Zurich Herald, 1939-03-09, Page 6Quality Gives s Flavou
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r1EA 6'.ERVicE, 3NG.
Noisy, impatient Grand Central
Station lowered its voice and con-
aeiously paused to make a path for
Nikki as she walked across the
+concourse between the two tall
mien. It was a tribute to lissome
youth and loveliness with golden
ights, a figure that open wanted to
paint or possess. At the gate
paused and. spoke to her father.
"Goodby dear, I'll wire you
when we arrive. Steve will take
good care of me." She smiled at
-the young man standing hat in
'hand, kissed her father and patted
him lightly on the shoulder. "Don't
worry so much about your old dia-
monds. T wish you were coming
with us,"
Peter Jerome smiled back at his
only daughter. "Have a good time
,and give my love to Uncle Jim and
Aunt •Amy," be said. "Have your
bags gone on down?"
"The redcap took them on to
the train," said Steve. "We'd bet-
ter go too." He grinned. "I'll keep
Nikki away. from wild horses and
tame cowboys. Goodby sir."
Nikki's father followed the
course of his daughter and the
man she was engaged to marry
'down the ramp and then he turned
away to take a cab. But, as he
turned his eye caught a figure go-
ing through the gate, and he halt-
ed, startled.
He raised his arm in an involun-
tary gesture as though to call the
man he had seen. Then be paused
thoughtfully, wrote hurriedly in a
notebook, tore out the sheet and
gave it to a redcap with a dollar
and careful directions. That done, -
Peter Jerome continued on his
way, a worried line creasing his
In her stateroom Nikki removed
the tiny jacket of her tailored
bolero suit, untied the wisp of a
veil and laid aside her straw sail-
or. Then she turned to the bags
the porter had placed in her state-,
room before she arrived, Nikki
thought about the trip ahead with
a feeling of anticipation. She
hadn't seen her aunt or uncle for
five years, which seemed suddenly
a long, long time, because previ
ously she had spent at least part
of every summer on the Lazy It
Ranch and Aunt Amy had really
taken the place of a mother in her
affections since her own mother
had died.
Nikki supposed that Uncle Jim
was busier now that he had turned
the Lazy R into a dude ranch. She
remembered him writing that "you
easterners will always pay a good
price to be entertained, but I can't
tell anymore what I'll get for a
eaYload of steers at. Chicago." He
had been very successful, Nikki
Five years away. And during
'those five years she lead finished
school, made her debut, spent a
year in Europe and become en-
gaged to Steve Mallory, the young
attorney who was this moment ar-
ranging bis own luggage in an-
other stateroom, He would join
her in a few moments for Stephen
'Mallory was impatient of things
-Which kept Nikki away from hint,
and he was impatient with details
and monotony and dullness. She
lead known Steve less than a year
bit he had a way of brushing
aside opposition.
Nikki glanced at her own profile
in the mirror, a slightly imperious
,profile if she had recognized it as
such, and pressed the release snaps
bn her dressing case.
She raised the lid and stood
staring with sharply indrawn
breath, She touched the ease with .
one finger. It was an unconscious
For in the ease, instead of her
own .neat array of toilet articles,
Nikki saw bundle upon bundle of
green and gold currency heaped in
fascinating disorder.
Bag Full. Of Money
There were packets of ten dol-
!ar, bills, twenties and fifties, pre-
cisely bound and each labelled
+'$1,000." They had evidently
been packed in stacks of denonnin-
btions, but in movement the bund-
les had been mixed and confused,
The first thought Nikki had was
^ o 'ease the interior the look-
* like a bank teller's cage after
n earthquake, Lettingther breath
nut slowly she touched the money
n Berl :fas though expecting to.
g f d be re
'pe it fade away an laced p
y the familiar golden tops of the
j� rs in her toilet case, But the
i oppey remained,
There must be at least a hun-
dred of the bundles, Nikki thought. •
Whose money was it and why was
it in her bag? Nikki thought back,
The maid had packed for her.
Well, the plaid certainly hadn't put
$100,000 in her bag. Nor had
anyone else. It was irnpossible.
But there it was, impossible or
A dozen thoughts started
through her bead. She should call
the conductor. No, better call
Steve. Maybe the money was
stolen. Maybe it was counterfeit,
They might be involved in seine
long investigation and have to re-
turn to New York. They might
even be suspected of something,
heaven knows what.,
Then Nikki saw a brown moroc-
co edge among the piles of green
and yellow, and she lifted out a
man's wallet that apparently had
been tossed into the case with the
money. It was an ordinary enough
wallet. Nikki had seen others like
it in the hands of escorts who had
leafed out bills to settle countless
checks for countless dinners and
deceptive suggestion of fragil s:
Thou he spoke again, but hia
eyes hadn't ceased, their covetous
adnairatiotl. His voice was still
smooth, low.
