Zurich Herald, 1944-09-28, Page 8ZURICH, ONTARIO <„r ZURICH HFRALD Thursday,' ep‘e'fikbel,' 28, '044 e CP CP CP CP IP Cp CO Cr CP CP CP CP CP CP o: CO. CQP 0 VP QI New Goods CHENILLE BEDSPREADS: In Pretty Shades of Rose, Blue and Green. Large size at $11.50 Each. NEW LACE TABLECLOTHS 70x84 inches, at $6.98 Each. tial A LOT OF 26 FINE LADIES' DRESSES: In Spun Rayon and Suedene Cloths. Goods in Season's best Styles, to at $2.69 Each. (Regular price $3.25) Size 14 to 44. New Clear ,�,, r> G 3. Ti h V Y n .a LL rOS o TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH ao G .12RAL INSURANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc, Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative Zurich maim 3111Niaagaa •wcaesseseocKs::iso • • HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. gays lietime dividends. Gives you more -time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. . Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls --Exceptional Values at Lower Prices„ .. Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering 11fijirroti I l i A b. 7� 319• �'j. BROODER HOUSE COAL We have received a shipment of choice Chestnut Coal which we are selling out on restrictions only for Brooder House use, and an agreement has to be signed that it will be used for that purpose only. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH ONT, QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE 0lI.4119RA 6,0 m 8 2 • "''IIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIlIIl1111111IIIIlIIlIINioIIIIIIIIIIPIIIIIIIIilllll A (ivl ' I,II II III C II II IIsi(IIfIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIII1111111111i IIIIIIL'II! I111111!II'I' "i'll' Iii ZORieH'S Grocery Store WE ALWAYS . CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED • FROM THE: LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HOUSES. OWING TO, UNSETTLED CONDITION'S WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY'PAR ICULAR PRICES BUT' CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC: GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR. MONEY WITH QUALITY AND) PRICES .AT THE VERY- BEST Menno Oesch - Zurich PRDUCE WANTED. Phone: 165 lik(( 11• 1 i+ I 9 1 lAyt 1111 MI ono 'li I I mu UI , n1111 I[hIIiIIIII U!11111 f IIIIfiillUllllllllllllllllll I IIIly111111Niliniillii4riQllll .7 I OCAL iNTEREST LOCAL MARKETS Mr. and Mrs C: L. SlnitTe made a business trip to Lontlon Tli�asday Last. Mrs. P. .7. (?Dwyer and' daughter, Patricia, were at London- Thursday last. Rev. C. -B. .Heckendorn attended a convention of the Brotherhood at Stratford one day last week. Mrs; Hy. Walper of nein Zurich, spent a few day§ recently with lzer ;on, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd' Wal -lir„ of Clinton. THE CASE OF THE KIDNAPPED CODE For a real life mystery- more in, tiuguing than fiction, get this Sun- day's (Oct. 1) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, telling.. tin. The Am- erican Weekly. .how a young- officer, goaded by his luxury -mad sweetheart devised a daring plan to kidnap the French Navy's code book and then waged a clever duel of wits with the Surete. Get Sunday's Detroit Times! HAS BUILT 65,000• VESSELS Washington —.Navy Secretary For- restal reported that the United .St- ates. "the greatest naval power on earth" has built 65,000 vessels of all types in the last five years. He said the giant armada of new craft re- presents 9,000,000 tons of naval shipping. Of the total tonnage appro- xiniately 36 p.c. is made up .of."-war- ships, of:war- ships, 22 p.c. of landing craft and the remainder of auxiliaries and naval! band vessels of other types. The warships 1Correeted every Wednesday) Eggs . 31.1, 29, 23 Butter per ]b. . 38 Chickens, dressed .............. 30 Wheat bushel •1.09 Oats, bushel 50c Barley, bush. 73 Buckwheat, bush. ................,70 Flour, cwt. 2:110;, 2.75 Shorts -and bran, ton ..........0.00 Middlings, ton S2 00 IN . MEMORHAdvr Hendrick—In loviing. mernoicy of our dear wife and mother, Elizabeth Ann Hendrick, who passed: away on Sept. 27, 1943. You can only have one• nroer, Patient, kind and true; No other friend in all the. world Will be as true • to.) you'.. For all her loving kindness„ She asks nothing in return; If all the world- deserts you To your mother -you• can. turn. So all we can db, dear mother, Is to go and tend .your grave; And leave behintli a token of Love To the best mother God ever gave. Two little wind's: not hard to write, But we will remember them all our lives:—Our Nether: Ever lovingly remembered by hus- flarcei ty. category includes approximately 1,- 150 fighting craft of all types. PLAN REHAIILITATION At a recent meeting in the Zurich town hall, a committee was set up to plan suitably religious V -day cele- brations for Zurich and the Town- ship of Hay, and to plan the necess- ary rehabilitation of returned men. George Armstrong, reeve of Hay Township, is the convener of the committee which includes the clergy- men of the district, the members of Hay Township Council, Zurich Pol- ice Village Trustees, school teachers of the township, and a re ' ,>entative of each of the Red Cron-. the Wom- en's Institute and the bu: iness men of Zurich, WANT MILKWEED PODS On vacant lots on farms and along roadsides in Western Ontario there are available about 200,000,00 milk- weed pods for which the Agricultur- al Supplies Board, Ottawa, is pre- pared to pay school children or any- one else who will collect them 20 cts a bag for dried pods. The floss from the pods of milkweed is now urgently required for making life preservers and other buoyant material for arm- ed •forces of the United Nations, It has been found to be• an effective substitute for Ra.pok, supplies of which came from counties in the South Pacific Ocean until they were occupied by the Japs. OFFICERS ELECTED Dr. A. R. 