Zurich Herald, 1944-10-26, Page 2h. RELIC Remember those spiked Ger- man helmets pappy brought home from France as souvenirs of. World War 1? This one was found in a German village by its wearer above, who intends to bring it home with him. Eden Declares Italy's African Empire Lost Foreign Secretary Eden told the House of Commons last week the British government is opposed to the return of colonies to Italy, and declared the government would stick to its declaration that Italy's empire in Africa is irrevocably lost. Spain has assured Great Britain that she will not provide asylum for war criminals, Mr. Eden declared. He said the British ambassador in Madrid has received assurances to this effect, as did the American ambassador. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING A1IJ'lastic Tires Development of the first 'heat - tempered" all -plastic tire --a step that eventually may greatly increase tire life—was announced recently by VV, H. Ftusston, President of The Firestone Tire and Rubber Company of Canada Limited. The development is considered of ma- jor importance because the .tire is designed to whip the number one enemy of long wear—heat. Whether the all -plastic oval ultim- ately will compete with its rubber colleague will not be known until the company completes the 'current ,;.laboratory examination and the gruelling road tests to which the new tire will be subjected. Experts 'agree that heat causes most tire failures and that great mileage could be rolled up if the problem were licked. Taking a long step toward achieving this goal, Firestone engineers built the all - plastic to run cooler than today's tires and to withstand twice the heat a natural rubber tire develops at high speeds. The Firestone a41 -plastic tire, which looks so much like a rubber tire that only an expert could tell the difference, does not crack or check in the sunlight and, unlike rubber tires, it is not soluble in gasoline or oil. How soon all -plastic tires, if they live up to expectations, will be available for civilian use is uncer- tain because all tire manufacturing facilities now are devoted to build- ing military and essential civilian tires. Radio waves travel at the ap- proximate rate of 186,300 miles a second. CANADA'S LARGEST Biggest warships built in Canada are the new transport ferries which the Dominion is turning out for the Royal Navy. Above, the first of the large vessels to slide down the launchways. Her hull, built in record time by Canadian Vickers Limited, Montreal, is the first of this particular type in the world. These transport ferries which are being built in several yards along the St. Lawrence and on the West Coast, form part of the huge flotilla of ships designed for amphibious operations. Mephitis Is Good Friend Of Farmer The skunk isn't at all a bad chap to know, comments The New York Times. His reputation, based on smell, does not do hint justice. Anyone who has seen a mother skunk lead her brood of little ones in single file across a lawn at dusk, each tiny fellow with his tail held aloft like a banner, has seen one of the most appealing sights in Nature's museum... He is a good friend of the far- mer in spite of an occasional foray on the chicken coop. He eats tre- mendous quantities of 'lay beetles and their grubs; he consumes many field mice which eat the bark of trees, the heads of timothy and the grains of oats, wheat and buck- wheat. Repeated surveys by biolo- gists have proved that 'Stripe Suit' more than earns his way... When the time , of cold arrives, he goes into semi -hibernation in a rabbit or wood -chuck hole, beneath an old building, or occasionally digs his own burrow. The country- man has a folklore saying that if skunks cone around the farm buildings in numbers during the fall, it means a long, hard winter. Mephitis has a drawback in polite society, but he sets a good example i». sobriety of action, and tends strictly to his own affairs if the world leaves hint alone, Small Business Important In Securing Peace "It is the small units of free