Zurich Herald, 1939-06-15, Page 2Fail To Rescue 99 Men Trapped In Sunken Submarine ° Lis composite photograph, made up of an artist's dra wing and an actual photograph of rescue vessels, gra- phically illusteates the desperate, but vain, attempts of salvage crews to rescue the 99 men entombed in the riunken British submarine, Thetis, which sank to the b ottom of the Irish Sea while on a trial run: .Four ween aboard the ill-fated craft succeeded in escaping by using the Davis lung. ave You ear • An old darky approached the minister cautiously and very light- ly tapped his shoulder. 'Verson, suhe' he said, "Ah done wants you all to pray for me. Ah's ;In a bad way, sub." "Well, Rastus, what's wrong with you?" "Suh, Ah's got a floating kidney, Ah has, sub." "But, Rastus," replied the min- ister, "1 can't pray for physical things like that; I only pray for upiritual things." "You all can't pray for a. float- ing kidney? Then how come you ail prayed last Sunday for theeltioeee livers?" let Kangaroo — Annabelle, ;where's the baby? End Kangaroo—My goodness, Neve had my pocket picked! Progress of romance in the wheat belt, deduced from the Reg- in..a (Sask.) Leader -Post classified columns: Teacher Wanted, Protestant; sal- ary, $550; 11 pupils; English-speak- 3hg district; nine teachers married from school in last 19 years. Possi- bilities not exhausted. Give phone numbers when replying. Address, Teacher, Box 173, Hanley, Sask. 4t makes me sad To think that we Can never see Our Vertebrae. rather: "I wish you wouldn't al- ways keep asking questions. Didn't ;gen ever bear that curiosity killed the cat?" Little Arthur: "What did the car Leant to know, rather?" Cupid may be a good shot bat he makes some awful Mrs. Schools Compete At Exhibition Every Province In Dominion Will Have Entries By Schol- ars In C. N. E. Competi- tions This Year That so-called "new Canadians" are quick to take advantage of the facilities provided by the Ontario system of education is strikingly reflected in the extraordinary num- ber of foreign names in the more than nineteen hundred entries al- ready received in the school ex- hibits and competitions at the Can- adian National Exhibition this year. Northern Ontari mining and ag- ricultural areas will be represented in a very large way. In the Kirk- land flake district alone five schools have, sent 800 entries and there areemore to iollo'w. Entries embrace writing, drawing, model- ling in soap, clay and other mater- ials, and all the wide variety of work covered in the Exhibition's educational section. Marked in- crease in tl.a number of exhibits from all parts of Canada has neces- sitated shifting the location of the educational a' 'on to the mezzan- ine of the Automotive Building. Every province in the Dominion will have more o: less rt :: esenta- tion in 'te school cTmpetitions this year. Ontario representatives al- ready have arrived from Sault Ste. Marie, Picton, Amherstburg, Kitch- ener, Owen Sound, Simcoe, Walk- erton, Englehart, Brighton, Dry- den, ryden, Stayner and elsewhere. Emaciation's Out Of Fashion Miss Katherine Krug, Wilson College's dietitian, is not certain whether "emaciation" has ceased to be fashionable, but she does know that girls under her care "eat far more sensibly than they used to." Although there is no college rule on the subject, Miss Krug said, tie girls "attend meals re- gularly ---even breakfast." "The consumption of milk has almost trebled in 10 years," she said. Hysteria Reigns As R fugees' Ship Driven From Cuba fefnsed i ermi:aion to land 913 Jowlsh refugees from Germany at Ila - vane, Cuba, the Ilatnburg-America liner St. Lotus sailed from Cuba to anise in. the Carribbean until some other port was made available for the landing of the refugees, )'ailing this the liner sailed back to Ger- Many with its cargo of human misery. Many of the women refugees became hysterical as the St, Luis sailed from Havana and had to be restrained from throwing themselves overboard, They would rather jump into the sea than return to Germany. What Science Ding Slim Types Safest • The slim, "asthentic" type of per- son is likely to go through Iife with normal, or even Iow, blood pres- sure, but the "pyknic" type, char- acterized by short, broad body structure, is suceptible to high blood pressure, a medical si rvey shows. Civilization causes many degen- erative diseases, and many of -hese are accompanied by overweight. We are victims of both hurry and inactivity. e "Dynamite" in Bugs ,- "The."hidden dynamite' car;5.