They Didn't Fit
The voice and the eyes don't fit,
thought Nikki. The eyes are his,
The Voice the has. stolen front '.
someone else. It doesn't belong,
She fought off a feeling that she
was standing half-dressed. She
heard him saying:
"I am w ery sorry. The bags were
together and the porter made a
mistake. Not a very serious mix.
take, although I really haven't
much use for the things in 'this."
He held out a dressing case -and
Nikki saw then that the bag in his
hand and the one which held the
money were identical.
He stepped over to her and set
the bag in his hand down, fasten-
ing the case which held the pack-
ets of bills.
"I think you will find all of"
y cur things in good order." His
eyes were still upon her as be
bowed slightly at the dor and was
one.It was only seconds after he left
that a knock sounded on her state-
room. Nikki hadn't moved.
The second rap was followed by.
"Redcap" and Nikki opened the
dor to take a note frown • the col-
ored boy, She felt the train jerk
and slowly glide into motion as it
left the station. The note was
from her father and read:
"Be on your guard but under
no circumstances antagonize..
Charles Dillon who is on the same
train. This extremely confiden-
tial Will explain later."
(To Be Continued)
Twice in six years at the same
minute of the same day of the
same month fire broke out in a
house in Auckland, New Zealand,
and each time the blaze was caus-
ed by the suit's rays focussing
through a lead -light window on a
To -Day's Popular Design
By Carol Aimes
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Household Hints
Spirits of wine on a soft cloth
will most effectively remove stains
from a leather chair, motor car
upholstery or a leather coat. Ap-
ply it with a soft cloth and rub the
stains lightly until they disappear.
Antique furniture, after the pol-
ish has been applied on a soft rag,
Should be rubbed up with a fairly
stiff, brush, used, xf course, in the
direction of the grain. Thi. brings
up the full effect of the markings
on the wood. The same method
should be used on oak floors.
Constant cantact with water
often renders a wooden draining
board soft and splintery. Try this
treatment. Get the wood as dry
as possible, then rub linseed oil
into it When this is clone apply
a coat of liquid wax. If this coat
is renewed every month or so the
board surface will be made im-
pervious to moisture.
' -If your leather handbag has be-
come shabby, marked and scratch-
ed, it can be made like new by
rubbing thoroughly with vaseline,
going well into all marks. Allow
the vaseline to soak in, wipe, then
polish with furniture polish.All
the marks will have disappeared
and you will have a "new" bag for
Instead of making small bags of
lavender to hang on coathangers
when covering then, bind dried
lavender in the padding, and then
cover with materia] or ribbon. The
perfume of the lavender is re-
tttined for a long time and keeps
coats and dresses very fresh and
If French fried potatoes do not
come out of the hot fat crisp- and
deliciously crusty but still are ten-
der, it probably means 'that they
need a bit longer cooking. Allow
a little extra frying time, but re-
duce the fat temperature slightly.
Chopped• Teets, minced cooked
bacon or grated fresh coconut can
be added to waffle batter just be-
fore pouring into the waffle iron.
Serve with maple syrup. If waf-
fie batter is not thin enough to
pour readily add a little more
Tinware will never rust when
put in water if, when it is new, it
is well rubbed with lard and thor-
oughly heated in the oven. This
treatment is recommended for lids
of saucepans or kettles, which
otherwise soon become rusty from
steam. ,
White er light-colored suede
gloves, soiled felt hats and bags
can all be rejuvenated if covered
with French chalk and wrapped
in tissue paper overnight. Brush
chalk off the following morning.
Grease spots yield to the chalk
treatment because the chalk is
thoroughly absorbent. Apply to
both sides of the fabric that is
spotted, leave for tl few hours, and
the chalk will absorb the grease.
You may pick up a bargain at
the household linen sales that has
become slightly soiled at the
folds.. These -marks Can be remov-
ed by rubbing with French chalk,
leaving for a clay, and brushing
We visualized bright-eyed kiddies as we counted your Letters this
morning telling us you would like sniall animal and bird motifs to trim"
this and that for tiny tots. It is a grand thought and we believe you
will enjoy working these cunning designs in the simple stitches we'
The pattern includes transfers of the designs, suggested colors and:
stitches; and diagrams of stitches.