enterprise, rather than government or big business that will secure our peace for us," stated Carle C. Conway, president of Continental Can Co., Inc., New York City, in a speech prepared for delivery to the Canadian Credit Institute. "In business as well as in diplom- acy," continued Mr. Conway, "the peace will prosper and prevail only when the people as a whole have confidence in what it stands for, and are willing to put their shoulders to the wheel to make it work. Peace is not a passive thing. It demands as much unity of purpose, as much forthright pat- riotism, as does the winning of a war" Mr. Conway urged reduction in depressive limitations on incentive earnings, whether of workers, man- agers or owners. Nothing, he main- tained, must stand in the way of efficiency, lower costs and greater earnings for all. For after all, he contended, efficiency lowers costs —lowers prices enabling more people to buy more things, "which is the only way to increase the standard of living."—The Finan- cia Post. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Thousands of slightly used popular dance selections to choose from. Victor or Brunswick 80c — Columbia 25e -- Deceit or Bluebird 20e. Special Attention given to mail orders, When ordering, give name of orchestras. Also Autotnatic Phonographs available for Rent. 'WRITE FOR PARR'VICUT:A.RS VIGNEUX BROS. Automatic Phonographs 990 BAY STREET TORONTO EAST MEETS WEST..: AND LIKES IT The friendly relations Allied fighters quickly estabish with people whose lands and ways are strange to them is symbolized in this photo of one of our lads giving a light to a native of Tengchung, China. The soldier was with the forces which drove out the Jap ,.permitting refugees like his friend to return to their homes. More Good Advice About Loaded Guns In our estimation, (Trenton Cou- rier -Advocate), and we have hand- led all sorts of guns under different circumstances and not always in familiar haunts, we would say that every last accident with a gun in .which some person is killed or in- jured, is'he result of carelessness. It is t?;nsafe to be travelling around With a loaded gun in your car. ] esides it is illegal. The same Jaw,.,does •not hold for a boat or a canoe but there should be a law. No person should get into a boat with a loaded gun in his hand, .and no person should leave a boat with- out Unloading his gun. • There are many things to think about when handling guns, either loaded or unloaded, and chief among them is never to point a gun , at anybody, Never pick up a gun by the muzzle and never drag it through a fence by the danger end. No Spools Of Thread In Royal Sewing Box Queen Elena of Italy, a national 1 war fund. agency .said .Orr. 71: appealed to asi American friend for "some spools of white thread" be- cause "there is no more here." American Relief for Italy, Inc., said the Queen made the request in a letter jo a New York woman. She spends•her time, the letter said, "'making' clothes and embroidering bibs." Improve Your Health by Correcting Sluggish KIDNEYS This Way is Swift, Economical Few conditions can wreck your health faster than disordered kidneys and inflamed bladder. Your back aches rniserably. You have restless nights. You suffer leg cramps and rheumatic pains. When these things happen your kidneys need help in filtering out acids and poisonous wastes that are undermining your health, Give them this help—quickly—with GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. GOLD MEDAL Capsules contain accurately measured amounts of the original and genuine Haarlem Oil (Dutch Drops). You will be gratefully surprised at the way they relieve clogged kidneys and irritated bladder. Go to your druggist now and get a 40c box. he sure you ask for GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. 2 YRHEUMATIC WITH PAiNS Wash then away! Here's ,nick relief from miser- able neuritic, rheumatic, arthritic a n d lumbago pains—Drink water abun& antly and r e 1 y upon "B'WELL" herbal remedy as an internal cleanser. As pain and fever-produc• ins acids are washed away —Pain must sol Whet may be telt right at the start. Take Mulveney's "B'w1%LV' regularly before retiring and wake up each. morning feeling tine! Sold by over 2.000 druggists. 