz. pkg. „•............ ..19c Fly spray, 16 -oz can 25c Laundry soap (unwrapped) 10 bars 5c Ginger snaps per lb. 10c New potatoes, 7 lbs. .25c Pure Dutch Cocoa, per lb. i 5c Heavy Zink rings, " per dozen 25c Grape juice per bottle . ...••. i 5c Save, our Cash Coupons°`for some beautiful China - w' . Zurich Phone 165 1111111111111111 111111111111111 1111111M111111111111111111111111111 11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111ljq Mr. Albert Heideman of Kitchener visited at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith motored to London Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Walper of Detroit, are holidaying with re:atives I here. Mr. Clayton Hoffman of Galt was a visitor at his home here the past week. Mrs. (Dr.) W. B. Coxon and Mrs. Howard Klopp were in LonGon, on Thursday. Miss Violet Fremlin of Toronto, was a vis .tor with her friend Miss Cora Streets of town: Mr. and Mrs. Anbani Eckel,, of Plattsvii e, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eckel. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thiel, Mr and Mrs. George Thiel motored to Kitchener, visiting friends on Sunda3 last. The summer resorts along ,the lak are kept quite busy these weeks, and reports have it that it will be an out standing summer for campers on their holidays in these parts. Another cu:tomer has been 'adder to the Zurich water system. M': Or vide Witmer has had a pipe Tine run into his milk house. Mr. jun r instalilnngM,a;rpastuerization plant whir• he expects -to have in• operation ;b the first of August. i +see•sir•eeeeeoeseeelleeeeeeeeeeee ll • HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE !Wire 1 Fencing If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! FROST FENCE ... . for long life. Come in and see our stock of Frost Form Fence .. the finest we've eta hod. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process. W cars for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. 4 ,.11a IWO OM let 'tib Sli•alle fIBs4 i im le I arrr swam row Dana TIGHT ` "LOdt ZINC BONDED a* e.cluin FROST Felton dad SAVES YOU MONEYI PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried • and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes PI Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. 4 1 s • • 1 • • The beautiful fields of wheat in- deed are very pitcuresque as one drives through thet country, such bea- utiful fields of golden hue, indeed it seems a pity to put the sickle into so LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) $utter, dairy: ' 24 Butter, creamery 25 butter, Second; gpade, .... 23•e !Eggs .. .......•.......... - - Ss;. 16, 14 •Live hens, lb. 8-11 Chickens, live ....... 9-13 Wheat, 'bushel; 'Oats bushel. `.Barley, bush. 60 23 40 Buckwheat, bush. Flour, cwt. ....... Bran and shorts, ton Potatoes per• 90-1•b._ •bag Live hogs;, cwt. ...... 4A - 175 2.6'0 20.00 85c 8_'.T 5 Zurich's Ladies' Wear NEW SPRING DRESSES We are now sktewing a nice range of New Spring Dresses, and invite you to come in and look them `over. Attractive Priced from $1.49 to $7.50 Note --Our Store is in our Residence. MRS. PEARL MOUSSEAU, Zurich Phone 47 Zurich ;Pearl Cann, Lois Clark, Helen Essery Calvin Fahrner, Jean Hagerman, Mil died Hannigan, Jean Hepburn, Cal- vin Heywood, Raymond Higgins, Dor- is Hill, Phyllis Hill, Virla J•ones,Mary Kirk, Mary MacDonald, Shirley Mas - fine a picture, but harvest time is 1 on, Leslie Mitchell, Shirley Moir, here and the Paws of nature must be 'Matthew Morlock, Joe Oudrejicka; fuelled, and so the farmer.is getting Marj. Richard, Helen Rowe, Audrey ready for cutting the wheat which in Russell, Fred Statton, Jas. Triobner, a week's time will be in full swing: 240 HOURS SUNSHINE Only two Junes in the past 14 yrs. were duller than the month which has just passed, according to figures re- leased at the University of Western Ruby Welsh, Melba Whiting, HENSALL CENTRE 1st C.H.—John Beer, Ross Kenn- edy, Lois MacLean, Jos. Marks, Jean ,Speir; 2nd Class Hon.—Earl Dignon Rabt. Nichol, Karl Schwalm; Pass— Ontario. The The report indicates only 'Gordon Campbell, Carl Datars, Shir- 51 p.c. of possible sunshine for the' 'ley Fairbairn, Ross Greens, Doris moth, or 240 hours. June 1938 had Kercher, Ross Karcher, Mildred Jones lust a fraction under 266 hours, and' Eldred Moffatt,. June Murdock, Har- the 14 -year been 27;1 hes;. old Peck, Nathan Phillips, Margaret !The daily over eight ''6angster, 'ohm Shepherd, . Audrey Twitchell, Gleno, Weido, average has average was just hours sun per day. TO HURON FRUIT GROWERS The Huron County Fruit Grower't ^.ssaciation cordially invites you to their first annual Picnic and' Fiel ;" Day, on Friday July 21 t, at Gec Laithwaite �i Sons' farm, on no 'Highway near Goderich. oa are re lues'ted to bring a basket picnic lunch which will b pooled and served o)i,'. tables. The program: Ae 2 p.in , aS semble at Laithwaite farm and until 5 p.m. a trip through the orchard ant' reforestation lock byProf. H owit r s b �, O.A.C. Guelph, and W, H. Porte, Editor, Farmers Advocate. A, progra,ni of sports arranged for the younger people during this .period. 