Zurich Herald, 1939-03-23, Page 2Lieutenant -Governor Matthews Inspects Guards as Ontario Legislature Opens litleutenant-Governor Iron. Albert Matthews is pictured here as he inspected the guard of honor at the open- ing of the third session of the 20th Ontario legislature. Eastern Canada Grows Soybean New Variety Has Been De- veioped With Early Ma- turity, High Yield After seven years of careful study and selection by the Divi - cion of Forage Plants, Central Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa, a soy - 'bean progeny has been obtained which possesses in a marked de- gree the desired characteristics of early maturity, high yield, desir- able plant type, and yellow seed color. Tbis progeny has just been licensed as a soybean variety un - .der the name of Pagoda. Pagoda is as early in maturity as Manitoba Brown, has been found superior to this variety in plant type and yielding ability, and has yellow seed. Pagoda ripens at Ot- tawa in 100 to 105 days, as com- pared with 120 to 125 days for Mandarin. It is obvious, there- fore, that Pagoda is adapted to a much wider area than Mandarin and can be used in districts where n could not be expected to A very henpecked husband reached the end of his patience, and, after a final row with his wife took his bowler hat from the peg and said: "lin going." Three years Iater he :'eturned and his wife greeted him: "Where the dickens stave you been°" "Out," he replied, and hung his :hat on the same peg. An Arctic explorer records that he actually found an al- arm clock in the possesion of an Eskimo, How wonderful it ,Rust be to turn in, say, in October, and set the alarm for about April. The following was the verdict by an Iowa jury in a suit against a railroad company: "If the train had run as it should have run; if the bell had rung as it should have rung; if the Whistle had Vowed as it should have blew both of which it did neither, the cow would not have been injured when she was killed." "Mabel, you really ought to wear' a hat when you go out hs the evening." ' "But,.mother, 1 am wearing a hat. It's on the other side." Fred was showing his sweet- heart the old family album, and pointed out a particular photo- graph of which he was very proud. it depicted him as 'a small boy dressed in a sailor suit, sitting on iris uncle's, kited, "There, ivhat. de you think of that one?'/ he said. "Very nice," his sweetheart said. "But who is the ventrilo- quist'?" The wise question is not, "Is Christ Divine?" but "What is God like?"—William Temple, 8114) itch n Minute � M n U 18E tdA .I.OR'$ ?or quick relief from the itching of eczema, biotobre, plmples, Athlete's foot scales, rashes and other skirt eruptions apply pr, foot, .purer tooling, trainee - lid, lid, limed D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, list gentle eras rootlet, the irtitn'ted skin. C scar, greaaclets and stnln• ds,,Sllemtdsrimcva tt iiintlyAga trialbottle at toes, ppei- et money back. Ask for 0. l), D. PRESCiNPT1011. 26 Man Has Skunks In His -Basement After months of suspicion, Val. S. Snow of Salt Lake City .knows the horrible truth—he has skunks in his basement. While firing the furnace he came onto two of them at too close range. He laid his problem before Biological Survey and re- ceived the comforting information skunks are excellent mousers and harmless except when annoyed. Snow's immediate concern is how to keep the furnace in coal until tIre animals get the spring wanderlust—if they do. Gardening ROOM ESSENTIAL Most common mistake made by the new gardener is that of crowding things too close togeth- er. In planning layouts it is es- sential that the mature height and width of sthe flower or shrub or .tree be sea* in hind and sufi'ieient space be allowed. In every reputable seed cata- logue and in most special govern- ment bulletins there will be found along with descriptions of various plants the height when full grown. This can be used as a guide in the planning. Roughly, space between plants should equal mature height. Thus a shrub like the ordinary white Spire a, which averages about 0-7 feet in height in most parts of Canada, should have 0-7 feet between it and its neighbor and be this far away from walks and almost as far from fenwe or wall. HOT BEDS When a large number of carry plants are needed, these can be started from seed in a hot bed. The latter consists of a bed of fresh horse manure, which sup- plies the heat, about 18 inches deep. On this two or three incites of fine soil is placed and after the bed has heated up and then cooled down again (a matter of three or four days) the seed is sown in ;rows a few inches apart. The bed is