2 Nervous,sest es On "CERTAIN DAYS" Of The Month? If functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, cranky, high- strung, tired, weak and "dragged out" —at such times—start at onee, try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound' to relieve such symptoms. Here's a product that Smit rs i A'rvrte, Follovr label directions, Pinkhani's Compound IS worth trying/ Made in Canada. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S 'low !uND Secret Weapon A German major, asked by Nor- wegians what he thought would be Goebbels' new secret weapon, re- plied: "A large white flag on a long stick." Royal Navy Ships Moving To Pacific A, V. Alexander, First Lord of the Admiralty, said last week that the Royal Navy already had a for- midable fleet in the Indian Ocean and that plans to move warships to the Pacific were going ahead ra- pidly. He told a meeting of seamen that the British horns fleet constantly was on guard against any activity by what remains of the German fleet, which he said still must be ronsidered seriously. Mr. Alexander disclosed that 9,- 000 convoys have entered or cleared through United Kingdom ports since the war began. Easy .Way To Treat Sore, Painful Piles Here is the chance for every per- son to Canada suffering from sorer home emaenyfu Wiiths hetP ontisepo a reliable firm to refund, the cost satisfiedtwith the resuf lts are not Simply, go to any druggist and get a bottle of Hem -Road and use as directed. Hem-Roid is an Intern- al treatment, easy and pleasant to use and pleasing results are quick- ly noticed, Itching and soreness are relieved, pain subsides and as the treatment is continued the spire: painful 'pile tumors heal over' i'eav- Ing the rectal membranes clean and healthy. Get a bottle Of'sHeiri- Roid today and see for yourself what an easy, pleasant way .this is to rid yourself of your, pile misery,. NOTE: The sponsor of this notice Is n reliable firm, •doing business in Canada for over 20 yenrs..11 you' are troubled with sorer:; Itehiug,; painful piles. Hem -Hold' mltpi help you quickly or the small purchase price will be gladly refunded. ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS INCOME TAX REPORTS, complete monthly Bookkeeping Services, small businesses our specialty. A. Brett & Company, 8 Wellington Street East, Toronto. BABY CHICKS C H OII C E PULLETS BARRED Rocks,. White Leghorns, New Hampshires, hybrids 18 weeks to laying. Book your day old chicks for 1945 now and be sure of re- ceiving them on the date desired. Liberal discounts for early order booking. Send for 1945 pricelist today. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WE have laying pullets, and for later in the month a limited supply of dayolds. November and December chicks should be ordered now. We have copies of the Report on Ontario's 1944 Poultry Confer- ence, and will be glad to mail you copy. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. READY TO LAY AND LAYING pullets Barred Rocks, New Hama - shires, White Leghorns, Hybrids and other breeds. Order your day — 1v.irel.ot available. Free catalogue. Top •Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. FOR SALE ATTENTION FARMERS! ORDERS TAKEN FOR SHEAF Loader attachments for Corn Binders for 1945 delivery. Place your order now. For further in- formation write Peter. J. Seip, Gads Hill, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; b e 1 t s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St., Toronto. ARMY • BOOTS NEWLY RECONDITIONED BOOTS of our armed forces, perfect con- dition, $3.25 delivered. Money- back guarantee. State size, send money order. Ruskin & Ca., Peterborough, Ont. NEW HAIR GROWTH, OR YOUR money back. That is the guaran- tee behind"Luxul", the amazing formula for eliminating dandruff, baldness, falling and thinning hair. $1.50 and $2.75 at ail drag- gistsWindsor,—or