6 p rni. Lunch, after which a musical prog�; am and the following will will`spealt'1 R. E. Turner, Warden Huron -,CV: Tan MacLeod, Brghton, former Age iC. Rep., Huron: Geo. Wilson,.WJ i New man of the Ont. Form Products Carl&' trol Board, Parliament Iluildings, TOT' )nto. HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE RESULTS The following are the results of.the Iigh School entrance examination :eld at centres under the jurtsaiction >f the Exeter High School Entrance •hoard. First and second-class Ironor;4 ,re announced: first-class means !hist 5 per cent. or more of the loth narks was secured, 2nd class that he-', Sween 70 and 74 per cent, of the', total, marks was obtained. ` 1 EXETER C1�.N`i kilt, 4/..........10000•••••••••••••••••614800611/0•00•••••••• lst Hons--Bernice Drown, Marie Fletcher, Hazel Kerslake. t'Vinston Shapton, Mae Snell, Lewis 'Lasko; Jean Triebne•r. 2nd class Hons.4:-- Doreen Campbell, Marjorie Essety;` Roy Kirk, Shirley Mots, Carman Ro- esler, ,"can Stanlake; Wm. Weekes, Pass—.Helen. Bullock', liael ;well, • STARE & WEID1 QuuZmRIC p - _ ONT. ZURICH ONT. QUALITY -- PRICE SERVICE DASHOOD CENTRE lst C. H.—Leonard Dietrich, Joyce England, Lila Finlobeiner, Mabel Jac- kson, Liorne Miller, Rosaleen Miller, Ross Pickering; 2nd class—Ila Best- ard, Doris Denomme, Charles Dinney, Norman Eveland, Ruth Guenther, Dorothy Hayter, Eileen • Miller, Shir- ley Murray, Marg. Taylor, Margaret Webb, Doris Willert. Pass—Shirley Brenner, Eileen Davey, 011ace Desjnr dine, Pauline Eagleson, Gordon'inr, beiner, Howard Ford, Eloise Gill, Eunice Haist, Helen Latta, Mildred Maier, Harvey Pfaff,, IsabLf Taylor, Russell Tiernan, Helen Turnbull, Tre- sia Ziler., BAFIELD CENTRE 1st Hons.,—Audrey Erancon, Oliver lfapson, Wm. Johnston, ' Maraiyn '•Iaxwell, Elizabeth Middleton, Lloyd Pease, Ruby Reid, Anna Townsend. 2nd class -Alvin Keys, Harold ;Albert Martin, Martin, Ruth Middleton, Dawna Timms, Edward Wise, Muriel Wise. Pass—Eleta Ducharme, Opal Dyer, Malcom McLeod, Lloyd West- lake, Reta Yoe. ZURICH CENTRE lst Class Hons—Gladys Baechler, )ella Gingerich. 2nr class hons aaith Atchison, Maxime Du,rand,Mary !o,ster, Eileen Patterson, Ellwood rruernner, Herbert Turkheim. Pass --- on Bedard, Bruce Church, Glenn ;tet;, Wm. Flaxbard, Aleda Grenier Norma Hey, Ruby Gaiser, Lee Jen. rison;. Patricia Mittleholtz, Jean 5re- mnan. WIN SCHOLARSHIPS The Hay Township scholarships ,warded annually to pupils from the Township of Hay securing the highest marks;` .on the entrance examinations were • won as follows: ( 1) Della Gin. gerich • of 8,8: No. 6, Hay; (2) Rosa, leen Miller of S.S:'No.',8, ]hay; (3) Lorna Miller of S.S. No. 8, Bay. trhurway, �'ui 1 wth, io3o Tr *EN '�IO��S+4104.444.4410+M 44.4.4 i�4.4+'r'.4-11.,444,4'i1,.+4II•�i•++++++dpi► H 4. 4 11,4 t1. s 4▪ , dwal Unlit r YOUR. SEAS N'S NEEDS :? This Season Calls for Good New Fences on the Faxen'. Let Us Supply You With the best of Woven- Wire. We Ialso have Barb Wires, Brace Wires, Staples, Etc. See • us about New Roofings, Plumbing, and Ev'etrougbialg'N 4. * SPECIAL PAINT SALE, From. 65c. a Quart up: FURNITURE 1 Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest 1 in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds;. Springs, Mattress, sDining Room; Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. * SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the, most conservative purchaser, we have a * Large Assortment of Slightly Used; Furniture that will .++sq give you big value for the Money, such as: Davenports, Z * Couches, Dressers, Rockers, O ' ' Chairs, Etc. Be 4 • A sure and look these over. yy+ 40S + Johnston Kaibfieiscli • t Hardware Furniture. Phone 63 1 i 1 4r MASSBY-IIARRIS NEWS GENUINE M. -H. PARTS work best on M. -H. Im plements... Mower and 8ia� zr Knaves ground while you wait with carbarundum equipment. Guaranteed Batteries at $4.49 1 i4 year battery guarantee 6.85 2 year battery guarantee 17 -plate 7.95 Guaranteed 440-21 tires at 5.85 Visit, the . East End Service Station for City, Serv- ice at Zurich,prices.. `' Cars:. and trucks properly, ..:..: greased with latest hydralic equipment. GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 East and West End SERVICE STATIONS EMPTING, nour- ishing dishes like this can save you money ... brighten your table ... and put variety into your meals. This recipe is only one of 103 mar- vellous ways bread can make meals better! As an ingredient, as toast, or just plain, wholesome bread and butter, you and your children should get plenty of bread. It's a combination of pro- teins and carbohy- drates that supplies energy and builds body tissues. And bread itself is not fattening. Every day, eat at least six slices of our delicious bread. "193 WAYS TO SERVE BREAD" — Big illustrated recipe book worth 25i wilt be sent to ti you FREE Just leave your name �c with ECKEL'S BAKERY - Zurich r.