protected by rough boarding along the side and on top and sloping toward the south about 10 to 18 inches above the bed is plac- ed a window sash well glassed. When the plants have developed their second set of leaves they are thinned out and before being trans -planted outside they are hardened in a cold frame which is simply a hot bed without any heat- ing material. USE GOOD SEED It is impossible to over -empha- size the importance of good seed. Other factors are practically all beyond control but the gardener has absolute check over this foundation. Weather, soil and lo- cation may be ideal but without good seed, specially selected to suit Canadian conditions, the gar- den is going to be a failure, How Can 1? EY ANNE ASHLEY Q.—How can I relieve an irri- tating cough? A.—Prepare a mixture of the juice of two lemons, one teaspoon of water, and one tablespoon of granulated sugar. Take a tea- spoon of this mixture every half hour. Q.—How can I make a sandwich that is "different?" A.—Why not try a chocolate sandwich? Mash one large banana to a cream, work in two table- spoons of cocoa, add mayonnaise, and place between buttered bread. • Q.—How can I make labels stick' to tin cans? A.—Gummed labels placed on tin cans will adhere readily and securely if they are first moistened with glycerine. Q.—How can I mend a large hole in a sweater? A.—Try basting a piece of nta terial on the wrong side and,then darning through the patch.... ?Ct~a will makes the. darn strenger4 will keep the shape of the gar- went. Q.—How can I renew the metal: tops of salt and pepper shakers that have corroded? A.—Give them a coat of enam- el, allow it to dry thoroughly, then follow with a second coat, Wreckers Razed Wrong Buildin An embarrassed relief project wrecking crew set out for the sec - and time to raze a three-storey frame tenement in Brooklyn. A bank which owned the building asked the city housing authority to tear it down as part of a slum clearance program. A crew was dispatched. Later bank officials called up to inquire why the build- ing had not been torn down as promised. Investigation disclosed the crew had razed the building next door. A drop of honey catches more flies than a hogshead of vinegar.•. —English Proverb. A NEW FEATURE "Parliamentary Doings" Column of Comment on Events and Personalities in and around the Ontario Legislatures starts this week. Will replace "News Parade" for the dura- tion of the Session. Note: If readers have any questions, any suggestions re material for this column please forward them to the editor of your paper. * 4 4 @ ..•+-N-h0-+-U-.-4-. •+-*-eh What Science * Doing * Jl`� CIGARETTE Z %lit Mete PAPERS ANTIDOTE FOR SILICOSIS Three Toronto doctors have re- ported definite advance in attack- ing silicosis—dreaded lung disease of miners ---by using metallic alu- minum as a direct preventive an- tidote against deadly quartz par- ticles inhaled by miners in the course of their work. They have conducted extensive experiments at Toronto and in the 1Vlelntyre Porcupine mines. REPAIR HUMAN BONES Use of animal bones as pegs, patches and fillings in human limb -mending operations are de- scribed in The Lancet by Dr. E. W. Hey Groves, emeritus profes- sor of surgery at the University of Bristol, England. He explains how he used a' wal- rus tooth to fill a hole made near the head of a thigh bone by scrap- ing out diseased bone, use of a peg made of stag's antler to pin the head of a thigh bone to the shaft after it had been broken off, use of beef bone to fill a groove in an upper arm bone after an operation for disease. ENERGY' TO RUN THE EARTH Recent advances in atom -smash- ing have started scientists on a new and apparently narrowing hunt for the secret by which, they say, a few pounds of uranium may be made to run all the light, heat and power plants on earth. Dr. G. Hahn of Berlin is reported to have found an energy .of 200,000,- 000 volts in an exploding atom of uranium. If every atom in one gram could be exploded with a discharge of 200,000,000 volts it would produce energy amounting to 10,000,000 kilowatt hours. That much energy loons large beside the 1,400,000 kilowatt ea- pacity of Boulder Dam, which cost $126,000,000 and will have a pow- er capacity of 1,890,000 kilowatts. 1539 Chick Shows Are Very Popular A great deal of interest has been aroused among poultry breeders throughout Ontario by the spring program now being car - vied out by,the Hatchery Approval,,. `a Association of : Ontario :'which luta sponsored four baby chick shows in the province since the begin- ning of this month. The last show is being held at the Ottawa Valley Seed Fair, Arnprior, Ontario, the last three days of March. r'IIILDREIN of all ages thrive on` -`CROWN BR'LNND'? CORN SYRUP., They never tire of its delici-• ous flavor and it really is so good for them—so give the children `.