direct from Luxul Pro - Men's Handkerchiefs 10c ea. WRITE FUR FREE LIST UN ALL dry goods, flannelette And small - wares. Part time agents wanted. Orders over $2.00 sent postpaid. Goods satisfactory or moray re- funded. LAWLAND & KLAT INC. Wholesale Retail 017 Mount Royal i0., Dept. WP Montreal ORCHIDS: 3 SHOWY' L $1.00;3 ADY'SLIP pers, $1, 0each. A011post paid, Mr4 Turk's s. Map M. Fitz- gerald, Ancaster, Ontario. CHOPPING MILL WITH BRICK' dwelling. Diesel— power. Good country. Write C. J. Cox, Auburn, Ontario. TOMATO CANNERY AND GREEN - house for sale or rent, near To- ronto; considerexchange ie pr,Box11AeladW Property, $30.00, DARK, QUEBEC MINK, FOR immediate sale, alive. Apply or write Fred West, Holland Land- ing, Ontario. ANIMAL SNARES, (STEEL CABLE, lock, swivel) Fox $3.00 doz. Coy- ote $4.00 doz. Prepaid. Write for free snaring instructions and cir- culars onIndran trapping meth- ods, snares, luras, etc. Bill Hoff- man, Russell, Man. SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSINU — FINEST leather and harness preservative. Siipit also has many household uses 25c up at most grocery, hard - '''are and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Laboratories, 'Toronto. CARROT . CI• :1'1t"A. electJU1ric, iutr1 l<s allCTOIIfruits B0 leafyd olettiOE P.O., Ontario.es. Mt Read. FOR SALE Sl BUYS SHARE at beautiful est afChnu toryVilla t Rills in Islington, open for inspec- tion. Sponsored by Col. Streight Branch, 210, Canadian Legion, Proceeds for a Memorial Hall now nearing completion. Send $1 to M. Evans, Sec., Islington. . • CARLOTS OF COLTS, FARM AND bush horses for sale. Write, T. E. Murphy, Chaplin, Sask. "FAIRWAY" IT CLEANSI— AS IT WAXESI— AS IT POLISHES! Quick Efficient Floor Tool! Cana- dian Patent. No kneeling! No hard work! Keeps your ,floors as you. like them, using your favourite wax, liquid or paste. Efficient tools make hard work easy. Fairway" saves your knees. Material, work- manship, guaranteed. Full direc- tions with each "Fairway," only $5.75 express paid. FAIRWAY 463 Gerrard Street, Toronto. DOGS FOR SALE• SP b Z15I-br 3:mcix I01I amsZNGDR, 3 months old, from excellent hunting and show strains. S. Bird, 226 King St., Welland, Phone 5832. FOR SALE REGISTERED COCKER spaniel pups, pet and show stock. Martindale Kennels Re&d., 664 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. FINEST IRISH SETTERS, PUPS registered three months old. Paul U. Lachapelle, St. Paul 1, Ermite, Que. FARMS FOR SALE IDEAL MEDIUM DAIRY FARM, fenced and tiled. Hydro and water serviced buildings, wind a n d lightning protected; rail and bus commercial outlets. McKenzie, Princeton, Ontario. 150 ACRES OUTSTANDING DAIRY stock farm, water, excellent buildings, city conveniences, 14 acres bush, paved road, 3 milk routes, village 1 mile. Mrs. R. Mc-: Coliorn, Smithville. FARM FOR SALE -50 OR 100 Acres. Apply 447 Janette Avenue, Windsor, Ont. 193 ACRES, 1 MILE WEST OF Kitchener limits. Kitchener -Strat- ford highway. Charles W. Moser, R.R. 4, Kitchener. IIAIRDRI:SSING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn hairdressing at Can- ada's finest and largest schools. Refined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or cull for free liter• ature. 'Marvel Hairdressing School, 358 Bloor Street: Toronto. Branches 44 King Street, Hamilton, end 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. LEA It N HA1RDRESSiNG THIO Robertson. method. in forma lion on request regarding classes Robertson's Hairdressing Anad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, MACt1mon Y FOR SALT] FORDSON TRACTOR, RECONDi• tioned, steel wheels, $375. 15 La Plant Ave., Toronto, JOHN IBUltft HORIZONTAL Ahad., turret lathe tvith auto drive and motor. Madison bearing grinder, 3 buffers, sheet metal toll form- ers, 82 used Caliper thread gauges, N.F.N.S. and B.S.P. with setting plug gauges free fit go and not go. Contact. 