•' by some of the smallest bugs whith infest men is declared today to be a potent cause of disease and or death during the summer months. This "dynamite" is the virus of Rocky Mountain spotted fever, car- ried by dog ticks and transmitted to man when an infected tick bites a human being. it is so powerful that the amount which could be picked up on a pin point eat cause death. - Bate of Fingernail Growth Two doctors from Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, have informed the Royal Society of Canada, that they are studying the rate of the growth of the human fingernail in hopes of illuminating ' certain phases of cancer research. Selecting Ye ur Child's Clothes See That They Are Well Made So They Will Stand Wear and Washing Children's clothes should be well made. They get hard wear and fre- quent trips to the tub, and if they are to stand up under this and at the same time be comfortable to wear, seams and finishes should be narrow, smooth and pliable, The kind of construction is determined by the particular garment, the ma- terial and the kind of wear it will be given, but, in general, thread should always match the fabric in strength and color. Stitching needs to be close and properly adjusted and reinforcements are a protection for places likely to be strained. Consider Likes And Dislikes Parents should also bear in mind that children begin to develop color preferences and standards of taste and quality very early. Some child- ren are very sensitive to colors and their likes and dislikes should. nev- er be ignored or ridiculed. By let- ting a child have what he enjoys, SO far as it is possible, parents can encorrage a wholesome pride in appearance. HowYou May Reduce Varicose or Swollen Veins—Heal Ulcers Simple Bronze Treatment The world progresses. Today many minor ailments that took weeks to overcome can be helped much more quickly, If you have varicose veins or bunches, start today to bring them back to normal size and if you are wise you will do so. lust get an originalbottle of Moonc's Emerald Oil at any dispensing pharmacist and apply, it night and motning to the en. larged veins. In a short time the veins should begin to grow smaller and by regular use soon approach normal, rem& who want to reduce varicose veins or swellings, should not hesitate to try a bottle 8t once, it le so penetrating and eco- nomical that a sisals bottle lasts e 1long time, Farm Forum Q,—Would you please tell fee if it would do any good to put hardwood ashes (sifted) on my lawn, as the grass is rather poor owing to sandy soil, also would it do to put around dahlia roots'?--- iC.W,--York County, A.—As to applying hardwood Ashes to your lawn, this will mean an application of Potash and Lime. If you like a fair amount of Clo- ver in your lawn, it will be quite good, however, if the soil is slight- ly acid which I surmise it might be from your description, an appli- cation of Hardwood. Ashes would sweeten it up and make it a more desirable Location for valuable grasses and clover. As to putting hardwood ashes around dahlia bulbs, records show that dahlias thrive in a slightly acid to neutral soil. If your soil is slightly acid, then the addition of hardwood ashes will correct this condition since they carry 30% line. The potash in wood ashes will help the formation of starch in dahlia roots wheih is also de- sirable. Q.—Could you please tell me if old sawdust is useful as a fertil- izer? I have a large quantity of it rotted and would use it on the land if it would be of any value to the Iand.—S.H.—Leeds County. A.