Zurich Herald, 1944-11-23, Page 8ZURICH, ONTARIO 41) 6P 040 00 00 12 OnIy La i les ane Cre a Dresses IN ASSORTED COLORS AND SIZ- ES. These are New Styles, well made in pretty Shades of Brown, British Tan, Rust, also Navy and Black, at $9.50 Each Gsco TELEPHONE 59 ros• ZURICH 1 1 t -411111.1111111111111111 GENER4L INSUitANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Aute, Oasu'alty Fidelity, Etc. 11.111111 Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local. Representative - Zurich ZURICH HFRAI,IT'J) "i'IIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIII!Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllll Iljll 1111111111111111ij IIIIIIIIIIIh111111111►111II11111 It 1111111111111111 II IrI1l1li II�Jlflll ZURICWS Grocery Stor WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LINE...Or: PRRSH.l. GRI CER1ES, ON HAND PURCHASED FROM. THE:'..I.:EAM- ING WHOLESALE HOU. OWING TO UNSETTLED) CONDITIONS, WE ARE. NOT QUOTING ANY iPARTICULAR PRICES BUT; CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD V' LUE FOR THEIR: MONEY WITH QUALITY AND :PR:10E?S Aar THE VERV }(;.EST Merano Qesch Zurich PRDUCE WANTED. Phone.. -165. IgIIIIIII fl 1111 I l 1 I flhllIIJIIIIIIIIII Hoot 1111 i 111111nI!1!I IIIIIIIIIII1111I11111111iIIIIIIlIIIJlllllli II ' x OF LOCAL INTEREST tial IT is zlrt�3' Novenlih , 1944. * •1404.....N.44140.41,10.l**i+*44.0447444i1i • VOUR ; 46 Hard;anisFurniture 0 Ie. i. ;* STO E I i;4, 11 .0 tim11111UlIJi1,1 1. tel, :.l oronto, on • Wedaiesday, ,and • Thursday, Dec. 6 ;.:d 7th: M:ari3� sub Mr. Mervyn.Stelck. af_the t4th con. i jdcts of importance: to rural; Ontario, spent a few, days, at Laudon last will be on the agenda with. Gvellb week.- known men leading. the discussions. Mr. �nnd Mrs. Wallace Ross and A joint banquet., of the Fedbrati'o3r. daughter Dsa.rothy ,Gracd,; of Seaforth and The United F_armers' Ca.Operat were Monday guests at the. home of ive Co. will beoix: Wednesday at Mr. and Mrs... Chester. L.. ar ith. 7:00 p.m. whexr, Dr. W: H; Brittaiir, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Pliante of of McDonald'i0o3•Tegewi)l; weak.:. Goderich,, and Mrs. E.d. Brisson of the Blue Water Highway,',, north of Drysdale., were. visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Duoharme. Mr. Herb Neeb was, taken 'to the London Hospital on.. Wednesday mor- ning the result sofa motor accident at thecorner of the. Babylon line and the Highway through Dashwood. Old King• Winter seems •to have set in and come. to, stay, as this Wed- nesday morning several inches of snow have fallen, which remains on months. Thad' their rest bei �r- the.. ground, although there is little ted the.cdiange from fast time would ir_ost. have been general throughout the Miss Mae Smith of London,.accom- province Tarnier.% db: not, hike fast ponied by Mia Hilda TBalderman, time at. any season of the year and Doroth McEwen. and Mary Gurthrie throtl l ca}t: tulle• alditter they just can - all of the tecnician staff of Victoria not observe it. Rural schccls: in ye - Hospital, London, were guests at the I ars past have been alloweoa to open home of the former's parents) Mr. i at 1;0, o'.clock hi the morning and and Mrs. C, L. Smith where • a- very I claw, at 5 p.m, and no dtmb± airs eon- ' enjopable w•;ek-end was spent.; vision will again rbe granted; • Announcement • MAN QF MANY PARTS Mr. and Mrs. George Langdon, of Samuel J :T.atta, a former school Windsor announce the engagement ; teacher in Huron county, of which of their slaughter, Violet Isabel, toil DAYLIGHT SAYING. CONTINUES Despite its.. general unpopularity;, during the winter months, Clio.: Fedmit- al Cabinet h xs. decided not: to rescind: the order-iutcouncil, (that established year-round;tlayFlight, tig.: tiara ten a national scale, passed a few years ago as a ,wartilxle me nre: Toaennrto and a number lof ot)her munieipaliti.es asked permission to return to stand- ard time,!•on Oct. 3llsit, for the winter HARDWARE -- SEEDS and . FURNITURE 1 You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls—Exceptional Values at Lower Prices. '.. Mr..Ray, son of Mr. and Mr1- J,acola) Ortwein, of Zurich. The marrra%er to take place quietly. in Galt, the LO." ter part of November. . Engagement I Mr. and Mrs. John . H. Needham, i •of Iiderton, wish to announce iihe en- I gagement of their youngest diaughter I :)anet Paterson, Reg. N., to Harold I William Klopp, of London, and 'son I of Mr. Oscar and the late WIrs. Klopp r of Zurich, the marriage to take place quietly this month. I HOUSE OF COMMONS CALLED Last week the Prime Minister an.- I nounced that the House of 'Comm. - ons would be called to meet on Nov- ember 22nd, Wednesday. This will enable the representatives of the people assembled in Parliament to discuss the problem no rr presented and to determine the . co :r,e .to be' pursued. , Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering �.. �1Alpll.,Egs 17.,.not....,44p,m■p�4i' .,latA�► t9tgmrImithogf eaII1T vlI O ilaa'� BROODER HOUSE COAL We have received a shipment of choice Chestnut , Coal which we are selling out on restrictions only for Brooder House use, and an agreement has to be signed that it will be used for that purpose only. 