9'. C. Martin, 72 Stafford St. A.D. 3427, Toronto. ONE 1914 M.H. 102G. TRACTOR ON rubber with starter, lights, 3 - furrow M.H. Plow. M.H. 41/2 ft. One 'Way Disc, 17 Tooth Power Life Cultivator, Lac. Power Mower, 5' and 7' cutting bats, Hammer 33111, International Form - all Tractor on rubber. G. W. Al- lison, Mount Albert, Ont. Phone Mount Albert 6100. MEDICAL STOMACH AND THREAD 'WORMS often are the causeof 111 -health In humans, all ages. No oni- une! Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. IIAVE YOU • HEARD AIBOUT DIX- on's Neuritis and Rheumatic Patn Remedy? It gives good results. Munro's Drug Store, 885 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid '41.00. BAt)MThIO A FOOT HALM destroys Offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa. agent, Denman Drug $tore, Ottawa: MEDICAL FOR CONSTIP11TiON! FOR EF- fective, gentle action, take Fer- mol Laxative Tablets. Relieve con- stipation safely. Non -habit form- ing. At your druggist's or send $1.00 for 2 months supply, Postpaid.. Fermat Distributors, Box 712, London, Ont. USE NATURE'S REMEDIES THE SPECIFIC YOU REQUIRE can be supplied by writing Chalet Industries, Box 192, Oakville. A TRIAL—EVERY SUFFERETI OF Rheumatic Pains ' or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mon- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, postpaid $1.00. MUSICAL iNSTRUMEN'rs FRED A. HODDINUTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. i HO'1.O(vRA Pets TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 8 OR 3 EXPOSURE ROLLS 2&c REPRINTS. 8 for 25e FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films Yott want this year, but you. can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to ' IMPERIAL PILOT() . SIOIIU.%'ICE Station J, Toronto CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN • SNAPSHOTS Your negatives make the most dis- tinctive Christmas 'Cards you can get—cards that your friends will treasure—particularly friends en active service. Select your favourite negatives and send to us. We'll return 12' attractive, embossed greeting cards iv.ith .pictures printed on—and envelopes for mailing—all for 60c. Order early. (2 Photos on Calendars for 25c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, 'Toronto A customer at Iterwick, N.S., writes us: "I reeeivud the beautiful Christ. Inas cards which you printed from my own negatives, and I want you to know how pleased I am with your wonderful work and prompt service. I Will be a regular custom- er of Star Snapshot Service from now on." Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures, DEVELOPED AND ['HINTED ie :e MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS MENih 5e Size 4 x u in Beautiful Basel Mounts. You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a :small additional charge, Framed Enlargements larr ements 4" S 6", On ivory tint mounts, in frames .7" x 9", Burnished Gold or Silver, Circas- sian Walnut or 13inrk Ebony finish 59e; if enlargement coloured 79c, Print your name and address plain- ly on all. orders. pentsoNAL Salla 1V HAT YUUlt HA1I)\VR1'1'- lug reveals and lust! notions how to r cad cards, $1. \l;rdtim i nosh, glib Statiotr 98, Toronto, 1'A'I'EN"I.'5 P10TH1111STON L{AU(113 & COMPANY Patent Solicitor's. ' Established, 1590; 14 King \dest, 'Toronto. Booklet 01' lit fui'niu lion on re- quest. WAN': t;l) \VANT191) TO BUY: ALL KINDS OF hard wood and soft wood logs, also small quantity bolts. Write Dogdon & (.,rose, Furniture Co. Ltd., \Valliereon, Ont. F111'tl 1 Th, 1lllO\VN .\.N1) WI-IITN. must he healthy, State price per pair. Jaunes Julianne/4, Iliair, On t. OLD BOOKS — MAGAZINES PRE-WAlt UNITED STATES OR English publications wanted. Jokes, true -type detective, magic,. spirt, privately printed, .London Life, Calgary Eye Openers, any., thing unusual in hooks or maga azines. Highest priers paid modialely. Write listing titles to I3ox 178, 73 A.dc.laldo W., Toronto. PORTABLE SA\VM1L1,. WANTED. A. l3aleer, Grnvenhurst, Ontario. WANTED TO BUY, BUSH LANDS or Farms containing bush lands, suitable to eut.furnitrrc lumber. Write Bogdon & Gross, Furniture Co. Ltd., Walkerton, Ont. • CHEESE FACTORY 60 Tons or over. Apply Stanley Beach, Kemp:, Ville) Ontario.