—In reply to your inquiry of the 12th instant, which has been unfortunately mislaid until now, 1 wish to say that sawdust is not Looked upon as a very high grade fertilizer. I have one analysis of it which shows a content of about .1% Nitrogen, .2% Phosphoric Acid, .4% Potash,. This is how it compares with Oat Straw, the lat- ter is 6.2% Nitrogen, .2% Phos- phoric Acid and 1.04% Potash. I presume that a light dressing of this material on a heavy soil would tend to open the soil up. On light soil it would tend to bind the soil together and give it body. Sawdust does not rot very quiekly, but applied in moderate quantities would be of some bene- fit to the soil. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1 1.—When a person has finished eating, isn't it helpful if he will stack the empty dishes? 2.—Should a man and wife re- gister at a hotel as "William L. .Allen and wife"? 3.—How long before the hour for the church wedding ceremony should guests arrive? 4.—When you have been intro- duced to a person, and upon leav- ing, this person says "I hope I shall see you again before long," what should the response be? 5.—When a man is forced by circumstances to send a girl whom he has been accompanying, hone in a taxi, should be pay the taxi fare? 6.—Should a person butter the entire slice of bread at one time? Answers may consider it helpful, but it is certainly not good form to do so. The dishes should re- main as they are until the waiter removes them. 2.—No. The man should register, Mr. and Mrs. Wil - rte WORTH REACHING IN FOR!" A Your first pipeful of Dixie Plug will convince you that it goes further and lasts longer too. Ham L. Allen, Chicago. Omit the street address. 3. ---About twen- ty minutes, never later than ten minutes. 4.—"Thank you. I hope Y shall see you again, too." 5.—e He should ask the driver the ap- proximate amount the fare will be and pay him, adding enough for a tip. 0.—No. 'One should butter a small piece at a time. Quick Change Police A youth, summoned for riding a bicycle past traffic lights in Lon- don, England, told the Court he was 16, so the case was sent' to the Juvenile Court. There magis- trates had to wait until the police officer in the ease changed into civilian clothes. By. that time the youth could not be found, so the policeman had to change back into . uniform and go in search of him. Eventually he turned up, and the policeman having put on civilian ,clothes once more the ease went on and the lad was fined 60c. A new British liner has a room exclusively for the playing of darts. Rrestosse SAFETY PROVED AGAIN \IN INDIANAPO[IS SPEEDWAY RACE! ! firestone TERES HAVE BEEN THE CHOICE OF THE WINNING DRIVERS - ..,. FOR 20 CONSECUTIVE YEARS! ,f. As a direct result of their experience wined! on :the speedways of the world, Firestone engineers now offer you the sensational new Champion Tire. Built with the new Safety - Lock cords and a new and advanced method of Gum -Dipping, this new tire is 35% stronger. The new Gear -Grip tread, with thousands of sharp -edge angles, is a marvel for long mileage, -non-skid safety and for sure, quick stops. Drive in today fro your nearest Firestone Dealer and put on Champions—the only tire that is proved on the speedway for your safety on the highway. lif't' 170 a 11118`1' CIItCIiS '.COY NOTCH CHICIis TOP NOTCH QUALITY AT ROCI{ Bottom prices all from blood test- ed breeders, Prices effective June 26th, Standard Quality Barred Rocks, White Rocks, New Hamp- shire Reds, Hybrids $8.25; 90% Pullets $11.75; Cockerels $8.00. Large Egg Quality Heavy Breeds $9.25; Pullets, $1.3.75; Cockerels, $9.00, Bigger Profit Quality slight-. ly higher. Free circular.—Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. SALE OF LEGHORN DAY OLD chicks from blood -tested breeders at rock bottom prices while they last. Standard Quality G'1 rents; 90% Pullets, 18',6 cents; Large Egg Quality add .'Ole. Bigger Pro- fit Quality add .02c. Shipped C.O. D. anywhere.