'Campbell, president kir- ing the past year, was last Thursday night renamed president of the War Service 1Committee of Hensall and Zurich at the annual meeting held in Hensall. Other officers were: Secret- ary, Mrs, Hilton Laing; treasurer, W B. Cross. Discussion favoured a field meet as an annual affair, to be held in Zurich and Hensall alternately. J. Cowan, R. H. Middleton, ,M. Saund-. ers of Hensall, and E. Ga:•cho, L. O'Brien and V. Dinnin of Zurich; were named a committee in this con-' rection. It was also decided to hold, a frolic in the near future tor the purpose of raising funds. A commit- tee was appointed cer'ep, •e: • Stan.. Tudor, convener; E. Roweclrffe; Fred Bonthron and H. A. Lawrence, of Hensall; Tom Meyers, A J. I�alf- fleisch, W. Siebert and 1,, n ;lien of • 'Zurich. Much discussion took place regarding a suitable celebration for V -day, and it was the unaniniousl,y opinion of those present to have a public religious service of thanks- giving in the Henntiall town hall..A suitable committee was named..•Zur- ich will have a similar organization. and • IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear t'ather, Jacob Schwartzentruber, who passed away one year ago, Septem- ber nth, 1943. He suffered long and bore his pain To wait for cure was all in vain Sleep on, dear Father `tis for the best On earth there is trouble, In'Heaven there is rest. Sadly missed by :.on anti daughter. LEAPS TO SAFETY Goderich—!Murray Oke, or Goder- ich leaped to safety a few seconds before the truck he was driving. bac- ked over a • retaining wail opposite the Goderich elevator .and somer- saulted into 27 feet of water. The truck, loaded with complete welding equipment and a steam shovel re- cently repaired, was wrecked beyond repair. The welding equipment and steam shovel have been recovered. HOLSTEIN SHOW AT SEAFORTH. A total of (38 Holsteins were shown by eleven exhibitors at the Huron County Black and White Day held Sept. 22 in conjunction with Seaforth Fair. The Judge, Imran Thompson, of St. Pauls placed the awards in a in a highly satisfactorily manner. Considering that the fine herd of W. Hums Clutton, .Goderich„ .which had been counted on for 20 entries, was unavoidably absent, this is a really fine showing, the Holsteins more than tripling the entries of all other dairy breeds. The Senior and Grand Cham- pion female was Burke 'CUoiantha Fayne, shown by E. 13. •Goudie, of Seaforth, a newcomer to the show - ring. She headed the milking aged cows class. In Magistrate's Court Goderich — Wilfred Wadell, 2,3 pleaded guilty to a charge of being in possession of a loose coupon; or• portions of a loose coupon, on July 21st at Wingharn. He was charged. 41nder the Oil Control Board's re- gulations and was fined $25 and cost.,., The WTPB.'s special prosec- utor, Wan. Sutherland, stated the 13oarcl was content to withdraw two other charges. After pleading guilty to the illegal possession of beer, ,.a Grand Bend man was fined $250 and costs assessed at $29.60, and an order 'was given that 105 cases of ;.sear be confiscated. He told the court that he had purchased 12.0 cases of beer, for which he Haid $G ,a case, from aLondon, than. Fifteen case. Inad been sold. 91.4144144.94.194469.4.449447400* 'ha+1 *440 NI400f * s4N'!:'M 5. fi 4 4 YOUR f Hardware and Furniture 4, I4. 'rte .,b 4. 4 4, 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4. ew NEW WIRE FENCING We have on hand a good supply of new .Barb Wire, Steel Posts, Woven Wire Fencing and an the sup- plies required for Fencing. ,, PAINT IIP TIME LET US SHOW YOU OUR NEW SUPPLIES OF READ`YMIX`D PAINTS Ti: Season demands to PAINT UP in order to Deserve the Surface on your Buildings. 1 it poor economy to try to save en Paint. We lie a good stock of all called fox.. Paints, Varnis, ars i Paint Supplies... -Fee- these lines. FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites 4 Full Line of all the Horne 's;, equirements . �: Johnston & Kaibfieiscja Hardy ° are & Furniture. Phone S .'?'.- .-0-i;^+a F44-3-,*-4a.2.6..wos.R.ydrot .-*=•c,rs ,�.t.. •.e Kh�T+�F•l i•�+ 4• • Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235, Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO` Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) !•••r9S$ses esesesessass••• ••••••••s••••••r•••__•N YOUR WINff'ER'S FUEL • • • a • • of O • - - w a 1 e 0 - 1 - - 1 1 • Colder Days will soon ke here which will demana the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest. FEEDING MOLASSES It is some considerable time since this all important product has been on the market... But we were fortunate in securing a supply. Also have Cod Liver Oil, .,Etc.. for Live Stock. Get your supply Now! .. 4 •1 PLOW POINTS --- REPAIRS We carry a complete Line of International and other kinds of Plow Points, Sole Shoes, Landsides, ii Etc., for all makes of Plows, ;.Let Us Serve You! I L. Schilbe Son PAPER IS DAILY BECOMING SCARCER And restrictions about its use are getting more stringent. It is therefore necessary that all sub- scribers to this paper who are in arrears should bring their subscription at least up-to-date. Our supply of paper each week is becoming very limited and as new names are being added, who have paid in advance, we are obliged to remove such names as are in arrears on our list. The label on your paper shows the date to which your subscription is paid. if it requires attention please attend to it NOW! THE ZURICH HERALD