's STr 1 i 0 ZURICH — ONT. QUALITY — PRICE — SERVICE Itaimilows************MoileeemitOsSMIRIOMOIVOROMS04044104,0 POTASH FERTILIZERS ,:ETURN All restrictions are now removed respecting the sale of high potash fertilizers in Ontario. This is the decision of' the Director of Fertiliz- ers for Canada, after consultation with the Ontario Advisory Fertilizer Board. Potash supplies are now catch ing up with the greatly increased us- age of this fertilizer material during the war years, and it is believed that there will be ample quantities tor use in 1945. GOES TO CHICAGO - This year Miss Ruth Carnloehan; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Car- nochan, Seaforth, R.R. 3, has been chosen to represent the Junior Girls of Huron County at the National contest to be held in Chicago, com- mencing Dec. 2nd. Mise Carnochan has completed six Club projects and is the first girl to be selected from this County. She will accompany a number of other Junior Farm Girls and Boys from other Counties who have been winners in ,their respective Counties, PUPILS COLLECT MILKWEED . Collection of approximately 4,006 bags of milkweed pods is the record for Huron County school children to :late this Fear, The Inspeeturs and heads of school,, The Agricultural representative who appointed local anon at various centres to look after collecting the pods and to make pay- ment direct to the teachers. The chil- dren are paid at the rate of 20 ceiita. per bag. Many places in the County participating in the campaign, . of which in this district are Varna, Exe- ter, Grand Bend, Crediton, Dashwood and Zurich. . ANNUAL CONVENTION The annual convention of ithe 'On tario Federation of Agriculture wxll_. take place at the King Edward .0 - NEW/ WIRE` FENCING We have on hand.-good-suppl of newrRar1i Wire, Steel Posts, Woven-, Wire... Fencing; and; gilt sup - PAINT TJP TIME LET US SHOW ."YOU OUR NEW' SUPPLIES OF READYMIXEDDP.AUNTS The Season demands : to.. PAINT UP' ina order to Preserve the SSiirf ace on: yorar, RtiiTi 1iii It it poor economy, to -Ary• to save : on' Paint, We have a good stock -of 'all' called- ;for:. Paints&, Varnishes, and Paint SuppRes:....See these:lfaca:. • FURNITURE See Our Stit°, Couches, an& Musette Suites A Full Line, of: all' th efome• Requirements 1 4.. ti. • J"ohnston W Kalb°i61Sch i rad r & Furniture. Phone 63 ' t it ., .-.,.b/v.6•.pa.t.y. a.s..f rAl.nc dri..3�.,r;,b•�A.N r..s..a,.F•�2.•6 �r d..�••[: •i•f•1������;e time he spent somacyears.;as pv.iXjP, al sof Zurich Publi scheoi, anti' who later became prominent in- tiro public: life of Saskaitchewaax; has, :-dsigneel' the position of e,gnanis.sioneit of the,:• Publications BuiV0, : for • tliz•,ici ProvinT. ce and at the age. of 78 4 retiring to private life:_ In. 1905;,, acc-ojcljlii to a sketch in The -London- Free Press Mr. Latta m,4tved' to, Govan; 'Sask:,, and establishasi' The Cipvam Pra ie; News, which: tie pubiishodl until' 1f3).2 t, In 1912 he was elected; to, the Sask;rt - chewan Legiolature; and' 'some years later beca::u r the. f ios,t. 1VLi4i-tLe ' 0 Highways ill: the: I.'':rQvincial CaoV@inr, ineti ':.'71:.ailt ,, at various time:, he, held: tah8, p,arrtfolio of .Education,. Fina_ ance, Municipal Affairs and Publ>Ga, ions. In 1934 he was appointedlcolltr. !illUsiQaeis of libraries, archaives.: ally pIt1S]it'eoltions, in addition to.. dleiiic I gi'sl"attnve librarian. He is tire,•autlie-. or of several ,books, includi ag a• hovel with thebackground of lirlooeer set. Cement in Saskatchewan., A, gdteftt atthii .t, he has painted pi attires and skearhed Christmas Cardps; Whine int Zus ch he devotes muchti of,' his spares li ate to the printing wess: of •which tie enjoyed operating,• and ww ung« doubtedly* the first p rater int Zurich* We Can Buy Our Way Into a Breadiine! • NiistoriJ a,. is a meek lit ward that covers a multitude of suffer; .And only through profiting hg past mistakes...will we suffer less! )member how in the last war folks"l few their money. Needless spending called prices to rise .., so that by 19188the you buy today for Br cost1.8 tken; while baby's coat was SIZon compared to a similar coat at today, This was inflation and all too soon it was followed by the inevitable depression =fT Thatt whq our government is determined to prevent inflation now.1.. why there are price ceilings and other anti-inflationary measures to hold the cost of living down and • keep our May value high. And YOU help prevent a future depression and keep your dollars high iinv©lue,,. every time you pass up a needless iuxuyy YICiORY invest your money wisely Ballo 1.:. and avoid block nnavket spending. 41‘-d? Tf' ft 1 • I I promise to give my support to keeping the cost of living down. I will buy only what I need. I will observe the ceiling whether buying or sell- ing goods or services, I will pay off old debts, save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and � War Savings Certificates. And'•I will support O taxes which help lower the cost of living. O ituah Pahe 4/ TH 4 4.9,• ism%////, �� ���/%����/�/��� ��� � �� 400 /7, Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to help reveal the dangers that inflation represents for all the people of the Nation. itlousivr-