—Top Notch Chick- eries, Guelph, Ont, rumor CmIICIKS NEW LOW PRICES AF'.CIOR JUNE 21st, Standard Quality Barred Rocks, White Rocks, New Hump - shire Reds, Hybrids $8.75, 00% Pullets $11.95, Cockerels $8,00. Leghorns $8.25, Pullets 815.95. )31g Mlgg Quality hatched. from 25 to 80 ounce eggs t-Eeavy i3reeds $9,45, Pullets $13,95, Cockerels $0.00, Leghorns $8,05, Pullets 318. 90. Free catalogue. --Baden Elec- tric Chick Hatchery, Limited, Rad- en, Ontario. 'i'"W5iODX,E CRICKS TW81DDLi7 HIGH. QUALITY GOV- ernment Approved Chicks in the low price field for June. Grade A Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, White Rocks, Hybrids $9.45, 90% Pullets $14.75 Cockerels $8. Brown Leghorns, White Leghorns $8.35, Pullets $18.75. Extra Profit Grade the kind that weigh two pounds per. hundred more Fzeavy Breeds 311.45, Pullets 318.90, Leg - horns $10.05, Pullets $21.96, Prompt delivery. Free poultry book. -- Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. XIRAY CHICK. r,'RtCI{ BUYERS SAY MY BRA.Y Chicks are the biggest, healthiest chicks they've ever seen," writes Miss Jane McPherson, Dundalk, Ontario, R. It, 2. (let Your order in for sturdy, "fast-growing Bray chicks today, Bray hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, On- turlo, Advrtsiig. "THIS IS MY I'IRST EXPERIENCE with a brooder stove, but T still have as many chicks as I paid for after 7 weeks," says Mrs. A. E. Bell of Apohagut, N. R. Bray chicles arrive alive and keep on living. Order yours now. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY START YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Every dollar sate brings you sev- enty-five cents profit. Write Ec- onomy Distributing Company, Cur- tis A venue, beam ington, Ontario. EIL.MS n13VLLOI'LI) FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH P'V- ery roll film developed and erght high gloss prints 25c. 8 enlarged prints 25e. Reprints same prices, lirightling Studio, 29A Richmond St. East, Toronto, (P'1RTE t4 1T) "AMAZING O1 ]']2t —.FREE StT1T Would you like a genuine $35 116 - tail Value Made to Measure suit absolutely free for only a little of your spare time? Write today for full details. The Hudson Com- pany, Labelle )31dg, Montreal," 2,800 FREE MOVIE CAMERAS! 13OYSI GIRLS! We'll GIVE YOTI A a genuine Moving Picture Ma- chine (complete ,with eye, Charlie Charlie Chaplin, Buck Jones, Laurel Rs Hardy, eta, etc.) AB- SOLUTELY FREE for selling only anddadciress today ges Dove Rush trust name 1! Charm Studio, Box 144, Victoria, f1Afit DODOS WIGS, li)tll'Pv.1, i'13R14J1+1)it141ft- tions. Switches Curls and aril types of finest ptattlity Halt' Goode 'Write for iilustrated catalogue. (ionfiden- tial fertile arranged. 'N`oronte Hero, +In i'ipir Supply Co. 628 eletht)rst Toronto, rowinsontssnomilmll LEARN BARBERING START ANYTIME WITH AN UP - to -date System. Government lic- ensed. Free information, Modern Barber School, 142 Queen Street East, Toronto. MEDICAL HAY FEVER, ROSE FI3VEn SU.F- fevers. Money Back Remedy. 31.00, Canada Herb Co., Windsor, Orb. tarso. GLEAMS Dii,V) LO1 l51) FILMS DEVELOPED, TW() PRINTS of each and FREE ENLARGE- MENT coupon 25e. --Offset Photo- graphy Dep. "A" 2 Russell Ste Toronto, )'Ii8SssNA 1, MARRY—HUNDREDS 'Pt) CIi.()OSE from. Many with. means,. Farm- ers' daughters, Widows, with Property. Particulars llle. Con- tldential, Box 128 Calgary. Al- berta. QUIT 1Y 113AU1'U smart?, GASi LY, lnespeesively, Nome remedy. Tes- timonlnts, taus rani eed, Advice free Bartlett's 10)3 1. Winnipeg. WHY SUFFER- FROM ACID 'rim - gestic)), Heartburn, ' Gas. Take Arms Antacid Tablets" for Buick relief. 35c box, 3 boxes $1.00,— 9.rms Products, 2150 Oxford A.ve, Montreal, Que. PUPS Sent SALE I'OR ti i1,T4 -5 CUI:T)S', T.IVEIt ANIS white ,Springer Spaniel Pups, months old. Registered. Apply lt. IT. Ozburn, 14 University Ave, Guelph. SEWING MA t;fn,Yf•7S Jt StII'PI,IEe t''O11 SEW iNf4 MACIIINES, ItEe pairs, supplles-all maltcs, new 01 trade-in, reconditioned much. Ines In stock — Write A. i4ilbert ee. Nue e c) ... :.. .:.. , .,' n 350 i't7n ' `It, !'rsrotTYO STAMPS e MPS - NEWFOUNDLAND STAMPS, 40 OIIes ferent 90e, catalogue ,valve 420601 Price Bats furnished liid. Seam« well, Ilotwood, Newfounrlland. Issue No, 24 -- t39'