Send 15c, .coins .preferred, to Carol Aimes, Boom 421, 73 West'.
Adelaide St., 'Toronto.
She opened the billfold and
across the inside Map read in plain
gold lettering:
"Charles Dillon."
Nikki repeated the name to her-
self and she held the wallet a
moment and then dropped it back
into the hag. As she did there was
a movement at the door. The lock
clicked. Nikki turned half in
panic, her right hand making an
inovluntary gesture to close the
"That's right," said the n'ian
standing in the open door.
"Close it back up. -And then just
forget that you ever saw it" His
eyes were on the case.
A Low Smookh Voice
The Vole wasn't unpleasant. It
was low and rather smooth, the
voice of a man very sure of him-
self and vory sure of the situation.
Nor was the -man unpleasant. His
medium height fitted compactly
into a dark suit. }lis age, was.'in-
determinate—maybe iia, maybe 40,
A little too well barbered,
thought Nikki.
She let the lid of the clrossing
case drop and glanced back ai, the
owner of the voice, tie wasn't
looking at the bag now, He was
'e blond
i b
tit her. He saw the looking g at
hair had the wide gray eyes t
were even wider now as they
stared at hien. He saw. thesmooth
column of her throat, the liven
chin and the lower Hp whose fulls
nes was a perfect foil for the
curving line of the upper, He saw
the slimly curving figure With eta
Style of Coiffure
Up To Individual
As for hair, it is up to the
girl. If the oval of her face is
worth the exposing, she should.
draw back her hair and pile it
High, tipping her ears with jewel.
ed ear -rings to accent her cos-
tume. if she wants it to look up-,
swept without having it long and,
having to cope with annoying.
locks, then she may have it cut
about three inches in length and
l.ecp its ci.trliug e: cs turned up-
wards like a baby's. This is the •
easiest to manage. Then there is
a compromise alrargement, and
very fetching it is. .Tt's.the high.
, low with puffs piled above the •
forehead, aa." lolls ;tined in the
nape ---a quaint balance between
the renaissance and the modern,
The many who have not yielded
their long locks to the shears of
the, hairdresser, nor yet put theta.
up, can amuse themselves by tying
Ahem back with a George Wash-
ington bow.'
F IZ o IVselk
Relief from the miseries of catarrh combo asnear
se your druggist.Do as millions of lfeoplo the
world over aro doing , .; use Mentholatum, T o'
antiseptic vapours ofthie hoaliegba1mreach 'the
choked nest 1pasaftges .sootheinilemedmein-
branos... clear! your n000.,.iightgerm9...#t tI
quickly relieve allatttffints,s and irritation, Get
• 30 cent tubo or jar of Montholatttm today••
itetirI guaranteed or moue$ Tiatk. at.
Jacket Dres ►
The Secre s
Good Looks
Can superfluous hair be eradicat•
ed permanently. without consider•
able trouble? That is a question
that is repeatedlq being put to me.
The truth is that superfluous hair
CAN be eradicated, but you must
be prepared to go to a good deal
of trouble.
What causes superrlous hair? It
is believed to be a glandular for-
mation, Hot weather sometimes ac-
centuates a growth that already ex.'
ists, or might bring out a light
down on skin not usually subject
to it, but in the latter case, cold
weather drives it away again.
Creams do not make hairs grow,
despite tvidesp"ead belief that they
- There are two methods of elimin-
ating the blemish. Electrolysis is
one, in which an electric needle is
used to remove each hair separate-
ly at the root, It calls tor extreme-
ly competent handling, and because
so often an operator is not fully
capable, unsightly sears are there•
The other method is self -treat-
ment with a special wax that has
been very popul'tr in prance for
some years. It is a slow treatment,
but has the advantage of privacy,
as 1t can be done in the hone. The
wax has an atrophying effect on
the roots and gradually wears then
down, the period naturally depend-
ing much on the individual case.
My leaflet on "Superfluous Bair"
gives additional information on this
blemish. And the following leaflets
may be obtained by sending a Sc
stamp for each one required: Fac-
ial Care; Bust Development; Hand
Beauty; Feet Care; Glamorous
flail, Fascinating Eyes; Red"ciug
In Spots; Underweight; Slimming.
Ask about your personal beauty
problems, too.
Please write to: Barbara Lynn,
Room 421, 7,1 West Adelaide, To.
ionto, Ont.