`CROWN BRAND'. every day. ( Leadingphysicians pro- nounce"OWN BRAND". CORN SYRUP a most satis. factory carbohydrate to use as a milk modifier in the feeding of tiny infants and as an energy producing food for growing children. THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD The\ CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limited CANADIAN SECURITIE Dominion and Provincial Government Bonds 4 cups of GARFIELD TEA fa d4'+4w vou, tisa eas* ward fo KEEP CLEAN INSIDE You'll like the welt %t snnrs you ba,:1c, overnight, to the feeling of revile to go" iltnees and inside '1eanliness! Helps eliminate the Left over wastes that hold you. back, cause headaches. indigestion, est io n etc. tlnrficll Tea is not a miracle worker, but if CONSTIPATION bothers you, it will cert rimy "do 'wonders!" 10e. and 2.c of drugstores—or WRITE o Pralle SAMPLES' of Garfield Tea.and Gnrfleld Ile.idao.he Powders t„: (ARFIET.T) 'rnk. co. 1 Clore Avenue, Toronto 3, (lorrad t. Issue No. 12-49 Municipal Bonds Public Utility and Industrial Financing DOMINION SECTIBITIFAS RPO A: N LIMITED vANCOttb6R NEW YORf4 LOMOON. E i"Ortoriro MbNTR At, WM;P a XS King Street West, Toronto DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOKLET Runs Down Jack; Pie For Dinner Although Jack rabbits are quite uncommon in that section of the country, Jack Brinklow of Hast- ings, Ont., chased one in his car one night last week and eventually ran over it. The next day, the rabbit was served as a delicious morsel for dinner. Jack explained that he was mo- toring to Campbellford, and about half way on his journey the rab- bit appeared in front of the car and kept running ahead of it. The. race kept up for a quarter mile at forty miles per hour, until the jack was run down. The animal weighed eleven pounds and dressed a little better than six pounds. CET QUICK RELIEF FROM OLDS At the first sign of a cold, rub a little Mentholatum in the nostrils. > See how this healing balm quickly penetrates to the nasal passages ... fights germs .. . soothes inflamed membranes ... clears nose and head ... brings quick, lasting relief overnight. Get a 30 cent tube or jar of Mentholatum today. Relief guaranteed or money back. A6 Classified Advertising istaTetemeenneiseemesima AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY district to sell a product used in every home. This is a money maker. Box 81, Toronto Post Office. a3IG SPARE -TIME PROFITS, REP - 'resenting leading Canadian, Am- erican, British publications. Dept. A., Fidelity Circulation, Box 100, Toronto. ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS IF SUFFERING FROM ASTHMA or chronic bronchitis send 10c to- day for trial of ASTONS TAB- LETS, the remarkable British Remedy which is giving instant relief to many thousands. Litera- ttire free. Aatone Products, 73 A Adelaide West, byuggis50cand$1. .BABY CIIICIiS BANTAMS, SINGLE COMB GOLDEN Seabrights from prize-winning. Stook, ;$1.00 each Graee .Ruston,,.' Glanforcl Station Ont., • ; HIGH PRESSURE SELLING HAS fooled the most of us once. Don't be high pressured into buying cheap You don't have topay a big inferior chickens. for high Quality chicks, With Tweedle large production at one place, no agent's commission to pay. we can sell for less. Extra Profit Grade hatched from 25 to 30 ounce eggs, Heavy Breeds $12,45, Pullets horns 411.95, Pullets x,24.90, Cockerels $4.00. Grade A Lower. Special Mating and Started Chicks Slight- ly higher. Free Catalogue. Tweedie Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. WES. CLARKSON, MAPLE, ONT., bought three hundred Bray Bar- red Rock chicks last year. Cock- erels weighed 53e pounds at 33e months; 6'e, pounds at 4% months. Nothing like Bray chicks", says he. You won't find anything like them, either. Order your Bray Woks now. Fray Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, On- tarlo. LIMITED NUMBER BRAY START - ed chicks for sale, Also 3 -week- old 'ready-made" capons. Won- derful meat birds. Order early. Write for further details. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, Ontario. OOCIKEREL BARGAINS WHILE they last. All from Government Approved blood tested breeders. Two week old Barred Rooks09c; New Hampshire Reds .08c. Three week old Barred Rocks, .12e; Reds ,11c. Big Egg Quality etc more. rder at once if you want these. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery, Limited. DOGS ;I+Ct7e, DEER AND COON HOUNDS from one to seven years old, guar- enteed, also Bird dogs and pure Scotch Collies. Write .john S. VlTllson, Merrickville, Ont. FARM FOR SALE 100 ACRES, WITH O.R. WITHOUT stock and implements, fair build- ings and good sugar bush. Box 42, Angus, Ont. lete,MS DEVELOPED ROLL FILMS DEVELOPED WITH two prints of each and FREE ENLARGEMENT coupon 26c. OFFSET COMMERCIAL PHOTO- GRAPHY, 2 RUSSELL ST., TOR- ONTO. AAIB GOODS WIGS, TOUPES. TRANSFORM -4.. thins, Switches. Curls. and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated catalogue. Confiden- tial terms arranged. Toronto Hum- an Bair Supply Co., 628 Bathurst. Toronto HELI' WAN'T'ED MALL? BECOME A DETECTIVE. MEN• over 18 wanted everywhere, De- tectives earn good wages. Re- wards. Work home or travel. Correspondence training course, Write for free information to Box 25, Station 7', Montreal. HIGH GILADE SEED OATS AND CLOVERS � 1\l5. 1 ALASKA, BANNER, VICTORY, O,A,C. Oats at .65 bus ) rban an Vanguard et MOO bus. R'egister- ed No 1 Gillette) Alfalfa at 32 lb. (Sealed bags); No, 1 Grimm Al- £alfa atr..31 lb. No. 1 fled CloVer at .15 Ib. No, 1 A1silco et .13 lb, No, 1 W.B .Sweet at .05 lb. Tim- othy06 ib, IVO,Clhatheni, links free; Cash with order'. lent and elessr Seed Growers, P.O. Lox 103. (Methane Ontario. HIGH BLOOD B'Itt'.SSI RE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE—W RITE for free booklet and full particu- lars regarding our amazingly aue- cessfui hyblood treatment. L'edt- greed Products. Saskatoon. Sask. HOGS FOlt SALT: FOR SALE — FOUR YEAR OLD Yorkshire Sire. Best Market Pen Royal Wiuter Fair and other Boar Winners; Yearling boar sire, Grandsire, and two nearest Gran- dams in Advanced Registry. Four months boars and sows. Shade - land Farms, Eden, Ont. Grand Champion Yorkshire Sire. Best Market Pen Royal Winter Fair and other Boar Winners; Yearling boar sire, Urandsire, and two nearest Grandams in Advanc- ed Registry. Four months boars and sows. Shadeland Farms, Eden Ontario. h1EDI1: tL 5V1't'i.1ES DON'T StTI' FTeee PROM- ,BORE OR '114V k'e:a.1. 1'r} the mew ,,A.nd r s r ina.rnA a_, ,barge' C?lnfinent • only e 1.00-50c bottle. Lti'tnfee t FREI1--First order only. Your money back if not satisfied. Please write to Andy's Salve & Liniment Manufacturing, 101 Alexander �St., Toronto. MONOGRAMS APPLY GOLD INITIALS ON AUTO - mobiles, Profitable opportunity, Samples 10e. Proposition free. l?ethtck's Monograms, 8671`, Tor- onto. NO FILM REQUIRED SEND US YOUR SNAPSHOTS OR - old photos. We specialize in mak- ing enlargements direct from any, print. 5" x 7" enlargements col- oured 60c; 8" x 10" enlargement coloured 75c. Stamps accepted. 'J:ru Foto Studios Limited, New Birks Building, Montreal. ORNAMENTALS RARE AND UNUSUAL ORNA.D'IEN- tais, trees, shrubs and perennial flowers. Lardy fruits for colder districts. Plants expertly packed, arrival in good condition guaran- teed. Express prepaid. Send for illustrated catalogue describing over 500 varieties. The Manitoba Hardy Plant Nursery, 13ropmore, Manitoba. PATENTS AN OFFER TU EVERY INVENTOR.. List of inventions and Tull infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Coin - pane, Registered. Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St.. Ottawa. Can PERSONAL MARRY—HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE from. Many with means. Farm- ers' daughters. Widows with Property. Particulars •hoc. Con- fldential. Box 128, Calgary, Al- berta. PHOTOGRAPHY FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EV- ery roll filln'^developed and 8 high gloss .prints 2&c. Reprints same price. ` 8" enlarged prints lac. Bright)Ing Studio, Toronto. PERSONAL QtJIT TOBACCO. SNuPF, I! ASIL'X, inexpensively. Home remedy. Tds- timoniais. Guaranteed. Advice free. Bartlett's, l3ox 1, Winnipeg. POPPING CORN FOR SALE DANISH GIANT • POPee dime coy die for sample; 600 egg inch, ator. J. Appleton, Vienna, Ontario. RADIO OUR NEW. • RADIO SALES S11)ET is now ready for distribution. Write for copy. Please specify, whether dealer, amateur, service- pian or set owner. 'Radio Trade Supply Co., Ltd., 587 'i doge St.. Toronto. ROSES POD 1 011tt ,i,i, rtineN NEW ROSES for your garden Irwin England. Send for free catalog'lo. five hundred varieties, td,errP- weath.er's Famous Roses, compl9 e cultural directionie Write Coda . Canadian agent, I?rush's NtireeCC- e'. Box 140. R.ldgt.vllis. Ont. SEEDS WRITE, FOR, OUR PRICY; LIST, On all kinds of grass and ebur Highest quality and l o w t s s 11r re y eed 1 b 9 s end prices.We su Y to rip a pay. Brown :Crus„ Arkona, ti, tario. 7..•—, CANNING E:' X'ER.7' TANNiNG or 1111)168 rd Starless tact & Pobes. 41 1E10X1, It.c, Fres' [flit mad triitAi� olt'ne Sons, Merrttten, Ontario.