Zurich Herald, 1944-10-05, Page 8ZURICH, ONTARIO ,,.. 40pecia 40 4 4 4 fi.;) WO qpp (i00 4 ®p 4D iwere V 3 Q. ,fp 4D S . c, otice 00 p 0 Q D 0 q,'6 D TO MEN ��l D If you intend to purchase for Fall and Winter, d Woollen Goods l� hard to procure. vOur allotment 0 ure Suits is not very cancelled within This also applies quotas are less than will soon be sold out. 0 TELEPHONE 59 400 a new Suit or Overcoat SVD please do ;not delay. D of every description are very 4 4 4G ,, of samples for made to Meas - large and twenty of these 4 two week. srt to Ready to Wear. Our 0 last season and hest values 400 OD 7 Bros.1�s40G ZURICH 411 »)l GENERAL INSIJRANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc, i Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative - Zurich emssw imminm. 1 OSIBE i0i0iii0i ittli•eaeis•fret Apoor, >•a i i HARDWARE — SEEDS You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. - Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life, En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls --Exceptional Values at Lower Prices... and FURNITURE Lower Priced StaIs Automatic Watering BROODER HOUSE COAL We have received a shipment of choice Chestnut Coal which we are selling out on restrictions only for Brooder House use, and an agreement has to be signed that it will be used for that purpose only. ISTADE&WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE 1 ZURICH HERALD Thursday, October; .5th, 19444 iillWllilli!Ili!III!11111111111,!IIiIIB111111111111ItlII111111iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIihI1111111U111i11111111111111!1111116;;. Z1JRICI4'S Grocery Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A. COMPLETE LINE OF FRESHW GROCERIES ON HAND,Pt1R:C:HASED FROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HOUSES. OWING TO' UNSETTLED., CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT. QUOTING ANY ,PARTICULAgt PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH, QUALITY AND PRICES ATI' THE VERY BEST Menno Oesch Zurich. PRDUCE WANTED. Phone 165 i111111 IIIIIIIillllnll IIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ililll IIIIIIII!I�IIIIIIII!IIIllilllilllHIII�IIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII(t' ITEMS OF LOCAL 1NTERT1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mrs. Henry Volland of Sarnia is visiting relatives and friends in. this vicinity. _vtrs. T. L. Williams, 'Miss Ethel and brother Calvin Williams made a business trip to London on Friday. Mr. and Mrs Henry Pfile ,of. near !Eier_aall Visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick on Sunday., tri: the Esttate of the late,' .latah Scfiwartzentruber, deceaseds. .1 Creditors and others having-clai-ins against the estate of Jacob' Sbliwartx 1 entruber, late of the Township of f Fray in the County of Huron; gentfie- mra•n, deceased, who died on • cir• about September 29th, 1943, are- required on or before the ,31st day--of'O'etober 1944, to furnish to the . undbztisigned Executors their names, addresses: and full particulars of their, clidms.. After such last mehti'oned' datethe executors will proceed to, distribute the assets of the estate, among . the persons entitled thereto, and' w1 not be liable for any of the- said' assets to any person of whose, cl'a'im shall not then have been reeeii+ed'. Allam Schwartzent'iber, Roy 'Gingerich, EXecritors. Dated at Zurich, the, 3',rdi of October, 1944. :11r. and Mrs. Chris. ' Haist were Sunday visitors at the home of their. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry CT -Hess Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 2*iighoffer and son Grant have left for Brant- ford for the winter months, where the latter will attend college. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jervia and gamily of Clinton enjoyed. Sunday at the home of their parents,, Mr.. and qrs. Sylv. Witmer. Mr. and Mrs. L. Masse—and. baby of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs,. A... Masse were Sunday visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hartman. Miss Ruth Brown, and_ Mr; How - rd iliostettler of London.. were week- end visitors at the horrie, of Mr. and !Vers. John Brown. Miss Inez Yungblut, NIrs. Earl Yun;gblut, Mrs. Milbreicl Sehilbe and vlrs. Flossie Brown; were visitors at London one day last week. Miss Mae Snaith, of London, was a week -end visitox at the home of her parent, Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Smith. - Rev. and Mrs E. M. Gishler of Elmira were week -end guests at the home of Rev, 'and Mrs. C. Hecken- dorn. Pte. Densis. Denomme and Lloyd Klopp who are in the Armed Forces enjoyed the week -end with their relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dagg and fam- ily of Lucan were Sunday visitors in Zurich, also attending the anniversary services at the Evangelical church., Mr. and Mrs. Gelbert of Detroit; Mr. Claytus Mittleholtz of Londpst, ii and Mr. John A. Smith of Windsor•, I were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Mittleholtz. Misses Gertrude and Veronica Druar of London, Miss L ona Druar nurse -in -training at St, .it•. oys' Hos- pital, Kitchener, spent t' week -end at the home of thiAr par3nts, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dtluar, 15th con. Thanksgiving services will be held in the Amish Mennonite Church; Bronson line on Monday. The guest speakers will be from Tavistock and Baden. The public is cordially in- vited. Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Gishler, of Syracuse, N. Y., guest speaker of the Evangelical church anniversary on Sunday and a former pastor of the church, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, O'Brien, while in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Ische of .Seb- ringville, accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Elmore Klopp motored to De- troit, Pontiac and Washington, Mich for several days visiting with friends. The foriner also being guests of Mr. and Mrs, Klopp in ZuricA on their return home. Attended Convention The Biennial Convention of the Women's Missionary Society of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Can- ada which was held on Sept. 26, 27, and 28th at St. John's Lutheran church at Waterloo, Ont., was attend ed by the following delegates from St. Peter's Women's Missionary So- ciety, Zurich: Mrs. A. Thompson; 'Mrs, A. Turkheini, Mrs. .1. Haberer, Miss Martha Heideman, Mrs. E. W. T-icimrich, Mrs. E. Datars, and Meas. T. Kalblieisch. To :Spank or not to Spank— Who's Right? What's the best way to bring up Tunior, with ;psychology or a hair brush? There's a different of opinion Who is right? You'll find an earnest intelligent discussion of great helpto Perplexed parents, in The American Weekby, with this Sunday's 0Oet. 8) issue of The :Detroit Sunday Ti.ines. Get The Detroit Sunday Times this week and every week. 4,144.40.441+11*****11044.44411111.11011 01001•41100440114000411114.141014 4 YOUR. 1 .Hardware and Furniture 4, 4* 4a 4* 4l• 4F 4l~ 4- 41. 4. 4* i4* 4. alp 4* 4 5* r .4 - STORE NEW' WIRE FENCING We have on hand a good: supply of new Barb Wire, Steel Posts,. Woven Wire Fencing and all the sup- plies. required for Fencing. PAINT UP TIME LET US SHOW ` Y OUR. NEW SUPPLIES OF READ�Y�WLEX PAINTS The Season- demands, to) PAINT UP in order to Preserve the: Surface on your Buildings. It is poor economy to try two save on Paint. We have a good stock of all? card for.. Paints, Varnishes, and PatSupplies.....See these lines. FURNfrURE s'rf See Our- Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites A Full Line of= an the Home Requirements Johnston & Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63; 4. . 4.77 -7.7r75re7?,74.;.y.{...w,4.d..i•*4+4.7474747.,:....b;.i..7474..Md.4Mi•7.74.47470. t. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY if Phone: Col$ect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15, DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD). (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) ONTARIO FARMERS 1.000, MENWANTE THIS is an appeal to THE FARMERS OF ONTARIO. The Packing Plants of Ontario, which process and ship your livestock for export, ARE SERIOUSLY SHORT OF MEN. Every available Farmer of Ontario is urged to offer his services for employment in one of the Packing.Plants in this province as soon as the essential work of the farm is completed. OVER 1,000 men are required to start in the month of September alone. Good hourly wages will be paid. Transportation to the plant will be provided. Assistance will be given in arranging board and room. With full staffs, the Packing Plants of Canada have ample capacity to handle even the tremendously increased numbers of cattle, sheep and swine, which Canadian farmers have ready for market this year. When operating to capacity the Packing Plants can keep the market cleared and livestock can be slaughtered, processed and shipped at its most profitable time, when it is at its market peak. Thus, losses which occur when animals are held beyond the peak — through additional feeding costs, through falling away from peak condition and through the danger to price structures when supply threatens to exceed demand — are avoided. Last year several hundred Ontario farmers volunteered for work in the plants in processing their own products and protecting their own interests. Production for export this year has increased by 40%; Available man -power has shrunk by 28%, The Ontario Farm Service Force, in conjunction with Employment and Selective Service has undertaken the task of raising sufficient help from Ontario Fanners to keep Packing Plants operating to capacity this year. This department of the Ontario government's Department of Agriculture feels that this extension of its service is as vitally important to the interests of the farmers of this prov- ince as anything it has yet undertaken. The need of meat as a primary essential food to our Allied Armies, to the people of Great Britain and to the starving millions in countries being liberated by our victorious armies, is the basic consideration. In addition, efficient operation in the processing and marketing of livestock is necessary in protecting the greatest export market ever opened to Canadian farmers. Your services are needed from now until spring. If you cannot devote that full period of time, a month or more will be of great assistance. OFFER YOUR SERVICES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If you cannot go to work at once, call or write, stating that you will come, and at what date you will be available. Remember you will be serving your own best interests as well as playing a vital patriotic part in serving your country. • For full, information or offering your services, apply in person, phone or write ro your nearest office of EMPLOYMENT AND SELECTIVE SERVICE or write to THE ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO Published under Authority of WP -450 DOMINION -PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR — AGRICULTURE -- LABOUR — EDUCATION