Looking toward spring ward-
robes, be sure to include one of
the new jacket dresses with an ex-
tended waistline that makes hips
and midriff seem inches narrow-
ee. The color combinations are
pure inspiration — such delicious
trios as crocus blue, hyacinth and
cherry—white, lavender and gera-
nium, Select a dress of 'soft, un -
crushable crepe,• very simply cut
with- a circular skirt that flares
gently below the slim hips. The
short -sleeved, collarless jacket
should be full, bloused snugly into
a wide, shirred belt. Blouse. dress
and belt are of different colors.
'Raising .-of horses is being ret
vived -in Latvia. -
Do Tis ! You're
E Ft
r. .
Don't take chances on
products which know g a
common :cusp, bet more fresh Mr, sleep
and take a tenable, Limo -proven nedione
famous Lydia F. lsinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound—made especially for ,woi ten from whole-
some tone
herbs and ro • s tot it p netves,
up your system ant thus calm tangly erveS,
lessen distress from tem^ fm.el
tiers and make life worth living.
For over 60 years gone woman 110 $ With,I
another Bow to go smiling r
piukham s Compound—let it help /OM
Roll Your ` w,
Ice Cream
Rolled Sandwiches
Tiny Pickles
You can serve these foods as
refreshments for your afternoon
or evening bridge party.
• Rolled Sandwiches—Use plenty
of butter to hold your sardwiches
together. That is the secret of
success. Remove crust from top,
sides and end of a loaf of not too
fresh bread. Spread top with soft-
ened butter (cream the butter un-
til soft enough to spread easily„
do not warm it to soften) and any
desired filling, making sure that
the filling comes all the way to the
edge. Cut bread into a thin slice
lengthwise with a sharp knife, and
roll tightly together crosswise to
make a tight roll. Wrap in wax
paper or a damp towel and put in
refrigerator for half an hour or
more to allow filling to set. Spread
top of loaf again, cut another thin
slice and so on until the loaf is
used. You can use as fillers,
cheese, deviled or finely -chopped
Ilan, chicken, corned beef, sar-
dines or kippered herring, water-
cress, or nuts combined with rais-
ins, dates, figs, etc.
This Simple Way Eases
Pain and Discomfort and
Sore Throat Accompanying
Colds with Amazing Speed
Ah -it i3 a
grand idea
tmy morning
with B1
your back aches
'and your sleep is
disturbed by the de-
sire for frequent uri-
nation, you may nee(1
1)r. Pierce's A nurie
Tablets. Mrs ilia •
•Ehert, :365 I'erguson
Ave. V., ITamilton,
'Oar.; sa}a Iliad' to
• ,
wv ..t1
times at niglit..A pain
in the small of my bark eometimrs was so bed
that 1 could barmy get up or down or turn le
Led. Dr. Pierces. A.p}trio Tn'blets hrlend mo
greatly, After taking throe bottles, my kidneys
noted ill a normal, may and 1 felt ever se murk
batter."ay. See bow 1110liober er youfoolIt•nnrlc today. 0
after toles it awhile,
1. ro easy: pain and. 2. 1f throat is raw
discomfort and re- from cold. crush and
duce fever take 2 dissolve 3 "Aspirin"
"Aspirin" Tablets — Tablets in t/3 glass at
drinkeglassofwater-. water . , , gargle
'fleapit in 2 hours.
Just Be Sure You Use
"Aspirin"— Do it the Moment
You Feel a Cold Coming on
The simple way pictured above
often brings amazingly fast relief
from discomfort and sore throat
accompanying colds.
Try it. Then— see your doctor. He
probably will tell you to ,continue
with "Aspirin" because it acts so
fast to relieve discomforts'o± a cold.
And to reduce lever.
This simple way, backed by scien-
tific authority, has largely supplanted
the use of strong medicines in easing
cold symptoms. Perhaps the easiest,
most effective way yet discovered.
Demand and Get
TRADE maxi( 00
HoYwi day Reduce
Varicose or Swollen
Veins--- Meal Ulcers
A ,Sitnpla Home Treatment
The world progresses, Today many minor
ailments that (0014 000140 to overcome Ott
bo helped much more quicltly. ifyouhave
varicose veins or bunches, start today to
bring "them back •lo normal sire and if yoo
are wtse you will do so.
lust get an original Mottle of idetmes
Emerald Oil al any dispensing pharmacist
and apply" it ni 'hi and morning to the 'cn-
targed veins. t,i a short time the veins,
should begin to grow smaller and by sealant
use soon 0011ruaelr normal.
'People lc w
to reduce
or swellings.should not hesitate to try a
bottle at mite.
It is so prnctrating, and cca-
noinital that a small bottle lasts a look time,
rz „ No. 10-